(2008/03) March 2008

the second pic can be a pizza commercial
kyzac looks so happy to see such yummy pizza

i wasn't in singapore when SARS happened and couldn't imagine what it looked like, even though i call back home often..my bro just came home from states last night and he said one guy was taken aside cos he had fever and i think the airports here are pretty vigilant nowadays...hopefully!

v sian to work in the middle of the night so thot to share a picture...looking at baby pictures really put me in a much better mood
....btw my dad bought him PINK shoes!!!! :p

It's fun to see our little boys and gals taking their first steps walking around.

I must be more confident with my boy. He has started to walk unsupported for more than 10 steps and always seems more at ease than we do.
Good Morning all!

Is it true bb boy prefers woman and bb girl prefers man? Phoebe likes to call "Ker" for uncle and wave hi and wave bye. HB taught her that and she start calling, smiling and waving since Sun, mostly at uncles. :p

BBpink: Baby canned food also got sodium and dunno what else, so I sometimes feed Phoebe our food. But I found that she can't take some Chinese Restaurant food, maybe due to added MSG. For pasta, she takes cheese but not tomato sauce.

AdeL: Ahaha. Of all colours... But its the thought that counts.

Blueskies: Yah, swine flu was reported to be a combination of bird, pig and human flu. Its called A/H1N1. Very close to bird flu plus transmittable btw humans. Cham, later become like Resident Evil like that.

Danmum: Mine also not taking any steps. And if she's throwing a tantrum, she won't crawl... She'll sit there and wail and act pathetic. My mum will hurriedly walk over to carry her and sayang sayang! Faint~
Jeangal, it'll come naturally. My boy lazy too, sometimes still prefer to crawl around.

Saw this in my mailbox this morning.

29 April - Priority Sale Day (for Toys'R'Us Star Card & UOB Card members only)
No wonder Kyzac starts to get upset when my mum want to remove the shoes for payment..in the end, we remove price tag to pay at the cashier :p
the sizes r only 15-18, so i think the longest they can wear the squeaky shoes is before 3 yrs old

oh yes, i think i noe wat u refer to
saw some at KKH Mothercare but only up to 9 months, guess all the bigger sizes all grabbed already

KKH Junior Club, just register at Patient Education Centre next to Macdonald =) very worth and they always give out free issues of Motherhood and Young parent at that place..got April Motherhood fr them as well

btw, anyone particpating for Healthy Breastfeed baby Contest ,as long as has breastfed for 1st 8 weeks can already, tat one is by kkh, kkh Junior Clunb member got a good discount.

The contest is on 6 June 2009, we can have a gathering at kkh =p
i agree abt the food content , so try not to give unless we r out for long hrs ")
me too wana take leave! but i think the most i can take is after 1pm tmr ,s ee how if i can take full day so last min, <font color="0000ff">anyone wana meet for lunch and then go tog ?</font>

if i can take full day leave , i will be there as early as 830am cos getting a lift fr hb, anyone wana meet breakfast also can ;)
pls email me at [email protected] with ur hp

Tommy is such a big cheery boy ! haha, i notice the pink shoes, but there is a saying tat real men dare to wear pink rite

regarding swine, i am a bit scared, esp when my family members r going overseas next month, guess the only way is to wear masks bah

yupz, let them go ahead and try walking, they will very soon master it.. =)
yday was Kyzac's very 1st time walking outdoors, he was really very upset to be trapped in his stroller until we decide to let him walk

coming soon =)
wanna ask regarding potty training;
how to make bb sit still on potty? my son can't even sit still for 1mins. anyone wanna share?
Babypink: I cannot concentrate on my work aft reading your posts. Ahahha

CK: Idea, say there's flu symptoms. Then scare the nasty colls saying my family member just came back from US. WAHahahaha.

RedTea: My mum and me started intro potty when bb is 4mths. Now she will sit only when she wanna poo poo. If no poo, then she'll pee and wanna get up in a few sec.
there is just 1 big problem, i took leave yesterday and already applied leave on this coming thursday with hb to go JB, meaning tat this week i will only work today and tmr..

must observe my boss' face 1st and see wat he said if i take leave tmr..

meaning i only work 1 day this whole week..if i can take leave successfully for tmr

and actually i have been absent for abt 2 weeks this month due to the kids' hfmd and the bronchitis

hehe..see how it goes
oh yes, Kell, if my boss is in a very good mood, u wana get a lift fr my hb as well tmr morn ?

haha, since ur hse so near mine

will sms u if i m successful, will try my luck after lunchtime..a full man is a happy man i hope
BBpink: Sianz. I cannot take leave cos my coll just reminded me I need to cover her tml and Thu cos she's travelling EOD. Also lucky she reminded me lah. :p

Arrgghhh. No Mood liao...
Kell, mine not any better. When he throws his trantrum Im aso at a loss, cant handle. I will heckcare leave him there to cry. At my parents place, aiyoh he wil always get his way. Make a bit of noise he wil get wat he wants.
Hi mummies,
I don't want to sound paranoid but if you pass by any pharmacy, do buy some N95 masks to stock up ok? It's flying off the shelves even as we speak.
Erny and AdeL:
Precaution agt Air Borne disease.
Mostly is to wear masks and proper washing of hands.

I alys carry the Pigeon Hand and Mouth Wipes to clean family hands after touching outside things. And I found some ass----s like to spit on the buttons in HDB lifts. Really feel like giving those ppl a good wake up call... I alys use tissue to push the buttons. Damn inconsiderate.
No use to wear masks. If other people who are sick don't wear, any airborne germs still be on your body...

But mask will mitigate the risk lor.

Hm, now more and more like resident evil / I am Legend... So scary... Later they quarantine Mexico and like Nuke them? >Just a lame statement.<
Just something to share:

Influenza can be spread easily through people coughing or sneezing and if you wear a mask, you would prevent the virus particle from entering your respiratory system (through your nose &amp; mouth). The mask will help to serve as a barrier to protect yourself.

When these virus particles land on your clothes, it should do you no harm because you do not put clothes into your mouth or breathe through them. Viruses need a host to survive and multiply, they cannot "live" on clothes. However, right now, we do not know how long the swine flu virus can survive outside of a host. (It is known that the avian flu virus is capable of surviving on surfaces for up to 24hrs and on tissue paper for up to 15mins).

If you are very particular about hygiene, then you can change your clothes after you come home.

WHO (World Health Organization) has raised its alert level from three to four, two steps short of declaring a full pandemic.
The 2 people refered to CDC tested -ive for Influzena A. So swine flu don't have outbreak in SG yet... And hopefully it stays this way.
re: face mask
from what i know, people are required to go for face-fitting for N95 first to get the correct fit. if you get the wrong sized mask, also serves no purpose and acts only as a false security blanket!

i think just practice good hygiene and take normal precautions! i heard that N95 masks are all sold out everywhere too...i have some in my office but i feel dizzy when i wear it, so i guess it'll be the mask that kills me first rather than the virus...hahaha!
Shaz: I didnt know N95 supp to be that fitting. Hm, yeah, imagine perspiring and cannot breathe properly.

When I'm coughing or having runny nose, I just wear those normal thin masks for a while. I dun wanna cough or sneeze into other ppl and let them k.

Hope the virus kill itself soon. I dun wanna have to buy N95 later.

You struck a funny bone in me: You know the game/movie/comic Mortal Kombat? Actually masks like N95 make you look like the Scorpio and the gang in the series. LOL
kell: yeahhh even my friends who just started working in hospitals....first few days have to go for N95 fitting....in case of any emergencies.

yeah i wear the normal face masks also, cos that one not so "suffocating" to me!

Mortal combat...hahahaha!
Yes indeed, a fit test is important for correct use of the mask. But I think getting a fit test for the country's population will be a difficult task...

Anyway like Kell mentioned, hopefully the virus will die down by itself.
blue_skies: agreed.
i just find it abit appalling to see the panic button being hit everywhere! i guess it's the singaporean mentality (it's not a criticism to you or anyone, please don't misunderstand...) and ppl rather buy a mask and wear it wrongly than to have no mask..."ning ke sha cuo bu ke fang guo" (rather kill wrongly than dun kill)...haha!

anyways, if anyone wants to get the N95, get the M size one because by default, most people fall into this size!! and if got no stock and you want, tell me and i can go dig out some for you if you need!
was still thinking i have company for breakfast tmr ;)
Will report to the Toys R Us sales in United Square tmr early :p
will update if there r good buys

no prob
quite worth hor ..did u sign up for the contest ? =)

yupz, lets meet on 13 June at Bontanic

6 June 2009
anyone going to kkh for the bb contest ?
BBpink: Don't remind me...
I don't think I will make it to KK to join the Baby Club, unless I got good news soon and need to go back to find gynae. Hahahaa. Can do online or not?

Isabella's unable to go JBCG w us.
lucky i call up, tmr only the toys r us card member can go in ! uob card holders can enter fr thurs onwards..

lucky my colleague has and i borrow liao ;)
so u al going united square tomolo? wat time u al going har? me can join or look for u all during lunch time. i am on pm leave tomorrow actually, but going for my LWM at novena square...hehe.
hehe, i will be there at 11am
my hp is 98899318 =)

the JBCG is on 13 June, can u make it ? ")

u r welcome =) just v happy my colleague has the card with him

hope i dun lost my wallet, another colleague juz pass me her Voir card when she heard i m going JB
hi ladies,

today my boy did something funny. For the past 2 days, I've been showering him while he's standing. Since my clothes get wet, today I decided to just put it away while I bathe him. So, while I was bathing him, he reached and touched my breasts (still had my bra on) and said "ball! ball!", try to yank them out some more! I was in pain but I was laughing like crazy also. haiz...
haiz, been damn busy past few days... ryan has roseola.
i very scared of epidemics... gonna buy masks tmr. cause my bil has sinus prob. i dun wan to take risks. i also spray dettol disinfectant everyday at home. damn stressful.
aiyo your Zayed so cheeky!

Swine flu
personally i'm not that scared yet, maybe cause i never been thru SARS here...what i'm really troubled by is dengue fever!
been seeing people from national environment agency coming around saying there's been dengue outbreak and they were checking for mosquito breeding and I was telling them there's soooo many mosquitoes at my place and their fave person to attack is ME! better me than the kids though but they do get bitten too so i'm really scared and have been using so many mosquito patches, mats, vapours, insecticides (but also don;t dare to use too much) but the mosquitoes keep coming! one thing that really works but must reapply often is Ru Yi Oil and it feels cool on the skin too, so much better than the sticky insect repellent spray/cream
read before that too much disinfectant at home creates super bugs :p don't be too stressed by germs, it's everywhere. Just wash hands well often using soap they say is good enuff
That will have TBC first, cos I dunno if I can make it den..

1 May gathering
I presume that the gathering on 1 May is cancelled??
u got a good mom, potty train ur gal for u. maybe nxt bb i will start early. think got to try many time to get my DS patient liao.

re swine flu;
me quite scared. when taking train got ppl sneeze or cough, i will think"shld i move away". and jus yesterday during lunch, i saw this guy sneeze when queue for food and he sneeze in the direction if another stall which is the one i queue for. kow! i was there thinking the chopstick and spoon is jus pl nearby only lei.. sigh~
somemore, me and hubby going to Hong Kong end of May. hopefully, the flu died down le.. scare scare.
AdeL: is it? i dunno. perhaps i've seen my frens handle SARs. so i m very terrified of any epidemic especially now that I have a toddler. Previously i wasn't too afraid cause i only have to protect myself. now i have to protect my son too.

Isabella: SOrry, made you confused.

Yasmin: Ahahaa! Zayed must be thinking how come you keep the "balls" to yourself that's why he's rough.

AdeL: I also kenna many mosquitoes bites. Hope no dengue mozzie in Bt Batok. Maybe its the mozzie season now? Comes everytimes in hot season.

Redtea: Maybe he's not used to potty? Slowly intro, shld be ok. Cos if Phoebe got no urge to poo, she will not sit too.

6 June 4PM at Jacob Ballas Children's Garden
1) Kell, HB, and Phoebe
2) Bbpink, Family and Kyzac
3) CK, Yvonne and Bryan
4) Summerdaze, HB and Giselle
5) Isabella TBC
6) Please cont...

Will put as 6 Jun first as attendees 1 to 4 can make it on both dates. Update me of changes pls. Thanks!
