(2008/03) March 2008

hehe, wonder who are onz..will go for the more popular choice bah

<font color="0000ff">Mothers' day Gathering @ Yio Chu Kang Sakura (Friday Noon 8 May 2009)</font>
1) bbpink

<font color="0000ff">Mothers' day Gathering @ Carousel (Friday Noon 15 May 2009)</font>
1) bbpink

Babypink: OK with buying drinks

Celia: Ok with Kovan Melody

Babypink: Why don't try Ellenborough Mkt Cafe? Altho their standard a bit drop from few yrs back, they are still nicer than Sakura. Plus they got Peranakan Fare. Should be in the range of $25 per pax.

Or Paris - more seafood spread. MS branch. But is this Halal?

Weekdays a bit tough for me. Let u know again.
Anyway, who is Considerbeing? I don't wanna be mean lah but no point pointing fingers yah. Its not like kanna HIV, TB or HFMD...

Sat: Me and HB down with flu and throat infection. Lucky *touch wood* Phoebe still ok by today. My HB ofc almost all sick... He's in a Jap firm and they can't take MC cos there's a "flying axe" hovering in his ofc. His coll scared of retrenchments, so flu also go ofc. F up place! Now I have to hold my Clarinase for dear life.

And flu virus do not takes 7 days to show, its like 3 days. The 7 days is for HFMD.

Flu virus: Its the weather lah. everytime weather "changes" in SG, abt Nov and Mar, a lot of ppl will b down w flu.

So we better all don't meet lah for the time being lor.
Just to share, I keep a box of face masks at home (those surgical masks that you can buy from Guardian). If any adult is coughing or sneezing and want to come into the home, they will have to use the mask - no one is spared. My hubby / mother / MIL / maid etc. It really does help to prevent the spread of the bug, especially if you are carrying the child and feeding them.
Blueskies: If you can make them comply then its good.

Our family will think that we are being dis-respectful. Both me and HB family elders are like this: Do not tell me what to do cause I am senior. Hahahah. SOrry, can't change their mentality. We can only avoid them ourselves if we can.

Flu: I might also caught in it the train. Cos many ppl coughing too. And the train is alys so packed. If you wear a mask, ppl think you're alien. Tsk tsk. But, I don't care cos I'm responsible.
hi Kresentia,

I totally agreed to what you have mentioned on considerbeing.

Its absolutely hilarious to be putting blame on a child like this. I can feel even my toes are giggling while reading.


We appreciate your feedback and lesson on being CONSIDERATE. Have it ever occur to you that anyone can be a carrier of virus even though we are not sick? Its about the immunity we each have.

In view of the bad weather recently, I am sure all the mummies are trying to combat the virus that had been so strong. Having slight flu or cold should not deter the normal activities of the kids.

Please find below for your reading pleasure to make yourself feel more at ease with the fact that the virus is all around us...
Stay cool. I am a mummy of 2 kids and I think that being overprotective may just cause my kids to get sick even more easily. Let's enjoy motherhood!

Your Child: Too Sick for School?
Do you think you have a sick child? Should your child go to school or not? Here is expert advice.
By Jeanie Lerche Davis

WebMD FeatureReviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MDA little sniffle. A slight cough. "I don't feel good," says your child. But how do you really know: Should this kid stay home, or go to school?

With cold symptoms, fever (or lack of it) helps determine the answer, says Steven Parker, MD, director of the division of behavioral and developmental pediatrics at Boston Medical Center, and an expert moderator for WebMD's message boards.

"If there's no fever, it's generally OK to send the child to school," Parker tells WebMD. "It's likely a cold, and school is probably where your child got it in the first place. If your child feels pretty good otherwise, then it's fine to send the child to school."

But when in doubt, Parker says you should always call your pediatric provider for advice.

Also, if your child frequently claims to be "sick" but is fine on weekends, that's a sign of other issues. "There may be trouble at school," he notes.

Symptom by symptom, here are Parker's guidelines to help you decide whether your child should stay home from school:

If your child's temperature is 100.4 degrees or higher, keep your kid at home. While at home, encourage your child to drink plenty of liquids. Your child should be fever-free for 24 hours (without medicine) before returning to school.

Mild Cough/Runny Nose
If there's no fever, and the child feels fairly good, school is fine.

Bad Cough/Cold Symptoms
Children with bad coughs need to stay home, and possibly see a doctor. It could be a severe cold or possibly bronchitis, flu, or pneumonia. But when the cough improves, and the child is feeling better, then it's back to school. Don't wait for the cough to disappear entirely -- that could take a week or longer!

Diarrhea or Vomiting
Keep your child home until the illness is over, and for 24 hours after the last episode (without medicine).

Sore Throat
A minor sore throat is usually not a problem, but a severe sore throat could be strep throat even if there is no fever. Other symptoms of strep throat in children are headache and stomach upset. Keep your child home from school, and contact a doctor. Your child needs a special test to determine if it is strep throat. He or she can return to school 24 hours after antibiotic treatment begins.

The child needs to see a doctor.

Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)
Keep the child home until a doctor has given the OK to return to school. Pink eye is highly contagious and most cases are caused by a virus, which will not respond to an antibiotic. Bacterial conjunctivitis will require an antibiotic; your doctor will be able to determine if this is the case.

Children with a skin rash should see a doctor, as this could be one of several infectious diseases. One possibility is impetigo, a bacterial skin infection that is very contagious and requires antibiotic treatment. Also, fifth disease is a contagious viral illness spread by coughs and sneezes; it's no longer contagious by the time rash appears.
View Article Sources
SOURCE: Steven Parker, MD, director, division of behavioral and developmental pediatrics, Boston Medical Center; associate professor, pediatrics, Boston University School of Medicine.

Reviewed on December 08, 2008

To all babies who are sick,
Get well soon!
Darn just now i was walking to market and passing by some stairs and someone coughed right above me. Baby was on me of cos so i'm always v. scared when ppl cough/sneeze near us haha

Me too! I hate it when those pple cough/sneeze not covering their mouth.


Thanks! Jervis is recovering. No more running nose. Just slight cough.

happygal, clover, bbpink,

thanks! hanging on there. did my pedicure to relax myself. ready for the battle in the nighttime. hehe!


I agree with the rest of the mummies too. Shouldn't pinpoint around. Kids are still vulnerable. They catch virus anywhere, nt neccessary at the bash.
Cyberbabe: Thanks for the read up. The post made me v scared to bring Phoebe out in case my name kenna drag in mud. :x

AdeL: Wah. Must be some aunty or uncle... You should tell them its v rude. One funny incident happened at the GP clinc some mths back. My HB told an aunty off for coughing into Phoebe face, then the aunt went walk around for 10mins to find his son to stare at HB. HB said,"Do you like it when your mum cough into your son's face?" The culprits walked away after this. If I'm there, I'm sure to laugh the loudest.

Illness: I am more worried abt HFMD cos its rampant now due to time of the year
Maid Horror Story

My friend's friend 1YO daughter got into an accident on Fri afternoon. The maid called her during ofc hrs and say girl was bitten by their pet dog, a terrier, but bleeding stopped liao.

After work, the mum went home to find girl had a open cut on the lip and still bleeding, face all badly bruised. Bring girl to KKH A&amp;E. Got 2 stitches on girl's lips. Doc say not likly to be a dog attack.

They suspect is the maid might have accidentally hit her. Benefit of doubt here. My friend witnessed that this maid was alys very rough to this little girl. Last know was her friend sent the maid back to the agent.

Feel very sad. Can't trust anyone and now dunno this mummy can take leave to arrange for another maid or not.
Just wanna share this…

Last sat, we went ikea for dinner. I was waiting next to a small round table with bb (in stroller) while waiting for an auntie &amp; son to finish their food.

Then came a tall big size uncle (40+) appeared opp. me. He seem to be waiting not only at the same table as mine but other tables too. Hb keeps hinting me to stand nearer to the table. My stroller was alrdy nearly touch the table lor…

Just as the auntie &amp; son started packing their stuff, the kiasu uncle imm. jump on the chair, fold his arms and look at other direction. We were just standing next to the table. hb gets very angry and pull the table towards us and starting scolding the uncle cos he jolly well shld know we are waiting for the table and some more that is a baby. He said this quite loud and many ppl was looking at us. I feel paiseh and started reverse the stroller.

Without a word, the guy stands up and signal tat we can have the table. hb push the table back to him and tell him tat we dun wan it anymore and he feel very disgusted with what he has done to a woman and baby if he can eat with peace, he can have the table; and we walked off.

The man sat down and used his hands to cover both side of his face. Shortly after tat, we got ourselves a bigger rectangle table at the other corner. That man came with his wife &amp; teen son. They were queuing for food when the scolding takes place. I wonder how wld they feel if they witness what happened. Hb gets very emotional and upset but relieved after scolding tat man.
FL: Nvm lah, let HB "vent" his anger lor. If you don't like this type of attention, just back off and explain to HB aft he's cooled off. Next time if this happens, just ask the person to would you mind giving this table to me as I need to attend to my hungry child. Loud enough for the surrounding ppl to hear.

At least we're nice to ask even if they behave like stone age apes. Oopss. Hehehe
Mother's Day Gathering
15th may is def out for me cos got to fight war...hehe..tight deadlines around the corner.
As to 8th may, confirm nearer the day again.

most of us here in the forum are friends with one another. i'm sure liyun will take it in her stride even if u use your real nick. there should be open communication, just like between friends. It's quite sad if this forum just become an exchange of words without putting an identity to the nick. In any case, the weather is really bad these days. take care!
just my personal thoughts.......
it is def a flu and cough season
me down with throat infection and fever on last thursday, was better on fri.
Last nite dun noe wat happens, everything came back in full power, bad headache
Started flu as well..lost my voice liao
so haha,<font color="0000ff"> Kell, i can meet u for s&amp;s stamps, ..if u dun mind my flu</font>
todae 4get hp, gotta arrange tmr

<font color="0000ff">hope all mummies and bbies can be all back to their ok selves again</font>

tmr will bring kyzac to SGH since Dr Ho is back if he is still couging

<font color="ff6000">Adeline: last time i remember u have a cough episode, who is the doc tat solves all the probs</font>
thanks for an interesting read
i think i saw 100 degree for fever ?!

same here, my mum is very nice, she was wearing mask yday as well as got flu ..the maid needs reminder though..sigh*

Reagrding flu/throat
my colleagues help me to buy a bowl of beancurd fr Mr Bean..makes my throat feel shiok

your post made me wanna post amid my busy work schedule. I agree with all the mummies here, virus is everywhere and it will not be fair to pinpoint anyone after the birthday bash. this applies next time when they need to go to school, are you going to tell off the parents whose children still attend school when they have running nose or cough? we all know that when children fall sick the parents will have a difficult time to manage but i think this is part and parcel of growing up and parenting. tried to take this in the stride and think positive, they have to build up their immunity for the future too. lastly, i am quite appalled and saddened by such an exchange of words in our thread, this is the last thing we will want to see as the forum is an avenue for us and our children to interact and exchange info and tips on parenting.
sick bb saga:

i understand considerbeing's POV that it's not considerate to bring a sick child to a gathering where alot of other children will be present...but still, i think as adults, we all should just talk things out in the open? really no point blaming liyun and then clover...all of us are here to share our experiences, joys and sometimes suffering as a mother, so let's just chill and look forward to the next gathering and let's all also do our part when it comes to avoiding gatherings if our child is sick...

that said, i met isaac at the bash and he doesn't seem sick to me at all....i didn't even remember he was sick (even though liyun mentioned it)....and so didn't even have 2nd thoughts going to the bash. to quote clover, there are more well kids than unwell kids (after the bash)...so no point beating liyun up because of this....let's just take it easy! :D

good news to share...tristan joined the yew tee bb show yesterday and got 2nd prize for his category!

totally unexpected cos by the time they announced all the consolation prize, we were packing up cos we thought confirm no chance, since he was competing in the 12-18mths category and most of the kids were older, talk and walk much much better than him! was anyone at the show too?
afternoon mummies. wow, so many outings at one go leh.. hehe.

Children Day's Bash:

KOvan Melody on 1/10/09
1. Celia
2. summerdaze

Celia, I can be a volunteer if u dun mind. haha. but, me working mummy, so my response can be abit slow. hope u dun mind.

jerejoy, clover, isabella, bbpink, kell, hope u/bbs are recovering well.

I understand that it's pains parents to see their little ones sick, etc. However, no point trying to pinpoint who is at fault, etc. Our priority shld b to get our little ones on the recovery road soon. So, jus relax n think of the bright side. maybe ur bb immunity will b stronger in no time.

i tink the man shld be ashamed of himself for behaving this way. I tink ur hubby is doing the rite thing... reprimanding the man straight in his face.
wow!! congrats to tristan! oh man.. he is such a cutie.. u shld hv mre confidence in him. =p

great idea! any idea when is the next baby show? i tink i saw one in YCK/AMK cc.. but the contest is 26th Apr...
Will you be able to find some sponsorship for the baby contest? Based on our last outing, the response will be good. Plus some of the babies also not in this forum. It will be opened to the public of cos. But 2008 March babies will have priority in winning plus free registration. Haha

Your PR skills are good, should be able to persuade some sponsors. Heehee
I heard from one of the mummies that asked me whether I m ConsiderBeing. Thanks for seeing me so up. I m not those kinda people who will use a fake nick to scold or disturb people's spree or BP. If I dun like you, I will definitely let you know that I dun like you. You may be around me but I make sure that I make you feel your presence is not felt.
I was doing a BP. Dunno which mummy is having green eyes. Reported me to the moderator that I was doing something not rite. Now my whole thread is taken away. Well... wat can I say? I guess there are good n bad mummies around.

Regarding Considerbeing's contribution, I really admire you GUTS. Many I posted something like this before thats y some tot its me. No doubt I do agree with you to certain extend but I feel that life is about choices. All of us read that Liyun n his son is sick n she will be going to the bash rite? Oh, at least I read it the day before the bash. I got two choices, one go n take full responsibilities if my bb were to be sick. Two, forfeit the $30 n dun go. Afterall, wat is $30 compare to your bb's health?
I was there at the bash. I make sure I haf my aromatherapy on. Its suppose to eliminate bacteria. Many of you have seen me carrying it whenever there is a close door gathering. Some may feel I silly but again this is my health n style. I wanna protect MYSELF n MY BABY and I dun care what people say.
I am not sure anyone notice all most of the windows are opened? Guess who did it? ITS ME! Again, its about your own choice of wat you can do to lessen whenever virus or bacteria coming to you.
I m not siding anyone in this case. Jus feel like sharing my tots. But Considerbeing, mus really thank you cos I think after this incident many mummies will be MORE CONSIDERATE next time. Meanwhile, cheer up ok?
my eyes nearly pop out ;) nono..i m not doing a baby contest :p
wat i mean is we can join baby contests together..like post the date and time and we all go and register

yck deadline over i think cos the contest is 26 april..so we gottat join those in may
Have 2 contest in May
one by Senja-Cashew
One by ..aiyah, just seen a while ago, now forget..
will post details later

why ? i tot BP must pay one..wat is wrong ?
I know you are not doing a baby contest.
I'm wondering if you can get companies to host baby contest as there will be about at least 20 babies here already.

Haha.. just joking of cos lah. 15mins to knock off time
YT: ~Fan~ Ask the mod why. I still owe you your bottle. :x

Ck: Wah, u knock off at 5? Ur co needs accounts staff? LOL

Bbpink: Count me out for bb show cos my side are all "claustropbic". I cannot see so many ppl in an enclosed space. Will get mild panic attack. HB complain abt the Bt Batok East one liao.
congrats...He is such an adorable bb... :)

when is the next bb show?

i have done BP before. Understand the hardwork involved. Anyway BP is a paid platform. What does other ppl mean by not right?
the considerbeing mini-saga
consider this mini-saga is being getting out of hand (pun intended), maybe we should just let it rest. i dun think the person will ever owe up too. like wat twinklestars said, we shld have open communication. we cant be happy with each other all the time, so not happy just say out. i v frank n sms'd someone that i'm not happy with her doings. :p dun ask me who and why. haha..

baby contest
i always want to sign alex up for one, but maybe wait till he's better.

alex's cough is better today and was fever-free for 3 days but he felt warm again at 3am this morn so we still brought him to see a PD. the pd agreed that his cough is not serious n took his mucus for lab test as a precaution. the unexpected was alex has red eye. PD said it cld be secondary infection. dunno where he got it from... Pd reinforced wat i said earlier, a child gained immunity from being sick.

Organising CC:
West View Primary School Date: 31-May-09
Time: 09:30 AM - 02:00 PM
Fee: $10.00 - $15.00

Organising CC:
Nanyang CC Hall Date: 24-May-09
Time: 08:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Fee: $12.00 - $12.00
I agree with Clover. We mus haf open communication. Dun haf to hide things from mummies here. My son was a bit coughing also after the bash. But thank goodness he is ok, no big outbreak. TOUCH WOOD!
Think again, intially when we join the SMH is for wat? To scold each other or cheat people or to tell people that I m clever n U R stupid? I m sure not lor. If really so, then sooner or later people will dun trust that person rite? I hate hypocrites!
Sorry arh... jus wanna let out a bit steam here.. cos things has not been smooth for me these days. My hubby decided to fire the maid. Now I m THE MAID. Lagi better, he flew off yesterday. Plus, BP like that. Suddenly, someone msn me to ask M I the lead actress in the mini saga... Gosh!
haha, i dun mind actually..i believe in bluntness also

pls let me know why..i am curious to noe why u r not happy with the arrangement of the bash

i am sure there are many areas for improvement, we can share here
the thread was down for so long... i wanted to post so much things. in the end, i forgot wat i wanted to write le. haiz...

bbpink: i wanna go. 15 may. i desperately need some frens timeout w/o ryan... hehe

on friday, ryan passed super solid motion. how arh... tear abit of his anus. got some blood. today i saw, ok le. i very scared he constipation again. any method other than barley water? he dun eat much solids. still on tbf. but he snack quite a lot on biscuits.. abt 4pcs per day. alot mah??

how come u all always have these baby shows? my plc cc like nothing on de.
Since we r promoting open communication, clover, here it goes

i was quite hurt tat day, Easter i think to receive ur sms. Cos i was busily taking care of the sickly kids and it was never my intention to miss the bash

then when i want to talk on the phone to ask what ares u r not happy with, the phone was pressed away.

i believe it is always better to talk abt anything.

and actually i have put it all behind me until i see ur latest posting ")

so may as well clarify here
yes they can be given yogurt and fresh milk. Jus make sure yr bb is not lactose in tolerant. My son still develop mild rash from yogurt but we still feed him. After feeding his mouth area will have spots of rash but subside after 1-2 hr.

hope things goes well for u. cool off. Your bb is yr energy...

Guess wait.. i am still at work leaving my 2 kiddos with my maid.. sigh...
Pet: Biscuits heaty one leh... I think weather not good. Heaty. Hb also consitpate. Don't tell him i write this here. LOL

Phoebe weekend poo also like tear her anus a bit. I clean her BS got a faint red stain. Poor thing. See her face v ke lian like that when on potty.

YT: ~On more power fan~ Poor thing. Dunno how can I help... Or you "tong" few more mths JK can go child care liao. I am quite against maid. Cos all sound scary.
childcare oso hv its woes. Kids tend to fall sick easily in cc too.. i guess all these depends on luck. My maid with me for 4 yrs liao... going to extend her this yr for another 2 years...

#1. Sorry we didn't turn up for the bash. Am not coping well with the babies' tantrums nowadays. Stress stress! Maybe when they are more calmer/well behaved then will go meet-up (hopefully before they're 21) :p

#2. BBpink - you collect S$S stamps ah? If you're interested in 2X Apr stamps, can send me a self-addressed envelope and I'll send you. PM me if you want ok?
aiyo must be so painful for ryan....chelsea used to get constipation and her PD said can drink apple juice (undiluted if need be) or I think my fren said her kid takes lactulose which i saw is sold in guardian

baby contest
i'm also keen to put bb tommy in one but never really take action haha....too bad miss the one in AMK/YCK cos the others seem pretty far
ABC, true lah. You might be the lucky few that got maid before this 2yrs. Nowadays the maids are like Disney Princesses. Dunno a s***.

But better than kenna abuse mah. touch wood.

I think I will really lose it and maybe throw the maid down my flat if I caught her abusing Phoebe. LOL. Wanna be famous but not in this way lah! Maybe I think too much.
Can we have more weekends outings? 15 May, 1 Oct are all weekdays. I can't bring my little boy out to play with others.

He's now more confident to take 4-5 steps on its own, largely due to seeing so many of his peers already cruising happily around at the bash. I think so. lol

Can't wait for Mothers' Day to be around to surprise my wife for a year of hard work.
bbpink, i have also put it behind me. tt's why i dun mention names. ok if you wanna know and dun mind me sharing here, i can do so.

i know u r busy and up to yr neck with sick family members PLUS I was feeding alex and trying to make him sleep. reasons which are why i couldn't pick up the phone. if we talk on the phone, i might even sound harsh bcoz i wasn't in the prettiest mood and i prefer in settling the logistics matters btwn both of us so that the rest of the people can enjoy and i dun hv to bother u further. did u notice that i never call or sms you even once on the event day? when you said you couldn't make it for the event so suddenly, you should appoint people to take over instead of posting in the forum in the hope someone will just pick up and take over you from there??? to me, it's just all over the place and have to unravel the messages you posted.

this is not an attack at your profession, but since you are doing event management, i strongly feel that things could be handled better. being an organiser doesnt mean that you can delegate and assume things will auto-pilot. or worse, leave others to pick up after you. maybe you can say i'm a perfectionist or even being anal, my style is to ensure things will run smoothly before and after. i definitely dun like "surprises" n you have given me enough surprises.
1. fwd'd the vendor of our total budget
2. when you had to order the buffet and under the clear notion that we do not have enough budget, you still go ahead and order $12 per head instead of $10 per head. Maybe it's my mistake. I sms you the total budget and expected no. of turn ups but not the menu. when i asked u nicely why u did so, your reply is coz the $12 menu is recommended in the forum. i tell u... my blood really boiled...
3. wanting more for the event. there's nothing wrong with it but we dun have enough budget for anything else.
4. not being consistent regarding voting and refunding.

so that's most of it before the event. i became the store keeper after the event. $, banner and even the bowls/plates n cutleries. future event organisers, pls claim from me and dun need to waste $ to buy. to me, it's a poor excuse of you saying you don't have internet banking and cant manage $ well. pardon me, but if you can post in the thread here and figure out how to do table, then internet banking will be easy peasy. after the event, you are still responsible to ensure all loose ends are tied up.

ok, i said all these as a matter of fact and without any intentional malice. i do aplogise if i make you feel hurt in any way. I promise I won't be black face if I ever see you again.
