(2008/03) March 2008

anyone following the AWARE saga? glad to say the new exco has been voted out.

thanks =p

tat is great! personally feel tat the new exco is too aggressive & high-handed

regarding immigration, u wrote in b4 my post or after ? ;)

Want to share
a new toy tat Kyzac is currently engrossed with, hopefully he can bec taller ;)

shall we post the toys tat our kiddos enjoy most ?
then we can share tips on wat to buy

this is a very good buy so far tat both kids like a lot..
<font color="0000ff">Vtech Alphabet Train</font>
if going US and bring it back, it will cost less than $70, locally selling @ $149

wana share tat the leapfrog touch pad is my whitest elephant so far, kyzac would love to eat up the papers though
Rhys looks like he has a lot of fun, both in the swing &amp; walking abt..
where's the venue ? =)
PS: b4 i click on the swing video, tot it is 2 caucasian babies
i think u can get cheaper at bb hypermart. personally i am nt fussing abt which model the stroller is so long the kid can sit in it. But personally i dun like volo though light but kid cannot slp or nap in.

nt everything from JB is cheap. Got to check. Some diapers may nt be as cheap as singapore. At least tat what i realised after going in few times.

i must say it is gd for the bb to start learning to swim. Some bb have water phobia if start swimming late. That happen to my daughter. Took a long time to get her over her fear. Now Andrae is still swimming and he can go underwater for abt 10-20 seconds or so, depending on his mood too.
That was in Bishan park. At the playground near the Skateline.

Haha... Some ppl thought Rhys is a 'ang mo' baby because of his hair and eyes. They say his hair is like a little brown, unlike asian hair colour. The clinic staff at our family Dr called him 'Ang Mo Kia'. Everytime we bring him go see doctor we just need to tell them 'Ang Mo kia' can le.. Lolx~
Hi mummies, good morning! Looks like this is going to be a busy week. So many things coming up with this flu business...

Anyway I brought James to East Coast Park and the zoo over the weekend, now he looks a bit dark :p East Coast Park was good fun, rented a bicycle and put him in the baby seat at the front. He liked it and was babbling all the way. We cycled until we forgot it was time for his milk, then he got a bit cranky. Imagine cycling with a screaming baby....

The zoo was good fun too. We were there at about 3pm but the zoo was very well shaded with many areas to stop and rest in. I think James couldn't see the animals which were camouflaged, and some of the animals weren't moving much either. But he liked the hornbill birds and the proboscis monkey swinging from the branches. We happened to be there during the feeding time so it was quite interesting

We also went to the kidsworld where they had the water play area. At first he was a bit apprehensive but when he saw the other kids playing, he also joined them and didn't care that his singlet became soaked thru! He just stood at this slide with the water gushing down and played there for a good 45 mins!

Anyone planning an outing there, let me know ok? Would love to go there again. We also bought the membership for 1 yr so I think should make full use of it

Babypink, AdelineL
Yah, James is a big boy. My maid and I can't carry him for too long now or we'll end up with muscle ache! Luckily he's walking more now. We think it might be anytime soon that he will let go of our hands and walk on his own.
Good morning to all
hope sat will come asap

some videos to brighten up a monday morning :p


It was the 1st time we tried bringing Kyzac for a 9 course meal, pre Mothers' day celebrations =)
but i think for him to sit thru a wedding dinner will be tough

PS: talking abt Mothers' day, I have taken leave on 15 May 2009 liao, those who are keen to meet up for a wekkday buffet lunch pls email me at [email protected] =)
thanks ! trying now =)
i tried you tube, but slow also

PS :eek:h yes,reagrding teh 15 May weekday gathering, actually dun have to take leave come to think of it , cso Vesak Day falls on a sat, all of us are entitled to an off day
sigh* y got this
Video upload failed
Upload failed for MVI_7251.AVI with error: A network error caused your upload to fail. Please try your upload again.

will try again, hope it works!
Actually considering how hyper BB tommy is, I was really pleasantly surprised when I took him to lunch at Coca on Labour Day. We sat there from 12:45pm to 3pm with no baby chair :p instead he was in a high chair with no straps cos the restaurant ran out of baby chairs. He was pretty well behaved throughout and only tried to stand up a few times and was in a pleasant mood throughout, no tantrums etc...
Tommy's a good boy.. My Rhys can never do that now. He likes to move around and would go into a fit if you try to confine him...

BTW, where is Coca??
hello ladies

this long weekend for me is a nightmare. Lele came down with stomach flu and was admitted to hospital yesterday night. discharged this afternoon and was put on drip. really heartpain to see her with the drip but she is really very very good, seldom fuss except when they are hooking up the drip and taking blood for testing.

the worse is i also kena stomach flu from her and was having LS 13 times on sat night and vomitted 4 times. luckily i recovered fast if nt will not be able to look after lele. then zac zac also kena cough and flu. haiz this can be my worst mother's day present!!

crossing my fingers that all the kiddos can recover fast and be happy again.
oh no...shirley, u take care....sigh..nowsadays really weather no good....so many ppl sick....

just brought my two kiddos to see pd...again...just last month spent $400 on pd fees...then this month, today alone...$200plus again...my god...money is secondary..but really sad to see them on medication again....elder one got brocholitis...just on nebilizer just now....thursday got to go review again....
daugter cough..and mild runny nose...she cough especially bad at nite...any remedy to share?
Isabella, I think Cocoa is in Taka...

Babypink: Soo many cold stuff. LOL.

Shirley: Oh no. Hope you are well now and kiddos recover fast.

Happygal: Do you and HB have nose probs like sinius or the like? If so have to take xtra care for kiddos. I will vacuum mattress, use ecalyptus oil, clean air con filter regularly. Cos whole family got nose/airway probs.

So far SG don't have H1N1, but I hear ppl sniffling and coughing all around. Very scared I kenna their flu bug. Yipes.
Shirley &amp; Happygal
Hope ur kids will recover soon.

Thanks for the info. What food do they serve there?? Is it buffet or?

Company issue termometer for everyone. Want us to take temperature everyday and be more hygienic. And many many stuffs..
thanks kell and isabellai....

kell, no leh, my hb and i dun have nose probs leh....haizzz...no time to do so many hseworks leh...only got sunday to spare...really no energy...sigh....pd suggest my ds to use puff for few mths...dunno to take his advice anot...today is my ds 6th neb since birth....
they implemented on saturday

wow, Tommy is nice. This Kyzac plays with the high chair table until his finger kenna

aiyah, really very jialat! hope by Mothers' day or even b4 that, all will be well again. Wishing all a speedy recovery
Lele is really very kuai, but still heartpain to see

yeah..so hot everyday

Today when i fetch kelicia, i was told to stand outside the gate. Teacher was saying a lot of problem with HFMD and this Infuenza A

btw, swine means pigs in general or just female pigs ? just curious
oh no.. bad time to have cough n flu..

shirley: is Lele better now? have to get Zaczac to wear face mask. to prevent spreading to Lele.

happygal: perhaps u wanna get a air filter? i m using honeywell at the moment. quite good. a little noisy though. helps in my nite block nose n morning sniffles. cause i have sinus prob.

air con filter muz clean once a wk. change bed sheets weekly also. add a little bleach into laundry to kill germs.

i carry the small bottle of dettol hand sanitiser gel ard. when i eat outside, i use it b4 meals.
i think it's also essential to keep our kiddos' hands clean cause everything goes into their mouth. hard to prevent germs.

sigh* can understand perfectly, last month our kids are all down

u want to try Dr Ho Lai Yun at SGH. He is only available on mon and tuesday. Number is 63214377
tmr is from 2pm onwards

Kyzac was coughing some weeks ago, was prescibed a medication tat made him worse ( we went to other doc as Dr Ho was overseas). Dr Ho made us stop the med and he covers ! He said some medication just made the kids worst and sometimes it is best to give nothing.

Of course tat is after a review ..

His fees r ok, 1st time <$100, after that $50 plus. He dun prescibe medication unneccessarily.

He was head of neonatal b4 he retires. now he semi retire, so only have consultation twice a week
ok, thx bbpink. will discuss with dh. btw, anybody got gd chinese resturant in jurong area and price reasonable to share? thot of celebrating mum day tis fri evening.
thx pet. i dun turn on air con one, so seldom clean the air con filter. as for air filter, is it ex? is it mre for air con environment?
Favourite toy
I've learnt my lesson. Used to buy a lot of toys for dd1 but she plays with none. Only loves disposable containers, pots and pans etc... So, I stopped buying new toys for ds2 n dd3. They can play with whatever we bought for dd1 and some "new toys" like this one. DD3 played with it for almost 30 mins

mine like the bottles too. one of her favourite will be the key pouch. The newest favourite is the house phone.. will just say "hello" on the phone non-stop.
Good morning mummies!!!

I think I'm starting to not feeling well.. My throat seems a little 'rough'.. BTW, till now I still dunno the symptoms of Influenza A. Any mummies care to share here,, pls...

Your gal look so cute.. My Rhys also like to play with things like that. His favourite past time is to 'draw'. Everytime his brothers are doing their homeworks, he will come and snatch a pencil &amp; paper and then will stand beside his kor kor and 'draw'... I wonder if he really knows what is he drawing..
u might wish to try Dr Terence Tan from Mt A or Dr Ong at united sq. My boy had brinchitis last yr and he was treated by Dr Ong at united sq. My boy is oso down with phelgm and runny nose. No cough though jus tat at night when slping he slp with wheezing sound which is the tyoe of sound when hv difficulty breathing. He oso wake up quite often these 2 days... however when he is awake he doesnt cough much.. duno wat's wrong too. will watch n see...

My son fav toys are pencil and paper, as well as bottles and i put some beans in it so that it become a rattle. He oso enjoy walking. As long as he put on his shoes and walk outside, he doesnt need any toys... oh he loves pulling the leaves of the plants as well as digging the soil too... sighz
I recommend Boon Lay Raja in Jurong East Central or Ah Yat in Jurong Village, next to Jurong Bird Park. Boon Lay Raja is Teochew food, might be a better choice than Ah Yat.

If not, try IMM and Jurong Point. Got a few restaurants there.

If no nose probs, baby might just be having a virus. It will go away and they'll get immunity to it. Don't worry. But, I think you better seek 2nd opinion for using the asthma medicine and nubuliser.

There's many air stuff in the mkt: air purifier, humidifier, dehumidifier, ionizer blah blah. Very luan one.

Yah, JB not necessarily cheaper. I don't like to go there anymore. Cos some minority are too overboard. Alys target Sgreans to rob.

Reena: Phoebe also prefer plastic bottle and plastic bag. Have to watch her w the bag. LOL

Isabella: Cocoa is steamboat. If I'm not wrong, per pax is abt $30. For me, I don't like cos its not cheap and I still have to cook. Hahahaha

ABC: Horticulturist in the making.

I did the same too. I am changing my bed sheet every Saturday. I'm carrying Dettol hand sanitizer every where for kids. Plus wet tissue to wipe it after that.

My boys has been coughing and running nose on and off within this month. I went to two PD and last one - to respitory specialist. All of them said due to "Allergic" huhhh...

Most of them gave me Rhinathiol,ventolin and zyrtec. Very common medicine.

Wonder..if i need to seek advice from chinese medication or shinshe?
for runny nose u can gv zyrtec or chloromine
for cough - ventolin, prospane/akirah (ivy leaf extract)
for phelgm - mucolix, mucosolvan
for fever, <39> 39 deg (nurofen)

all can be bought from guardian
The staff in KKH said that kids with respiratory problems cannot take brufen or nurofen. Cos that will worsen their respiratory problems. But private PD said it's ok.. I am quite confused.
happygal: i use the air filter whether i on air con or not. if use fan, the dust on the floor will also fly up. so the air filter can suck up whatever dust it can.
of course when it's open area, the cleaning effect wun be as good as enclosed area.

mikael: ryan is also using zyrtec whenever necessary. it's antihistamine. quite mild, suitable for allergy usage.

juz to list afew air items
humidifier - add some water mist in the air so that your throat will not be too dry or itchy
dehumidifier - works the opposite way
ionizer - to change the air's +/- ions to aid in breathing.
purifier - using machine to suck up dust in the air n using water to contain the dust so it doesn't fly up again.
filter - using hepa filter (carbon &amp; layered filter) to attract dust to the machine.
My boy's favourite stuff is the standing fan and I caught him a few times trying to put him hand in. Other stuffs include the socket, under the table, pails, standing lamp... Basically, all danger places I warned him not to go, he'll be there next. Faintz!
Yes, I know. It's for fever higher than 38.5 degree.

Purchase of ventolin need to have doctors letter. Be it the syrup or the puff..

If I'm not wrong, unless the kid have wheezing sound, if not doctor will not give Ventolin. I dun think ventolin can be bought from outside without Dr's letter.
ventolin can be bought without dr's letter. The purpose of ventolin is to open the airway. usu taken with muscosolvan. ventolin is not cough supressant... for cough supressant u may get akilah (the ivy leaf extract) or rhinathiol (pink for dry cough; yellow for cough accompanied by runny nose)
Is it? I tried buying outside, but they didn't allow.. Was told that Dr's letter is needed.. Well, maybe I mix it up with other drugs... But I try to buy ventolin (puff), they also say cannot. If puff cannot, why is syrup allowed?
i bought it before too. :)
It is actually salbutamol. Knew all these cause since feb my kids been unwell esp due to cough... been given all these medication and spend almost $300plus liao. Now decided to self medicate n take the wait and see attitude. so unless the condition worsen or i nd MC then see PD. hahaha
err but i must declare that these r the medication i use. I am not a doctor nor pharmacist so if not comfortable pls dun use it. Dun wan any drug allergy to any of the kids.:)

Hubby and Ds #2 have respiratory problems.. So sometimes when hubby's inhaler runs out, I gotta help him buy. DS #2 have to use Flixotide and salbutamol daily. Really headache...
