(2008/03) March 2008

Hi Clover,
I just trferred $30 for the 4 Apr Party.

He must be a very excited boy from his looks while playing w the box. LOL.

Wow, you are very adventurous. I still cannot manage to put the ergo back facing leh... :p

Kiera very clever. Hahaha. If I tell Phoebe to show face, she will just smile at me.


thanks! will pm to u to ask abt the sleeping consultant for my boy. I think he's too used to waking up. Simply want to be latched on in the middle of the night but he doesn't latch on to fall asleep. Quite contradicting right....


I actually enrolled in mygym. haha! wanted to enroll him at gymboree but find it too far. will be starting his first class this Thurs. So excited abt it.


ya, it's v v tiring. Just hope he will sleep thru the nights when he gets older. Keep telling myself that babies r also human so they shld eventually like to sleep n will not wake up so often. haha! hv to self console myself before I go crazy. ;p
kell, received yr transfer with thanks.

i bought the threadfin from ntuc fairprice too... i always thought fairprice fishes are fresh??


i like to hear the london choco roll song.. haha..
Cycling with baby:
Is it legal for me to ride motorbike with baby? I've been thinking of that for awhile (at least can go market....) BUT regarding the helmet, that's an issue...

<font size="+2">I LOVE MY TALL ISAAC!!!!</font>*as long he don hit the table corners.... headach ar! I dont think I am the only one with tall babies, Tommy is pretty tall too, also Alandria too~ I have not been to gatherings for quite sometime so didnt see other babies' growth progress, not to mention that Isaac was born in February instead of March so his height still kind of tellys with his age. (Tommy is tall as far as I can remember).

located @ bukit batok east ave 4.. , but they have 3 shop spaces

think lingyee mention carrfour is more convenient for u

hehe..look like i m not the only one who appreciate good commercials :p

adelineL, everytime i read ur posts, make my heart warm..cos u really enjoy ur kids

i agree kids are fun, alto sometimes their notti moments really make one goes oh my goodness ( and she copycat me and said oh my goodness

today i just told kelicia u will be the death of me when her mealtime bec our cleaning up floor routine ..dun noe y the kids love to use their fingers to explore the food

haha..u really make me laugh
abt babies r also human afterall..
yupz, alto they are little terrors at time, they will eventually grow up into well behaved adults like us ;)

hahaha..even the words r tall
hello mommies....
Long time no "see"

jerejoy, ling yee,
Have you started Shichida method this term? My gals are on waitlist for April 09
cos I decided too late.
<font color="0000ff">Date: 7 Jan 08 (wed)
Time: 4pm - 7.30pm
Venue: abc home (5 min walk from admiralty mrt)
1. abcdisney n abc (host)</font>
Andrae jus learn some new tricks over the weekend. He knows that a phone is to be placed over the ear and the glasses is to be placed over the eyes... Below are some photos of him "talking" on the phone...


hehe! hopefully he will be well behaved when he grows up. (",)


Hi! Hvn't seen u on the forum for quite a while.
Yup, I hv enrolled him in the shichida method last Nov and they also put me on the wait list. This shichida method is really hot hot hot! Hopefully to start in April also. Our kids can go to classes together.
Fainted.. Fainted.. FAINTED!!!
Wah i think i gng to breakdown..
Now kathlyn's turn to have fever.
Haiz.. Dun think kathlyn will kena the HFMD but just very tiring..
take care &amp; hang in there !!!

by the way, let me share some gd news with you ladies here. i went for my detailed scan last fri and i am expecting a boy this time round
take care of urself too ..and hope the kids recver fast

haiz, childcare centre is a place which is pretty easy to pick up diseases/illnesses and having a younger child mean both kids r more vulnerable..
childcare sick leave really not enough

and hb is now telling me tat my sambuccol not working since kelicai still contrat viral fever..then i still defend the product (alto i m not getting any commison) and said will be worse if never take sambuccol
oh, I din go Bishan Park as well cos my DS woke up at 9.30am yesterday. Wanted to go Zoo but it starts to drizzle n the sky is dark when we are at the entrance so we decided to detour to my mum's place. Wat a spoilsport!

Tell me about it manz! After carrying bb for 10mths n take care of him full time at home since he deliver, he actually called 'pa' first rather than 'ma'! Wat to do? Papa is more patient with him n plays wif him alot while mum is jus another maid taking care of his daily routine. Hahahhaha!

thanks for the comments on my son comic strip!

wat's your email?
Keira is so expressive! Cute!

Issac is so smart! He knows mummy is entertaining him so he laughs. My colleague once told me kids whom you ask them to do something n they dun do it but they understand what you are doing means the kid is a very smart one. He knows wat is happening but he knows how to express in the way he wants to. So dun worry about wat your MIL says, Liyun.

you bet about his excitement! He has been eyeing on the boxes but mummy din let him play till now. Hahahahhaha!

can I have the consultant info as well? tnx.

long time no see. I no longer your condo neighbours liao. Hope to see ya next time at gathering.

you gotta take care of yourself also hor. Rem we are the caregiver.

congrats! really happy for you!
WOWOWOWOWW!!! i must have #3 if i want boy leh hahaha.. u can close shop le.. best piece of news for today!

Thanks for the encouragement.
Ya lor.. gotta hang on there. it's a torture leh.. Kim at night keep having fever then keep crying and cannot even swallow saliva. then keep asking me wipe for her.
This morning she woke up at 4am until 7am then sleep.
Haiz.. i woke up with her then i had flu i took flu med in the end i cant get any sleep. so today i am like zombie!
Last night i slept at only 1am doing housework and packing house + sterilize their things.
Then now i think my brain not working + monday blues!
talking about calling parents, think i heard kathlyn call me mama.. during x'mas eve.
While my mom was carrying her, she turned to me.. then said mama and cry.. then hands came out to me. I am not sure if she means it.. but really happy to hear it..
v surprised to hear abt KK hospital. my instructions to my mum is go to KK immediately if too high fever or bleed continuously. dun worry lah, 9.5 kg normal wt, let's continue feeding the bb power food! haha

probably can put in more sweet stuff like sweet potato. they probably dun look good, but babies usually like the sweet taste. mine slurp up banana anytime I give it to her. pork is also suppose to 'sweeten' the porridge taste. I had similar experience with YT too, baby threw up after trying pasta… sigh! guess gotta remember baby steps

I read somewhere that if bb keep waking up, it could be bcox bb's hungry or insecure. might want to try giving bb more milk b4 sleep? does bb sleep with u? mine quite terrible. if she dun wan to sleep will cry &amp; cry until bring her out of her room. sometimes cry until vomit, so scary.. dun let yours do that…

u steady pom pi pi ah. I always wanted to bring her cycling, but dun dare. scared drop bb. Your bb v clever. Guess that's the good thing abt being SAHM. Can spead quality time with bb…

Your gal also v v clever leh, to make so many faces! u muz spend a lot of time teaching her.. My bb dun even know how to say mama &amp; papa.. she acts like a boy, developmental skills like a boy too. super active, but not so much communication skills..

the photos are so cute! wah, what u feed your bb? can poo so much..

So cute! Coming back from work &amp; having her give me her notti smile definitely lights up my day! What's the diff bet your older one &amp;
babe? it's great that they can play tog!!!

Congrats, 1 boi 1 ger jux nice!! hope next time i (or rather my hubby) also aim until so 'zun' ;P

Streez!!! Do take care! if fall sick yourself, cannot look after bb…
Thanks to all for your compliments for Keira.
She can say baobei, baby, mummy, mama (granny), papa, woah (when see those pretty lightings). She will point one finger at you.. hee.. quite fun to see her different expressions.

YT, my email is [email protected]

Crystal, Congrats to you! hee.. can close shop liao woh!

Adeline K, hang in there ya! speedy recovery to both of your princesses!
Yesterday i brought Keira to watch teochew opera the time first. lolz.. im glad those scary faces neva cause any nightmare for keira. I have uploaded those pictures in my FB. Do Njoy!
congrats crystal!! have a "hao" word already.

bbpink, ryan recovered already.. thks.

last nite was a terrible nite
ryan had nightmare 3x throughout the nite... wa lao, i had to shout at him to wake him up.. then he stop crying. he was crying non-stop throughout the nightmare.
i had to hug him to slp the entire nite..
now i became panda. somemore today i'm doing renovation in my kitchen. sianz
Congrats!!! Well... means u can consider a #3 without worries!!! ok ok, lets settle #2 first for now. =) Its a really good news for a new year. =)
dear mummies
thanks for the well-wishes!

keira super cute and she is really advanced!!

i tink you cant shout at the baby while they are still in sleep mode lei. cuz they would not respond one. usually if cheryl have nightmare and crys non stop with her eyes shut, i will bring her to walk around the house and tell her she is still at home. then she will then slowly open her eyes so she calm down.

realised that i gotten stomach flu until my hubby got it from me. my DS has diarreoa yesterday but no fever. hope he din caught the flu. his feeding is ok. tdy morning bring him to nanny hse. nanny said her whole family kana oso. -_-"

wow! ur DS can sleep for so long hor.. so good. recently mine can sleep till 8am.. a blessing for us liao. haha..
btw, jus to share with u. there's a clinic at blk 330. the female doctor there very good and details. there's 2 doc. the one is see is Dr Chong.
Just to check with the mummies here, when ur bb have nightmare, do you feed him some chinese medicine/powder before putting him to sleep again??? Cos i do that and I find that they can sleep better after that..

Shouting @ baby.
Agree with Crystal... Shouting when they're asleep will only make them have more nightmare.
crystal, congrats!! I hope my next one is a girl then sure close shop. haha..

lingyee, keira can say so many words! so clever!

bb's nightmare
hello, pet? shouting at bb won't it scare the bb even more? my alex also had a nightmare recently, we took turns to hold him, talked to him. in the end the singing calmed him down.

bb's first word
alex's first word is "bao bao" for carrying him.
<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="0000ff">Adeline,

Hope both your DD recover soon. U've to take care of yourself too. Both my kiddo were down with stomach flu. Now that #1 DD has recovered, I got e virus from them *sigh*</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Crystal,

Congratulation... That's 1 piece of great news for the start of e year</font>

<font color="0000ff">ABC,

As far as I know birthday direct dun ship to CGW / VPOST / BDL anymore, how you gng to order? Let me know if you are confident w e spree &amp; if we can get b4 05-Feb.

I was actually tinking of ordering &amp; ship to my sis's apartment. But duno how long it will take for her to send it back to Singapore. If only my brother can help to bring back when he come home. He said his bags are all full
bd dont ship out of sg anymore. so i also did not manage to order from there liao. unless you got someone residing at US then maybe can help you.

you can try kids party world? almost gt some stuffs similar to bd.

join me soon
dear all,
Keira is hyperactive, now the stairs at my place is her playground. Loves to climb up, now she can climb to level 2 and always peek at her back to see if anyone chasing her.
<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="aa00aa">Ling Yee,

Keira is pretty advance ya. But abit tiring on mummy lah *hee*</font>

<font color="0000ff">So sad.. due to health reason, I've to stop latching Josiah now. Lucky my EBM supply is still enough to last him for another 3 mths plus. Can play cheat &amp; console myself that he's still on EBM till 1yo lah.

I thought it's gona b difficult to wean him off but surprisingly it was quite a breeze. He didn't fuss as much as my #1. It took me almost 2 mths just to wean my #1 off e breast. I guess it helped that he was intro to bottle much earlier.

I sure gng to miss e latching moments even though I always complain it's so tiring *hee*</font></font>
<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="aa00aa">Isabel,

Ignore e doc comment lah. Just dun understand those ppl, big cannot, small size also cannot.

I always get those Auntie guessing my Josiah is only 5-6 mths old. When I said he's almost 1yo.. they will said how come so small size, izzit a girl? *arrrggghh*

Then when I bot him to see another GP recently cuz my usual GP is not available, that stupid old man also comment that. He said Josiah is only @ 50 percentile &amp; said that prob is due to e fact I didn't give him enough FM. I shld try to convert him to full FM now instead of occasional feeding. idiot rite.</font></font>
I try putting Isaac at the foot of the stairs and ask him to climb, he give me the look and just sit there waiting... LAZY ar
Ya, very tiring but worthwhile. My eyebags are getting "heavier"

Issac is smart, he wants people to serve him!

My MIL says i gave too much vege. I dunno is it true. His feeding routine is as such
6am milk Wake up 7oz plus probiotics
9am milk 7oz plus 2 spoonfu cereal
12pm-1pm Those 3/4 of a 公鸡 bowl Porridge fish/pork/frog
n 1/3 of 公鸡 bowl of vege ( can b either spinach,
bayam, chye sim, potatoe, pumpkin, carrots,
kailan, green peas ). Fruits usually is an apple
( pureed )
3-4pm milk 7oz
6-7pm porridge as of above mentioned
8pm -9pm 3 oz of milk n probiotics
by 9pm Sleep
Or is it the probiotics? Cos MIL also said that helps in poo poo. But honestly, I prefer my son to poo than constipate. Learning from Clover : ITS FINE WITH ME, I LOVE MY SON WHO IS FULL OF SHIT! hahahahhah!

you got mail!
