(2008/04) April 2008

sterilising pump:
i read from my medela instructions to sterilse once a day. so i sterilise minimum once a day lor.

mummies, do you have time to take naps in the afternoon? me like so many things to do no time to nap, and at like 6pm will be a bit cranky due to tireness. sometimes have a bit of time to nap but then can't fall asleep too although i know i'm tired. hubby is very concerned and everyday ask me to nap in the afternoon...

today managed to nap an hour, and sitting in front of pc pumping. supply went up, maybe i'm too tired supply dropped? hiaz.. and sitting in front of pc pumping is definitely soooo much less boring..
Esther Zhang
is your baby a sleepy baby, sleeping through her feeds? or is she just satisfied with that quantity to drink & unlatches herself?

we constantly check diaper. of course logically there is high chance of soiled nappy after a long sleep.
She unlatch herself and will reject when I try to latch her again, but after awhile want to latch on again if the previous time suck too little. Though this doesn't happen all the time.
My baby will be 4 weeks next tues, currently drinking abt 90ml EBM every abt 2-2.5 hrs during the day. She gets hungry more easily on EBM, if FM then usually abt 3 hrs. If she awake and refuses to sleep, will get hungry even more easily, cos the confinement lady say when they sleep, the milk will last longer. Make sense i guess.

If EBM cannot finish, i will put in the fridge and use later. My sis said she did this for her 2 kids without any problems. Very sayang to throw away EBM after all the hard work to pump it out.

I sterilise my pump after every use. I pump every 3 hrs, even at nite. Just worried that after confinement lady leaves, have no time to pump cos baby likes to be carried if she not sleeping.
my bb only poo once a day or 2days once, how come other babies poo so many times? something wrong with my bb? she's on partial bm & fm.

I also put ebm back into fridge if cannot finish.
Just back from isetan, so crowded.

bought combi breast pads/ teats/ thermal jar & flask....damage not alot only spend $60+. Most bb items gg @ 20% off, still got 10% further discount. wanted to look at clothes & shoes but so many pple & carrying the stuff very heavy so din buy.
sputnik, my bb like to be carry too.. now got problem to get her sleep w/o been carried..dun let her get too used to it.

koori, ur bb is more on bm or fm? mine more on fm, poop every 2-3days only..

heard that nan is good for bb with weak stomach, may switch to that after finish this tin of similac..

re: going out
how many bottles do u bring out to make milk for bb?
zishumo...reply u liow...

my bb seems to be pooing a lot leh (abt 5-7x a day)...issit normal? she is mostly on BM onli supplement with 1 FM feed at nite...
Re: Bringing out EBM
I will take down EBM from freezer and thaw in the fridge. Bought a Pigeon Fridge-To-Go (from Sherin
) bag to put the cold EBM. The bag can cool EBM at fridge temperature for up to 12 hours. Fantastic! Then when baby needs to drink, will warm it outside. Now waiting to get my car bottle warmer from Xiang's Target spree so I can warm bottle in car
jo, found info frm on cloth diapering on the web. So decided to go ahead and do my own cloth diaper since i've always wanted her to go on cloth diapers just that i thought that the conventional cloth diapers are so bulky and not very pretty.
Have to go spotlight to get fabric again. Because my dear hubby bought one and a half metre of the monkey prints, which can make about 10 diapers. Dont want her to be wearing all monkey prints everyday... haha.. planning to make about 20 diapers ... wonder how long i'll take.
oh, btw, you may want to visit : www.verybaby.com
anyone faces this problem? my son "merlioned" last nite. i think he threw up his whole feed for that session. so scary, whole lot of milk came out from the nose and mouth. wondering what is wrong. he is on tbf and had burped after that feed.
Re: controlwear

Surprisingly, Vpost has received Batch 2's loot first.
Shipping charges as follows:
<table border=1><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Item Number : VS003136356US </TD></TR><TR><TD>Merchant Name : MAIDENFORM </TD></TR><TR><TD>Description : HEALTH PRODUCT </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dimension : 35X24X20 cm</TD><TD> 2.8kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Actual Weight : 1.3kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Weight : : 2.8kg </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Weight Charge : SGD$ 25.65 </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>*Base Charge : SGD$ 13.24 </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Total Estimated Shipping Charge : SGD$ 38.89 </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </td></tr></table>
<table border=1><tr><td>Batch 2</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Design</TD><TD>Size</TD><TD>Colour</TD><TD>Quantity</TD><TD>Price (US$)</TD><TD>Price (S$) Exchange Rate 1.4</TD><TD>Total (S$)</TD><TD></TD><TD>Shipping Charges </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cath</TD><TD>One fabulous Body® Waist Nipper Brief</TD><TD>L</TD><TD>Beige</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $23.00 </TD><TD> $32.20 </TD><TD> $32.20 </TD><TD></TD><TD> $4.86 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jacelyn</TD><TD>Long Torso waist shaper </TD><TD>S</TD><TD>Nude</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $25.00 </TD><TD> $35.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Long Torso waist shaper </TD><TD>L</TD><TD>Nude</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $25.00 </TD><TD> $35.00 </TD><TD> $70.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD> $9.72 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Coconut_K</TD><TD>One fabulous Body® Waist Nipper Brief</TD><TD>S</TD><TD>Beige</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $23.00 </TD><TD> $32.20 </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Long Torso waist shaper </TD><TD>S</TD><TD>Nude</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $25.00 </TD><TD> $35.00 </TD><TD> $67.20 </TD><TD></TD><TD> $9.72 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koh Kelly</TD><TD>Long Torso Waistshaper.</TD><TD>S</TD><TD>Nude</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $25.00 </TD><TD> $35.00 </TD><TD> $35.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD> $4.86 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chewy</TD><TD>One fabulous Body® Waist Nipper Brief</TD><TD>M</TD><TD>Beige</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $23.00 </TD><TD> $32.20 </TD><TD> $32.20 </TD><TD>Self-collect</TD><TD> $4.86 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jaspire</TD><TD>One fabulous Body® Waist Nipper Brief</TD><TD>M</TD><TD>Beige</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $23.00 </TD><TD> $32.20 </TD><TD> $32.20 </TD><TD></TD><TD> $4.86 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Sherin, hv transferred $4.86 to you. Transaction No is 1710933810.

BTW, how to collect from you or post it out? Do you have my address? Or shall we have a mummies cum babies outing? Ooh...
cheesycake...u mean the gripe water? I feed direct from spoon, do not mix with water coz Mrs Wong say mix with water liow not as effective

so far my BB seems to like it a lot leh...i remember when i was young i love it too...
re: EBM
hi mummies, if my BB can't finish EBM, i would throw it away. coz i'm afraid there will be bacteria introduced into the milk as BB had touched the teat. I asked the lactation consultant and PD from TMC b4, they said after warm up, have to drink finish in 2 hrs, any leftover had to throw away.

These few days have been throwing quite alot of bm as my mil kept forcing my BB to drink when he's asleep, as in, she will wake him up to drink when time is up. Right now my BB drink every 2-3hrs interval, and my mil would always want to feed in at exact 2hr or b4, and she kept saying no prob de.. Giving me and hb alot of prob. Talked to her b4 but she doesn't want to listen. Sigh....

Re: Poo
My bb poo at least once a day. Changed approx 10 diapers per day. He's also on EBM and FM. Only feed 2 times FM per day. =)
Hi, i'm March 08 mummy.I have a pumpin pal original handsfree strap for sale. Used for a few times only. Anyone keen to buy can PM me.
mushloom - same thing, my bb last nite merlioned and milk came out from nose &amp; mouth...i also wondering why.
Luann_mummy: just replied yr email.

sterilise PIS Pump's parts
I used to sterilise all parts,but find that both flange ( bell-shape thingy)like a bit out of shape at the soft portion.

Poo poo
Mine poo 2 to 3 times, on BM and twice FM a day
RE: Poo
Thanx for all your response..at least my bb poo seems normal..hee hee hee...

RE: sterilise PIS Pump Parts...

i sterilise all the parts after every use except the tube from the pump to the funnel...thk cleaner leh...

my ger also merlion out all her milk this morning....wondering y also...was so worried...after she merlion then she cry for milk again...din dare feed her again..poor thing...

piggy mummy...usually i'll pump for abt 10mins using PIS...
piggy mummy....i dun do it all the time but if i feel that my ger did not empty my breast i'll do it....immed after latch...

coz if wait too long might be time for the next feed liow
so must pump immediately so that breast got enuff time to produce milk for the next feed...
Re: Mummies cum babies outing.
I'm in for it! But i'll be going back to work on the 16th June already. So gotta make it before that!
Anyone else keen?

Jaspire, postage is $1. U can self collect frm me @ CCK. Or alternatively u may arrange to collect frm my hubby frm OCBC Centre during weekdays morning.
ya. when my boy merlioned and wanted milk again i was so scared and dared not feed him anymore. my mom's argument is i always bring him out. so my boi xiao qi so vomit lor (faintz)

i'm a april mummy too.

my gal also spit out after feed. think is becos of the wind in her stomach. need to burp her really well &amp; i won't lie her down immediately after feed, will carry her upright for quite awhile cos scared she'll spit out again
my gal burp liow also merlion leh....wonder what's wrong...

and i realise that in the evening she keep crying wanting feed until she fell asleep ard 10+ or 11+....very stress coz afraid will over feed her then she dun feel well....haiz..
I am keen on the outing! Details please...

Now i am scared y girl''s birthmark may be cancerous when reach puberty. Better remove between 4-6mths while the recovery is fast or before puberty. Think will go for a few D to check and confirm first. Maybe do laser to remove the birthmark on her scalp. Now i am a bot worried. The birthmark is like bald and skin colour. Dr Kepy from tmc said it is common among babies and can be removed but he din say it is no good. When i took my girl for her hep b 2nd dosage jab at raffles hospital dr mc tan told me that he will monitor at every session and check if it needs more attention. He gave me more info and the word on her birthmark. I went to check out on the internet and start to be scared.
SImp: my boy has a birth mark right on top of his head but it's red colour. Doc also say to monitor and probably won't go away le. it is not flat flat one feels like a mole but five cents coin size. What did you find out, can share?
My girl's birthmark is bald abt size of half the thumb size, it is the same colour as the scalp but literally no hair. PD mc tan says to watch out for Nevus sebaceum over the next few visit. That's the term he wrote for me so i went to find out more.

My hubby is coming back tonight. Think i want to talk to him abt taking girl to national skin center or nuh. Think may need to see a dermatologist and a plastic surgeon. But i think i want to insure her for hospital and surgical plan before i go for any day surgery for her.

I am scared but dr kepy say this is common among babies but mine is a girl and when i learnt that it could cause cancer if dun remove by adolescence, it is no good. I read that the fastest recovery for removal is for bb between 4 and 6mths.I think bb grow and recover very fast and heal nicer. Dr keoy also mentioned to do between 4 and 6mths. I need to find out more before i decide to do for her when she is young or when she starts school.

U check with dr on this term and see what he says. Pls share with me ok.
RE: Controlwear

Batch 1 has reached VPOSTUSA!

Shipping charges as follows:

<table border=1><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Item Number : VS003139349US </TD></TR><TR><TD>Merchant Name : MAIDENFO </TD></TR><TR><TD>Description : CLOTHES </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dimension : 24X35X20 cm</TD><TD> 2.8kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Actual Weight : 1.2kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Weight : : 2.8kg </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Weight Charge : SGD$ 25.65 </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>*Base Charge : SGD$ 13.24 </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Total Estimated Shipping Charge : SGD$ 38.89 </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </td></tr></table>

<table border=1><tr><td>Batch 1</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Control Wear</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Design</TD><TD>Size</TD><TD>Colour</TD><TD>Quantity</TD><TD>Price (US$)</TD><TD>Price (S$) Exchange Rate 1.4</TD><TD>Total (S$)</TD><TD>Mode of collection</TD><TD>Shipping charges </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koori</TD><TD>Long Torso Waistshaper</TD><TD>M</TD><TD>Nude</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $25.00 </TD><TD> $35.00 </TD><TD> $35.00 </TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD> $4.86 </TD></TR><TR><TD>jo (princess_j) </TD><TD>Long Torso Waistshaper</TD><TD>S</TD><TD>Nude</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $25.00 </TD><TD> $35.00 </TD><TD> $35.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD> $4.86 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Calamari</TD><TD>One fabulous Body® Waist Nipper Brief </TD><TD>L</TD><TD>Black</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $23.00 </TD><TD> $32.20 </TD><TD> $32.20 </TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD> $4.86 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Starling</TD><TD>One fabulous Body® Waist Nipper Brief</TD><TD>L</TD><TD>Beige</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $23.00 </TD><TD> $32.20 </TD><TD> $32.20 </TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD> $4.86 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jamie</TD><TD>One fabulous Body® Waist Nipper Brief </TD><TD>XL</TD><TD>Beige</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $23.00 </TD><TD> $32.20 </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> $9.72 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Weightless Power slimming boy short </TD><TD>XL</TD><TD>Beige</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $18.00 </TD><TD> $25.20 </TD><TD> $57.40 </TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Amy Quek</TD><TD>Long Torso waist shaper </TD><TD>M</TD><TD>Nude</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $25.00 </TD><TD> $35.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> $9.72 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>One fabulous Body® Waist Nipper Brief </TD><TD>M</TD><TD>Nude</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $23.00 </TD><TD> $32.20 </TD><TD> $67.20 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Zishumo , my ger's head also gt a birthmark, red color also...it seems to be getting bigger, i better ask pd when i bring her for jab.
I've used both the ameda pump and PIS advanced, seems like i can get more milk with the ameda. Anyone else with the same experience? Cos heard such good things abt the PIS advanced, so was quite disappointed. For those using the PIS advanced, how long do you usually pump? The LC at TMC said to pump for not more than 15 mins.
hi all i have brought my boy to the pd cos hubby quite worried abt him merlioning. according to the pd as long as it is not merlioning every feed its ok. if he melions at every feed then must bring down. so possible reasons for merlioning are overfeeding and wind.
Spitting up milk after feed or between feeds is normal, spitting up is due to excessive slackness in the muscle ring located where the feeding tube and the stomach meets. If ur bb is happy and putting on weight normally, then he need no treatment. recurrent vomiting of more than half the milk feed, more than 2-3 times a day is not normal and should see a doc.
