(2008/03) March 2008

i bought it from vitacost after shipping n everything per bottle is about SGD$15.It is selling at $7.02 USD each

coughing at night
i din even on sircon to slp

1 May 2009 10am ?


tat's all ? "p

if tooo little poeple, we will go for the one Kell is organsing for June then
talking abt sambucol..since hfmd last thursday, we stop..

now got bronchitis..should we have continue?

do all these drugs clash ?
ABC - i think with allergy, very hard to control. i have been having sinusitis like for the past few weeks!! almost EVERYDAY i have a blocked nose...and i have no idea what is triggering this...very very annoying! have to trial and error see what works...i don't sleep with the aircon on now so it's better...plus i'm on zyrtec everyday also! i'm trying to see if TCM/natural therapy can help lessen my symptoms, if i know of anything useful, i'll tell u!

babypink - maybe i'm biased but i think most vets have a better knowledge of medicine, surgery, radiology (and alot of other stuff) than GPs hahahha!!! cos have to study every aspect, unlike GPs who mostly just know basic medicine...heheh :p
yeah..i have heard..my sis studies so much last time , we were all relieved tat finally 6 yrs have passed! it is easier to study a human than all kinds of animals, too bad i din meet u last sunday..very curious..r u running ur own clinic?

i hardly see my sis nowsadays..she works late & keep going for nite calls
were u fr Uni of Sydney as well

oh yah, i think ur dog is lucky to have u as an owner

Mummies staying in bt batok
can i noe which PD u send ur bb to ? or GP
u may try dorothy baby and child clinic at bukit timah plaza or i think there is a PD at bukit batok central.

babypink u can still gv sambucol. No prob

thread is gg very fast.. many tods r sick. pls take care..
i m also down wif stomach flu & fever. took jab for anti vomiting, so ryan had to take fresh milk. surprisingly, he loved it. taking it in his bfree bottle for 2days running already.

ryan's been "walking for the past 1mth" at home.. abt 5-10 steps independently. i'll prob only consider him to be walking if he can go strolling.. hehs. at least 5mins.
Whoa! the thread moving so fast

Hubby and me going (romantic) trip to desaru next week end w/o baby. Then we are going wz baby to HOng Kong in May. So, I guess wouldn;t be joining the trips.

Interested in the BOtanic Gardens and CHildren's day Party. Will confirm closer to date

Current Meal
Zayed eats more like a child now. This is how he has been for the past few months.
6 am - 180 ml milk
9 plus - Breakfast (cereals, etc)
1 plus - Lunch (Rice with vege and curry)
4 plus - 150 ml milk & bicuits, etc
8 plus - Cereal (Nestle or Heinz)
10 plus - 150 ml milk

I can sense some of your eyes popping out at the word curry :p Zayed is indian mah, so have to get used to eating my daily food if not jia lat for me
anyway, he loves it! I just put little bit only, but I take the veges from the curry to mix with his rice. The rice I let it go softer than ours since he doesn't have molars but he likes it thick and non watery. Well, it works for me.
hang in there, joyce. alex woke up every 2 hr last night coz of phlegm. i'm also tired.

yasmin, u r right. my eyes did pop out when I saw the word curry. haha... is it spicy? I fed alex with some briyani rice n dahl before n he loves the food.
no wonder the kids start coughing after hfmd, wonder it is becos i stop sambucol..

paiseh..my eyes got prob one :p
hope Rhys recover soon
So it is CK, kell, erny, isabella for May day ? =p

can understand totally, cos been in ur shoes..take care ladies..hope Jervis & Alex can recover speedily

we tried fish curry with my going 3 yr old Kelicia last nite cos she insists ..she cries and cries after that :p
Zayed is a brave chap =)
it is nice to have a romantic trip after having kids, probably will go in Nov ourselves ")

sidetrack a bit Coffee Club have this Blackberry Iced Coffee tat taste like sambuccol

i just recovered fr my throat infection & fever this morning..all the nice food i had yday tasted weird...
including my fav coffee club's iced rambutan..
is my memory going bad..remembered it was never pink colour


Sidetrack Further
anyone watching Campus Superstar now..i miss the live one last sun..and now that the kids r having a morn nap, it is a great chance to watch TV & to surf the net :p
oh yes, since the doc have cleared the kids of HFMD, we have finally brought K out for her haircut, and hubby keeps insisting she got post haircut depression after that..


yasmin - tristan's eating habits also same as zayed....as in, 3 square meals a day and then 3 milk feeds (or snacks) in between! but ah, zayed is so much taller than tristan (he looks like a midget besides zayed)....the genes from his daddy certainly helped heheh!!

great that you and hb are taking time out to keep the romance alive!!! :D

jerejoy - hows jervis? getting better??
I am not using my real nick for obvious reasons.

A considerate parent would never bring a sick child to attend a children bash that would be attended by so many young children

A virus does not take a few days to show its effect

In this case, a week was taken for the cough virus to show its effect

Just hope that the next gathering, people can be more considerate and do not attend if your child is UNWELL..THANKS!
Liyun (pinniet)
Username: pinniet

Post Number: 1537
Registered: 9-2007

Posted on Saturday, April 11, 2009 - 10:14 pm: Edit Post Print Post
I've just attended a friend's child's bbq (for his birthday). and well... seems like most of the kids & adults are sick (cough or flu) so nobody bothers about Isaac who was also down. May I just check if anyone do mind, so I will keep Isaac away as from my understanding, the function room is air-conditioned.....

Very annoyed because my child is a victim as well..i m sure the turn-up would be very bad if not for the fact that many have paid up in advance

thanks! Glad to hear that yr kids have recovered. It must be very tough on u and yr hubby when both of them fell sick.

Jervis started night waking super frequently since Wed. He started having running nose and cough. It has been 3 days and he is still waking up every hourly and sometimes 2 times in an hr. His running nose is getting better now. Hopefully he will recover soon and sleep well. I was so tired that I broke down last night.


Hope Alex will recover soon too.
I feel for parents like clover and jerejoy. So our kids have been down since wed, abt 3 days after the bash is over.

It is a real pity, the bash would have left behind much happier memories if a parent did not insist on bringing the sick child along and happily passing the virus around in an air con setting

Once again, really hope that all parents can be mindful that children catch a virus very easily, it is very important to keep a child at home if your child is unwell. In fact, even the adult should stay at home as you never know whether your child has passed the virus to you, just that the symptoms have not shown yet
considerbeing, my alex started coughing last nite coz he's quite phlegmy. there are so many things that could have lead to it: after the bash i went to my mom's place and she was coughing, our jb trip, me giving him FM, or simply a viral attack. i also heard quite a no. of people who are down. maybe the weather or maybe the flu/cough season. so it's quite hard to pinpoint how our child was infected. when we bring our child out, there's always that small risk that they will pick up something but it doesnt mean that we have to confine them at home all the time..

i feel heart pain when my alex is sick, but i think more on the positive side that he will build up immunity and it's inevitable that a baby will fall sick.

hope yr child get well soon!

jerejoy, pat pat. u need some time out! i hope alex can walk soon! wanna bring him to playground.
considerbeing, understand your feeling. yah we shld all do our part to keep a child at home if our child is not feeling well. to share even more positive thoughts, there are more bbs who are well rather than the unwell ones, right?
These parents like kresentia eugener (mikael), ABCs' mummy (abcdisney), babypink (sunnysun) and
Happygal29 really deserve a pat on their shoulders for forfeiting their $30 when they did not bring their children along and passing the virus to the rest of us.

When I refer to the earlier post again by liyun (pinnet) again, I realise that still got people supporting an inconsiderate parent bringing along a sick child

If this is the case, I amend my earlier post abt I feel for clover and jerejoy,
I feel sorry for jerejoy, myself and all the other parents of children who have caught the virus due to the inconsiderate parent.
sorry to hear so many kids are sick...weather not too good recently could be the reason. all mummies and daddies, u all must take care too. eat more fruits and drink more water. just cook barley with green bean soup for my family today. hope all kids will be well soon. tomorrow will always be better.

jerejoy, jiayou. my daughter be it sick or not, also wake up so frequently at night. i will always tell myself tomolo will be better, it will be temporary only. but of course, at times, i will break down and lose my temper so jerejoy, i knw hw u feel. 母亲是伟大的,加油!

Liyun (pinniet)
Username: pinniet

Post Number: 1537
Registered: 9-2007
Posted on Saturday, April 11, 2009 - 10:14 pm:

I've just attended a friend's child's bbq (for his birthday). and well... seems like most of the kids & adults are sick (cough or flu) so nobody bothers about Isaac who was also down. May I just check if anyone do mind, so I will keep Isaac away as from my understanding, the function room is air-conditioned.....

clover (julyclover)
Intermediate Member
Username: julyclover

Post Number: 2135
Registered: 4-2004
Posted on Saturday, April 11, 2009 - 10:47 pm:

tks connie! I dun mind. alex's ok aft our little play date this week.

ladies, c u tomolo. nitez!

I suppose u ladies must be related in some way. whatever the case, I end my case here

I just hope that my point is very clear, do not bring a sick child out, I am sure most of us do not want our children to built up their immunity in this way

I think there are parents whose children have fallen sick after this bash but just keep quiet about it
I think there are parents whose children have fallen sick after this bash but just keep quiet about it

< think u r refering to urself?
Hmm i really do not understand why would u wanna hide behind a nick and reprimand those mommies.

Kids falling sick is parts and parcel of their growing up.
My kids have been sick almost weekly till this week then they felt better.
And they do not even step out of house.
So who do i blame?
WE should not be here pinpointing anybody but in fact hope all kids here to recover.

Hope u get what i mean.

what happened already happened.
It's useless to blame anyone here..

i guess there r many reason why the kids r sick. In fact the weather is one big factor.Sometimes very hot, sometimes wet weather....

But i do agree on the part about keeping sick child/adult at home as well. In my school, 2 classes had a very very bad epidemic. For the whole of last week, esp on mon and tues, more than half the half is down with flu, cough and runny nose. The school has to send those ppl home. For the next few days which is wed onwards, the class attendance is less than half. Thus can see the seriousness of not recovering well before coming out.

For those parents whose child r unwell - clover, jerejoy, isabella, etc
i understand the lack of slp part very much and i knw how it feel to be heartpain when the children r unwell. My #1 has this allergic cough and everynight she been coughing her lungs out. Anyway i so hope all the bb get well soon. :)
Hi ladies, I was being inform thru phone that i was being bomb by a very cool mummy who hid behind a new nick. I guess, if you consider people here as friends, you wouldnt need to hid behind a new nick. I admit I am not a considerate mummy to YOU. That also my surname happen not to be LAI that after 1 week from a party someone gets sick &amp; copy &amp; paste my "self-declaration" post just to say I am inconsiderate. I know the difficuitives of taking care of a sick baby, so going around jumping at anyone who happens to be sick at that point of time is consider "fair"?
I dislike and look down on people like yourself <font color="ff0000">Considerbeing</font>. Are you trying to declare to everyone here that you &amp; whoever in your family who stays with your baby HAD never leave the house to go out at all since that birthday bash so it is CONFIRM my family's fault that your baby is sick.

I WOULD have say sorry to you IF you had been someone rightous, daring to use own nick to use me as an example to tell others about preventing of going for parties when sick. BUT behind a hidden nick? I will just wana "puk" at u. While u can copy &amp; paste my past post, I can ALSO tell u, GO to KK and check it out, does all the children &amp; baby in KK all comes from my house area? DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT THERE IS A STRONG VIRUS NOW FLOATING AROUND THAT ALL PARENTS HAD BEEN TRYING HARD TO FIGHT DUE TO BAD WEATHER?

I want to thank the mummies who are understanding for me, try to help me explain here. But lets not bother to talk to a joker who likes to fight war behind their keyboard.
Hi Considerbeing,

I totally understand what you felt about this.You must be so tired and upset about your baby got sick.

But, please sit back and relax. We are grown up people. We should open our mind and be wise to deal with this.

We live in a world of polluted, dirty and many virus around us.

We cannot help it, even we are trying so hard to protect our kids from exposing to those bad particles, in our surrounding. Once they get it - they will get it.

Once you bring your child out - we actually take a risk for them to get sick.

Blaming to each other will get us nowhere. Every mommies in the world will always have to fight with this situation.

Like Adeliene quotes "Kids falling sick is parts and parcel of their growing up" That's true - we are facing the same situation.

Children can get sick from everywhere,anytime,and for any cases. They can get sick from the bus, mrt, taxi or even from a short trip of our apt lift to our carpark. Virus is everywhere.

Instead of giving pressure to everyone (Who already exhausted everyday for being a good mommy), Why don't we share our issues and try to find the best solution?
I agree that kids who are sick should be kept at home and to me that refers to kids with a fever, constantly coughing or constantly have to wipe their noses...i think that's pretty contagious

but in all honesty Issac didn't appear that sick at the bash...i don't know what Connie means when she said he was down but he seems "fine" to me and I have no problem letting my kid play with him and baby tommy didn't fall sick

we don't live in a bubble and singapore is so crowded...you can pick up a virus in so many ways....it's hard to blame Issac's virus for all the sick babies

hope your baby and all the sick babies get better soon
May all the unwell babies recover speedily, and Kyzac really wishes to meet all the babies at the next bash

So anyone disagreed if we were to use the remaining funds for the June Picnic Bash organised by Kell ?

I was thinking me &amp; Kell can meet up at Shop and Save Bukit Batok or NTUC Bukit Batok to buy the drinks. Pls post here if u r not agreeable

sure. jus nd to book 1 mth in advance. :)

y dun we try playgym for children day bash since by then the children would hv knw how to walk and lay ard already?

OCC has a very gd deal. Min 15 kids at $400. if interested i will go find out more

can we suggest at north east ? as we just had the party at the west ...

any mother wanna to vote for having party in the north-east ?

i can help to book the function room at KOvan melody....

any mother wanna to vote for having party in the north-east ?

KOvan Melody on 1/10/09
1. Celia
anyway , i volunteer to be organiser for children day party .think it will be easy for those SAHM to do all the coordination work. :p any objection ?

Also, NO NID TO PAY for booking of function room at my place .. just put deposit 100 per room.
Take leave on 15 May 2009 ? Meet in town at 1130am ?

we should reward ourselves for being such good mummies for the past 15 months :p
i juz went carousel on friday. the food was quite gd and the price is quite cheap, considering the fact that it is in a hotel. 15% discount with uob card. just that no oysters.
me oso went carousel last year april for our dept promotion treat. food is good but not too sure the price cos nt i pay...haha. this year, think we r going there for our promotion treat again.
ya, aly is right, uob card got 15% discount. hehe, no oyster is fine cos i don't eat oyster and seafood. allegy to seafood.
