(2008/03) March 2008

try iloveim? meebo?
thought msn easier to chat.. michael still haven reply my email. my date of celebration is 22nd feb. so i scared too tight..
PTL: Praise the Lord.

Clover: That is really good news! Now my HB side has to wait till end Mar for news. If you are gng back to work, Alex will be in FD childcare? I wanna put Phoebe in flexi but FD childcare.

What will you be getting? Cos we will celebrate Phoebe's bday in a restaurant and I dunno if we can put in the deco. I might just get the helium dancing/swayin balloon, just sent Michael an email.
i still waiting for his reply see if he can make it or not.
I also still waiting for PG's reply for the cake.
And also i bought figurines waiting for reply.
Time line so tight and yet so many things not settled.
Food also haven settle. this time i very rush! unlike kim's one haaa..
hi kell

i will be getting the$48 balloons package which include 30 helium balloons with streamer and let him inflat 6 my waker pets, 1 18inch balloons and 2 30inch balloons at another $18 dollars so in all i am paying 66 for the inflating and decor.
kell, prolly will put him with my mil and hire a maid, coz mil wont be able to handle an active bb n housework!

angel, yah give away better! spread the love! hehe.
wah.. all talking abt birthday celebrations. keke
i haven't thought abt how to design. i think juz a banner and some helium balloons so the guests can take back. + some wall stickers
clover: so happy for u. now economy so bad, very scary. i also so scared.. lucky my hb's company only say pay freeze.. otherwise i also die.. no income very cham...
hey ladies! good afternoon....haven't been posting for awhile and seems like everyone is planning their bb's 1st bd celebrations and so am i!

re: balloons
so coincidental! i'm also liaising with michael on the balloon packages....he only sent me the $100 over packages cos i guess i put budget $100-$200...i didn't know there were cheaper packages! mummies, can share what your package consists of? thanks!

isabellali - i bought some of those taiwan muah chee (those in indiv packaging kind right?) from Jurong Pt. Yue Hwa....dunno issit the same kind you referring to but u can try!

adeline - would like to find out where u make birthday banners too....thanks!

you have msn account or email account?i can send you the package i got from him. if you are confirm in getting him, i will include you as well
bbpink, for caterer, I vote for jessie catering. Tried this caterer a few times and find is quite good. As for the agaragar, I am ok.
Hmmm...toys to bring...i dunno leh....maybe one musical toy....
btw, where will be the venue har?
hehe, just vote lah
make things easier to shortlist..just list ur preference, like tat also more democratic

hehe, not me only, i am just the lobang finder cum the excel updater for votes :p clover is doing the finance part

nice invite, the pic seem to be taken in the park also?
i like the pic of Ashley tand the way u phrase the words..casual yet the feel of having good time

I am happy for u & ur hb !
hope ur job search is successful too

all the best too

marina square has a taiwan snack store, not sure whether it is still there though

great! cos this thing has been on my mind for sometime and my blur blur teeth really quite unsightly.

can pm me your email address?
babypink - where does your vet sister work at, if you don't mind sharing!
cos i'm quite familiar with the vet clinics seen....so just curious! pm me! :D
if u insist that we choose something, then I think i will vote for neogarden..=)

Taiwan Muah Chee
Thanks all for the info...
shaz, petrina and happygal

I have sent the package details to your email addresses. dont have time to add you guys on msn. will do so later. cheerio
FD = Full Day
If you DIY deco, how are you gng to get Helium gas/how to make the balloon go to the ceiling? :p

I change my food vote to Neo Garden. Hehehe.

You all know that there is one shop that sells baking stuff? The branchs I know are in Jurong East nxt to SnS and near "Four Horse Road". They selling musical candles (a few for $8+) and pink and blue #1 candle (1 for $2+). Also sells party utensils and all sorts of baking stuff. I cannot recall name... :x
kell, ic. the store is phoon huat. the idea I have for diy deco is making my own happy birthday sign and put alex's photos around. if I hv more time then will make his name.

bbpink, for me the cake must look good. so any cake shop is the same. caterer leh, I tot must be halal? neo garden not halal leh. is that any nonya halal caterer? haha.
clover: yeah.. i m contemplating the thought for a quite awhile already..
oh ya, on what paper will u be DIYing? I thought of using those coloured poster paper. but i think it's abit too hard.

kell: i think chip bee garden will be nearer to u. yup, phoon huat.

bbpink: ya, i used to frequent the store. it closed somewhere in 2007. i think...
really hapi for u n your hubby.

Bday party,
i m not doing anything yet n its two weeks away only. Wow say! You mummies r really elaborate about it wor. Dun b surprise if I only haf normal balloons on the floor if you come my house. Hahhahaah!

can pm me the packages as well?
my party is this sun ley. in time for neg with michael? if not i will pass. I am taking 2 sculpture but still deciding cos like what clover says... what to do with them after the party.. hahaha...
I know chilli padi caters to nonya food. But it's a little bit costly.. Not sure if it taste good though...

Birthday party
Gotta place order for cakes & stuff by the last week of Feb, so that's still another 2 weeks later.. Hopefully I can make up my mind than... Cos I'm very frequent minded~
shirley, i thk i will just take the $68 package. will email to confirm with him later cos he gv me $98 package earlier on. nw waiting for his revised proposal. i did told him he was recommended to him by u.

my celebration is this sunday too. do not know whether it will be too rush for him also.
Hi Faith Tan,

Are you getting a diploma or master degree? I'm oso considering to study again. I want to get my master degree but confuse where the best place to take? also thinking to major in finance.

Some people said about "Insead" but still wandering other choices. Any suggestion?
Michael Balloon Deco:
I haven't even cfm my venue thus I am unable to even reply to Michael's email. I'm being KiaSu... I might scrap the idea cos its very troublesome to liaise w so many people. I am very boringly practical. LOL.

Hi kresentia eugener,
If you wanna go into Finance, the field does not really recognise Masters but rather certification like CFA (this is also considered a Masters). And some Finance specialisation certs, which my ex-lecturer told me, but I need to go home and dig thru my notes to find. Sounds so dis-organized. :x

Anyway, I think Masters cost ard $50k and you must weigh if you can really recoup the $50k after you get the Masters. Seeing this, I think the CFA route will be more worth the time and money.
hi happygal29

wow yours coming soon lei, not sure can get the discount like that. thanks for mentioning my name to him. i think a bit tough to coordinate as some of the mummies celebration is this month.

BP for balloons deco
Hi ladies, a bit tought to coordinate as some of the events are just round the corner. for those who are hosting next month i can still try. hope you ladies dont mind as i do not want to delay in your confirmation with michael too.
