(2008/03) March 2008

Road Trips: Just scared baby cranky then I waste "Warfare" preparations and the entrance fees.

Why you keep saying disgusting? LOL. I like the Macoroni+Salmon+Apple+LongBean receipe.

Later baby feel the vibes "Disgusting" maybe they will be choosy eaters? Now I try to keep quiet. Even not nice also say Yum Yum. hahaha.

To repost

<font color="0000ff">1st Birthday Bash 2009
4 April 2009 (fixed)
$30/family (up to 3 adults &amp; no limit to ur bbies &amp; kids , if u have twins or triplets, it is still considered as 1 family

{inclusive of buffet lunch, a birthday banner, a Number 1 birthday cake, mickey and minnie agar agar, bb biscuits fr Gerber</font>

pls do bring a toy each to let the kids b entertained

1)Clover &amp; family
2)Bbpink &amp; family
3)abc &amp; family
4)babyheng &amp; family
5)jerejoy &amp; family
6)twinkelstars &amp; family
7)Zhiqiang &amp; family
8)Yasmine &amp; family
9)FL &amp; family
10)lefthander &amp; family
11)summerdaze &amp; family
12)happygal29 &amp; family
13)mikael &amp; family
14)shirley &amp; family
15)isabella &amp; family
16)liyun &amp; family
17)ivy &amp; family
18)adelineL &amp; family
19)kate &amp; family
20) Bubble &amp; family
21) Yutong &amp; family
22) AdelineK &amp; family
23) dreamlife &amp; family
24) cyberbabe &amp; family
25) LingYee &amp; family
hehe, kell..i find it quite gross cos i dun dare to eat ..i am quite scared of mashed food

my 2 yr o actually tremble involuntarily now when she eats the 1st mouthful..not like the good o days where she eat them all up

dun noe is it becos she is exposed to salt &amp; sugar in childcare now..

how abt salmon &amp; cod fish
hmm i brought my kids and andrae to tthe sentosa where koufu is. It is in my msn.. hahaha...

Think my son oso lose to yrs.. Mine is 18 feb bb and can only walk unsupported abt 5-6 steps... hahaha... understand the "hardwork" of mummy during this time. hahaha
ABC, whats ur MSN id?
The pic of Andrae playing in sand is at Sentosa? Phoebe still very anxious. Cling on to Daddy when we try to put her on the sand. LOL. Scream when put her under the standing shower. The water is misty, so it isnt painful.

I can't view the website in office. Will inform Clover when I made the TT.
hey I think you used to live in Yishun right??
Glad to "see" you again and wow Nate is very advanced. Can't wait for my BB Tommy to start toddling around haha

Speaking of my boy, he's really such a handful :p He loves to climb and will try to climb just about anything. If he's in the playpen, he'll try to climb out of it and manage to get like halfway out before someone pulls him down :p but if he's out of his playpen, he'll also try to climb his playpen and he will use his hands and hang on to his high chair with legs dangling in mid air and he'll hang off the glass dining table and try to climb up a big TV console
i think I may have to resort to stricter discipline since this seems so dangerous

i used to make the same kind of mashed up food for Chelsea haha and she would eat it no problem...but now she is super picky :p Baby tommy is also eating everything right now and last night he even tried some chili haha...he was touching his tongue afterwards but still happy to try new foods hehe

Good luck on your job hunt!!!!

I don't think I'm v. determined right now...I've to psyche myself up first :p....now I'm thinking it's such a drag to have to find work clothes since I pretty much have none and I haven't even lost all my pregnancy weight yet so the few office clothes I do have are a little too tight for me

but I'm sure it's mind over matter...just need to"Just Do it"!!!
venue has been booked ?

good luck on both ur job hunts

u bet..Kelicia is picky now after turning 2 years old..she used to be ok with all food..now she only takes out wat she likes..

to my horror, she only eats the raisins fr her raisin bread..
so advance then any babies here!

Birthday banner
i am going to do a banner for kathlyn and for march banner, please let me know who wants to design it and are we going to include any photo?
Last year kim's banner is like this..


Was designed by my friend.
This year kath's one will be designed by my SIL.
But march baby i need some idea! i do not have time to design so i will pass the job but i can arrange for printing. if not then give me idea i get my SIL to design.
oh ya or probably just micky and minnie photo with the wording 'march birthday celebration' or something like that. because if including photos. means that i would need all of u to send me photo then i edit until crazy ah!!!

suggestion..maybe we can use mickey n minnie in the banner which represent mouse yr babies


Toby vr cute n chubby. wow, can walk already? i think he is the first march baby who can walk. my baby brendon born in 2nd march. today is his 10th mths. still cant walk, only cruising around.

Happy New Year to all mummies! I'm new to this thread, but hv a gal who is also born in Mar 08. Currently having a lot of trouble getting her to sleep (she sleeps ~10 hrs daily only), does any1 else face this problem too?
Got a suggestion here...
Perhaps we can input our real names here rather than still a forum nick.
OMG! It's only 3 mths away!

1st Birthday Bash 2009
4 April 2009 (fixed)
$30/family (up to 3 adults &amp; no limit to ur bbies &amp; kids , if u have twins or triplets, it is still considered as 1 family
{inclusive of buffet lunch, a birthday banner, a Number 1 birthday cake, mickey and minnie agar agar, bb biscuits fr Gerber

pls do bring a toy each to let the kids b entertained }

1)Clover &amp; family
2)Bbpink &amp; family
3)abc &amp; family
4)babyheng &amp; family
5)jerejoy &amp; family
6)twinkelstars &amp; family
7)Zhiqiang &amp; family -- Zhiqiang, Yvonne, baby Bryan
8)Yasmine &amp; family
9)FL &amp; family
10)lefthander &amp; family
11)summerdaze &amp; family
12)happygal29 &amp; family
13)mikael &amp; family
14)shirley &amp; family
15)isabella &amp; family
16)liyun &amp; family
17)ivy &amp; family
18)adelineL &amp; family
19)kate &amp; family
20) Bubble &amp; family
21) Yutong &amp; family
22) AdelineK &amp; family
23) dreamlife &amp; family
24) cyberbabe &amp; family
25) LingYee &amp; family
Haiz hectic day.
Kim has HFMD. no ulcer on hand and foot but alot ulcer in the back of her throat =( then fever on and off..
Gosh so cranky...!!
aiyo poor Kim, it's v. v. painful to swallow, no wonder she's cranky...my hubby, me and chelsea had it when she was 11 mths old...i remember crying when i was trying to swallow porridge....must be patient wif her and take care of yourselves...hope she gets better soon! Chelsea actually recovered v. quickly
this is her 2nd time! now my concern is kathlyn.. i keep calling and nagging at my aunty to take her temp make sure that she's ok.
Kim still can eat but she swallow very very slowly if not that she only drink soup but overall she still run and play.. just that when pain she cranky.
So poor thing cause she tell me 'mommy head pain.. want lie down..' then she lie on me whole day..
I remember the Dr telling me that kids will not get the same kind of HFMD bacteria twice. So if they get it 2nd time, must be very careful. Either the bacteria have mutated, which is a more stubborn bacteria or maybe the different one which the kid have never got it b4.

Hope Kim will recover soon. When kids have HFMD, really very hard to take care of them. You gotta take care of yourself too.. Cos they say HFMD will also spread to adult...

2 Adeline chatting, I almost address to the wrong adeline.. Lolx~
Hey AdelineL, nice to see you here yeah we just moved over to the east, sold my old place in Yishun, and now Northpoint has great stuff like the HK cafe..hmm...kinda regret moving alittle.
how are things with you? Wow, Tommy is climbing out of the playpen, he sure is active. If Nate starts climbing out of anything, i will have to tie him up coz the playpen, jumperoo are the only things that will give me some time to do my stuff. hahaha!

babypink, i will check with my hubby to see if he is working and will let you know. don't want to show up on my own!
that is such a great idea for the March babies! i hope to make it so that Nate will have a memorable celebration with everyone. re: babyfood, i like the idea of pasta, will try that next week.

ABC, my baby was like yours too, 4-5 steps, and 2 days later, he walks 15 steps. still those few steps are fast! gotta buy a helmet soon for my baby.

Katechow, thanks! i didn't think that walking can be such a nightmare, i have to close my doors and low windows!
Haiz hectic day.
Kim has HFMD. no ulcer on hand and foot but alot ulcer in the back of her throat =( then fever on and off..
Gosh so cranky...!!
hi Blueskies, i just feed my baby before every nap and a big bottle of milk before his sleep in the night. and he sleeps quite well. babies seemed to change their sleeping habits all the time.

Adeline, don't mind me asking how did your baby get the HFMD? poor baby, hope she recovers real soon!
oh no... how come she will kena? ppl from her sch got it? is it better than last time? hope she gets well soon.

I am opening my home for playdate next wed. Anyone interested?

Date: 7 Jan 08 (wed)
Time: 4pm - 7pm
Venue: abc home (5 min walk from admiralty mrt)
1. abcdisney n abc (host)
yea i agree walking is a headache. I jus invested in playyard and bumper mat for him. Maid really thank me for that investment. The payyard is placed in the kitchen. Thus now he can play alone while she work in the kitchen. As logn as he sees ppl ard he is happy. Easier to clean up and tidy his things too as toys r mainly within the area. Also he begin to start crawling a bit (phew!) Guess we oso hv the more :Can't be bothered" attitude when we know he is protected by bumper mat and can sit, walk and stand more steadily liao. hahaha...

<font color="0000ff">Date: 7 Jan 08 (wed)
Time: 4pm - 7.30pm
Venue: abc home (5 min walk from admiralty mrt)
1. abcdisney n abc (host)</font>
oh no ! poor Kim, hope she recovers fast

bumper mat is great..tahnks for urs

yupz, agree with u &amp; kate..mickey minnie theme is good

CK's suggestion
<font color="0000ff">regarding our names, how abt u all email me ur email address, then i email to all in the mailing list
Welcome! And good to know that there's another in the east! Most of the moms here are up North and in the West.

And wow! He can walk at 9.5 months! That's very fast!

I'm a sahm to 3 monkeys, dd1 coming 7yo, ds2 coming 4yo and dd3 10 months.

I'm so envious! After telling Pet to jia you, my dd3 "lo-you" already. Back to where we first started, not eating well again

She only loves to be hand-fed, not spoon-fed. Don't know what to do with her. Just keeping fingers crossed she'll enjoy eating as she grows older.

Think I'll try your macoroni/salmon/apple &amp; long bean recipe. Hope she likes.

Where do you buy your threadfin from? There are also different grades of threadfin. I realised those I buy from NTUC has a more fishy smell/taste as compared to those from wet market. Else, other alternatives would be like what bbpink suggested, cod or salmon fish as they have big bones.
toby and abc,
wow wow your babies can walk so many steps? Tricia is walking 2-3 steps now and fall, 2-3 steps and fall. thing is she's so little. she's still only 7kg but very nimble.

adeline k,
poor kim! hope she gets well soon! are you immuned to HFMD too? do you have to sterilize all her toys now?

adeline l,
you going back to work? who'll take care of chelsea and tommy now? my mom is currently taking care of two rascals and she's looking very tired so i think i have to get a maid!

just pm u my hp no. Ya, we are so near yet hv not met before. Do feel free to give me a ring so that I can drop by yr pl.
your bb sure keeps u busy then!

thks, i used to do that... but then suddenly she doesn't sleep after that &amp; that's when the crying starts.. but good idea, i prob shd increase the night feed and c if it helps, thks! hey, your bb sure has v advanced motor skills to be walking so many steps!

hope your gal recovers soon, it muz be a nitemare!

baby waking up in the night...

My baby has never once slept thru the night ever since he was born. I tot it has turned for the better but recently he keeps waking up again! Can go up to twenty times in one night! He just cry while closing his eyes and simply wants to be latched on only.... Oh dear, I hope this will not last forever... need some moral support so badly...
