(2008/04) April 2008

blessed - did your gynae ask u any questions before prescribing you the medication? I know some gynaes are quite reluctant to prescribe medication to increase ss. Thinking of asking my gynae as well... is the medication expensive?

Blessed - danzen is for sore throat inflamation din know it can increase ss?!? Btw danzen can be bought from pharmacy off the shelf. This medicine is safe for pregnancy assume safe to breastfeeding also.

Any idea why he don recommend fenugreek?

Btw, duno coincidence or wat, i took fenugreek on 10 may then menses or *lochio come on 11 may, not sure if stimulated by fenugreek.

Simp - were u the one that say fenugreek stimulate your menses flow?
When I took fenugreek, the flow seems like menses. But after abt a week or so it was ok, now I'm wearing panty liner as not much flow. When I ask the LC at TMC, they said that this was not a side effect of fenugreek.
Wonder if here anyone choose to bring baby to polyclinic for the free compulsory immunization jabs instead? Why isn't this preferred over 5in1/6in1 since it's free? Appreciate any feedback. Thanks in advance!
hi koori, ya danzen is a type of antibotics too. my gynae told me it has 2 functions. He told me danzen is a better "medication" to increase milk supply. It cost ard $10 for 3 days ss. Cannot take many days though. So far, I m only given danzen 2x and that is the max. U all can chk with ur gynae if danzen is suitable.
Joelle – Yep. When I expressed the otherside, the amount is the same as previous pumps.

Yep. I tried to wear my old bottoms.. all cannot button. Only a few that was super loose before I got pregnant fits just nicely now. Sigh… so sad leh. And my tops also.. most of them cannot fit coz boobs are much bigger now.
Dont b too sad, u r not the only one. me too!!! because of boobs many cant wear and waist looks thicker even though i lose all the wt liao!!! any quick soln to make waist slimmer again?
tot we can meet up over there as i stay ard that area
<font color="0077aa">burpy_babe, i oso dun noe when i can wear back my old clothings.. seems my hip is slightly expanded ba..</font>

<font color="0077aa">zishumo, i be having my baby shower this sat
N it marks the end of my confinement too.. so call looking forward for it..</font>

<font color="0077aa">blessed, ya i tot danzen is fer throat inflammation.. din noe tat can increase milk ss.. btw did ur gynae tell u the reason why not to tk fenugreek??</font>
Burpy Baby
U r not alone. I dont even dare to try on my old bottom. I am super sure i cannt wear them. My tummy is flat now but my waist line is now 33
All my old bottom M/L cannt wear liao. Even my top. I used to wear s, now wear like L. My former waist 26 dun think can ever go back to that shape again. I feel heavy when i try to walk faster, I feel so obasan
blessed - woah. u so lucky. lost all your weight liao. my weight seems to have stagnanted leh. haha...

Seems like there's quite a few of us having baby shower this weekend. strawberries... my confinement also ending this friday. the nanny say that i can eat all the food during the baby shower except prawn and sotong. haha.. so looking forward to it.
I managed to squeeze into my jeans, but pretty tight. Guess have to lose somemore weight before it is comfortable. Hoping to wear my 3/4 jeans at my baby's full mth celebration on 24 May. Too bad can't do vigorous exercise or sit ups yet, so can't lose the extra fats.

i m in the same situation as you... and i think i really need to contact the massage lady for the post natal massage. I delayed coz i delivered by cesarean. and stomach and wound area still abit painful.
BTW, after our confinement, i guess we won't be drinking/eating some of the food/soups so often e.g papaya soup etc. Instead prob will go back to eating normal food. Will this affect our SS?

I find the results of the binding for the postnatal massage most obvious after the 1st binding. After that like not much effect already. So far have done 3 times, most probably do for 1 more time, cos the massage lady say I dun need so many times.
burpy_babe N Simp:

like to check do you all feel a bit numb around the wound/ stitches area? I still feel some numbness across my tummy, above the stitches leh.
Hi Burpy, Joelle, same here! For my case, tummy has not flattened!!! waist still stays at 34'. Goodness. Even my shoulders like broaden already. Can't fit in and felt so fat.
cath - after birth our bones would have expanded each area will expand a bit, quite hard to go back to pre-preg size.
jaspire, are u using internet banking? Also can transfer to OCBC. If not, then can meet up to pass u the controlwear also.

blessed, dont think anyone giving up le. Maybe you may want to choose others. If there's enough i'll organise another spree, as i have a few ppl requesting.
I just DIY my own cloth diaper today. Disposables are really v ex. Using Mamy Poko, on average i change 10 diapers and that's about $3 a day! Quite scary if you were to break down.

My very first DIY diaper. Hubby chose the monkey prints!
Sherin, i try to see if i can use internet banking to transfer to you first.

Wah, Sherin! You DIY the diaper? Really very peifu wor! How did you do it?

Zishumo, burpy babe, me oso having baby full mth this sunday wor... hee. So happy to finish my confinement! Yeah!
my bb currently 3 weeks old, usually he drink 70ml 3 hr inteval at nite, coz we feed him FM at nite, but these 2 days he cry for milk again btw 1-2 hr at nite, is this call growth spur(son know hw to spell)? is yes, how our breast to create so much of milk btw 1 and 2 hr? i only manage to pump put 60ml (2 breast) 2 hr interval leh..
hi mummies: does ur bb spits up milk after feeding? recently my girl spits up quite often after each feeding. wondering wats wrong with her.

for those giving ur bb woodwards water how much and how many times per day u giving it to ur bb?
Jaspire - I m doing baby full month this saturday. So looking forward to it. hehe... Going to visit the hair salon this afternoon to do something to my hair. And mebe to go shopping at the same time. hehe.....
piggymummy me am in the same situation as you. wonder if investing in a high-end breastpump is any use to increase supply..

i stressed these couple of days, wonder how to increase my supply because babies will drink more and more but i dun seem to be producing more
getting really tired of pumping, and pumping so often hurts too.. wonder if fenugreek really works to increase supply?
lynn- so far fenugreek don work for me.. but my friend tried it see increase after 24hrs. cost is $25 for 1 mth supply. no harm trying.

I want to try out the danzen see if my hubby can buy off the shelve
hi mummies, how to make bb sleep in cot?

we used to carry bb and after she sleep, we will put her sleep in cot, but recently she dun want to sleep in cot, only want to be carry.. once we put her down, she will cry badly.. for this, she can be awake for more than 10hrs in the day time.. is she over pampered?
We try to leave her alone in the cot, she will cry badly, yaolan dun help too.. yesterday, she was awake from 7am to 1am, and 9am she is awakw and refused to sleep without carry.
Re: Danzen

I took 6 pills a day. 2pills 3 times a day.
So far i took only 2x. One time after my delivery after discharge fr hospital, one time this week. So total I took 6 days of 6 pills each. As for mg, I m not too sure.
Hi, mummies

I am thinking of ordering tingkat lunch and dinner for the rest of the 2 mths ML.

Any recommendations? Never tried tingkat before.

our bbs need to be feed at 2-3hrs interval now. if we dont latch than we need to pump to create the demand. our ss will not drop if we latch bb constantly or pump.

taught by my gf: try to pump after each latch for 5-10mins, it will increase the ss.

i hope the info helps
cheesycake....i feed the gripwater to bb after every bath in the morning abt 5ml...tt's wat my mum tell me coz it will also aid in bb's digestion n heatiness coz she still haf quite a bit of eye shit...hee hee hee...

my bb also spits out milk sometimes after feed....read in the newborn book tt its normal, coz the link btw bb's oesophagus (cant spell paiseh) &amp; stomach is not closed yet....just make sure u burp bb after all feed.
To all those mummies on total breast feed , may I know how much milk does your bb drink each time at the interval of 3hrs? My bb coming to 6 weeks is only drinking 50ml each time. Think this is too little as I heard that they should be drinking like 100ml at this stage already? Worried.
hi esther zhang
my baby at 4 wks drinks 3-5oz per 3 hrs depending on feeding time. ur girl's appetite is quite small. but is she peeing around 12 times and pooping around 6 times a day? that is a more accurate measure of sufficient feed.
esther, my bb coming to 6weeks too she take partial bm, she drink 120ml every feed.. for ebm at every 2hr interval, fm is every 3-4hr interval..

re: pumping
do u all pump every 3hr?
even at night?
sterilise every use?

my bb is 5wks old she drinks btw 90-120ml each feed on EBM/FM...and she poo at least 5x a day and we change abt 8-10 diapers a day..

hope this helps

your ger seems to be drinking very little...what is her weight now...n yup chk her pee n poo which is a good gauge...
burpy_baby: I don't have blue black, heard some mum tend to have it, shd go away in time ba. But , U know I have 2 big marks from the stupid CTG monitoring machine they strapped on my tummy while waiting for contraction in hospital and don't seem to fade fast le..

Esther: did you bring baby for one month's assessment? Can check with doc about bb's growth. My one month old boy quite big, born at 3.45 kg so he is already drinking up to 120ml but we tend to feed by splitting into 2 feeding (means 1 to 1.5 hr interval)Guess depends on baby's weight too right?
Jaspire: Ya lor, super glad it's over, can't wait to do things my way..of course also feel quite apprehensive..( scared at night cannot hear baby crying, never wake up to feed hehehe)

Luann_Mummy:I just PM u.
<font color="0077aa">mummies, when on partial breast feed, how many times baby muz poo?? and if baby every 2 hours wanna drink milk.. then if he cant finished the EBM in bottle let sae left 2oz like tat how?? can keep?? or have to be thrown away..???</font>
strawberries, some websites say leftover BM can keep in the fridge and reheat one more time, sometimes i do that cos heat up and baby drink a couple of mouthfuls and fell into deep sleep, refusing to wake up (i think mine is a sleepyhead, or maybe she's still young at 2 weeks old)..

my baby poop like 5-6 times, and pee is a lot of times. everyday change abt 10 diapers, and withing 2 weeks already started the 3rd pack of wet wipes! so expensive
i bought the bumwear diapers but haven't use yet, cos i tried and it was bulky and looks uncomfortable for baby to lie on her back when wearing the bulky diaper. think must save for later use. anyone using bumwear diapers on their babies now?

yesterday i set the alarm clock wake up every 3 hours to pump cos i desperate to increase supply. then have to wake up separate times to feed baby, in the end super tired, think supply drop today

Thanks for the responses. =)

Update: My bb cried for milk again after an hr, but doubt she drank much as only on my breast for 5mins. Now she's off to sleep.

Previously, my confinement lady managed to feed her near 3 oz during the nite feed. As mostly I directly latch her, I didn't know she was drinking so little untill we tried bottle-feeding her just now. Also, I think my ss is dropping due to her small appetite.

Brought her to polyclinic for the second hep B jab, think they measured her length and weight but the doc didn't say anything so I think should be okay ba.. btw, she was born at 3.59kg and now weighs 4.6kg.

Didn't keep track how many time she poo/pee. Only know it was quite frequent but the quantity is mostly little, only once or twice alot. Shall take note from now on. Me bad mummy. =(

Do you have a fix time for changing diaper, or do you constantly check if bb has poo/pee. My baby wun cry when pee/poo. Must check now and then, so quite difficult to guage how many time she pee.

I only do occassional pumping when engorged or in need ebm for outing. Steam sterilise every use.
