(2008/04) April 2008

Cheesycake, I am banking with Stemcord and I signed up in Mar '07 during the Babycare Festival Roadshow (I am not preggy then)... paid $650 for one-time registration fee and $250 annually. Tink they are holding another roadshow at Babycare Festival 2008 from 21 -23 Mar @ Singapore Expo Hall 6A but price will be $850 instead of what I paid for...

Cheesycake - i storing with stemcord, did my registration and paid 1st time fee liao ($400 - i got the good deal during 2 yrs back anniversay promotion).
Not too late to register now, just don register on the day itself, will be charged last min fee, quite ex. If u need contact, i can PM u.
I last heard the price (1st payment) is now $800+ and $250 per yr.
Little Dreamers Stuff collection
22 Feb (Friday ) 630pm @ redhill mrt
1. Jenny
2. Serene_yeo
3. Sherin (+ helen a 4 items )
4. Rain
5. Simp
i also one boy one girl...hee hee!
Post-natal massage is in package (7days) not sure abt the price now.
i did the wrap and in can wear my pre-pregnancy pants...plus i BF too!
scubababe - gleneagles be providing 1 pack of NB diapers to bb, under the package cost. I supposed 1 pack is more than enough to last till discharge.
calamari, BBRoYcE & koori:

thanks for the info. i got the contact

dont think i can wait till the fair as i might deliver by then already. saw from the website, 1st time payment was like $1k^ and annually will be $250 for both private banks. not sure if they got promotion now onot. will call & check with them after discussing with my hubby
Cheesycake - for stemcord u don have to go to the expo fair, just ask the contact to provide u the latest promotion price and i tik they will do that.

Stemcord stores the cordblood into 2 sets, both will be kept at different locations as part business contingency plan.
hi gals
i just got one latest lobang
hee hee
My friend from clarify jewellery shop is willing to give a bulk purchase discount for this pendent.



Devoted Collection, Characters
Diamond Pendant
1 R DIA 0.15CT
Set in 18k White Gold
U.P. USD$ 158.00
U.P. SGD$ 252.8

<font color="ff0000"><blink> Apr MTB price SGD$180</blink></font> only if 10 pcs min is met for any characters
I started my postnatal massage 1 mth later for my #1 coz my gynae discouraged massage... for tis #2 I am starting on the 3rd wk aft delivery.
hi mummies,
why it seems that both are blood banking but charges different alot. cordlife charging $1400 (current promo is $300 off upfront payment)

Anyone delivering in TMC and have the FBI/SBI will hv total of $450 savings.
joelle, ya... date fixed, time will be morning 9am. feel calm coz not 1st birth mah, know exactly wat to expect on tat delivery day. better fix the date and time fast if is an auspicious day coz my #1 tat x all op rms taken up in the morning... few days before delivery day someone backout then I can take the morning slot.
Re: Bloom photography

**!!! Last 2 slots left!!! 2 more mtbs to get CD with all the shots at $200 instead of 250!!!**

** Do check out their biz thread (link provided below) in the forum, They have just posted some new Bloom photos **

** All mtbs who participate in this BP will get 20% discount off the basic package as a returning customer if they bring their newborns to studio loft for Little big shot photoshoot in future. Check out their photos for newborns and infants**

Will need minimum 10 MTBs for this BP to take off. They are offering us for the same price at $160 for 1 super 8R photo, 5 5R photos and extra 3 more 5R for this BP. For photos that are selected, the soft copies will be given back to us. For mummies that are interested in keeping all the photos taken during the photoshoot, you may also purchase a CD with all the shots taken on that day for $250 if you are a forum member which we all are here...

If there are more than 15 MTBS who sign up for the bloom BP, the CD containing all the shots can be bought at $200 instead of $250. If we only have 10 mtbs, the previous offer still stands

You may refer to this link for their pricing details http://www.thestudioloft.com.sg/rates/TSLoftRatesY9T04N7.pdf

To look at their work you may go to:

Mummies participating
1. Amy (Apr mtb)
2. Yo (Apr mtb)
3. Gervynne (Apr mtb)
4. Wish Come True (May mtb)
5. Piyo (Jun mtb)
6. Veniz (Jun mtb)
7. Mogudog (Jun mtb)
8. Chewy (Apr mtb)
9. Jer (?? mtb)
10. Juin (May mtb)
11. Serene123(Apr mtb)
12. Jellyfield (Apr mtb)
13. Pinkbunny (Jul mtb)

***Anyone else?? 2 more to reach the min. 15 for the $200 offer!!! ***
RE: swollen feet
Hi all, only getting the swollen feet in the evening &amp; it started 2 wks ago. It comes &amp; goes, so sometimes hv to put a pair of spare slippers in my car when it swells... Morning my right palm swells now eversince 3rd tri... Once I wake up &amp; do some ex it's ok then. Gotta be poor blood circulation as I hv been sleeping on my right.

Frens who had given birth to 4 kids &amp; another 2 recommended Josephine Seet, a foot reflexologist who does prenatal foot reflex . She does gentle strokes which is diff fr other foot massage &amp; maybe tt y my feet not so swollen &amp; she claims her massage helps to get rid of toxic built up during preggies. Think tat helps alot to me. FIY, I did consult my gynae.

RE: JAMO/massage on tummy
Ladies, I remember Mrs Wong said she doesn't encourage masseurs to touch out tummy after birth. Although some jamo ladies claim can put our wombs back but it's dangerous as they may cause injury. After hearing tt my HB is against me having postnatal by Jamo ladies...how?
hi chewy,
I thinking of booking postnatal massage for 7 sessions package. cos heard that can push back uterus, slimming, expel wind.
Actually, i did for my first son, find it v relaxing and let mi sleep better.
chewy, for me is the promo price tat attracts me during Babycare '07 and moreover, now they split into 2 locations to store the cordblood (good in the case when something happens to one of the locations). If I din remember wrongly, someone fm Mar MTB thread commented tat cordlife representatives quite attitude and rude... dunno how true. My stemcord representative very friendly, heng!
jo, better book fast if ur massage lady is popular... I booked mine in Oct '07 coz she oni takes 1st 25 confirmed customers and afterwhich will be served by her assistants.
hi bbroyce,
i booked her already in Jan 08, then she told mi to call her again when bb pop out =)

Wow, ur lady seems popular, what's her name?
jo, mine is mdm rokiah... not cheap for her pkg thou. booked her in oct '07 which I m oni abt 3 mths preggy and she has already 5 cfm'd bookings (deposit paid) for apr '08. more kiasu MTB than me... hahaha
chewy: I went with Cordlife because of their AABB accredition. I also prefer their method of cord blood collection, which uses the closed triple bag system in a single direct transfer, which presents a low risk of contamination. Also, they have been around longer. The sales rep I spoke to is friendly and informative, no complaints
Ultimately, its your choice ...each has its goods and bads
mdm rokiah- hv heard of her name in this forum by other mummies, and her reviews are gd but rather ex. anw, as long as is gd for us , tat wat matter
jo, I am trying her for the gd reviews oso... if realy gd then worth it lor. anyway I get to keep the binder (specially designed, not those normal long cloth which other massuers used) after the sessions end which she sells at $35 each.
For stemcord, i have recommendations from my colleague who studied both and decided on stemcord. ONe of the main reasons i choose stemcord is becos they store the cordblood into 2 locations. It seems safer and also if u need u only need to retrieve 1 set, the other one still can be stored.
calamari,Koori,BBroyce: Thanks for ur replies on ur choice of cordbank
Shall speak to both co &amp; decide then. Thanks so much!

Jo: Thks regarding the postnatal massage, not sure by word of mouth is gd enuf as reference, no offence, as everyone's condition is unique. Besides I hv an inverted womb so I worry how experience these Jamo Masseurs too. As there's no point of reference for their practise, like any medical research, it's hard for me to convince my HB...

those who r bring breast pump and extra bottles to hospital, u all sterlise liao, then how ah?? pack in ziploc bag? coz if sterlise now, gt use meh?
Hi Jgal, have sent you my contact.

Chewy: Hee ... initially he said huh .. 160 for that few pieces of pic s.. ex leh .. then follow by "you happy can already" ...hahahahha

These few days been choosing the bean sprout tails out from the heap of husks.. hahaha
tiring but rewarding when the pillow is completed.

Kea: I intend to bring the pump only leh.. how come need bottles ? if you directly latch baby on, dun need any bottles le..

bottles is to pump as to increase milk supply ...tis is wad i heard fr other mummies....then oso in case to relieve engorgement and clogs.....but the pump oso must sterlise leh....u sterlise now then how?
hi cheesycake,

i just signed up with cordlife,cos of the certification...u have the TMC FBI/SBI card??
You can also get additional $50 off on top of the $300 promotion(for non-tmc members) if you know someone who is an existing client of CordLife. If u need me as referral to get the $50 discount,u can pm or email me

my email:[email protected]
You have a cute bb there! We tried to do the 4D scan but didn't manage to do it cos couldn't see the face at all.

Re cordlife,
If you make full payment, can save $750 on top of the FBI card discount.

Kea: Maybe you can get ur hubby to help u to sterilise if you are in hospital or nearer to your due date? or he is going to be with you all the way ? Cos I think sterilising the pump can be quite fast

Cos I attended the breast feeding class today and was told by the nurse that within the first hour of delivery to latch baby on follow on by 2-3 hourly feed. If possible, try to latch on directly for the first few times as practice for the baby. If you wanna pump, think the hospital should have bottles.
