(2008/03) March 2008


me anything… since your list show more chilliapi & prima deli, I will just vote for that.
Will there be name tags for mummies & babies?


i'll vote for elsie's kitchen..cake from primadeli...ok with agar agar..

i'll bring leapfrog piano

thanks for coordinating!!
finally got it done. Ordered from Polar. They have many cute cartoon characters. One Elmo cake for my son but I like all the design n dunno which one to choose. Hahhahaha! Mummies, you can check it out at any polar branch.
For caterer, I vote eatz. Order once before from them, very good customer recovery service. They were late for the delivery of food on one of my event, end up refund me full as a apology to me.
For cake, I think I like Polar. & Mickey Agar Agar is fine wif me.
<font color="0000ff">wow.. I think got 2 days I never log in the thread? cant even remember and the first thing I saw was "helium tank explode". HAHAHAA

Ok ladies, NO, I dont think it will explode IF u keep heat, fire away from it, don leave them expose under the sun. I used to work part-time in a shop in Holland V (If its still there....) they sell helum balloons &amp; partywares, candies etc, the very important thing is, the balloon better be GOOD quality else... u will keep having balloons blusting in your face when u fill them up with helium. Buy a row of ribbons to tie them, and prepare a "weight" for the balloons. see if your little toy inside the party favor is heavy enough to weight the balloon down.</font>
Anyone willing to share what is your bb nap hours like? Thanks in advance

i vote cake from bengawan solo, caterer from orangclove, agar agar ok...
Thanks ladies
more need to vote =)

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD>Mummies</TD><TD>Vote (Caterer)</TD><TD>Vote( 1stCake)</TD><TD>Vote(MickeyMinnieAgar)</TD><TD>Roles</TD><TD>Toys to bring </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Clover</TD><TD>Elsie</TD><TD></TD><TD>ok</TD><TD>Treasurer</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>bbpink</TD><TD>eatzigourmet</TD><TD>PrimaDeli</TD><TD>ok</TD><TD>lobang finding</TD><TD>vtechtree </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>abcdisney</TD><TD>orangeclove</TD><TD>Bengawan</TD><TD>ok</TD><TD>Venuebooking</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>bbheng</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>jerejoy</TD><TD>chilliapi</TD><TD>4 leaves</TD><TD>ok</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>twinklestars</TD><TD>Elsie</TD><TD>PrimaDeli</TD><TD>ok</TD><TD></TD><TD>leapfrog piano </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>zhiqiang</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>sweet secret</TD><TD>?</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>yasmine</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>FL</TD><TD>chilliapi</TD><TD>PrimaDeli</TD><TD>ok</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>lefthander</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>summerdaze</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>happygal29</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Angie</TD><TD>?</TD><TD></TD><TD>? </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>mikael</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>shirley</TD><TD>chilliapi</TD><TD>PrimaDeli</TD><TD>ok</TD><TD>bannerordering</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>isabellali</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>ecreative</TD><TD>?</TD><TD></TD><TD>? </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>connie</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>katechow</TD><TD>chilliapi</TD><TD>Primadeli</TD><TD>ok</TD><TD></TD><TD>vtechdancingtower </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>adelineL</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>shalom</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>yutong</TD><TD>eatz</TD><TD>Polar</TD><TD>ok</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>cyberbabe</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>kell</TD><TD>orangeclove?</TD><TD>4 leaves</TD><TD>ok</TD><TD></TD><TD>? </TD></TR><TR><TD>23</TD><TD>toby pp</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>24</TD><TD>dreamlife pp</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>25</TD><TD>lingyee pp</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>pp</TD><TD>pending payment</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Good Morning!

Babypink: I vote Orange Clove. Thanks! If gng swimming, I bring round float and arm float? Or I can bring balloons, normal types.

Liyun: Thanks! But its at Tagore only. Think won't be gng cos nv pass by there.

ABC: Morning Nap 11 to 12, Afternoon Nap 3 to 5, Sleep from 9 to 7, sometimes shorter.
There's a Baby Contest at the CC at Macdonalds. This for babies staying in Bt Batok. Are you signing Kyzac for that? My mum signed Phoebe up. Its on this Sun!
<font color="ff0000">Copy &amp; paste email</font>
Dear crocs™ fans,

We are conducting crocs™ sale! Let us share the good news.

Where:Isetan Wisma, B1 inside Isetan Wisma, from 10:30am to 9.30pm

When:13 Feb 09 (Friday) to 19 Feb 09 (Thursday)

Price:Ranging from $25 to $30 (similar with expo sales price)

Items:Men’s, Women’s and Kid’s footwear.

Hope to see you there!
From the crocs™ team
juz now ryan did a spiderman stunt... he held on to playpen for support and pushed himself upwards and climbed out of playpen.
playpen happened to be next to table. so his body was stuck in the middle between playpen and table while 1 arm is still holding on to the playpen.
luckily i was on the bed next to him.
otherwise he would have fallen and probably bruised himself as he squeezes between the hole.
Pet: I think you cannot place Ryan in playpen w/o standing guard. Once they know how to climb - they are "unstoppable". Oh no... The next milestone liao. Do you think he'll start to walk on his 1st party?
nice to see him walk w/o support on his birthday. but i'll get more headache then. keke
i am beside him. his playpen is beside my bed. he so fast. push himself up then flipped over le.
liyun, kell, petrina
when bb slp and wake up at 5plus and 6plus what time does he/she slp at night? nowadays his timing is changed till he woke up from second nap at 5plus or 6pm then at night he only wait till 10-1030pm then willing to slp... previously he woke up at 3plus n slp at 830pm...
Lil Monster earliest bed time is now 9pm. Can drag until 11.30pm sometimes. Horrors! She dun like to sleep wor. Tell her "sleep" during bedtime, she will protest by saying "Ahh".

Ytd night, me and HB do the lights off at 9pm and zzz with her in the middle. She toss and turn. We fell asleep, woke at 10.30pm and found she was sleeping fretfully and still fidgeting.
my Tricia nap times:
10.30am - 12.30pm
8pm-8.30pm (sometimes i make her skip this)

if i manage to make her skip the last nap time, i can make her go to bed at 9pm. else she will sleep at 11pm!

Breastfeeding mommies,
is it normal for your babies to lose interest at latching? i find that i can only latch Tricia for 3-5 minutes longest before she wriggled herself free to PLAY. really hate it when she does that. she didn't have much BM since i've stopped pumping during office hours. so only morning and night latch.
nap too much in the day not so gd for me.. i feel. cause he tend to wake up at 4am to poo... then wait for me to change diaper then go back to slp ard 5am.

melissa: i think she is juz thirsty. or sucking for fun. cause ryan does tat often too. esp when he's in the middle of playtime.
Oh... you got to very watchful then. Imagine if he were to fall out of the playpen and land on the floor!

Mine is taking 2 naps only. Once in the morning about 10ish and another in the afternoon 3ish 4ish. Sometimes, she will drag and not nap till 6pm! Faint... Nap time usually 1 hour, it's a bonus if she sleeps beyond that.

Is she hungry when she latches on? Or are there distractions? I can't latch dd3 in the living room as there are simply too much distractions, even when she's very hungry. I have to "lock" the 2 of us in the room and nurse, or in she goes to the sling.
Yeah. What's "wrong" w the kiddos nowadays... I recall (10yrs ago hahaha), my cousin is not so fast/active/light sleeper. My grandma can happily read papers, poo, eat and cook while he naps.

I can't even do much, eat have to swallow, (even basic hygiene stuff is touch and go) when I stay home during weekends w the cute monster...
paiseh, will update

we shall meet then this sunday..u have my numebr still..do call me when u reach

i have pm u my number also
haiz, juz heard fr a fren tat her pal's hb was involved in a bike accident and brain keeps bleeding , now in coma

Their bb is only 5 months old. the guy is a good father &amp; hb ..
hope the guy wakes up soon
Gosh! My son is sooooo... active today in the playgroup! Everyone is sitting down but he is busy moving around. Shouting n screaming when the class is quite. I was so embarrassed. Mummies, any idea wat course can I go to improve his concentration?
not now.. prob when he is older u can send him for Jelic... from age 3 onwards...

oh no.. so sad... hope the daddy wake up soon and he is alright...
bbpink: oh no.. gotta pray hard for recovery. otherwise wife n baby will suffer..

yt: same lah.. haha, my boy also noise maker and also so busy "working"

kell: i kneel on my boy's legs to keep his butt in place while i apply cream and wear his diaper. lol

Mikael, I'm not sure... im just pursuing my degree. Hee. Erm... I would go for my CFA after getting my degree though. Yeap.

My boy only nap once a day and he naps only abt 1.5hr. In the night time he can wake up at least 8 times. Sigh! So lucky of those who can nap for long.
high five jerejoy...though is nt a gd thng to high five about :p
... mine oso same as urs at night. so tìring as i nd to wrk nxt day. but mine aftern in hammock, so slp longer. can b up to 3hrs.
bbpink, so sad to hear what happen to ur friend pal's hb. hpe he wakes up soon...letz pray hard...
Hope that your friend's pal's HB will recover well. Let's pray that the bleeding will stop and all will be well.

Pet: I'll try that. Sometimes clean BS aft Poo Poo also like mini war with little dollops of casualties on the floor. !!! If they start walking, will they run off before I get to clean the BS?
My girl her nap time at my place
11 to 2pm.
Then 5+ she will want to nap again.
Sometimes after that 8+ nap or sleep all the way liao.

She sleeps alot if never sleep, it will be hell! cranky to the max!
bb sleep
mine has been staying up n shows no signs of sleepiness for his afternoon nap for the past few days. he finally ko'd last nite at 9+, considering he was sleeping at 11+ the past few nites. not taking his afternoon nap n dun sleep until 11+. can u imagine that???

he wakes up abt 2x at nite for quick feeds.
adeline: my boy like ur gal same.. muz slp. if not he'll be so cranky, anything also cant amuse him..

ryan also wakes up for feeds abt 2-3times a nite, depending on how much he slps in the afternoon.
but recently he seems to wake up to play/poo @ 4am.
perhaps he thought that 4am is sunrise.
but both dad n mum r still snoring away.
bb sleep

Brendon naps 2x aday, most of the time 1-2 hrs, half n hr really rare unless outdoor... nap 1x aday also happen but rare also. evening time, most headache...can drag till 10 or 11 pm then wake up around 7 or 8am.
Nap and sleeping time

Just to share, James naps 2x a day, ard 10.30am - 12pm, +/- half hr. Then in the afternoon ard 4.30pm-5pm, +/- half hr. Total nap time abt 2-2.5hrs. He sleeps ard 8.30pm at night. We make it a habit to give him his milk by 8pm so it's lights out by 8.30pm.

If he has a bit of extra food to munch after dinner, he will sleep thru the night and wake up at about 6 or 7am. He will munch on cheese / mashed potatoes / ice cream etc. If he's hungry, he normally wakes up ard 3 or 4am for milk.


But in order for him to sleep long, he must also move around a lot during the day. He goes downstairs to the playground 3x a day, morning after breakfast, after lunch and after his afternoon nap. He spends about 30-45 mins there, practicing walking around with our support, screaming / shouting / playing with other toddlers, climbing up and down the stairs of the slide etc. After he comes back home, he will still crawl around the living room and the bedrooms.

DO you mummies have milk probs w baby, like they are drinking lesser?

Phoebe only drinks at most 120ml max 4 times a day. Usually she takes ard 50ml each time. I am wondering if its time to change milk powder or she's just teething?
