(2008/03) March 2008

yasmin, yup. still on tbf.. he drinks little but often. i also realised tat ryan takes abt 200mls water per day (max). no juices though. too much milk?
his pd advise 500-600mls per day (max)

so many babies walking... mine can walk but he refuse to walk. how to coax him to walk? in the yard, he walks. but once i let him out, he'll rather crawl.
i tot that restrictions is only for FM? you still TBF? wow very good!!! really admire you!!!

i read a newspaper article written by a PD that the max consumption for a typical baby is not to be followed rigidly. if there's a need for Zayed to take more FM, please give it to him. Zayed is a big baby and hence has a higher nutritional needs than an average baby. i suppose it's ok to give more. but juices are great as well.

Adeline K,
Are your Kim and Kath fighting over the same toys sometimes? Now I find that I have to buy two of the same kind if I go out. Tricia knows how to be jealous of her sister now. But sometimes i let her have her sister's toy if her sister's in school, hehehe.
thanks for the tip melissa. He's doing well currently. Guess I'll monitor him. Will chk with the PD when I see them in 2 mths time as well
dun worry la..he will walk when he thinks he's ready. I guess by then, he'll know how to avoid walls, climb on kerbs etc...Thats what i saw with zayed. He walked 1 week after his birthday but knew how to be cautious and balance himself better.
Don't feel pressured yeah! It's actually more common for baby to walk from 15-18mths old. My first girl also walks well over 1 year old. When they're ready, they'll stand and take a few steps then it just graduated to many many steps and then they'll refuse to crawl again. Then your new headache will begin, with unsteady steps, they can even trip on their own feet! More bumps and bruises and loud loud wailing!
thks for the reassuring..

melissa: ryan waits for my milk.. if i m home, i'll feed the timing i state above. otherwise, he'll go w/o milk frm 1pm-7pm. usually i reach home abt 7pm. then he'll ask for milk ard 8pm. i have to rush through dinner n shower. no time to rest then become cow again. hehe
he will drink a total of 250ml in a span of 1hour. he'll finish his afternoon supply b4 he goes to bed. otherwise he can't get to sleep.
Thks to those mummies who have contributed your side of story abt feeding your baby. Guess I have to gather my heart and just keep trying with new food. =) Actually I also don't give my girl outside food, until lately when she just rejects the home-cooked food I gave her. I would try the mashed potatoes recipe that some mummies have posted, hopefully my lil' one will eat...
James has a bowl of oats and milk for breakfast. Seems like he's not the only one who likes to eat what the adults eat!
He was so adamant on trying our curry the other day. I mashed one potato for him to eat and he kept shaking his head after that. I think it was the spice that got to him
But he likes to eat tofu and drink bak kut teh soup!

Just out of curiosity, how many mummies here believe in a glass of milk a day? We are so concerned about the health of our children but do we look after ourselves well enough?
It's just that I had a friend in her 50s suffering from osteoporosis and it made me more conscious of taking care of my own health or else I won't be able to enjoy my old age. And you need to exercise in order for the bones to absorb the calcium too.
there is always few packets of milk in our fridge. Anyway i drink a cup of milk everyday before going to work... milk with oatmeal cereal... u can get calcium via other source of food too like cheese, tofu etc
blue_skies: I tried to remember to drink 1 cup of milk a day. I usu take abt 200ml on alt days.
I took calcium supplements.

Yes, women are prone to osteoporosis due to childbirth and menopause. Please take note to have healty diet (The diet here means food intake, not slimming) esp oats/grains/dark green veges, if you don't drink milk.

Calcium works only if there's w Vit D. So must go out in the Sun too.
Yup yoghurt is a good source of calcium too!

Oh just to share, there's this library book exchange thing going on at all the public libraries. I think it ends this Friday 24th April. You can bring your old books down to any of the the libraries and get a coupon in exchange for each book. On Sat 25 Apr, there's this HUGE book fair at the National Library at Victoria Street from 10.30am-6pm and you can use your coupons to pick up free books (these are second hand books).

But if I'm not mistaken, you cannot bring your old books down on Saturday to swop them for coupons. You need to get the coupons beforehand. I just brought down 9 books to the library yesterday in exchange for 9 coupons.

Can't wait to get my hands on more books
Blue_skies: Wow. Wish you a fruitful grab. Let us know how is it?

My 1s half sat will be spent at Immigration - make passport, 2nd half - Birthday Dinner. :p
blue_skies: what books are you into? i find myself reading more and more non-fiction these days - all the books i'm currently reading now are non-fiction and kid-related...haha!! any good fiction books to recommend?

just out of curiosity (and this is probably a stupid question), who likes gaming here?? i've been playing Street Fighter 4 almost every night since my hb bought the game!!!
i like milk but i am lactose intolerant so that rule doesn't apply to me. powdered milk especially will send me straight to the toilet!

when i was at the peak of my gaming days, i played Sims 2 for 48 hours straight and didn't sleep and bathe and only stopped for meals or toilet. then i woke up from my stupor and went cold turkey after that! i never played any games after that.
kell and melissa - HAHAH! melissa really damn power! i loved to play Sims last time also....play until really siao...even in my pregnant days i was playing xbox till 3am all the time!! and now my gaming urge is back again...i loved SF since i was in sec school day so couldn't resist it when hb bought it....

i was still playing PSP when i was in the delivery ward!!! played for 5 hours (after my water bag broke) and all the nurses were laughing at me....

Kell got Wii at home? now we only have xbox but i feel like getting Wii to play also haha!
I've been a Hardcore gamer when I was expecting my 2nd baby. I can wake up and do all necessary things, then will start gaming.. I can play about 12hrs of game everyday... But after my 2nd, I stop.. because have no time.. Since then, I dun really play game..
wow so many postings...only just finish reading!

first of all, I feel that I just have to say that this forum will really MISS bbpink and clover if either of you doesn't participate like before!! I'm not the very kay poh type but I'm saying this here bcos both of you have been so generous with your time and energy, always sharing information and enthusiasm. I really hope you guys just post and attend gatherings like before. Frankly speaking i don't know what happened regarding the bash but it's over and what's done is done. Just remember the good things about each other because both of you have been GREAT!

i'm interested in meeting for 15 May
Bruises on baby
I guess baby will have bruises from falling all over but actually bb tommy usually lands on his butt or his hands so not so painful i think....he's also almost totally walking now...must video tape more cos he walks like a gorilla or frankenstein with his hands waving in the air haha so funneee

just now i don't want to let him play wif my laptop and he pursed his lips and start to bang his head (very gently) against the coffee table to show me how upset he is :p haha so cute
i really enjoy reading the postings on baby meals! bb tommy also eats fruit puree mixed with cereal in the morning or he used to eat it for quite a long time but now he won't even open his mouth if he sees that
i think when he eats something well, i'll just give that to him everyday until he's sian but that was such an easy way to give him lots of fruit and he can eat that so fast....now must feed him fruit piece by piece, waiting for him to chew and swallow....so much slower! me v. impatient hor??
me! i love wii.. i'm into raving rabbits & wii sports. i play sims too. on my nintendo ds i m playing sims pets now.

adelineL: when i ryan refuse to eat or i take his toy away, he'll fold his hands on the table and put his head on his hands n pretend to cry...
did you say you feed tristan pasta?? what sauce do you use huh?? i don't think bb tommy will like tomata sauce..too acidic....so was thinking maybe cheese sauce but i wonder what you use
AL: opps.. ur name too long. lazy to type, so i use initials.. hope u dun mind
ya manz.. ryan super many pattern. pretend so many things... sometimes i also dunno wat to do wif him.
my mil always say, how come nowadays babies so many pattern. not like our time. all blur blur do watever the adults say.

i nv play my hb's psp. cause i dunno how to use the buttons. haha. so sua ku.
Funny hor.. dunno which baby does that man!!!

fight like crazy and kim love to give the smallest and the lousiest thing to kat. or things that she dun want.
Then both will fight lor.. Kat will scream her lungs out and kim will smack her..
But of cause.. kim dote on her mei mei also.. will hug and kiss her at night and morning then pat pat her to sleep.
hi mummies,

how do u coax yr child to drink FM or fresh milk? I'm trying to get my boy to drink FM or fresh milk but he simply refuses to take a sip. I think he is too used drinking BM already. I have tried Gain IQ, Pediasure and Magnolia full cream fresh milk (those pkt type).
Hi Mummies,

Sorry to intrude. I'm frm the May/June thread. Need to find a gd buffet caterer for my son bday party. Heard ysl and neo garden not bad. Do u have any recommendations?
Thanks in advance!
adelineL -
i make up my own anyhow-sauce! hahaha! i usually just mash up some steamed, deseeded and deskinned tomatoes, then add a bit of mashed peas/pumpkin/other root veg or greens just to bulk up the sauce...

then i add either cooked flaked salmon or minced chicken and then i stir in grated parmesan cheese or sprinkled the cheese on top and bake in oven for a few minutes! :D

try and see if tommy likes it!
that's my style of cooking! anyhow mix and make but problem is always end up bb dun like
so much food and effort always wasted so i think i should prolly stick to some tried and tested recipe ;)

no problemo, pasta in soup sounds easy hehe

do you guys use plain pasta?? i bought the wholewheat pasta and it's hard to get it soft, always chewy :p
<font color="ff0000">lehcar:</font>
Neo Garden is really not bad. If you're celebrating first month, they have extra discount for it (show bb's birthcert). THeir promotion can be found from their website, other caterers I am not too sure of their promotions but some other caterers are pretty good too.

<font color="0000ff">jerejoy:</font>
I have a hard time trying to wean Isaac off too, you might need someone's help to feed him FM, they says BF-baby can smell their mummies from miles away, so you may wana try getting FM ready in a milk bottle and then getting your hb to feed him while you leave the house for awhile and wait. yes, totally stay outside the house for a little while. Its a method I heard from people, for myself, I let my mum take care of Isaac when I am not home (with FM). And slowly I drop the amount of latching.
a big thanks for CK who took over the banner storage + the bowls/plates. he made it to my house from bishan to amk to collect it. his wife is lucky to have a responsible husband!

sorry ladies for the drama. thank you for the kind words, encouragements and suggestions. i guess you never really know a person until you do so. from the exchanges, you ladies should have a gauge of my personality. ever since i pluckered up the courage to meet new ppl from this thread, i definitely reap more benefit rather than no. of times my blood went boiling. from faceless usernames and now some folks whom i can truly say we are indeed friends at the heart-to-heart level.

i still stand by my decision. will post less and meet up less.
I gave her the Hup Seng/Kong Guan cream crackers, she only eats 1/2 pc at most. I've also tried giving her scrambled eggs, hard boil eggs, omelette, pancakes, muffins, cakes etc... all eat a few mouthful and that's it. I give up already.

For lunch and dinner, she's eating what I cook for the 2 elder ones. Carbonara, claypot chicken rice, instant noodle, chicken rice, sliced beef noodle soup etc.... Not eating alot but at least she tries. She still prefers her plain oats/mee sua soup. However, I'm pretty lazy to cook separately for her so she eats what we eat. On weekends, I try not to cook so she eats out with us too. I'll usually order sliced fish soup/fish ball noodle soup/yong tau foo soup, but I don't wash them with hot water.

That's because he knows that crawling is much faster than walking, at least for now. In time to come, he'll be walking more.

Blue skies,
I'm still on tbf but I don't take supplements now. I just ensure I have a balanced diet ie protein, carbo and fibre.
I'm not into gaming, I can't play any games.. I get headache and nausea.

I just cooked pasta for dd3 this afternoon. Instead of using store bought sauce which I find it too sour, I cook my own sauce. Just add loads of fresh tomatoes to it. Else, you may give cream sauce pasta. We had carbonara for dinner last night
I let dd3 try UHT milk. When she first tried, she grimaced. Then when she saw the 2 elder ones drinking, she asked for it. So I just let her suck from the straw. She will drink quite a bit. Maybe you just let him do it the "fun way" first.

I'm like you too, also cooked up "my style" of pasta :p

To add on, I give whatever pasta I have, marcaroni, penne and spiral pasta.
fake crying face
zayed will pull his mouth down as much as he can and then he'll give the saddest sound you've ever heard! I try talking to him and if it doesn;t work, I just ignore. That's me la. I can do the ignore method and it works.
So he has a festival when he's at my mum's or MIL's cos they love to say " oh...why? ok ok...dun cry...why... "you get the drift"...What does Zayed do? He just cries louder!
Thanks for all the pasta suggestions!
i think maybe i'll go for cheese sauce...bb loves cheese and got protein yah?

alright got to go sleep now...good night! zzzzzzz
Yep, the banner and utensils all with me now. Future event planners, pls take note. My office also has a lot of these, even from cups to stirers.

Wrt baby faking crying..
These days when I tell my boy, "Oohh, the toy is spoilt" and he'll yell and cry as if to protest he's innocent. So cute and I'll quickly pacify and hug him to calm him down.
I am putting other detective mummies' "backside" skin on my face now. HAHAHAHAHAA SORRY to the mummiesssss, maybe I should just contact the moderator to allow me to know who is that unknown mummy since whatever she started had make it soooo great for our thread (almost tearing us apart). MAYBE some mummies already did and knew who is the joker? I think I wana make a very very interesting blog on "my" findings <---lagi put so many butts skin on my face loh!!!
hihi happygal

usually i put marcaroni and boil together for 8 min and then after that i rinse.. to prevent to get stick together...

after that i shall cook some soup base...just like the one - clear soup with macaroni
celia, thx for ur advice. hw u cook e soup base ah? paiseh, i really dun cook. my son and daughter only get porridge from me and nothing else...boring hor? but they still finish though... :p

jerejoy: i bot marigold fresh milk for ryan. he drank w/o fidgeting. all other FM, he hates it. perhaps it's the smell or taste tat's too strong.
the 1L package. red/black/white packaging. not HL.
u need to choose non skimmed milk for Jervis.

AL: yeah. i used wholewheat. very chewy. so i use scissors to cut to small pcs. tedious but i think healthier.

happygal: i also juz use soup base to feed Ryan wif pasta. sauce too mafun to make + ryan dun like. so easier to use soup.. hehe
