(2008/03) March 2008

CK: Phoebe also like to do that. She goes to my grandma room and try to put her fingers into the old type of metal fan. Then she pluck out the night light and try to put fingers into the socket, which is at floor level. She think she's Wolverine or something. LOL.

Go buy the fan cover and the child proof thingy for sockets at kiddy palace. I use cane for this type of dangerous No No. It sort of works, at least for her.

Hmmm Cane... Anyone use cane?
I don't like being caned when I was small, so not sure if I want to use that.

These days when my boy is fussy in having his own way, he'll squeaked and screamed at such a high pitch voice, higher than any opera singer or Pavoroti and even Zhang Xin Ze. I'm quite sure to go mild deaf one day. LOL.
i would use cane but rarely. it works only when u use it for majoy offences and once in a long long time. I think till date i only use it once or twice on my gal who is 4 yr old.
CK: LOL, no one likes to be caned. Its a good deterence - to not touch things like electricity - for me. Now might be the stage where they are trying to express themselves but can't do so properly. Might explains the screaming and frustration they show.

Agree w ABC. Cane only reserved for dangerous act, which is not a daily affair. If not it will quickly lose its scary appeal, like in our time. LOL. So far, caned her a few times on palm. Aft that, wave the cane and she knows. Then cane had been in remission. LOL. Tried smack her on palm, but she tot we're playing w her.

Bbpink: No wor. Might just buy the DVD. HB not free to watch w me.
Regarding Fan

last yr my company have this parenting talk by a child psychologist or some professional

so i remember asking abt the fan tat Kelicia loves to poke her fingers into

gess wat the professional said

"remove the fan"
Boon Lay Raja is nice, can also try the gourmet buffet at Zhou Kitchen

Last weekend i chanced upon a super deal at Orient Ocean , 9 course at $294 nett with a $81 free voucher to be used with no conditions by June


yupz, i was dumbfounded..no aircon in my mum's living room, so they always hav a standing fan

my own living room is ceiling fan, so no issue
I use cane on my kids but not Rhys as he's still too young, I find... Maybe wait till he's about 2 years old or so.

I'm against hitting the child like maybe how some of our mother hit us (keep hitting, until u can find over 10 cane marks on the body). But I AM all in to use cane wisely. To me, I will hit them once den explain to them. If they know they are wrong/remorseful, I let them go. If they keep on being stubborn, I'll let them have a taste of the cane again. Maximum I'll cane at any one time is 3 strokes. If after that they still dun admit they are wrong, then I'll find some other ways to teach them or something like that...
yEah. If using cane, you must make sure you are not those that will lose patience then start to lose control.

BBpink: Orient Ocean is at Miramar Htl right? a bit the far to go from our side.
The doc a bit the "zhi biao bu zhi ben". So cannot bring the baby to Courts or Harvey NOrman etc. LOL. Have to tell them cannot touch right, if not how to go ppl's house?
ok lah, by car..we went on sunday

regarding kelicia's stage, i think the cane was used :p just once and she never ever dare to go & put her fingers in or to push the whole fan down..

tat was wat happens when she 1st experience the cane, after her push, the whole fan collapse on the floor and the things came apart, it was lucky tat she was not injured by the parts tat came apart

my sentiments exactly abt using cane after at least 2 when necessary

actually i think i also din use the correct method, currently i m using bribery for #1 :p

how do u deal with a 2 years plus who dun want to eat her meals ( i admit the food taste awful, i will usu steam salmon with potato and brocolli on weekends or fish porridge without seasoning

so for every teaspoon she consumes i will give her 1 raisin

and she will finish up the whole bowl :p
oh yes, was distributing the goodies i bought fr JB cos yesterday i forget to bring to office

my colleagues start to recommend me this

actually, i never buy milk or diapers if i m in city square which is walkable fr customs and fully sheltered ..the purpose is to sing karaoke , watch movies , eat , buy shoes, buy tops and kiddy clothes & books . and i love their polo buns..hehe
a typical iternary is like this
wana said that after seeing the pictures u posted, i decide not to throw away my season ice tea container =p hope kyzac will have lots of fun also
ur dd3 is so happy
That professor might as well say 'dun give birth'.. or lagi still 'dun get married'. Then all problems solve in the first place.

I can sense my boy's skin super thick, cos sometimes I use my hand to smack his thigh, he still behave as if nothing happens, but my palm already red..
ck: ya lor.. haha. silly professor. i bot the fan cover. so ryan can't stick his finger in the fan. but he still like to touch it. my cane is hanging at the window grill. i haven't used it yet. so far, using my hands to smack him works. i use the "yi qi ren zhi dao, huan zhi qi ren zhi shen" method.

he bite me, i bite him etc..

hope you feel better soon!
sorry din have time to reply posts till now....yup Coca is steamboat buffet...i luv it! the tom yam soup is so good and the chili is really really yummy
i think the stuff is v. fresh too, lunch net should be about $25 to $30 bah

actually i was surprised that bb tommy can sit so nicely for so long bcos he usually has ants on his pants! haha

bb tommy also kenna pinky caught under the baby chair table bfor until my hubby pointed out that the table can be strapped down using the middle strap then it cannot be lifted up anymore :p

Actually i might have jinx it by complimenting bb tommy's behavior cos when i brought him out on Monday he was sooooo difficult! he hadm't given me such problems outside for a long time...he was screeching on the train, i had to take him out of his carrier...something i seldom do when travelling wif him on my own and he wanted to touch ppl's bags and when i prevented it, he would rage and scream *faintz*....actually i've noticed it too at home these dayz his tantrums are getting worse and one time he actually threw himself on the floor and kicked around like a classic temper tantrum! it's funny though to see that haha cos so classic!

hope your family has recovered! poor lele so young to be put on drip
with stomach flu must really give lots of liquid, like electrolytes e.g. pediasure i think would be good

Happygal, abc
hope your kids recover fast too....i read that honey mixed with warm water and given before bed time can reduce night time coughing...maybe cos it coats the throat i think...maybe can try that and see if the coughing is better?
same thing here, i seldom buy any toy for bb tommy except on his birthday i bought 2 cheap ones haha, he just shares with chelsea but he also receives a lot of toys from his relatives lah...of cos his fave toys are forbidden fruits like remote control, home phone, cable box, dvd player, opening any drawer/cupboard, our handphones etc haha...as long as anything that is useful/breakable, he wants to touch, play then throw! :p

forbidden fruits made me think crooked ;)

PS: Anyone has good contact to share for affordable ceiling fan ? =)

cos mine has been there for more than a decade liao since the 1st owner time, look quite fallible & shakey
Good Morning!

Re toys, I think those block toys, duplo, wooden blks etc can keep them occupied for quite long. I give Phoebe her tub of megabloks and I can walk ard the hse and do some chores.

Re tantrums, I read that it starts from yr 2. But they are doing these now. Hm... Or is it worse in yr 2? ~cold sweat~

I don't particularly love or hate them, but I don't wanna clean them!
Damn pissed w some owners that let their dunno silky or maltese or shihtzu that keep barking non-stop every morning from 6.30am to 8.30am. I left hse at 8.30 and I dunno what time they stop barking. Lucky Phoebe's used to HB dog so she didnt wake up. If not, I am gng to knock their door down. Prob is I still dunno which hse. Damn inconsiderate. My neighbours also BTH. Angry!

No wonder when HB dog was over at our plc, neighbours said he barked while we were out. He almost never bark for no reason. It must be the koo koo dogs that made him irritated.

haha, personally it is indeed worst when mine is approaching and turning 2 years old but will subside after a while. I think they will be very understanding at 3 years old

thanks for the tip =)
Mummies, Thank you for the well wishes~
Went to see Dr last evening.
Dr said it's viral fever + throat infection.
Luckily not swine flu =S

You heard of 'Terrible Twos'??
It will definitely get worse when they turn 2.
That is the time when they will be so curious with the world.
And will 不顾一切 to explore..
So... 挡我者死!! Lolx~

Then I think I should go try out Coca as well.. I love Tom Yam soup!!!
...Ok.... o_O
I think I better wait a while more then try for #2. LOL.

AdeL: The Cocoa you went was in Taka? There's another in International Building Orchard right? The Tom Yum is super spicy. I cannot take it. LOL.

I like the Ma La steam boat too. Its at Tanglin Shopping Centre, with another Branch in Suntec B1. But their standard seems to have dropped?
Have yet to try, but it was the restuarant that was most crowded at suntec when i was there last wednesday.

all the others are quite empty at abt 7 plus pm

NYDC is closed
Dear all, to share <font color="0000ff">baby show</font>

Organising CC:
HWI YOH CC Date: 02-Aug-09
Time: 08:30 AM - 01:00 PM
Fee: $15.00 - $15.00

Organising CC:
Nanyang CC Hall Date: 24-May-09
Time: 08:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Fee: $12.00 - $12.00

Organising CC:
Multi purpose hall at Woodlands CC Date: 05-Jul-09
Time: 09:30 AM - 01:00 PM
Fee: $10.00 - $10.00
is it?? I remember the elephancino I drank there few years back. And the cakes.. All taste quite good. Except for their main course.. I think it taste sucks~
i like NYDC.. their baked mushroom pasta &amp; their mudpies.
their cakes i dun have any preference as i never eat their cakes.

bbpink: closed for good? wasted..

how come bouna vista cc no contest de.. lol
not sure leh..till my next trip to suntec..

i love the mudpie at Coffee Club

talking abt food, anyone a fan of fillet o fish &amp; fries ?
my weakness since childhood times
only 1 bad experince at mac centrepoint tat overfries the items till they r quite dry
Yeah... I used to love their cheesecakes and mudpie. I ate at the Holland V outlet before I gave birth, and it was ok. I ate at the Suntec outlet on Sun last mth, and it was terrible. The drinks was ok, but I didnt finish the food and left liao. Maybe its just the Suntec branch, that explains the closing. LOL

Anyway, another place you can try is The Big O Cafe, which is comparable to last time NYDC standard.
ABC, thx for the information.

Yes, Ventolin syrup can be bought over the counter without doctor's prescription.

Currently, at night i am using Karvol for mikael when his nose is stuffy. Its actually work.
yes the coca is at Taka...v. good soup and chili...the one at Tanglin Shopping Centre is Chong Qing ma la huo guo isit?? Ate there bfor and really like the eight treasures tea and the luncheon meat in spicy soup

yup me too a fan of fillet o fish and i eat that a lot when i was in the US but strangely enuff, back in singapore, had it maybe once or twice in a year....if let me choose between bee hoon or macdonalds, i always go for bee hoon :D
AdeL: Yes. Very strange that steamboat restaurants have long q snaking all the time. The worst is those non-aircon coffee shop fish head pot. :p Must wear swimming costume to eat cos cfm get wet. LOL

The Mac here and Mac overseas taste different. And Mac in SG taste different at different branches. :x

I'm hungry already... LOL
the bukit batok branch is really nice !

and after all this food talk i m hungry now despite my sinful lunch of icelemon tea. fillet o fish &amp; fries

hehe, had bee hoon every morning last week until my tastebud change, now it is zhu chan fen for bfast

haha, i m vice versa, will always choose fillet o fish, maybe in singapore too long , so chinese food not tempting
right now i'm munching delifrance muffin...v. unhealthy lunch, considering this is the 2nd muffin and i also had some pasta...cooked for bb but he didn't like :p so i ate it instead

actually Coca was hot too last week :p...saw one guy fanning himself with some papers...maybe cos the weather was so hot that it affected the aircon at taka...good thing it rained these past two days...not as crazy hot

now you make me want to go and buy fillet o fish :D...maybe tomorrow lunch

btw just had New York New York's salmon sandwich....i really like it!...should be v. healthy too
hello everyone

thank you for your well wishes for lele. she is still having LS this mornign so a bit worrying but doc says it take sometimes before it will wear off. any advice what i can try to feed cos she only wants milk and even diluted milk she cant take it. i tried porridge water, bread all she doesnt want.
did you ask the PD what to feed her?? last time Chelsea's PD always said that food is not so important, just lots of liquid and usually milk is good enough....last time when Chelsea was sick, she would just take milk for days but after she's well again, she would resume her normal diet...Guardian also sells Pediasure (milk drink) which i gave to make sure there's more nutrients and liquid...hope Lele recovers soon
My boy is lactose intolerant and my PD introduced pediasure after Enfalac LF. He's ok with it. Try the vanilla for a start. Other flavours incl chocolate (no no) and honey which we tried occasionally (also ok).
the last round at New York New York Lot 1, i was at a loss wat to order cos my fav is the prok ribs which is gone fr the menu :p

ok, now i know what to try next, will try the salmon sandwich ")


I am abt to ask why chocolate no no cos i have pediasure chocolate for my older boy but he is not drinking now as he prefers fresh milk.

sorry to sms you i received the disc thanky thanky sorry to trouble you.

thanks for the suggestion. may go and buy soy milk.
