(2008/03) March 2008

bbpink, isabellali -

still owe u some of the book titles that i bought for my boy...

1) Lamaze series http://lamaze.my-babytoys.com/books/Lamaze_Book_Program2.html
love these but so expensive!! luckily all those that i got were from relatives/friends...haha!

2) Ladybird Board Books
- Whose Spots/Whose Ears? series by Fiona Munro. These are flip-the-flap books and very engaging and interactive!
- Baby's Playtime/Baby's World/Baby's Bedtime/Baby's Bathtime by Marie Birkinshaw

And others...too many to name, cos inherited quite a few books from my sister! i think anything simple with colourful pictures and repetitive phrases/rhymes and rhythmic sentences are good!

Lunch time!!!

I made some salad and brought it to the office.. Scared that it won't last me very long, I made another fruits salad with raspberry, strawberry and apples for my high-tea.. Haha... Greedy me..
Toys R Us Private Sale Today
Babypink just found both UOB Card Members and ToysRUs Card Members can get in for the private sale.

Isabella: Wow, yummy! Made me hungry...
exactly. he was upset that i didn't give it to him when he asked for them..kekeke....

We're going HK in mid may too. maybe will get zayed a flu jab. Going to check out the TTS hosp advise for overseas travel.
ya.. me got to let my DS sit after he has had his dinner. he mostly will poo after dinner. will start to tarin him to sit 30secs then 1mins then 2mins and so on.. bo bian.. his bud got needles.. haha...

Wat date u going? me going alone with hubby on 25th till 28th.going to miss my DS for few days le. dunno wanna take jab anot. maybe just be careful lor. haha.. me scared of bring my DS oversea le.. last trip to taiwan see him so sick and i tear so much and wish tat i can go home immediately but we are on guided tour so we can't.
you better give ur DS vaccines, must be 2weeks b4 the travel date.
me kpo saw the headline from chinese newspaper, it reported that the hongkier go temple ask abtthe swine flu and gotten down down lots. so better be careful.
red tea
hehe..thanks for the info on the "divine predictions". I've brought zayed over to batam before and he's ok. He's ok anywhere as long as mum is there
will def get him vaccinated at least for flu.

Dun feel guilty about going alone, ur DS would be fine. just relax and enjoy the feeling of being together. does wonders for ur marriage
. I just went last weekend.
red tea
we're going from 17 to 20 may. staying at panaroma hotel at tsim tsa shui area. Free and Easy with a half day tour. I prefer it that way. at least got freedom to plan our day. impt esp wif small one in tow.
Wow Yasmin, Which htl you stayed in Batam?

HK is easy. You will have fun. But May's gonna be almost same weather as here. They got signs in English everywhere. They got many other food other than Chinese, eg Portuguese, Pasta, Western food etc. TST has got a mosque there. I believe you can find muslim food. I dun recall seeing one cos too bz shopping! And their Mac serves breakfast memu all day long - which I like. LOL.

Personally, I don't like to go HK. #1 They like to exercise, mostly staircases all around, even in MTR. #2 So many people all around, even at 11pm on weekdays, I wonder if they don't have to work. #3 Nightmare to find toilet while shopping - go to one when u pit stop for food.

Remember to go The Peak at night. V nice view. And don't go HK disneyland cos they speak Cantonese. I cannot imagine Mickey and gang speaking cantonese. LOL

Had HK got anyone w swine flu yet? Cos my HB's there now.
Apparently the Thai and China case is normal flu and not swine flu.

The latest tally (from BBC website)
Mexico: 159 suspected deaths - seven confirmed cases
US: 64 confirmed cases
Canada: 13 confirmed cases
New Zealand: 3 confirmed cases
UK, Spain, Israel: 2 confirmed cases each
Germany: 1 confirmed case
Countries with suspected cases: Brazil, Guatemala, Peru, Australia, and South Korea, and seven EU states
Babies and potty
If your baby refuses to sit on the potty, could it be because it is not comfortable? The edges of the potty can be quite uncomfortable if your baby's bottom is on the fleshy side
James refuses to sit on the potty but he's ok with a baby toilet seat (which we place on top of the normal toilet bowl seat).

Blueskies, what type of potty are u using? Me using those $2.50 round type which you can get at the neighbourhood barang barang shop.

She doesn't like the rectangular shaped with Piyo Piyo pics. Btw, my friend got a jackpot potty for her son that will make noise one.
I also have the $2.50 round type potty but James refuses to sit on it. So in the end I bought a baby toilet seat which is made from PVC and it's very soft. I bought it from Kiddy Palace for $10. It sits on top of our normal toiletbowl seat and it is very easy to use and clean. Plus no mess to clean coz the poo drops straight into the toilet bowl so you can flush it down.

Only thing is, you got to accompany your baby and make sure he sits on the toilet seat and not move around (otherwise he might fall off the toiletbowl).
Blueskies, then its ok if he sits on toilet bowl. If not if he gets attached to potty, you still have another transition period. LOL
Yah, and watch for the pee when they sit on the toiletbowl. We all got sprayed a couple of times until we placed some toilet paper near his wee-wee
robinsons member only sale today. just went there. avent 30% off, pigeon 25% off, nuk 30% off, etc etc...storewide member only sale. till 10.30pm today.
Updates abt the ToysRUs sale
i must say the good stuff are gone within an hr! unless they renew their stocks in the next few days..
After purchasing $80, still got a set of free table&chair

I felt that the motorcycle is a good buy @ $20, used to be $79.95 ( saw the price at suntec toysrus)


also, bot this minnie mouse shopping set @ $15, nice for gals


the above items i only see 1 piece each, i realise tat for priority sales, must really be the 1st few customers to buy the good bargains :p
thanks for sharing abt the book =)

pls add Serene & family in as well for Bontanic Gathering. she is a forum mummy who has emailed me =)
BBpink: Noted.

Oh, the motorcycle is a really good buy! Don't tell me its motorised... Phoebe like the motorised one but if I get that, I have to remove all my living room stuff. Hahaha
BBPink..the sale of Toyrus is it still on?

About Swine Flu!
It's scare me. I went to guardian and watson to buy the mask, but they said all out of stock. Then i went to vitamin section, the rack was kind of messy and many of vitamin are sold out. But I managed to buy vitamin C and Zinc for my kids...plus for immunity one.

I also bought Dettol in case i need to sanitize my place. I am quite kiasu about this...really.

BTW, how do you ladies clean up your bed mattresses? Usually back at home, i am sunbasking my mattresses once a month. But in here, no balcony or garden, i cannot do that.

Any service for that? Btw, I don't have confident in "Rainbow" for cleaning up mattresses. To clean dust mite and kill germ/insect inside it? Besides, to buy..wowwww...a bit steep price.

I'm looking for one time clean up service not to buy the fancy product. Anyone has ever used the service?
Kell and Bbpink,
Serene is an old fren and schoolmate of mine who I chanced upon in FB. In fact, it's more than 10 years ago that we went to Vietnam for our industrial attachment program back in our SP days. What a small world!

ToysRUs sale
Reached there at 5pm and really nothing much left. Bought two magnetic drawing board and some stuff at the Hello Kitty shop total spent more than $50 still have $2 carpark rebate.
actually hb was commenting y the motorcycle is not motorised. The motorised one i tot would give me "more trouble" :p and like wat u said, my living room stuff will sayonara as well

yupz, the good stuff r gone when hb & me finish our lunch and came down to see one more time to make sure i din miss out anything ;)

tat's nice to meet an old fren

last day is sunday ..
I must say next time i will apply for leave in advance cos the initial items r really good, but must really go in at 11am

people really buy in hundreds worth

the vtech walker is selling at 20 bucks and the stores are selling at $109, not to mention all the cute branded rides on all going at $20 as well
I have the rainbow thingy. not too bad but lazy to use. I think they have the one-time service if u decide not to get their product.
Erny, I am using the Delphin vacuum cleaner to "clean" mattress.

You can call Rainbow or Delphin to come service and clean your mattresses. My only worry is that they will hard sell you the machines. Cos my experience w Delphin is they are very very persistent, worse then mozzie flying near your ear. And the machine is like $2.5k or so... Helpful but I still alys fall sick leh.

I think y i alys sick is bCOs my OFC no cleaners come in to vacuum carpet one. Yucks! My paper clip at the same position for few mths. I purposly left it there to check if anyone cleans the floor.

IMHO, no need to rush for masks. Why children get sick is more likely due to their roving hands. They usu will touch everywhere and touch their face/eat with their hands. Just make sure to clean their hands when they touch things like lift buttons, escalators, public transport seat/handles, toys on display etc...
kell, i also have delpin vacuum at home. cost me closed to $4k leh. anyway, nw sitting there lor. think we kanna physco and pay...sigh...
Happygal, I think mine might be the lower end model. There's one rainbow salesgirl that visited my mum and said that the machine is only $2800. I think there's many models bah?

Thanks Summerdaze...

Btw for babies that started walking, do they still sit on pram? I feel like buying another cheap and light weight one with mesh/netting seat and non-adjustable seat.
Rhys def still sit in the pram when we go out. We only let him down to walk when the situation permits.. I think it's good to invest in another lightweight pram as you will still need it for at least another 1 year.
wow! bbpink. looks like u have alot of 搜获 yesterday hor. me oso go robinson sale last nite. got a pair of heels too. more for function and dinner. looking forward for nxt wedding dinner to wear them. haha...

re mask;
my hubby said he wanna buy N95. faint.

my DS still sit in stroller, but must move ard so that he has entertainment to look ard la. the pt is get a stroller with 5pt harness one to keep them on the stroller.
ok thanks. I'll go look around for one... I read up on the maclaren volvo, but I need to try it out to get a feel, and very interested to know the $$. LOL

I feel like I'm weight training when gng out w Phoebe and Graco alone! Faint~
kell: i love maclaren volo... ryan uses it whenever we go out. i seldom use carrier to carry him now when we r outside. unless he is nursing.

redtea: hehe, me n ur hb can shake hands le.. my hb say i m in panic stage now... i read today's ST. they say tat though airport check temperature, a normal healthy person can still infect other ppl b4 their own virus attacks them.
so there might already be infected ppl walking amongst us by now.


maybe consider a second hand one? i got one combi those super light weight one from ebay for only 20 bucks and till now still using it. one of our favourite stroller
hehe, me too
bought both black & pink, quite shiny..

Swine flu
i went JB today and there was no check and no thermal scanner at Both malaysia customs & singapore customs

it is sooner or later that the 1st case will surface

quite a major lapse i feel, esp when i also saw a lot of foreign tourists tat comes fr US at both customs
bbpink: i emailed MOH regarding various locations lapses. they did not state tat they have any intention to scan malaysia custom entries.
only ferry terminals n airports.
ah... why alys like that at the msia points?

Bbpink: Y u alys go JB? Must be patriotic and help our own economy ma... Spend all here. LOL
That is a good buy for stroller. The last time bb tommy was in a stroller, which was i think last week, he cried like mad :p....not used to it lah cos i always carry him....soon will just make him walk all the way hahaha
Morning mummies! Hope you are enjoying the public holiday. Just to share, here is James at one of the toy cars at Sembawang Shopping Centre taken a week ago.
saw u at another thread on swimming. hv u joined ur kid in any programme yet. I'm interested to get zayed involved. the waterfun aquatic centre programme looks good as the pool will have been minimally used and my hubby is an NTU alumni. lemme know. better if my baby and urs can be in same class
James is such a big boy! so cute wif his chubby face

today is soooo hot...was eating at Coca and it was hot inside :p heard somewhere that these dayz the afternoon temp can go up to 35 degrees! gosh i remember last time 33 degrees means that it's going to be a really hot day but now it's 35!!! yikes!
I did a search on ebay for a Maclaren Volo. One post selling for $168 and slightly used. A new one selling for $158 only. :p
I saw a person pushing an umbrella stroller that is of Dora's pic. Anyone saw it at the mall?

Found Maclaren Distributor :

B.I.D. Trading Pte. Ltd. (Its Baby Hyperstore)

69, Kaki Bukit Ave 1, Shun Li Industrial Park
P: (+65) 6844 1188
F: (+65) 6844 1189
cos JB items r usually 50 percent cheaper and i am a sucker for sales ;p

James is very cute & chubby ! =)

I agree tat it is really hot! and my counter-measures to share :p
