(2008/03) March 2008

alex is extremely sticky. dun think I can do much this morn. I checked with a friend. she said fever return at nite, and best to monitor 3-5 days.

adeL/fl, do u mind if I can join you girls by myself?

simp, r u giving her any supplement?

my fren is passing me her extra bottle of sambuccus. so will try tt on alex.

i'm so free now coz alex is latching n latching. can't do anything else. haha..
sambuccus is good. Esp for throat and cough irritation. That new name for sambucol... i swear by that... it really works for my kids esp my #1. Build up her immunity
Yes..sambucol is good. My first son drinks once a day. It really helps.

And childlife echinacea is also good. Mikael drinks once a day. Eversince he's taking it,he is seldom got flu. Not like he used to be ...like every months got flu.

BTW,any spree on drugstore? I need to order sambucol again.
No nvr give any supplement. Just realised she keep falling sick like every alternate months. headache for me. 6m 3 fevers, too many too short a time frame.Maybe like u all said, i shd give supplement.

Today is e 4th day, Hope fever do not retn. This morning shevon' temp is abt 36.8. NOw need to monitor if fever like 38 is coming. Yes her fever is stronger in e afternoon n nite time. The panadal meant for pneumo jab on tues is going to finish for this fever. She din have any fever for e jab as we gvae herling yang n barley. This fever very persistent. Think it is throat infection, gave ling yang, barley also not very effective. Later m giving her rice water w a bit of salt to help in her throat infection.

If fever comes back in e afternoon, m going to do urine test for her. Scared internal got infection then need antibiotics.

Can sambuccus be found in watson/guardian? Must get from gnc/nature farm? Can this help to strengthen adult' immunity too. I need as well as i keep falling ill too like shevon.

I have e childlike colostrum but not very regular in giving to shevon.

Think need to beef her up for her immunity.
Thanks for the well wishes.. DS #2 is better now...

Update on Baby Rhys
Rhys started walking since the day before yesterday. While I was in class last evening, hubby said he took at least 8-10 steps independantly at one go. I was so thrilled!!! I can't wait to go home and video it down tonight~
Hi Mummies,

would like to share this wonderful story wif you all. I saw about this guy in one of my personal devt course about two weeks ago.

Maybe at this point of time, some of you maybe in her/his lowest point of life trying to pull through. But take a look at this video. Enjoy it.

sambucol dun buy from drugstore. very ex. Usu i get from vitacost. cheaper. if u interested and wan to order PM me for i am ordering more soon.

childlife echinachea dun really work for my kids. oso nd to gv 3x a day very ley chey.. hahaha....
adeL, lol. ok. i'll make arrangement for alex.
simp, hope she gets well soon. sometimes it's the bb's constitution. so dun feel too bad, ok?

alex's temp seems regular now but still need to monitor. i'll be cooking some barley water for him later. no harm trying.
Now thread moving v fast. LOL

Upcoming Events
<table border=1><tr><td>Date</TD><TD>Place </TD></TR><TR><TD>17-Apr</TD><TD>SBW Shopping Ctr </TD></TR><TR><TD>1-May</TD><TD>TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD>Open Date Jun</TD><TD>Botanical Gardens </TD></TR><TR><TD>Open Date</TD><TD>Malacca A'Farmosa 2D1N </TD></TR><TR><TD>3-Oct</TD><TD>Beach TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Jacob Ballas Children's Garden don't allow food. There's a cafe outside this garden and you have to order their food if you are sitting there. We have to go Swan Lake or Eco Lake for Pinic.
thread moving very fast , gosh , will read thru later

Updates on kiddos
They have been fever free since Saturday.
I brought the kiddos for a review yesterday morning cos it has been 7 days since the hfmd, with the intention to return to work today

Doc checked their hands &amp; feet, no more spots, check their mouth, no more ulcers.

So i thought all was fine

When he checked their lungs, he can hear phelgm in their lungs, then kelicia was also running a fever when he measures her, he said, ' this is no good, esp when they just have hfmd last thur, so he wrote 2 referal letters to Children emergency and we r advised to go there immediately

Took X ray and kelicia has spots in her lungs, so it is Bronchitis
Kyzac has started coughing too..just hope it dun get worse, both was given the same med, but kelicia was given an antibiotics tat is very strange, need to add water to the whole bottle of med, then to take 2 times a day for 7 days

Both are having an afternoon nap now
u have me for company..my goosepimple pop when i get up the plane
i m air sick, ship sick, bus sick and car sick as well..i luv MRT

I went NZ for my honeymoon and my excolleague keeps telling me how nice Milford Sound is..it was a nite mare for me..the bus ride from Queensland was terrible, by the time i reach the ship , i feel totally sick, and I finally threw up on the retun trip

Just yesterday to Children Emergency, both me &amp; kelicia wana threw up, Kyzac keeps fidgeting..but we only have a plastic bag..
hubby &amp; mum agreed tat the can driver was really moving very very slow
M keen on e batam n malacca trip. Let me know e details n i go check w hb ;)

Oh no, sounds no gd that both needs lotsa attention n tender care. Pls take gd care of urself

That time shevon has urine infection,she took 2 bottles of antibiotics for 2wks,2x per day. It was liquid n need to mix w water. I think maybe it is e same antibiotics for young children n bb. My ger took it when she was abt 7m ;(

Take care n update us ok.
I was still smsing u yesterday abt the Ks being sent to emergency..really sorry to hear abt Alex having a high fever..wish him a speedy recovery

Isabella &amp; Celia
very coincidental tat u gals were sitting next to each other..hehe, how come no one talk 1st..if i see a bb abt kyzac's age, i will start to chat already..maybe me typical auntie :p
hope both kids are well now

wishing shevron a speedy recovery too..it worries us whenever the kids are sick

thanks pal

i need help in one issue..which is the collection when people tt to u ..once the name list and the total amt is collected..I can take over the lump sum and to do transactions to the various vendors and to tt to the respective parents who buy the items..

I have no problem to use atm to transfer $ to people, just tat incoming funds a bit difficult for me as as i do not have internet banking to identify these pple

I will do up the budgeting
i am wondering add water to the thing wun create bacteria ? i mean water kept for more than 5 days will hav a farni taste
last post b4 the kiddos wake up :p

Pls list down your names for those Keen in Labour Day on 1 May 2009
and for Children Day Bash in October , maybe the 1st saturday =)

back to kiddos time..hb been taking leave since yday as well..but we will take turns to go back office for meetings
Isabellali, Bbpink
Mine is e whitish antibiotics. 1st bottle, e pharmacist mixed e water for us. E 2nd time i took e new bottle, we mixed ourselves. I remembered once we opened it, we need to refrigerate e antibiotic.

Did e pd/doc says u need to refrigerate e solution for ur dd?

Shevon' fever is gone i think, no sign of it returning after 4 days. Hope it doesn come back at nite. If it doesn come back, i can resume porridge n bath her as well. She has been taking fm for most meals w barley water, fruit puree n 1x cereal. Today she takes rice water w a bit of salt. Think she should be fine soon. Her main liquid is either barley water or rice water. Now need to c if her cough will come back tonight.
the kiddos are still sleeping :p
sometimes when they sleep so soundly when unwell, i will check their breathing..just to be safe

ok, thanks =) regarding the Macdonald, i think it is a great idea we can explore..
hehe, the other day in early April macdonald call me up v4 our 1st bash..i reserve tat place in case no better venue avail last year ..the parents will probably be the ones eating the fast food

thanks for the post! lucky u got post abt this , will go &amp; check ..i vaguely remember all the bottles got Do not refrigerate
oh... so sorry to hear that both kids are down n Kelicia has bronchitis. How is she now? warded or at home? Nuebiliser?
Different virus needs different antibiotics to tackle it. I think the antibiotics that you refer to is Augmentin if you need to add water n mix it. Usually you need to refridgerate Augmentin n can only use up to max a week. If dun need refridgeration, its usually Klacid. Klacid is for more stronger virus or for 'no know virus' then doc will usually use it.
So even though you took one kind of antibiotics you are free from other virus infection. Most of the time, Augmentin antibiotics works well for staplyococcus virus.Its certainly scary that how the virus has mutuated though.

where is SBW? Wat time you all going tomolo?
The strange med is Clarithromycin 125mg/5ml
the others are
paracetamol 120mg/5ml
Bromhexine HCL 4mg/5ml
Chlorpheniramine 4mg/5ml
it is times like this tat i wish i m a doc or a family member is..then i can understand better and treat my kids medically better..
Aidan is really lucky to have both parents as doctors =)

Shirley is overseas, u can tt her the funds when she is back..she will email to u the ac number =)

thanks for sharing
oh yes, it is sembawang shopping centre

when u gals talk abt mutation, it scares me also..i think virus during our kiddos times r so much worst than our times..last time never heard of HFMD

i dun remember having an X ray taken ! my lungs are so far so good..and hope it stays that way..

Until i have kids, i have never heard of Bronchitis or HFMD

am the only one here tat dun hav facebook ? sometimes when i hear my colleagues talk abt their Facebook pet and hse etc etc..all very new to me
wondering whether m i the only one who dun have internet banking also..
like very behind times

I finally overcome my phobia and try this year..encounter some problem..hb efiles for himself no prob..but when he coaches me to efile, he also kena prob
oh yah bbpink, u sms'd me abt yr kids. not sure whether u wan me to post here?? anyway like wat I replied in sms, I wish yr kids speedy recovery.

simp, how do u cook the barley water?

ck, the apr mums confirmed they are not taking the banner, so how? u wan to keep it?

or if anyone can find a use for it, pls claim it fr me soon. otherwise I will throw it away which is a terrible waste.
I just use barley (china type-bigger/organic/others), wash n put water in small pot n boil like 10-15minutes, u can put rock sugar if u wan it to be sweet for Alex in e last 1-2min. My mum says e longer u cook barley, e less cooling /effective it is.

I think i use abt 2 tbs barley n 1.5-3 cups of water.

I will let shevon drink this in her cup, replace water w this for her cereal n milk feed.

In fact when i tried w ling yang, not very successful as shevon could tell e diff n rejected it a few times until she knew she was going to have that for a day.

I also tried to give fruit puree w barley/ling yang in mi-day to help her get more fluid n cool e body.

Hb says batam a bit far for us from kl, unless we fly. I think we wd aim for e malacca trip
bbpink - you can ask your sis!! heheh! i'm sure she'll be able to help you with the drugs cos most are inter-usable between humans and animals, just that doses are different!

anyways, if you need any info on drugs, just pm me!!
may all the babies get well soon. It is really tiring and heartpain when the kiddo r unwell.

btw anyone encounter this type of cough? day time no cough. cough only occur at night?
ABC - one of the PDs i went to last time when Tristan had a cough told me coughs which occur more frequent or only at night (dry and non-phlegmy) is largely due to allergy and this can be exacerbated esp if the kid sleeps in an air-con room.....

i've read something like this before because at one time i suspected there was something Tristan was allergic to (which has resolved since and i've never found out what)...

also read that this whole allergy and coughing-at-night thing may lead to asthma, esp if the kid has had a history of eczema and if parents have known allergies/eczema...

hope this helps!
just wan to share tat this is what happens to Kelicia, she only cough a few times at nites since last Wed. Doc asks me to continue with the same cough med on Monday during her 1st review.
Yesterday it becomes bronchitics
btw, do u mind reposting the PDs u recommend for cough? cos my trusty SGH PD Dr Ho Lai Yun is on oversaes leave

haha, ok, i will ask her..all i noe is tat she perform c-sect for the dogs( and offer to help me deliver my next kid if i hav a 3rd :p), din noe tat human med she will noe :p
My ger is still coughing at nite.. Hmm i apply some oil to her feet n let her wear socks. I heard can recover. I din let her take cough mixture today. Asthma/allergy/eczema ? I dun know if shevon is prone to those but both hb n i hv eczema so she is prone to asthma?

I dun know if e antibiotics that shevn took e last time is augmentin but i only know it is white solution, sticky type i think. E name of e antibiotics i cannt rem ;P
night cough
i have it myself whenever I cough. supposedly its cold cough, bring upon by colder temperature. i do have mild asthma and sensitive skin...

thanks! i will try to cook the barley water tomorrow. i ask my mil how she did it and hers is quite long winded method and even have to rinse with hot water?!
he is Dr terence tan at kinderclinic. waiting time can be very long for him too.

regd bronchitis
yup andrae oso was like tat last time. However Arielene's cough is not phelgmy thus not bronchitis. I am still thinking to bring her see Aglow baby and child clinc at united sq or straight away to Dr Terence Tan who is specialising in respiratory medicne. Or din even knw if any medicine can cure. Myself i have history iof asmatha i knw i nd to take lots n lots of cough mixture. But the cough thingy outgrow by itself when i get older n cough mixture doesnt help in my case...

one thing though i regret i din manage to bf her.. perhaps if i did she might nt be suffering so badly from her cough and ecezma liao...
Mummy boy
Normally they will add water for us, if I'm ot wrong..

The antibiotics that need to add water will have to finish within a certain period of time like 5 days or so.. And will have to refrigerate it..
yup. i think they added water already. As PD told me need to shake before taking.

Mine have to be thrown after 1 week and needs refrigeration.
Think shevon may be having molar pain. She has been crying n screaming last nite after fever is gone. Temp is ard 37. She keeps pulling/rubbing her ears, hairs n even if i carry her, she will arch her back n cry. Hmm maybe she has throat infection n molar.

She coughed only when she had her fever since monday so i have to monitor e cough rt. Think i wd give her e cough mixture tonite as she cough like 4-5x at nite.
Hi abc
ok, thanks. i will do a google search for the address

glad tat Alex is getting better

Hope Shevon will be fully recovered soon. it is tough on a one yr old, cos an adult like myself is already feeling quite lousy from my 37.5 fever &amp; throat infection
you jaga the banner 1st ba. If we've any upcoming events, I'll then design the wordings to stick on the existing words.

1 May outing:
We're free to come. But where..? Any suggestions yet?
yes..I am on for 1st May gathering.

ABC, How much you get the sambucol? I'm keen if it's cheaper.

Coughing at nite:
Mikael also cough at nite. He starts coughing around 2am until around 3am+
But during the day, he's fine! I stopped his medication few days ago. I dun want him to take medicine too long. (it's been 2 weeks he's taking his med).
My PD said it's allergic so nothing to do except turn off aircon during that time. But its troubling me - heard his coughing so hard - so sad!
What's your PD advice? maybe we can share? or any tradional remedies besides always put him on medication?
My mum use to ask me to cover my neck with blanky at night if I cough when I was a child. I think that helps.. You can let ur bb try~

Its finally fri!

1 May either morning or late noon to avoid nap clash:
1. Dempsey Bambini
2. Turf City Fidgets
3. Sentosa Early Morning
4. My place in BBatok (A bit far off lah)
5. ANy more?

PHolis: Have to consider crowds and difficulty to find parking.

Simp: Road Trip - If no one joing in SG, wld most prolly cancel. Cos HB don't wish to drive along NS higway w incompetent navigator (me lor) and baby.
