(2008/03) March 2008

dear all

Anyone interested in this snack trap cup with lid? i bought extra as cheaper to buy 2 than 1. Everything after shipping is $22.95. Will provide receipt to show u as proof if you decided to get.

FYI there was a BP on it before. I emailed the person who organise the BP she says the supplier no longer provide the snack trap cup anymore. Mothercare sells the cup alone for $14plus but does not include the stay-fresh lid. The snack trap cup which i bought comes with a stay-fresh lid which provide airtight to the cup.


Those interested pls email me at [email protected]

A unique cup and soft flexi flap lid that allows little hands in and out to get to their snacks but keeps snacks from spilling out when cup is turned over. A real must have for use at home, in the car and when out and about anywhere! Perfect for all small snacks - raisins, fruit pieces, potato snacks and so much more.

Supplied with 1 bowl and 1 snack trap 'flexi' lid and stay fresh lid

Fewer Spills
Keeps snacks in
Keeps other objects out
Less wasted snacks
Easy-to-hold handles
PVC Free; Phthalates Free; BPA Free

'Snap-Over Lid'. Perfect when snacks need to be stored, it fits perfectly over the flexi-lid for air-tight storage. A real must have for use at home, in the car and when out and about anywhere to keep those snacks fresh!

Kell and Shirley,
Isn't chocolate too heaty? I presume it is so I dare not give to my boy. Can't imagine drinking milo everyday. Any correlation? Hmmmm...

I see. last time when my boy refuse milk i give pediasure chocolate everyday but he drinks very little so i think ok lar. i agree it can be heaty since milk powder itself already very heaty.
Good Morning all!

Hm, agree on choc milk. I give choc milk once only.

Btw, is it ok to feed baby cold plain water? Sometimes I gave Phoebe ice water and refrigerated water. The water is boiled in the morning, then iced or kept in fridge and gave in the same day. But dunno those plastic container is BPA free or not.
Actually pediasure is very heaty, even the vanilla form. My boys got fever after drinking it. Den when the ppl from abbott call me, I feedback to them, den they tell me that it is because pediasure is veru nutritious and that's why it is more heaty. So she suggest that I dun give them the recommended amount first. I dilute it first den grdually increase to the recommended amount..

me sometimes also give Rhys ice water because the weather really too hot le.. But didn't give too much, just a few sips only.
kell/isabellali: i also give ryan cold water. i use his milk bottles to store e water. i think it's not too bad if it's not BPA free since they only drink a few sips or less than half a cup a day.

i love sweet secrets choc cake & secret recipe cheesecake. other than tat, i'm quite niao when it comes to grading of good cakes.
not at all =) was worried tat it is not received in good condition, cos after posting it, the one behind me in q said that it will break if send like that, made me worried

talking abt these heatiness, yday kelicia finally speaks a lot when i fetched her back fr childcare, alto she misinterprets !

it goes like this
kelicia:, "i want to eat Coco Crunch"
me,"mama dun want you to eat Coco Crunch beacuse it is heaty
kelicia:"mama dun want me, papa wants. Papa loves me
haha, Kell, i prefer the latter :p

<font color="0000ff">Today I saw something interesting, wana share here, copied &amp; paste fr Todayonline ;)</font>


Are you wondering if your 12-month old
is ever going to walk? Babies
don’t always develop as quickly as
we’d like and parents are natural

A good friend of ours recalls
watching his 13-month-old boy
crawling around the room, while
a 10-month-old playmate walked
circles around him. At the time, he
wondered if something might be
wrong with his toddler.

Of course, he was worried about
nothing. Within a few months, he was
running with the rest of his friends.
No two babies develop at exactly
the same rate, and it has nothing to
do with intelligence or maturity.
Physical skills are linked directly
to brain growth, and brains develop
at a pre-determined rate.

It’s all written into our genetic
make-up. Babies walk and talk
when their bodies tell them it’s time.
Obviously, nutrition and fitness are
important, but beyond that, there’s not
much we can do to hurry them along.
btw, any one going for the Nanyang CC Baby Show on 24 May ? location is in Jurong West..
closing daye is 10 may =)

i m going to sign up
Hi. Its a nice article.

I think more is yet to come right? My friends all agree that once they reach the yr 3 mark, they will yak non stop.

I recall a friend's girl asks so many qns when they came for Phoebe's full month. I think she is abt 5 years old and ask qns when she step into our plc till when she left. LOL!
Regarding 'yakking'
I rmb my nephew still couldn't talk when he was ard 3 yr old. My mum and my sis was so worried. Someone told them to put my nephew in a school, let him mix around with other kids as that will motivate him to talk. So my sis did just that. Few months later, to much surprice, my nephew can say alot of words and can express himself quite well... But the down part is: you cant make him stop talking.. He will just rattle on and on and he demands your attention. Come to think of it, dunno is it good or bad to want my nephew to speak so badly at that time...
Babypink, thx for the article. Im the worried mummy whose boi cant walk or talk a word yet. Gettg v panicky.

Hei I like the conversatn w Kelicia. Sounds v heartwarming tt she's finally talkg more.
babypink, thx.
Its v thotful &amp; sweet of u.

Today I just heard tt makg frog legs for bb can make his legs stronger. Will try this weekend. kekeke ;p
yes frog leg make leg stronger. been gving my boy frogleg almost everyday when he was much younger ard 7mth plus.. i duno whether it is physical development or frogleg, he walk at 11mth... but according to my grandma she insist it is the frogleg though cos she is the one who ask me to gv him frogleg everyday...
long time no see since the Tony Ramas day =)
hope to meet u again during one of the gathering

wow, so tempting the isetan private sales..always have good bargains


sigh* wana change leave to 14th instead of 15th, just asked and was rejected
Good Morning!
Who is still looking to buy Thermos stuff can visit the Isetan Pte Sale. I believe its way cheaper than BP. They got a Tiger Thermal Food Flask and Water flask, bundle for only $59.

The baby first bed rail only at $30 with the coupon!

Bbpink: U wanna go aft work on 14 May?

Another promo of Sing Post SAM machine. $80 to earn one stamp and min 3 stamps to change for systema products. I just found out just now while paying bills.

ABC: Ahhhaa. All the elderly got the same pattern one. BTH.

yes yes, i want ! i will reach isetan at 7pm like that..hope still got good stuff left

r u going ? or u have extra admission coupon =)

my purpose there is to get some shimmery patterned bags for my godmum for Mothers' Day. The last time I bought her one fr Isetan Scot, she loves it but is spoilt now
u goign for isetan pte sale? anyone gg? interested to get something but duno i am available to go down. wonder if i can tong bang

Boy is down with bad brinchitis. May nd hospitalisation. sighz
Hope your boy recovers soon.

Rhys is down with high fever.. Didn't sleep last night whole night and my MIL help look after him whole night. Only until this morning change my maid look after. Keep crying and screaming.. Poor boy (&amp; poor MIL).

It's at S'goon North. But my hse here (AMK ave 10) also have the CC here. Dunno can reggister here or not..
Bbpink: Onz. I think the card admits like 2 or 3 guests. I also have the coupon. So no prob. But be prepared to get out of there like at 10pm. Cos the q at that timing shld be abt 1hr. LOL. Aft that we can share cab home.

Who wanna join us? We can take turn shopping and q-ing which is more efficient. LOL. Now doing "14 May WAR Plan"! :p

ABC: U on leave w Andrae? Oh no. HOw come got bad bronchitis? Please take care!
haha, great..wat time would u be reaching ?
btw, i think if we buy above 200, no need to carry back, free delivery..

ok, take care , hope Andrae recovers fast.
wat would u like to tong bang ?

<font color="0000ff">15 May Gathering</font>
shall we meet at Yio Chu Kang MRT at 11.30am ? The stadium is 5 min away.
The cost is $21.40 for a very sumptious buffet lunch. and it is halal certified
This particular branch is usu full house even on weekdays due to its standard , and they will only reserve the seats for 10 minutes
Yes, I still come to work. No choice, my co have axe quite a few ppl recently.. I scared~ =(

Dun think it's teething as he already got 8 front teeth le... Maybe it's the 'big teeth' behind then maybe lorx.. He was biten by some insects 2 days back. I dunno if that's the cause of the fever~
yupz, ricebowls r quite shakey nowsadays, more supply of employees than the demand,
my boss just said yday the rice inside the bowls nowsadays not easy to eat
hehe, i think my dboss would love to axe me cos i always wana take my annual leave when there is a private sale..
sigh* he dun mind if i told him last month..at least a month in adance
Bbpink, MC on thurs loh - may be my intention

Need to queue early. Store opens at 830am and the queue will be one round up to Goldheart by 8am.
haiz, i already ask him this morning whether i can change my leave fr 15/5 to 14/5..if i take MC, he will know cos it is becos he din approve the change => that's y i take MC
Confirmed AXED
boh bian lah, just hope that still got nice auntie bags left in the evening

and talking abt this MC issue, i only took 1 day of MC since 1 Jan 09 till now, already was told off i have taken too many MCs ..
i think all my childcare sick leave all counted in as well
nowadays companies always try to find fault with us. i once got lamented for coming back late from lunch, but they dun understand that we usually dun go lunch on the dot.
Childsick leave apparently being counted in as our MC as well. That's why my wife usually take her leave after my boy's jab.
Got the info from one of my friends:

Singapore's Night Safari is celebrating her 15th Anniversary this year.
From May 1 - 31, 2009, the entry ticket will be at S$15 (U.P. $22) per adult. Officers can take this opportunity to spend time with their children or loved ones especially with the upcoming school
Please use the coupon attached or click on the URL below.

Valid to Singaporeans, Permanent Residents and Employment Pass holders only.

Proof of identity required.

Redemption is only limited to a maximum of 5 paxs.

And if I'm the boss, I'll let my staff take leave closer to the date than one month in advance. How to foresee if there's urgent work one month in advance? If really there is, I believe the staff will understand and stay to complete the task before going off. If leave is planned a month in advance, I have to let the staff go no matter what as he can turn around and said he already planned in advance.
Hahaha! CK and bbpink, think I'm opp from u.

I took MC if I need to take leave urgently. Eg baby sick etc, then add in my real sick leave, its abt once a mth. LOL. So far I took 6 days. I hope I dun get sick anymore - my ofc air is damn dirty - its sinius everytime I sit down.

Its difficult for me to take leave (annual or child care) for 1 full day. Only can take half day. Aiyah - sucks sum it all up.
when i was in a supervisory position , that was my practice too , regarding approval of last min leave, was quite fine with it
was not particular abt lunch time and was generous with their off days
my ex subordinates who are in my current position have good memories of an easy going female manager ;)
kind of miss the days when i have a spacious room all to myself :p

took my current position as I cannot travel during my 1st pregnancy, so has one more dboss above me
thanks for the coupon. Been wanting to bring my kids tonight safari for long long time but hesitate cos the $ very ex!

i emailed u.

Thanks for all the well wishes...
oh no i am not at home. i am at work... it seems he was better last night n since i slp well thus i came to work.. anyway i hv to conduct a test so bo pian
abc, hope ur boy get well soon. brought my daughter and son for pd review this morning...my gal also kanna brocholitis...nd to use nebuliser at e clinic. so sad. and my boy stil got abit wheeze. nd to continue his ventolin and singulair...my gal also nd same med as her bro and antibiotics. total bill today ->$218.30...faintz....
i refuse to rent the neubiliser home. Think neubiliser plus rental might as well admit him since can claim from company. He is on salbutanmol which is ventolin and muscolix nw.. but still wheezy...

which PD u went?
Me everytime take MC also very scared, dunno will find a letter on my desk the next day or not..

Recently weather very very hot.. I woke up last night sweating with my fan facing me blowing... I wonder what kind of weather is it! Haiz~

Me wanna bring the kids to zoo, but the tics too ex. Den my aunty said that she can help me get free tickets as her co is what friends of zoo or something like that.. Now will have to wait for her to go 'Q' for the tickets....

I can't imagine working under such bosses who are so inflexible with leave. Don't they have children themselves?

My boss is not a Singaporean and I am very fortunate that he's a very flexible boss. Our secretary's kids came down with bronchitis and she told my boss. He told her to stay home to look after them and take unrecorded leave for 3 days.

Because he is such a nice boss, my colleagues and I are also willing to go the extra mile and we don't mind having to rush things out last minute or having to come back on weekends to do stuff. But weekend work is once in a blue moon lah, and we can take time off for that.
