(2008/04) April 2008

Update from mummies still giving EBM/breastfeeding, give me some motivation!

When do you think you will stop expressing BM/or breastfeeding?

1) When baby is 6 months
2) When baby is 9 months
3) When baby is 1 Year old
4) When baby is > 1 year old

- calamari 4)

Update from mummies still giving EBM/breastfeeding, give me some motivation!

When do you think you will stop expressing BM/or breastfeeding?

1) When baby is 6 months
2) When baby is 9 months
3) When baby is 1 Year old
4) When baby is > 1 year old

- calamari 4)
- puffish 3 (provided i still have BM)

Calamari, what teething rusk u give kayla? will it be messy after she chew and bite?
puffish: I give her Bellamy's organic teething rusks. Er...a bit messy hehe. As the rusks melts, it gets all over her face. But she loves it leh, hehe.
Update from mummies still giving EBM/breastfeeding, give me some motivation!

When do you think you will stop expressing BM/or breastfeeding?

1) When baby is 6 months
2) When baby is 9 months
3) When baby is 1 Year old
4) When baby is > 1 year old

- calamari 4)
- puffish 3 (provided i still have BM)
- JuniorRain 3) but if still hv will go for 4)
When do you think you will stop expressing BM/or breastfeeding?

1) When baby is 6 months
2) When baby is 9 months
3) When baby is 1 Year old
4) When baby is > 1 year old

- calamari 4)
- puffish 3 (provided i still have BM)
- scubababe 4)

calamari you still have ALOT of milk? my ss going down so my mum is giving Byron more cereal for one meal so he takes less milk, and i standby FM just in case.

Byron got no teeth yet so no need for any teething biscuit right?
scubie: hmmm...my supply still the same keke. It dipped 2 weeks back and my mom boiled the fish bone and papaya soup for 2 days, then supply went up again. You can try do that. I still can TBM Kayla's full feeds and freeze 200ml a day so far. :p Actually me thinking of slowly cutting the number of times I pump already (now 4x)...getting a bit sian hehe.
Update from mummies still giving EBM/breastfeeding, give me some motivation!

When do you think you will stop expressing BM/or breastfeeding?

1) When baby is 6 months
2) When baby is 9 months
3) When baby is 1 Year old
4) When baby is > 1 year old

- calamari 4)
- puffish 3 (provided i still have BM)
- JuniorRain 3) but if still hv will go for 4)
- scubababe 4)
Tristan already have 2 lower incisors, and now his 2 upper incisors are coming out, can see white thing on his gum.. thinking of buying the teething rusks for him, but will bb get choke easily?
I give pigeon brand maybe thats the reason he dun like.

Koori, thanks for your info, that mean i shall change to stage 2 if mine is active baby as it provide more engery
puffish: there must always be adult monitoring when baby is with teething rusks. The rusks slowly melts into the mouth in bits. But sometimes Kayla does tend to push the rusks quite deep in n she gets choked. If you worry that the teething rusks will break into pieces n cause choking, don't think so will
When do you think you will stop expressing BM/or breastfeeding?

1) When baby is 6 months
2) When baby is 9 months
3) When baby is 1 Year old
4) When baby is > 1 year old

- calamari 4)
- puffish 3 (provided i still have BM)
- JuniorRain 3) but if still hv will go for 4)
- scubababe 4)
- beans 1 (now only manage to pump >50ml/day =(
When do you think you will stop expressing BM/or breastfeeding?

1) When baby is 6 months
2) When baby is 9 months
3) When baby is 1 Year old
4) When baby is > 1 year old

- calamari 4)
- puffish 3 (provided i still have BM)
- JuniorRain 3) but if still hv will go for 4)
- scubababe 4)
- beans 1 (now only manage to pump <50ml/day =(
When do you think you will stop expressing BM/or breastfeeding?

1) When baby is 6 months
2) When baby is 9 months
3) When baby is 1 Year old
4) When baby is > 1 year old

- calamari 4)
- puffish 3 (provided i still have BM)
- JuniorRain 3) but if still hv will go for 4)
- scubababe 4)
- beans 1 (now only manage to pump <50ml/day =(
- mushloom 4) provided still have milk then

hee my boy can flip 360 degrees liao.... another milestone for him

hubby wanted to buy teething rusk for him but i scared he would get choked. any teething rusk u recommended?
Calamari, so wat do you do with so much frozen milk? I'm trying to cut down my ss cos my freezer running out of space... now i will use 1 bag 220ml frozen milk per day, mix with fresh one for 3 of my gal's feeds, the other 2 feeds will be fresh. I also expressing abt 4 times a day now.
When do you think you will stop expressing BM/or breastfeeding?

1) When baby is 6 months
2) When baby is 9 months
3) When baby is 1 Year old
4) When baby is > 1 year old

- calamari 4)
- puffish 3 (provided i still have BM)
- JuniorRain 3) but if still hv will go for 4)
- scubababe 4)
- beans 1 (now only manage to pump <50ml/day =(
- mushloom 4) provided still have milk then
- jaspire 4 (Will wean if am preggie with no 2)
1) When baby is 6 months
2) When baby is 9 months
3) When baby is 1 Year old
4) When baby is > 1 year old

- calamari 4)
- puffish 3 (provided i still have BM)
- JuniorRain 3) but if still hv will go for 4)
- scubababe 4)
- beans 1 (now only manage to pump <50ml/day =(
- mushloom 4) provided still have milk then
- jaspire 4 (Will wean if am preggie with no 2)
- jgal 4 (hopefully as long as possible
spuntnik: The frozen milk is used as standby in the event I have biz trips or ill. When it expires after 2 months, I will take out and wash my legs :p
When do you think you will stop expressing BM/or breastfeeding?

1) When baby is 6 months
2) When baby is 9 months
3) When baby is 1 Year old
4) When baby is > 1 year old

- calamari 4)
- puffish 3 (provided i still have BM)
- JuniorRain 3) but if still hv will go for 4)
- scubababe 4)
- beans 1 (now only manage to pump <50ml/day =(
- mushloom 4) provided still have milk then
- jaspire 4 (Will wean if am preggie with no 2)
- jgal 4 (hopefully as long as possible :) )
- jasmine 4(hopefully as long as possible )
When do you think you will stop expressing BM/or breastfeeding?

1) When baby is 6 months
2) When baby is 9 months
3) When baby is 1 Year old
4) When baby is > 1 year old

- calamari 4)
- puffish 3 (provided i still have BM)
- JuniorRain 3) but if still hv will go for 4)
- scubababe 4)
- beans 1 (now only manage to pump <50ml/day =(
- mushloom 4) provided still have milk then
- jaspire 4 (Will wean if am preggie with no 2)
- jgal 4 (hopefully as long as possible )
- jasmine 4(hopefully as long as possible )
-simp 4(stop when #2 comes along)

Teething Rusks
I gave heinz rusks, so tough and not nice. It's really messy when i gave bb the rusk to soothe her gums. Think i wanna buy nice flavour ones for her. If cannt finish, usually i m the one who finished it.

Looking for kaki - Planning 2009 BB
-simp (if successful)
joelle my boy also don like pear puree. have not tried apple puree. think will try it tis wkend. hopefully he likes it

calamari i oso have had it.
Yeah i give e bellamy tooth pegs too. It gets quite soft after chewing it for some time. And it's super messy.
I tried heinz one on her, she likes it too. But with e milk scare. No more heinz for her.
I try to alternate tooth pegs with rice crackers.
I bought her some rice crackers from organic stores. the brand is organix. looks yummy. she likes it.
I dont think e teething rusk will causing choking. But definitely needs adults supervision when they are munching it. I realise she uses her teeth to scrap off the rusk.
When do you think you will stop expressing BM/or breastfeeding?

1) When baby is 6 months
2) When baby is 9 months
3) When baby is 1 Year old
4) When baby is > 1 year old

- calamari 4)
- puffish 3 (provided i still have BM)
- JuniorRain 3) but if still hv will go for 4)
- scubababe 4)
- beans 1 (now only manage to pump <50ml/day =(
- mushloom 4) provided still have milk then
- jaspire 4 (Will wean if am preggie with no 2)
- jgal 4 (hopefully as long as possible :) )
- jasmine 4(hopefully as long as possible )
- qcx_amy 4 (also hope to be as long as possible)

Calamari.... I also 'beo' the LG mat lei... hoping to get another one too. Eversince i went to super bunny's place and saw her LG mat... feel like leaving my parklon at my mum's place so that baby can play there n buy a softer smaller LG mat for my own house :p Hb always complain how her mat takes up a big space in the living room.
Teething rusk
Maybe the one i bgt no flavour de, just plain teething rusk, yellow in box, bb dun like. I did buy the banana flavour rusk from heinz also, nicer but in spore, nvr bring to kl ;P Maybe must hunt for more. Heinz now not safe is it? Okay must e bellamy or organix that sherin recommend
me only 28...<font color="0000ff">old?</font>...so wanna finish b4 and close factory by 30(if have #3...that means accident)...

cos not sure got energy to tackle 2 terror by 35....
i would prefer to give En En a bro....

cos in-laws want a boy...personally i also want a boy...
but ...this kind of thing very hard to predict leh... any tips on getting a boy?

Haha none whatsoever!
I don't even know if the 'tips' for getting a boy are for real!
God blessed us with a boy once, I'm hoping he'll do it again

But girl or boy, I'm thankful for a child.

u read this week 8 days, got tips from Deborah Lee (Nic Tse's mummy) on how to get a boy hahaa...

according to her, 12 celebrity couples got baby boy following her tips :p
Looking for kaki
Planning 2009 BB
-simp (if successful)

Planning 2010 BB

calamari, me oso havent got my menses... think bfeeding the menses will stay away until we decrease the frequency of bfeeding/expressing.
When do you think you will stop expressing BM/or breastfeeding?

1) When baby is 6 months
2) When baby is 9 months
3) When baby is 1 Year old
4) When baby is > 1 year old

- calamari 4)
- puffish 3 (provided i still have BM)
- JuniorRain 3) but if still hv will go for 4)
- scubababe 4)
- beans 1 (now only manage to pump <50ml/day =(
- mushloom 4) provided still have milk then
- jaspire 4 (Will wean if am preggie with no 2)
- jgal 4 (hopefully as long as possible :) )
- jasmine 4(hopefully as long as possible )
- qcx_amy 4 (also hope to be as long as possible)
- Lynn_ (3) initally wanted to stop at 6 or 9 months but now have to justify cost of buying new pump so gotta be 1 yr -_-

calamari, your supply so much how u manage to stick to pumping 4x a day? me also oversupply and managed to stretch to pumping 5x a day and was ok for a about a month then sudden kena very bad blocked ducts (and thus bad engorgement) had to rush down to parentcraft twice in a week and now got to buy a new pump cos. now back to pumping 6x a day, super sian. was making progress cutting down and now 'regressed'. now really scared dunno how to gradually wean, now bb need less milk cos starting solids but still pump out the same amount how?
wah u mummies so brave planning for 2009 babies! i dun even dare to think abt it, my girl is such a handful dun think have the energy to cope with 2. i always tell my hubby what if #2 is like my girl now? dun wan to drink milk must feed when sleeping? now already we get no rest, if got 2 babies like tat can go bang wall.
When do you think you will stop expressing BM/or breastfeeding?

1) When baby is 6 months
2) When baby is 9 months
3) When baby is 1 Year old
4) When baby is > 1 year old

- calamari 4)
- puffish 3 (provided i still have BM)
- JuniorRain 3) but if still hv will go for 4)
- scubababe 4)
- beans 1 (now only manage to pump <50ml/day =(
- mushloom 4) provided still have milk then
- jaspire 4 (Will wean if am preggie with no 2)
- jgal 4 (hopefully as long as possible :) )
- jasmine 4(hopefully as long as possible )
- qcx_amy 4 (also hope to be as long as possible)
- Lynn_ (3) initally wanted to stop at 6 or 9 months
but now have to justify cost of buying new pump so gotta be 1 yr -_-

Looking for kaki : Planning 2009 BB
-simp (if successful)
- jgal (target Dec baby wor)

Planning 2010 BB

... hopefully.. 1 hit 1 kill.. else my next one will fall into 2010 range.
ha ha ha
When do you think you will stop expressing BM/or breastfeeding?

1) When baby is 6 months
2) When baby is 9 months
3) When baby is 1 Year old
4) When baby is > 1 year old

- calamari 4)
- puffish 3 (provided i still have BM)
- JuniorRain 3) but if still hv will go for 4)
- scubababe 4)
- beans 1 (now only manage to pump <50ml/day =(
- mushloom 4) provided still have milk then
- jaspire 4 (Will wean if am preggie with no 2)
- jgal 4 (hopefully as long as possible :) )
- jasmine 4(hopefully as long as possible )
- qcx_amy 4 (also hope to be as long as possible)
- Lynn_ (3) initally wanted to stop at 6 or 9 months
but now have to justify cost of buying new pump so gotta be 1 yr -_-
- Maddy'smum (1) now she is already on half EBM/half FM
Looking for kaki : Planning 2009 BB
-simp (if successful)
- jgal (target Dec baby wor)

Planning 2010 BB

Wah Calamari, how come you still have lots of ss? *envy*

My mom also told me I should drink fish soup again if I want to increase, but I really can't bear the taste. I only pump 3-4 times a day, each time only 150ml. I kinda miss the time where my freezer was full with frozen EBM.

On the other hand, I am kinda tired of pumping too. So now she is half EBM half Friso (used to be similac but now trying diff brand)
