(2008/03) March 2008

Happy New Year everyone! ( a bit stale already...)

Wah...I guess with the kind of multiple bad hosp experience you have you have every right to feel super upset about KKH! I would be too!


I am super jealous and depressed and get highly anxious when I see posts about baby porridge and fish. My babies HATED the porridge I cook and also fish. They always gag and will eventually vomit whenever I feed them home cooked meal. Tried plain porridge, adding carrots lah, adding sweet potato lah, add stock lah...all also the same. Give them cereal- wah can eat very fast until licking lips! I got a feeling I don't have magic cooking hands.

So how do mummies make the fish not smelling like....fish? Is there no way? And buy threadfin from market not as smelly ah? I am obsessed about feeding them fish.

Come mummies who are successful in feeding your baby home cooked porridge; pls post your happy "customer" pics here. Give me some motivational pictures lah!

I missed your delicacies pics.
)))) Post some lah!

i don't have magic cooking hands too but i think it depends on the babies too. i have made yucky-looking porridge as well. it smells yucky to me too but Tricia took it in fast and finished the whole bowl. usually to make fish less smellier, can pour a few drops of lemon. try it. anyway babies will outgrow that phase lah. eventually they'll want to eat rice like we adults do.
Eating solid,
on the 1st Jan, I tried giving my DS pasta as I wan him to learn how to chew more. Biggest regret! He was ok initially but half way thro the feeding, he seems to be coughing badly as though he is choked. His whole face turn red n then blue. He was crying badly. I tot he is being mischevious by acting to cough ( which he always does that ) but when I see his face turn blue, I quickly held him up from his chair, forced opened his mouth n see is there anything in his throat that caused him to choke so that I can removed it wif my hands. I could see nothing so I immediately do the emergency steps for bb choking. After I did the 'hitting' on his back n turn him around, he immediately stop coughing but stil crying.
Its really a shock of my life manz! My DH n I , in fact, was about to rush to hospital. Luckily, he seems better n nothing happened after that.
So mummies, I told myself dun be too anxious for trying out solids for my son. So long as he is growing well, I will be patient towards him. Every babies is different in their development. Dun compare yours with others. Cos it makes the mummy feel miserable if she feels her baby is no match to others.
No offence but I cannot stand those mummies keep asking about other kids so as to compare n boast how good their kids especially grades in schools. I feel the most important thing is that my baby is happy n I will be happy. & not in order for me to be happy then I will make my bb do certain things.
Jus my little sharing...
Baby pink,
thanks for the comment on the family photo.
Someone posted on the shows at major shopping centers n T3 when I asked where to bring baby out for fun. So I remembered it and went T3 to take photo lor. There is no shows but jus free photo taking session. Quite nice family outing on that day. My bb enjoys it. He was laughing n giggling all the way during the outing to Changi Airport.
Hope your daughter is getting better now.

you going back to workforce? Who is going to take care of your babies then? Maybe I can b your bb sitter as my job? hee... jus a wild tot.

Mickey mouse theme for birthday bash,
I m for it.

well done for your DS walking. Do join us next time for gathering! He is so cute. Who does he looks like more? Daddy or Mummy?
reena, my boy also lo you already...
i feed him plain porridge (soft rice in water type)
then he eat 2 mouth, then dun wan eat liao..
i'm tired of thinking of fantastic veg combination..

my mil everyday nag and say because i nv put soya sauce.. no salt, so not tasty, baby dun like.
i also lazy to argue wif her liao..

then recently my mom also give me probs.. insist i feed FM. kept saying fm is better than bm.
i so fed up i ask her drink herself if she likes fm so much!

my boy juz recovered frm viral fever frm tue-thurs. then thurs evening i started high fever also. till now still not ok.. double sianz!
what pasta u gave? the alphabet type? i juz bought the animal shapes type. thinking of letting her eat as finger food.. now u mentioned ur son's incident, may be blending the pasta instead.
yutong, my sentiments exactly! i hate it when my mil & my parents kept comparing wif their relatives or colly's babies.. so idiotic lor!! make us seem so useless.. until i also start to doubt my own capabilities..

Thanks for your encouragement.

My sister (with 4 kids) also told me that she never once successfully feed her babies home cooked porridge. She said we lack 1 important ingredient; PRESERVATVIES! Hahahahahah!

Thanks for sharing your experience. I shall be patient also then.

None of my babies like to chew their food. They want pureed stuff. A little lumpy they still gag.
lefthander, then yr triplets are not quite ready for lumpy stuff lah. is it bcoz not much teeth yet? not hao lian, k. my alex can bite crackers n chew quite well. I gave him pasta once and he was ok too. coz he has more teeth, I guess.
hi all.. just wondering if anyone has any good peds to recommend.. my LO has bad eczema and would like to seek some advice.. also any good playgroups that are good for them? I've been away for a very long time and now bringing lo back.. kinda lost as to what's available and suitable..
bbpink, reena, clover
thanks for the well wishes for the job hunt....i've actually not decided yet, i think i was merely venting my frustrations out loud haha...but I'm checking out the job ads though

melissa, yutong
my mum can look after baby tommy for me...chelsea goes to CC half day but I'm already paying for full day anyway so can just extend her hours

in her whole class, chelsea is the slowest and pickiest eater :p i pick her up after lunch and many times she's still picking at her food while the others have already finished or the teacher has to feed her before she would eat anything :p

this morning she told me she didn't want to eat the "holes" part of the bread....i had to point out to her that is just how bread looks like :p

it must be v. hard that bb keeps waking up at night...bb tommy doesn
t sleep thru the night either and he usually wakes up twice but sometimes he has trouble falling back asleep and can take up to 2 hours to go back to sleep
luckily that's not v. often

i came across this baby sleep consultant on the internet but i've no idea if she's good or not... if you would like to try it out, you can PM me for the details...she's an American living in Singapore and she has some success stories she probably can share with you

anyway don't despair and nap when baby does nap....since he's only recently gotten worse, it probably means that he's going through a phase like growth spurt or teething...in any case it won't last forever so don't despair

chewing food
i read somewhere that babies actually use their gums to chew food so it doesn't matter if they have teeth...i find that bb tommy gives me a gagging look if something is too sticky, not watery enough but if i give him bits of bread, soft meat etc, he can chew that no problem

i would recommend dr lee from kinder clinic (mt a). she's my bb's pd who specialises in dermatology...


think i'm signing up megan for gymboree classes but prob after cny...may drop by mygym at marine parade to take a look before committing myself to 12 lessons at gymboree.....

you want to check with ur pd your little boy's sleeping habit?? could it be due to discomfort somewhere??


megan eats porridge and cereals but absolutely hates pasta..tried giving her pasta stars on a few occasions but she simply refuse to eat after trying a few spoonfuls...and i tot she eats absolutely anything as she loves to munch....hmmmm guess they have their own likes and dislikes as well....she likes teething biscuits but gets choked on the gerber puffs...

guess a lot of trials and errors when it comes to feeding bb cos they cant express themselves yet...so dun give up, mummies!!

ya, i bought threadfin from ntuc and it has a strong fishy smell and megan refuse to eat the "fishy" porridge after a few spoons...sigh... but then the threadfin my mum bought at market no such problems and my mum says it's becoz fish not fresh that's why got fishy smell.....
AdelineS n Petrina
Hope ur darlings r ok.

I can imagine. very scary to see our darlings on choking episode. My shevon also like dat at times.

Food intake
Mummies, now that our bb r 9m, how much cereals do we need to give them? Last time 6m at most abt 4tbs. Now should i still stick to 4tbs or increase to 5-6tbs cereal so that it is abt 3/4 or 1 bowl of meal for them? Dun want to underfeed or overfeed my shevon. Milk intake think she only drinks abt 4 to 6oz at most on very hungry days.

Crying to slp n waking up middle of nite
My hb n i really phobia of shevon crying to slp n waking up middle of nite crying as well as morning. Last time i wanted her to slp as it was already past 12am. After feedinng her bm, thgt she is still hungry, gave fm. After that dun want to slp. Cried when i tried to carry, rock n pat her to slp. Then daddy carried her outside, she was happy. She din want to sleep. So she played for abt 1/2hr after the fm then slp. By then nearing 2am. Both of us just let her played on the bed while we rested on bed.

This morning woke up crying again. Hb took her outside n she slpt well. We tgt aircon not cold so lower e temp, then who knows she was cold. Tonite gonna try n error n up e temp n see if she still wake up crying in the middle of nite. Think she is now thiner so dun like aircon too cold.

I mean nowdays need to trial n error so many things n see y she cry: food, teething, too cold, fever or ... so stressful for both of us....need to let out....im so scared of bb now......stressful manz. She is so angel during daytime, nitetime become monster.....
relatives compareing babies:
Ah yo... u should ask Clover & me... hahahah we can even compare what they say. =P *hor clover~~ hahahaha*
Something funny to share wif you gals,

A parcel for mummy? Let's see wat's inside...

Surprise!!! Its your evil twin brother!

Better go back in so that mummy will be surprise too!

Ok! Ok!

Mummy! You got a parcel & I dunno wat is inside!
i bought bellgamy pasta for him to try as it is brown rice based. He seem to be taking it ok as i still use the same soup base as i use when cooking porridge. I am not a very advanturous person when it comes to food. Prefer to take things slow.

ecezma is horrible! i knw it esp when my #1 is ecezma queen. sigh... anyway yes try dr lee. I would suggest u go for allergy test if it is serious. Go ployclinic n get appt from national skin centre. I wanted to do tat for my #1 but havent had the chance to go polyclinic yet. The last time she had her appt i was like in my early days of confinement...
I got those shells one but i cut it after I cut it. Tink its not small enough.

its the boxes I used for shifting house. He likes the color n the elephant logo on top. Not to mention the plastic n the paper on top. So I decided to let him play inside.
Did something so proud today. I brought the kids out to sentosa to cycle. hahaha ppl wondering how to cycle with andrae. Well i managed to ergo backpack andrae behind and cycle for 1 hour. 15 min after starting off, he actually fell asleep. hahaha... i must say sentosa is a very gd place to cycle. Less people, not too many slopes and windy!
yt, yr commentaries are funny!

comparing babies
since liyun's n my bb are cousins n born a mth apart, our relatives always compare. one of the thing they always comment is the height. it's fine with me, coz I love my short n fat alex. haha~
clover, haha. i also love my fatty ryan. very sickening hor.. keke
my aunt always say my baby is fat becoz both parents r fat..

abc, u steady lah.. i can't cycle for nuts! but 1 thing, ryan hates being on the back. and i'm not stable to shift him myself. so i'm still sticking to the front carry.

yt, u very imaginative leh... hehe

isabella, yup, this time only 24 hr clinic left.
Commentaries on my son's photos,
guess my son is my inspiration. Plus, I was very mischevious when I was young. He does reminds me of my childhood at times. Hehehehehe....

Comparing babies,
3 cheers to you manz! Tats a good one! I will tel whoever that compares my son to their babies " Its fine with me cos i like my son the way he is." Smile

BB poo,
my DS poos like 6 times today liao. All are normal stool. Boy! He is full of shit manz! Is it tat I feed him too much vege or porridge? I wash his backside till i sianz liao!
My boy and his cousin are only 12hrs apart. So they always compare both of them. But they always say gd things about my baby and say those nt v.good things about the cousin. I think it's nt actually gd to compare between babies. I dun even like when my in-laws compare ds1 with ds2. Each child is different. So why compare??

But the one comment that i'm quite shock is they say Rhys look like mix blood. The nurse at the GP that i always go to call him 'ang mo kia(baby)' I almost fainted when she call him that... I tell hubby dunno if the nurse at TMC got carry wrong baby to me or not...

Brought Rhys to GP just now for cough, running nose and watery stool. The Dr say no medicine is required to help him get better. And he only gv a paracetamol and a nose drop. Cosst me $25 for all.. I find it so 'bo hua'
Bishan Park,
will go to the park for morning walk tomolo if my DS get up early tomolo. Redtea, keen to join as well? Anyone else? I usually go juz make a round n come back. If got company then can be there longer. But very much dependent on whether my son gets up early or not hor.
i would love to join the playdate if i live closer.
i just got a bumper mat as well, so far, my baby isn't using it, just walk over it. that is good that your baby is using it, at least get your money's worth since it is not cheap.

reena, which part of the east are you in? are we the only ones in the east here? maybe we can get our babies together!
i think that my baby walks early coz he doesn't have as much toys compared to the babies i know, so he gets creative with his hands and feet. hahaha!!

cp&yt, yeah i totally agree with you on the comparision thingy, as long as your baby is happy and healthy, that's most important. afterall, all babies are different. i honestly don't know what i would do if my baby chokes, i get paranoid when feeding him fish, kept thinking that i might have missed a bone. my baby looks more like the papa, i was alittle jealous, coz i carried him for 10 mths and he popped out looking like papa junior. hmmm...
hey, your baby looks quite tall, eh? and has so much hair, how cute!
mummies, how are you guys dealing with your babies teething condition? mine doesn't want to chew the teething ring, just want to chew on things that aren't allowed like pen, makeup tools...i spend my time cleaning everything in the house after he sleeps. so tiring. now he has 4 upper teeth coming out, i know that he is uncomfortable and cranky, really hope that this teething phase will go away soon. also i don't know how to bring him out on my own coz i have to take the shuttle bus out, so can't carry the stroller, and he is so heavy. if hubby is working, i have to take him out on my own and i can't stay home all day, will go bananas. i have not been to orchard road in 3 weeks...so missed out on several sales.
cannot. me very sick since fri. fever on and off.

saluate u, ergo and cycle. i tot of that too.. but i think it too dangerous liao. i even tot of rollerblading with ergo.. haha..
been a long long time since i last post and read up on this super fast thread.

First of all, wishing all of you a happy great 2009 and may all the babies be healthy and happy always!

Welcome all the new march mummies to this thread too!

Thanks for uploading all the pretty pictures of your babies. I love looking at all their pictures!

I will love to join the playdates at your place if it falls on weekends as i am working on weekdays leh...

I cook porridge with pumpkins, small potatos, pork and frog legs.. But i din give her frog legs to eat. My ger loves it. No seasoning needed and the porridge is sweet.
Or one big piece of pork with small potatos, sweet potatos and tomato and take out the meat when feeding.
Or fish with tomato (to kill the fishy smell), small potatos and pumpkins.
So far she loves frog legs best!

One aunty taught me to feed Keira beancurd when she was 100 days old and i have to eat that too in our bedroom. TOUCHWOOD, so far so good. Supposed to have no teething woes if you try this method. Of coz i did not let her taste the syrup with the beancurd. hee... But she puts everything in her mouth. I think is normal right?
toby, i use the dentinox teething gel on my DS. can get in guardian. he likes to chew on our stuff too, including buttons on our tops and a pc of cotton today!
hahahahahahha JK is super cute lor!!!!

Ling yee
Expression queen u have there!

Kathlyn also very funny. everytime when we go out, she see us eat, she very grouchy.. then when we want to feed her, she will squint her eye then keep laughin (very loudly ok!) after she finish her laugh like 5 sec.. then we can feed her. every mouth that we feed, she behave like this.
Aiyooo.. i realise kathlyn more expressive and really made my day when i am pretty down today! hahahaaa..

Down why?
Because of poor kim lor! her temperature fell to 34 degree today and this panicky mommy rush her to KKH. Dr say that it's normal but i am worried lah.. 39 degree suddenly fall to 34 which i reckon is very low lor.. but now she sleeping soundly (finally after whole day).

Haiz this weekend kathlyn cannot come home.. miss her alot ah!
I hope Kim will recover the soonest!

Keira will show angry face if you say "angry face"!
Will show "kelian" face when you scold her
Will show smiley face if you take cam and say smile smile.
Will clap her hands if you sing "if you happy and you know it clap ur hands"

Ling Yee
Keira quite clever wor.. My baby Rhys wont even bother about me whe i sing 'if u're happy & u know it clap ur hand'. But he love to gang up with his big kor kor to bully his small kor kor..

Mummy, Brought Rhys to the Dr just now and the Dr weigh him. He is 9.5kg now and Dr say that he's a big baby... Is it big?? Cos i understand that most baby here weigh around this weight right??
Isaac will laugh at me when I sing "if you're happy & u noe it clap ur hands..." BUT he refuse to clap his hands... how? *sweat*
hate it when my mil comment "u all must teach one, u all never teach so he don noe..." NBZ...he refuse i cant force him right...
came back fr my 10 course dinner at 11 plus and has diffculty sleeping, cos super full..


hope Ryan is well

hehe..no need to envious..kyzac eats well very rarely also ..
and he got this bad habit of placing his thumb inside his mouth to explore the food

u r rite abt the fishy taste..just like when mum bot the frozen cod fish fr supermkt vs fesh ones fr mkt..they taste dif

20 times a nite is no joke..must be really hard on u !
hope u gals can have a good nite soon !

i enjoy ur comic strips
u r pretty good !

u manage to capture keira's expression well

Chelsea is so cute !
haha..holes in the bread.. waiting for my gal to speak so well also..

now kelicia is not very clear yet..and still has this farni game of singing a few lines of not very clear words song, and then expect me & hb to continue..

if we guess wrongly and continues wrongly , she gets quite upset with us

hehe..u r amazing!

haha..break out laughing when i see ur comment abt alex..but not fair leh..he is not that short lah , and not that fat too

liyun, u never type u love ur tall isaac :p

9.5kg sounds fine
i think boys are normally bigger..i remember my #1 a gal was still 10 kg even @ 18th months, but kyzac is already his sister's 18th month wt

clap not so soon i remember..using my #1 as a guage :p
oh yah..have u gals seen this commercial abt London Roll..being a hardcore commercial fan, i was seeking high & low but din see it at NTUC or shop & save near my place..

finally found it at a big tibit store

the actual stuff is very dif fr the commercial as in the size , one pack has 24 packets..but still taste very yummy..haha, next potluck i will buy this for u all

haha i just saw this london choco roll commercial on TV and was thinking that I must get some since my hubby and I love swiss rolls and chelsea was there with me and asking me to buy it for her and now i read this on forum....v. qiao right? ;)

Ling Yee
Keira is so cute
Love the pictures

i just weighed BB Tommy on Xmas eve and he's about 9.6kg and he seems to be pretty thin to me...i saw so many babies younger than him and heavier with really big heads!

kids are so cute aren't they...chelsea's the same way, she would sing a song and say mama sing too but i've no idea what song that is cos she learnt it in school and she's not v. clear...used to be that every single word and song was taught by mama now she surprises me all the time

one of the strangest thing she ever said was right before bed time, she said "The eagle has sharp claws to catch other animals"!!!?? haha i think she was reading a book with her uncle just minutes ago...

same here, seeing the kids really lift my spirits...yesterday morning i was feeling grouchy thru lack of sleep but when i was feeding both kids, BB Tommy started hiccupping and chelsea copied him and they both started giggling and had a great laugh...soooo cute!!! too bad never got it on video cam
That's what I thought too... I think it's normal, but Dr say baby big.. I was like 'huh'??? And he claim that he was from KKH. Didnt he see bigger babies before???
