(2008/03) March 2008

How do SAHMs maintain their sanity? I used to scream alot when I lose my cool. But I'm so proud of my performance yday.

DD1 and ds2 were lunching lunch. I was preparing dd3's porridge in the kitchen. The 2 elder ones were chit-chatting instead of eating. The next thing I heard, PIANGZ! Someone dropped the melamine bowl onto the ground!

I walked out of my kitchen, took a look, it was ds2. His bowl has over-turned and his rice and ingredients were all over the floor. I walked back into the kitchen and continued to prepare dd3's lunch. Then I came back with some kitchen towels and newspaper and started cleaning up. No screaming or yelling. Then I cleared dd1's lunch too, since she's not eating well(if they don't behave when they eat, their food gets cleared and they have nothing to eat till their next mealtime).

I ignored both of them and they automatically went for Time-Out themselves.

Can't believe I'm so cool
i was reading a book on positive discipline and been using this method too. It works... and i feel myself happier. I am doign the same to my #1 too. For me i will tell her to go into the room. if she dun will jus ask her" do u wan to go by yourself or u wan me to bring u go?" she will automatically go by herself. Until i had cooled down then i go into the room to talk to her. by then she would hv been playing on the bed and stop crying... i feel this way we bond better
Haha.. Actually hubby think it's not calling me.. Cos Rhys was like 'mama-mi, mama-mi, mama-mi'. Hubby said that baby was actually singing mama-mia instead of calling me.. Lame right!

Walk at Bishan Park
I'm on leave this friday too... Would like to go for the walk too.. Pls let me know if any mummies are going...
<font face="Comic sans ms"><font color="ff0000"><blink>HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!</blink></font>

Time really flies... Josiah will turns 1yo in 1mth &amp; 11 days more. I am like browsing thru e net for his birthday celebration stuff. Having big headache on e venue *haiz*

<u>Stomach Flu</u>

I am one of the v unlucky parent whose children has caught the stomach flu virus. My #1 DD got the virus on Mon morning. Now that she is on her way to recovery, Josiah seem to have caught the bug. He has not been able to stomach any milk or cereal since this morning. Anything that goes in, comes out shortly thru e mouth like Merlion. Hopefully he can take in some of e porridge water when he wakes up</font>
I've PM you, hopefully can meet up for playdates

Recently I'm really soooo sian of the stay at home routine, I'm seriously thinking of rejoining the work force. I help out my hubby at home with our biz but it's sooooo difficult to work from home but of cos working outside will be a BIG step for me cos haven't worked for other ppl since 1999!!!! Last millenium :p so dunno can take it well anot *haiz*

anyway still thinking about it but going for playdates nearby will be a welcome distraction
oh yah and HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!!

hope Josiah gets better soon

Bishan Park
Just went there on Monday...had such a great time there though Chelsea fell down and scraped her knees good :p but it's so fun at the playground...i was carrying BB Tommy in my ergo and we were doing the swing and he was laughing away :D

Good for you!!! Some days I'm really so short tempered with Chelsea...I'll stick to the naughty corner next time she acts up
3 Cheers to you! Not easy to be a SAHM for 3 kids manz! I m going crazy with one when I dun haf a maid!

Bishan Park,
tomolo I cannot go to the park la. Maybe another day.

yar, we can meet up nearby here next time. Cheers! Looks like there are quite a few mummies staying in AMK area. Great!

all PM replied.
Will keep you gals informed again. Most likely I would prefer a weekday afternoon for SAHM since most of the SAHM are bored at home. Maybe will do a weekend playgroup once a while.

m thinking of going to the zoo later at 2pm. Is it too late to go? Is baby chargeable? Any package thingy for 3 or 4 adults going on? Anyone knows?
Chee Kiong,
Now you have the motivation to go utilise it since so many of them are keen to go Bishan Park. Kate is also near you. Pinic at the park is nice too. The park is very nice now, has got spa, restaurant n skating ring as well!
<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="0000ff">CP&amp;YT,

Playgrp sounds fun. Keep me informed. I am now a PT-SAHM *hee* so I can join u all on those wkdays that I don't have to go back office.</font></font>
u can become friends of zoo. will have free entry and parking for a yr. jus paid $180+.

anyway, me jus came back from zoo. din bring extra food for my DS. so when he reject his cereal, we got to come home and refeed him agn. sian..
oh. the zoo is super pack with ppl. double sian. somemore weather very hot. nv go zoo on public holiday.
<font color="ff0000">gt:</font>
Sorry for the late reply. No need to grind the rice, u just have to soak the amount u need (maybe 1/3 bowl) in water for at least 2 hours before u cook. Or u can also soak them overnight. They will turn soft much faster &amp; easier.

<font color="0000ff">HAPPY 2009!!</font>

The first day of 2009 wasnt much to what I am looking forward to.... Isaac, hb, my mum &amp; myself all sick... Tomorrow got work. siao liaooooo
Thanks RedTea,
din go to the zoo in the end cos my DS got up only about 1plus n seems like there is dark clouds coming from the direction of Yishun.

Oh talking about Yishun, yesterday my flat is able to see fireworks from there as well. Dinno there is fireworks on till the evening news. Also gotta see a bit of JB fireworks! First time I ever see so many fireworks at one time. Sua Ku! Hahahhaha!

In the end, me, hubby n DS went to Si Ma Lu Goddess of Mercy temple. Super crowded also. Imagine a mummy carrying a 8plus kg bb in one hand n the other hand holding incense n flower squeezing thro the crowd. Phew! Luckily, we survived thro. My DS was very curious about wat we were doing holding flower n incense. He was thoroughly wet with perspiration when we were out of the temple.

jus PMed you.

wat happen? why all sick? Gotta take care wor.
My sister is giving away a white color baby cot? Any March mummies want? If not, I will post in the FREE ITEMS for grabs.
best time to go is 330pm onwards. Usu i go ard 4pm. Not too hot oso the animals r awake most of the time during tat timing. Also trust me u wun be able to explore the whole zoo. Kids get cranky, adult get tired etc etc... get the friends of the zoo, each visitation spend 2hr or so is gd enough... usu the feeding is abt 5pm.. the best feeding is the baboon where u purchase a basket of bananas for $2 and u can feed them. it is near where the white tigers are.

We also went to Si Ma Lu Goddess of Mercy temple today. We arrived at abt 5.30pm. It was still v crowded. Same here, my hubby is carrying our ds n squeezing his way thru the crowds holding the incense while I'm holding only the flowers. hehe!
any mummies sign up the gymboree at harbourfront? Hope to meet march mummies in the classes as well. Chose Gymboree instead of Mygym cos they allow both parents to join in the class. Most likely to join the weekend classes as my hubby wants to accompany our ds also.
Yes, I think this Time Out method works well for my kids and me. And when I'm really angry, I just don't feel like talking to them. I'll tell them I'm having a TO and they'll leave me alone till I open my mouth again hehehe

I'm not always that cool hahaha! Think if DH's at home, he'll be spanking ds2! He can't stand mess!

I want to join the SAHMs gathering. Where do you stay?

It's not easy returning to the workforce after so many years. But I believe if you are determine, you can make it

Pls take care!

We love to go to the zoo in the morning. Wake up, take a quick shower, a packet of milk for the kids and off we go. I always try to pack some sandwich for the kids, else we'll just eat there (hate the food they sell though). If time permits, I'll cook some fried rice or noodle and packet there.

We're usually there 9am+ 10am, spend about 2 - 3 hours there and will be back latest by 2pm.

We're so near yet so far! The other day, I made 9 layer kueh (the very colourful kueh), wanted to ask if you want but I can't rem where I saw your HP no, can't contact you.
Happy New Year mummies! New to this thread, hubby told me about this thread for March born babies from his colleagues (his wife is in here too, i think) so i decided to check it out. My baby boy is 9.5 months, started to walk recently and that is giving me a headache, worry that he have a bad fall. I have been a SAHM since my baby is born, yeah, watching him grow is just the greatest joy! I want to put my boy in some playgroup as well. Good to see a thread with babies the same age group as my boy.
hi ladies

regarding hospital, i realise after reading ur posts it really boils down to luck , our encounters depends on which doc we get to examine our kid

Hi Toby

wat's ur boy's name and how abt sharing a picture
hi toby, welcome!

wat's yr boy name? birthday and where do u stay? haha, like doing a survey.

mummies, anyone can recommend a cheap to mid price range potty? I just need something tt will hold bb n not easily topple over.

I attempted to train ds to sit on the potty this morning n he rejected the potty. think he's scared of the sound the potty made when he was inching his way around n the potty was too big for him. i'm using faalin ants series potty.
i agree with u
Yutong, i also like bring the kid to zoo in the morning..less hot

can understand...i think whether it is FTWM ot SAHM is really tiring..

personally, i prefer to be SAHM with GHDM (Go Home Daily Maid)..like tat we can focus on kids &amp; GHDM can do hsehold chores..yet we can have privacy

hope ur family have a speedy recovery, i remember last yr 1/1/08 my family fell sick one after another , it was terrible, think this guy who keeps sneezing besides us when we were at westmall carries some pretty strong virus

it feels good to hear the kids call us

this kyzac everyday goes papa bao4 bao4 bao4..the mama i only heard once and that's it..no more for a long long time

and <font color="0000ff">Happy 2009 everyone..may the new year bring us all good health, good luck and happiness

wun it be good we dun have to visit the docs at all ..
oh yah, Yutong, tat is a really nice family picture..

like in disneyland

how come got mickey &amp; minnie in terminal 3, was it for xmas
Hi Toby

ur boy looks like a big boy ! when was his dob and wat was his birth wt


PS so happy CNY is end of this month
love CNY myself..like to go hse visiting..the makaning

and annually i will get PCNYS(Post CNY Sadness) cos have to wait one entire year before the next CNY
Clover, he is born on March 5. We just moved to Tampines area. It was really hard to moved home when there is a baby and now finally we are settled down. Thank goodness!
Babypink, really, he looks big? Hee! His birth weight was 8pds 9 ounces, think is about 3.8 or 3.0 kg? I will say that he was a rather big baby to push out!
Adeline, yeah he can walk without support now, only about 15 steps and he falls, then gets up to walk again. So i still have to carry him when we are out, very tiring.
omg, 15 steps is not an easy feat !

Toby was delivered overseas ?


oh yah, i introduce Kyzac to rice on 1 Jan 2009 .. i add hot water to his rice, add steam fish, carrot &amp; brocoli..look pretty gross

but very quick &amp; easy ( all took less than 20 minutes..and dun have to cook his porridge separately, just take the rice from what we are cooking for the adults :p

A question for you ladies, when is a good time to start potty training? Can we bring baby food to restaurants to feed our babies since very often I would see signs that say no outside food allowed.
abc, I like the potty too coz I like combi stuff but hor I think it's on the ex side n alex will treat it as a toy.

toby, is nate short for nathan or nathaniel?
my bb is alexander, 27 mar. we are having a 1yo birthday bash for the march bbs on the 4 apr at signature park. lmk if u wanna join us. cheers.

adelinel, i'm joining u to return to work force. will start looking for job from today. haha...wish me luck.

bbpink, that's my ideal too unfortunately my hb dun earn tt much to support that kind of life style. to be fair, he dun earn tt little, but a car is a heavy burden!
Babypink, cute baby! Your baby will sit still in that bouncy chair? Mine just wants to get out. What fish are you using?
Happy New Year to all!

A very different new start to 2009 for first time mummy me. LOL. It just feels like any other day...

Brought DD to Sentosa Palawan beach. There's a water feature for kids at the KouFu food court. Very cute. Just outside the food court, there's an animal corner plus an Aviary of lories. Animal feeding/show: First session starts at 12 noon.

Quite mafan to bring a baby to beach. I think it will be easier to manage when she can stand properly. I will try the zoo when she's one. Hehehe.
Clover, no short form, just Nate. Thanks, would love to join you ladies and your babies for the birthday bash. Are hubbies allowed? If not, then that is ok. Where is Signature park?
I am using threadfin for the rice

one issue of using chair is we have to clean up the chair after every use cos it is full of food

Regarding birthday bash on 4 Apr 2009, hb and even grandparents r welcome

i only tried zoo when #1 turns 2 :p


another quick &amp; easy &amp; disgusting ( but it is ok, it is nutritious &amp; bb r too young to noe ;) 20 min recipe

Macoroni with Salmon &amp; apple &amp; long bean ..all mashed up


Which fish is best to use? I use threadfin too but got quite strong fishy smell. My boy kept boo-ing out. Not sure whether he don't like the smell or whether he's teething, that's why he boo out.
