(2008/03) March 2008

hi mummies,

CPYT, how do you cook the kailan? boil and blend? 6am feed, that's so early! my earliest feed is 7:30am.

Crystal, though i am new here, judging from the comments here, you must already have a girl. congrats! i hope my next one is a girl so that i will have a easier time coz my boy is very active, sucking up my energy.

all the babies here are so smart.
Ling Ying, your baby is quite advanced, saying so many different things.

off topic:
i still have people asking me if Nate is a boy or girl when he is bald looking, and wearing only blue and brown. my Mandarin isn't good coz i grew up overseas. so one day someone at NTUC pointed at my baby, said "ni de?" i was like yeah, this baby is mine, how come she is asking that. then my hubby said she meant "nui de" as in is it a girl? so silly of me!
crystal/clover, i carried him.. sang. but his eyes refused to open.. i on the light also no use. rock him also can't. so i thot my voice too soft to call him, so i shout. not super loud type, juz louder than his wailing...
yt, if u dun wan him to shit too much, then maybe can try stopping the probiotics for a few days or reduce the dosage lor. i think jk's veg intake is alot. well at least more than alex's.

today i cooked his lunch/dinner together. 4 tablespoons of multigrain rice. 1 oz of pumpkin, 1 oz of threadfin, 1oz of asparagus/tofu/egg yoke and 1 oz of spinach. i pre-cooked the vege/meat so i know how much. maybe a lot of veg today, coz he pooped 3X. haha...

pet, u dun need to go to the extreme mah. i sayang ryan for kena shouted at.
Congrats!!! Can close shop oredi hahhaha...although for myself I'm open to more kids hehe

Ling Yee, ABC
Keira and Andrae r v. smart

Baby Size
I don't think ppl really can gauge babies' age....to me BB tommy was smaller than Chelsea last time and seems like many babies his age but at times people also thought that he's older than his age....so I get comments on both sides...though Jenifur, I think those Aunties pretty rude to ask why so small :p can't stand these ppl

redtea, adelineS
take care and well wishes for the sick

yes it's nice that baby and big sis can play together sometimes, like recently we can play rolling and catching ball together as a family haha...it's v. cute...must try to upload video

but usually i'm playing referee cos BB Tommy is a destroyer of things esp the tall building that Chelsea builds :p or the jigsaw she is working on *haiz*...she's not v. patient wif him and doesn't share her toys well so right now it's more trouble than fun to have 2 kids haha

Can picture Kelicia so cute to say oh my goodness :D....wish can capture these moments forever

Jerejoy, YT
Emailed you guys
Aunties always have the thinking "Long hair = girls" WHY after so many many years... cant they tell most baby boys tend to have quite some hair? (they have lesser hair when they grow old).

hum... I dont really think Isaac is being smart, I feel he is being lazy (and can imagine how he will come out with tons of excuses not to pack his toys in the future) *SWEAT*
Good morning!!!

Sometimes I just cant stand this kind of ppl... Haiz~

Mummies, do you have any good, beautiful & delicious birthday cake to recommend??? So far I saw a few at ecreative.. But would like to widen my choice~

Baby Rhys will now join in when I scold his kor kor.. He will give the fierce look and point his finger at his kor kor. Then when I tell him he is didi cannot scold kor kor n dun be kpo when i scold kor kor, he will give me the cute & innocent look...

So far Rhys vocab only consist of 'mama', 'papa' 'mum-mum'... Seems kinda limited....
Most probably we will become classmates
There's one space available for this term. But on a Thurs at Springleaf. If you really wanna start this term, can call them to grab that vacancy
Springleaf too far for me. Too much work, plus I do flashcards at home, so April will be fine for me.

You moved already?
Good Morning Mummies!

Lingyee, yes its a small world.

Liyun, no worries, Phoebe also likes to be a "baby". Ask her to crawl, she will go into prone position and look at you. After a while, she will cry for someone to pick her up. LOL

How to teach a baby to give things to you? Phoebe will not let go of anything in her grip. Trying to teach her to understand "Let go" and "Give me".

If we snatch from her, she will scream and kick wildly. Very scared next time she will be those kids that have kicking/screaming tantrums in public. :x
yup. moved to AMK near my PIL's place. Can I ask how often you give flashcard? Everyday? how long per session? Is it the same flashcard?
Dunno where DH learnt from. He said too much flashcard will decrease baby's social skills. Not sure is it true or is it he is too lazy to do the flashcard for baby. :p
Don't be envious, my bb also don't like to eat porridge. I tried rice and mee sua too. But she doesn't like. Now, I'm feeding her at odd hours eg 1 tsp cooked rice at lunch hour. Protein (meat/fish/toufu) + veg at any other time she's awake. She's doesn't like cereal too. In fact, as long as it's any spoon-fed food, she won't open her mouth. I don't want to push her too much, in case it backfires. Sometimes, she doesn't even finish 1 tsp of cereal...

Anyway, when I steam the fish, I add a slice of thin ginger to "remove" the fishy smell.

I haven't been baking a lot lately as DH's always travelling and my eldest is in P1 and ds#2 just started nursery this year! Been really busy. But of course, I did squeeze some time to make something different for the family. Will post some pics when I'm more settled down. You may then drool ;-)

Oh gosh, what a tramautising experience. And I agree with you. As far as feeding is concern, it's best to go with the cue of your child. My 2 elder ones have no prob when it comes to solids but this little one is driving me crazy. Although crazy, I'm still taking it easy since milk is still her main food supply now.

We love to go to the airport as it's really big and lots of space for the kids to run! Our favourite spot used to be T1 but now it's T3

Alamak, why our bbs "lo you" after eating well?? Sigh... I was only happy for that few days hahahaha!! I gave her cauliflower, refuse to eat but when I hand-fed her, she finished up every single floret! Faint...

Talking about MIL, I was at her place for lunch yday. I gave dd3 some plain rice. Mil asked me to peel some fried fish for dd3. Aiyo, the fish so oily, how to give?? Her intention is good but she neglected the fact that bbs can't take oily food.

I think the animal pastas may be too big for their age. If you want to give as finger food, I'll suggest you cut into half or thirds before feeding. And must have an adult there to supervise.
Flash card
Was told to flash it 3 times a day. flash 5 cards at a time. Replace any one card every three days. Do this till u finish flashing the whole stack. And then slowly increase the amount of card as your child grows older. That's what I've been told.

Mummies staying around bishan park
Just to check, do they still have the bycycle rental service there???
My bb loves to chew, give her bread/biscuit, she'll munch them happily. She doesn't like pureed food. It's either solid food or watery soup, no in betweens.

Chewing has got nothing to do with teeth lah... we don't chew with our front teeth, we use our molars. And for bbs, they chew usilng their gums ;)

Your pics made me LOL, very funny captions!
Didnt know you are related. I can understand the frustrations as my dd1 was always being compared with bil's son (11 days younger than dd1). And to make things worst, we are just staying a street away and we went over for dinner every night then. Nephew was able to hold his head unsupported before he turned 1 month old. We were stil holding to dd1's head at 4 months. We were "reprimanded" that we're so protective towards her, that's why her neck still not strong. But over the years, we found out that dd1 has "flexi" bones. She can bend and arch and do the legs split like no body's business.

I'm in Simei and jerejoy is in Bedok. I'm available most Fridays as that's when my 2 elder ones will go over to inlaws place. Maybe we can arrange to meet up in a place convenient for all of us?
its certainly scary when I see my son choked.
Glad that you enjoyed the pics.

oh... so its kinda true not to do too much. Gosh! I finished the whole stack every day at one go! Hahahhahaha! No wonder some mummies ask me to bring my bb to mix with other babies more often! Hahhahahaha!
Bishan Park,
I dun rem seeing a bicycle rental stall. Come to think of it, I left my bicycle in my previous condo. It was there since I got married but I never used it since then. Hahahhahaha!
Maybe I bring it back n lend it to you when you wanna come to Bishan Park? Hee...
Yeah, maybe it's a lot of veg & probiotics. In fact didn't even know abt probiotics… where u get it from? U r rite, I prefer bb to poo more, rather than constipation. My bb Chloe had constipation previously, my heart break everytime c her poo, as she will cry. Then I started increasing veg & water. Chloe eats abt the same frequency, but jux lesser quantity. I wil be happy if she can sleep by 9pm.

I tried showing the telephone trick & she also follow.. So happy! but she notti lah, after I clap & tell her good ger, she started sucking the phone…

That's nice! Thinking of having another 1 too after seeing that they are so cute now.. then can play tog & send to class tog next time.. haha, save trouble! but I'm not sure whether will have sufficient time to share between the 2. All my spare time is spent on Chloe now..

We all luv our babes!
Those aunties shd jux give positive comments instd of based on looks, it's so shallow… All babies are different, with their own size, looks, character. Doesn't matter if big or small, look like boy or gal, ... As long as they are healthly, that's all we mummies care about!

I think your bb v clever, jux trying to get your attention to 'yang-or' them, want mummy to carry & hug them ;P

I think bb jux like to experiment with new food. it's quite interesting when I feed with a spoon, she doesn't want it.. But when I feed the food fr my finger, she eagerly takes it up. But I dun like to do that due to hygiene reasons & also scared become a habit..

thanks for the info on the baby consultant.


did u rec it? If u dun, I will forward to u.


thanks for yr advice. I always feed him till full before he sleeps but he still wakes up. I think he's sort of used to waking up. After sharing my woes in the forum, he reduces his no of times waking up. Phew! At least, it's less than 10 times now. MIght be due to his 2nd tooth, Im hanging on to it.


Sure, let me know where to meet. I shld be able to meet up with u all nx Fri. Is it fine with u & Toby?


I prefer the classes in Toa Payoh too. It's alright. Hv enrolled him in mygym while waiting for his Shichida classes in April. Just want to expose him more and also burn his energy. haha!
reena, I tot related to teeth coz I tot may hv to do with the no. of teeth he has. haha.

sahm, anyone wanna meet this friday at raffles city, the jap restaurant, shokudo (hope I got the name n spelling right)??

time: 2:00pm
Reena, Jerejoy, Fri is fine with me. we bringing babies out, eh? coz next Fri, my hubby has to fly but not this Fri so he can babysit. but i don't mind bringing my baby out as long as the venue is not too far..between Tampines and Bedok is fine too.
so either i am fine!
AdelineL, wow that's nice to want more kids, i wish that i can say the same but going thru everything again is just so tiring but at least your mum can help you out.

YT, yeah i like the idea of giving more veggies coz Nate doesn't drink water at all, so more veggies leads to more poo poo. will try thr kailan, but i think i will have to mix it into the rice or something.

jerejoy, do you always attend to your baby whenever he wakes up? maybe he wants your attention? my baby was like that too, then slowly i just kinda ignore him and now he just sleeps thru the night. but of course before his last big night feed, i made sure he has a clean diaper, covered up, lights off, no noise...so he doesn't have anything bothering him. then again, if it is teething, yeah not much that you can do, eh?
the abc macaroni is ok
cook longer can liao

the ball game sound fun ..must video it one of these days

hehe.. naturally our gals' 1st instinct is to snatch back the toy
the i remind her share share and she wil relent..

now kyzac can snatch back fr sister also..last time he gave up easily after 1 failed attempt :p a bit farni to see a tiny bb boy try to snatch back toy fr sis..but i will be like a bodygaurd supporting behind..in case he tong ba lek
dear all, hw r u all dg? me busi and tiring. like jerejoy, my Rayne keeps waking up middle of nite. can b up to 10 times. really nd help...definitely nt hungry or wet diaper. thk simply for comfort. ignore her also no use leh. wat shld i do? wat shld i do?
10 times a nite must be very tiring on u !

how r u ?
hope ur stomach flu has recovered.


Today I saw a very meaningful article in Today, postinghere to share

Jia you, all of us
the article

<font color="0000ff">Hang in there, Parents</font>


Someone once said that life is like giving
a violin concert in public, and learning to
play it as you go. Actually, that sounds a
lot like raising children.

It seems that being a good parent is
becoming more and more difficult these
days. Of course, it’s never been all that
easy. For one thing, babies come into the
world with no instructions, and you pretty
much have to assemble them on your own.
They are also maddeningly complex, and
there are no guaranteed formulas that
work in every instance. The techniques
that succeed with one child can fail miserably
with another.

I bring this up because if you’re struggling
along today, trying to raise your
children but meeting with frustration and
hardships I say: Welcome to the club.
The world of parenting is come as you
are; learn as you go; and keep your chin up.

To those mothers and fathers who try their
best to tenderly guide their children through
the rough waters of childhood and love them
the best they can, I say: Give yourself a welldeserved pat on the back.

Remember, there’s no such thing as a
perfect parent or perfect kids. But your
love, care and commitment will make you
the best parent your children will ever have
Good morning mummies,
I am so excited! I am going for my family photoshoot with hubby and keira to complete my maternity album in mid jan! hee
me too

like a lot of things to do..stil must rebond hair..dye hair..buy family coordinate clothes..

how do u handle the clothes issue..Lingyee
<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="0000ff">Good Morning mummies..</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Babypink,

Thanks for asking.. feeling much better now after being on drip. Will try to take some food later. Hopefully can keep inside e tummy.

Nice article.</font>

<font color="0000ff">Ling Yee,

Which studio are you using? M tinking of using? Hv been pestering HB to go take family portrait but e tot of all e stuff to do make me sian liao.</font></font>
Haiz mommies,
One after another. Feel like crying already sia…
Kathlyn has HFMD now. Foot have red dots and mouth ulcer.

Kimberly MIGHT have dengue.
Hand full of bruises and fever on off + temperature keep dropping.

I am so worried how come like that..
I already took very good care of them.
Kim’s body have mosquito bite.
Now I pray that not dengue ahhh just normal bruises.. haiz.
<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="aa00aa">Adeline,

Don't worry so much ya... Will pray for Kim. We are sure you have taken gd care of them. All these are not your fault ya. Meanwhile pls take gd care of yrself. They need you the most @ tis time.</font></font>

poor gal
it is most worrying when kids are unwell.

such things are not within our control and we just pray for a speedy recovery
Wahhh good news.. results came out luckily it's just normal viral infection.
Think thats the happiest news for the year lol..
But still... poor kathlyn =/
I m a distributor for the probiotics. If you are keen, let me know. Wat you mean by if your bb can sleep by 9pm. Recently, I m trying to change his sleeping pattern. DH ask me to let him sleep as and when he wants to so that he can starting adapt to our daily routine n not the other way. Dunno is it correct. Hahhaha! M a wife that always doubt DH.

yup, i received it. Thanks.

that is a very meaningful article. tnx for sharing.
It reminds once a colleague of mine share wif me that no one really know how to be a mother dun even mention a good mother. Its a on-the-job thingy. So long we do our best, give our love, care n commitment, you will the best mother to your
bb in the world.
Tnx for remind me the reason why I wanna be a SAHM.

glad to hear you are ok. So bad til on drip? That mus be a painful experience for you. Do take care!

Rebonding hair,
Jus done it Monday so as not to be called Huang Lian Po during CNY.
Now my next headache is clothes! Cannot seems to find any nice ones around. Mummies, where you gals get your CNY clothes? Care to share? Wanna get whole piece dress for CNY. Budget around $50 la. Times are bad...

I understand how you feel. Why they stil fall sick when you tot you already take care of them properly? Sometimes. something is jus out of your control.
But jus be positive and tell yourself its a chance for you to appreciate when your bb is healthy. Things will be fine, Adeline.

Glad that it is jus viral fever and not dengue. Meanwhile be strong. U got to take care of yrself then able to take care of them. May both gals get well soon.

usu i try to gv cereal till 18 mth. But it is up to indiviual.

CNY clothes
Think this yr i giving up on finding nice CNY clothes. Need to nurse him while visiting how to wear nice nice.. hahaha
