(2008/03) March 2008

bbpink...congrats!!! happy for you
btw, i dun wanna vote for jessie catering liao...i vote for neogarden instead
my friend told me so far, neogarden is the best caterer she ever eat
Hi Mummies,
do you find that these days the sky is foggy n no wind? My place has turned into an oven recently wor. Anyone experience this? Wat happen ah? Been trying to follow the news but din say anything about it leh?
my girl 1st bday decoration.... =)

U got those from signtech?? Cos I saw this banner at their webby with ur girls photo.. Exactly the same..

Baby Rhys is down with chicken pox even we placed him with my mum as soon as we know ds #1 have chicken pox. I think it's a good thing.. He doesn't seem to feel comfortable with those blister.. And go on as usual... Haha~ I can save on the preventive chicken pox jab liao~

birthday bash
do we have to buy little pressie for all babies that day??? If so, I think I will have to start sourcing for it..

Birthday celebration for baby Rhys
Guess will have to cancel the celebration that was supposed to be on the 1st week of march... Haiz~ There's goes his first b'day~
very nice
u must have spent a lot of efforts on the deco..where did u purchase the cute minnie mouse balloon

how much did u pay for the banner ? how do u hang on the wall ?

btw, neogarden is non-halal, its sister company orangeclove is, r u ok with tat ?
oh..din realise :p

poor rhys, chicken pox is still a very uncomfortable thingy.. i still remember my 15 yrs ago experience

$135 is really a very good bargain, is cupcake dvinity halal ?

i am getting senile, wana ask u how big is the condo function room @ ur side and how much is the charges ..
err i'm not sure but if u wan to knw i can find out. I order one mini cake and 30 cupcakes. Just nice for my guest of about 50? in fact a lot commented the cupcakes very nice.. not very sweet...
ìsabella, hope rhys get well soon. though i nv had chicken pox b4, i knw it is terrible, especially for bb of such young age. oh ya, yes, my banner is from signtech, but i din knw they put my banner inside, just went to the website and saw it and saw it in their bday portfolio
bbpink, i use rope to hang e banner. must pull and find one locatn to hook it. they wil ask whether u want pole finishing or eyelets finishing...mine is eyelets...
i am quite pleased with e banner myself.
abc, i like ur cupcakes and agar agar. where u order? can share contact? thks.
my cupcakes are from cupcake divinity and agar agar is from James Chan. Will PM u the contacts ltr ok? Hahaha i saw Andrae's banner in their portfolio too. :)

must be very tiring for u. Pls take care!
haha, looks like all our banner come from e same company...haha! thks abc!
hehe, so happy! yest my boy pooed in his potty for e 1st time and nap for 2 hrs without wetting his diapers. really make our day...
bbpink: woah! congrats...

yt / jerejoy: yup.. super humid n hot n foggy. i think indo/sumatra is having forest fires again..

so hot. not like the usual heat...

happygal: u took the $68 package? worth it?
cause i'm still thinking if i shld take it or juz blow normal balloons and let them float on the floor. hehe
oh ya, though the apr birthday bash i'm not involved, i'll like to suggest that perhaps food wise u gals may not need to get from a single caterer..
for ryan's party, i m getting food from different places - golden pillow, sakae sushi, macdonalds/kfc.
juz some thoughts..
Aiyo, my son coughing badly since yesterday.
Dunno when the haze will stop cos its seems to be thicken today wor.
Thanks mummies for ur concern.. Luckily I have my mil & maid to help.. If not i surely 'peng san'...

All the deco & cakes make me so envy... I think I will bring Rhys to Zoo for his bday celebration. Celebrate with monkeys... LOL!
pet, many of my family members and friends said banner worth it but balloons package not worth. by nite, al balloons on the floor liao, only left minnie mouse stil floatìng up. i personally feel $68 package quite ok lah, cos make e kids happy. many brought home by them. i left with e minnie mouse and 3 balloons...hehe
Congrats! I tot I heard they calling Kyzac name as I was leaving. But they mis-pronounced his name or something?

My lousy place don't have a function room. They have BBQ pits only. Its shaded but not sheltered.

YT and Jerejoy,
Due to the haze I'm having sinius prob. Haiz. But I also dunno where the haze come from... Maybe from Ozzie fire?

Yeah, BTH the heat. SP gng to get more money cos everyday I on air-con. :p
hope your bb is ok. U r so humourous about celebration with monkeys. Mayb I should also bring my son on that day also to tell him he is like them. Hahahhaha!

Yayaya! Like so sudden hor. Scary how the weather changed.

my eyes are very itchy yesterday when I was out. Asked my hubby could be the Aussie forest fire, he said its too far away to blow to here. Well... nothing is impossible hor.

Powerful fan? I wan also! Maybe you can do a BP on that? Hahahhaha!
dont mention,i got the contact from Adeline Sia.
Nice banner u got there, glad u find it value for money cos i find it cheap and good too haha but after the party, no place to hang and now sitting in my store room. So after lele's birthday i will 2 banners sitting in the storeroom. haha
yt: wah.. BP on fans? good idea hor.. i lazy to source. keke
i'm gonna get the toyomi metal blades type fan. 16". quite good frm carrefour. i'm gg taka to see if there is a better deal...
any recommendations?
i also tot is aussie fires. but yeah, too far. i think most prob nearby countries..

my plc juz started to pour.. yeah! cooling i hope.
ya lor.. kim's banner also sitting on my shelve.. hahaha too big! cannot even hang up..
now kath banner also ready to be white elephant :p
Btw.. when u wanan collect the banner cd from me? i found it and ready already.. just sms me ok.
Birthday deco,
I think I m jus going to stick the balloons using double sided tape to stick on the ceiling to save cost n using scene setter. The scene setter stil can use for other occasion, i think. Maybe anyone can recommend whether to find those big letters n I jus stick on it? Hahahahah! Cheapo n lazy mummy!

Siao liao! The company that I m going to buy the gifts for the guests is not able to confirm my order with me til now! Looks like I gotta look for alternatives liao. So short time! Siao liao siao liao!~
wa cp&yt I got same ideas as u. Im stil thkg of using maskg tape... Seems like double sided tape aso a good idea. I thk I must blow one & try out first in case it does nt work. Then last min kan cheong ourselves. ;p
celebrating birthday
i will be celebrating my gal's birthday on 2 days. one for colleagues and another for relatives. heard something about shd not celebrate twice. someone mentioned cannot have two cakes. any ideas on the rationale?
it works... cos I learnt n done it for my company's DND last yr. But mus remind your guest not to pull it lor. I think I m not using any streamers so that they guests cannot pull. ;P

its the old granny tales again. Pan tang... like die n alive or something like tat la. I also not very clear. Hahhahaha!
I like KDK fans the most. Powerful but quiet plus point is that it got remote control. I'm very sensitive to sounds. LOL

Pet: Now it seems more humid after the rain stopped... I've got a headache from the heat.

Aly: I only know old wives tale is cannot cut 2 cakes because its not good. Dunno the rationale - Ignorance is Bliss. :D
same i celebrating on 21st and 22nd.. both days also have cake. 1st day col sponsor. 2nd day i bought.. heee..
i not pantang or what so i dun bother.. cause i dunno rationale and i nv heard before also..
cp&yt, how u pump the balloons? I bought a hand pump type. Wa v siong to pump lei. Dunno my maid steady enough to pump a nt?
Birthday Celebration
Wow all the pixs r so nice! Think i nvr put in any effort to do any major celebration for my dd. She cannt see these pixs. Hmmm think gonna celebrate her bd in kl since we cannt be back to celebrate on her actual bd.I only thought of getting a nice bd cake for her.

The cupcakes from divinity r always so pretty!
i can't see the eyelets
i think my hook r dam big lor..been there since my #1's bday

yeah, my storeroom also have the 2007 Banner fr K's birthday ;) 1 more to add to storeroom in 2009


agree with u KDK fans are very cooling , hb is going to switch the living room fan to KDK. the other rooms are installed with KDK compliments of the previous owner

Yes it was indeed read wrongly as Kai zzz and the sirname bec Chua. So we din realise it was us until the emcee called many many times, and read out the S/N. My hb still asked me whether it is Kyzac initially & i still tell him it is a Chua not the correct sirname !

my hb said my handwriting not clear :p
wat happens was his name is not even on the registration list, it was somehow missed out, so i have to write it myself
Any mummies know where to get not salty silver fish? or not salty ikan billis?
I bot from cold storage fresh ones. Tot its fresh n not salty. I was wrong. Did check before giving to bb cos n its soooo salty. I even give it baby a few times.


lucky it is PM and not sms, I forget to bring hp to work today !

remind myself to bring the charger cos my hp is flat, end up got charger, no hp !
