(2008/03) March 2008

Isit? My PD aso advised me not to give plain water. At first I haf been giving him. I thk I wil start giving him a bit to let him get used to water.

sahms/teachers/whoever can make it
let's meet next week!


Date: 1 sep 08 (Mon)
Time: 4pm
Venue: sentosa
Meeting place: vivo city outside food court at level 3

1. abcdisney n 2 ABCs

venue: united sq
time: 2:30pm
date: 4 sep 08( Thurs)

1. clover n bb
2. babedude n bb
3. abcdisney n bb
4. Belle_mommy n 2 bb
5. Kresentia n bb mikael
6. aly n bb

Anyone here have babies using Shooshoos?? Any comment?? Was thinking if I should get it from the BP for the upcoming Raya...hehehehee....
Sharing what I learn....

Giving water to babies - watched this video from FoxNews Sunday Housecall; the Dr explained that water contained Nitrates cumulatively can be harmful to babies. Then he go on saying that research shows that infants less than 6months should not be given water at all cos their kidneys not able to handle water and will excrete sodium and sodium depletion is what's harmful to babies. http://www.foxnews.com/health/drrosenfeld/index.html

Then I also learn that cannot give honey to babies cos risk of botulism.

So what do I do with the knowledge? I give my babies diluted Honey Water. HIaks hiaks... I tend to give it when it's super hot day and shortly after milk still thirsty. BUt ah, I give like 30-50mls per day only....but now very seldom cos feel guilty. BUt they are stooling better when they are given water I must say...

PD will kill me if I confess!
babypink, reena,

Thanks for yr info. Appreciate them v much.


Tristan is sooooooo adorable!
i like the shooshoos designs however i found some replicas that's much cheaper. u may wanna consider budget since u have triplets!

btw, i always wanted to ask you this. now that you have triplets with boys and girl, will you close factory already? hehehe..

woah had you give birth to them after August, u would've enjoyed the cash gift of 3 babies at one time!!! wah kayaaaaaa!
Solids and MS,
for any mommies who have started solids, do you find that your milk supply dipped? mine is not leh. since my menses are over, my supply reinstated, in fact some days it was much more than before, one pump can get 11oz, which is really a lot by my own standards of 9oz average. i was wondering if i should just delay the solids since obviously Tricia is enjoying my breast milk?? my #1 child loves solids so when i started her at 5.5 months, she wants more and more and my MS dipped. so different from Tricia.
I gave my dd a little water also when she was around 1mth old..she'll drink.After PD says cannot give water then i stop.Now i'm trying to give her water again and she doesn't really like it.
giving bb water

I hv not given my boy water even though I hv started him on solid. He's only 5 months plus old. Shld I give him water? As the water in States in v dirty, I can only give him bottled water. Do I still hv to boil it?

Bb sleeping habits

My boy is still waking up almost every hr after he sleeps for the 1st 2-3 hrs. I'm contemplating to give him water but still holding back and nurse him instead. keeping telling myself he will outgrow it but dun know when.. Sigh! Do I give him water? Worry that he might drink too much water and affect his health.

Really envy u. Can pump so much bm. I tried pumping and my let down is sooooo slow. Can only pump 30ml in 15 mins but my breast still feel full.. Dun know why... started to detest pumping. ;(

My PD advises me to start solid when he's 6 months old. He says our bm will not provide them with enough iron when he's 6 months and older. If yr supply can maintain, I feel it's ok to continue to give them solids.
bm CAN provide the iron. In fact wat is actual fact is tat babies will hv iron in them when born. But these iron will only b in their body till 6 mth. After tat they nd to take solid which contain fortified iron. However for bf bb we can delay till 9 mth.

i find mine dip. Dun stress or wat la. Memses nt here yet too.
soon soon..jia you !

Kyzac wakes up once to feed at nite,now sleeps at 11pm and wakes up at 7am..

after nursing him once at 3 plus am when he wakes up, he will sleep without any carrying or walking abt with him in my arms..

so happy now
soon jerejoy will be ur turn, good luck
fundamentals of breastfeeding, got demand, got supply mah. Tricia didn't like to be fed with spoon and sometimes she will kinda spit the rice cereal out, so i no choice but to give diluted rice cereal in a bottle, then she'll take. my mom said can give water after a feed, but i let her have EBM instead. and guess what, she can still finish the EBM even though we have added more rice cereal in her feed. but of course after that she will poo a few times. i think she's still enjoying the BM lor. anyway i've heard of the dropping rate of nutrition of BM after a certain period but i also believe that our BM changes in accordance to baby's age, hence that's why i always take PD's advices with a pinch of salt.

jerejoy, for your case i think your BM can be affected eventhough u latch fully due to stress liao. remember that stress can always cause a dip in MS. maybe u can increase dosage of rice cereal for him too. see if that helps? and i induce letdown by stimulating my nipples liao. easy to get a few let downs.
Haha~ Naughty Mama!!!!

Baby Rhys seems to be able to sleep through the night.. From around 10pm to morning 6-7am.. Any babies the same?? The first time he slept that long I tot something was wrong.. Lolx~
Hi mummies,
sorry to disturb again. Got a bottle of goat rue 120 capsules to let go. Anyone interested ps sms me. 9746 1185
my gal also the same..can sleep thru the night.But sometimes she'll wake up at 3am but will continue to sleep umtil 7+8am.She sleeps at 9+ at night.
Seems like one of the hardest part of child rearing is over.. Ahead of us are layed with many many stones and rocks for us to overcome one by one...
how about a more optimistic outlook , i.e.
<font color="0000ff">ahead of us are many more amazing milestones to discover

PS: ok, i noe i m bo liao..but wana relieve some work stress :p
hey sorry ah...repeating a question that i asked that didnt get an answer...

for mummies using walkers or those with multiple kids who had used walkers, is there any truth in the saying that bbs who use walkers will become lazy and won't learn to use their legs and hence contributing to them taking longer to learn to walk?

just wondering because my caregiver has asked if i can get my boy a walker but another family member told me it's better not to....
me and siblings grew with walker and we were average developers leh *grin* i think even with use of walker u must give bb opportunity to learn to walk / cruise. then he will pick up the skills accordingly.
in the ang mo countries they ban or discourage walkers cos scared of injury / accidents.
tat's good..i think moderate amt is fine
mine will split his water out, just like his sister

just to share
personally, i am not for walker..
hehe, basically, i find it unnecessary and since there are some negative reports abt walkers, i will do without it ..cos dun wan to use $ to buy potential trouble
depends on how late is late. my 1st girl walks full-time at 13.5 months. otherwise she's been cruising and walking by supporting herself through objects around the house since 10 months. and she's on the walker. once i went down to the shops to get something with her and came across one boy about the same age as my girl. they were both 18 months at that time. his grandmother sadly told me he still dowan to walk at 18 months already and he's never in the walker.

however my niece and nephew both walked unaided at 11 months with walkers too.

i think walkers have nothing to do with their motor skills.
hehe, isabella, not tat bad lah , realised tat i hav managed to clear 11 of the 12 items i have listed down tat need to be completed today

feels pretty good to strike off things completed :p

tmr is friday finally, so happy
i think walkers r banned in countrys cos of injury. if yr hse got no stairs or step it shld be safe. But make sure yr table cloth etc r out of reach to the kids as well. My gal grew up in walker. walk at 13.5mth. so i guess it got nothing to do with motor skills bah

it all up to u if u are comfortable to get the walker

yes i agree with abc.. some country they have staircase so the walker may trip and cause injury

my girl also used the walker and started walking at 14 mths
I think learning to walk full-time depends on individual.Some may start walking earlier some later..I don't think walker will retard the progress.Still up to individual actually..

p/s:1st time so free can type so much in a day.seldom contribute to this forum actually cos only have time to browse no time to type..hee hee

all 4 of my sister's children were on walker growing up and they develop fine. However, the 3rd baby fell from stairs while on walker (like 3 steps) and have a cracked skull. CT scan shows brain ok tho. Hospitalised 3 days. He's fine. :eek:) Then 4th baby, while on walker I notice ppl liked to push/pull him around. And I've seen his big toes get dragged on the floor cos he didn't lift it up while being pulled/pushed. Now at 2 yrs old, his toes looked a little suspiciously different(maybe just my imagination...)

This is real life experience so you decide lah! For me I get paranoid about the toes thing so I didn't get the walker. Even on jumperoo I keep on watching my babies toes - don't want them to have weird toes then blame me when they grow up, hiaks hiaks....but ah, personally I would Lurrrrve to get 3 walkers for my babies so that my house will look like bumper car fairground. Wouldn't it be exciting to crash into someone else??????

Honestly, I love the whole pregnancy process even though I had a terrible 1st trimester. Having said that - economically it makes sense to close factory but ah secretly in my heart I want at least 1 more... maybe 2 more!

We got the triplets thru IVF, so I tell husband after 1.5 yrs we will stop contraceptive. If God want to bless us with another child naturally we will receive with open arms. We will not go thru anymore fertility treatment.

You leh?
hahah me too.. i enjoy the pregnancy but last trimester when i can feel bb kicking/wriggling in my womb..

if my hubby nods his head, i may wan to go for 3rd pregnancy but again i worry it is the attention given to kids... but how to equal leh ?
sahms/teachers/whoever can make it
let's meet next week!


Date: 1 sep 08 (Mon)
Time: 4pm
Venue: sentosa
Meeting place: vivo city outside food court at level 3

1. abcdisney n 2 ABCs

venue: united sq
time: 2:30pm
date: 4 sep 08( Thurs)

1. clover n bb
2. babedude n bb
3. abcdisney n bb
4. Belle_mommy n 2 bb
5. Kresentia n bb mikael
6. aly n bb
7. AdelineL and bb tommy
BB tommy loves his walker! He now can move around with great skill but have to be very careful about the surrounding cos he can pick up things from tables and pull cords etc.

Gave #1 no water for the first year of her life. D
on't see a need cos i felt milk has much more nutrients. She has no problem drinking water later and drinks quite a lot everyday.

Sleeping Thru
my bb still not sleeping thru leh! in fact he's such a lousy napper during the day too *haiz* by evening time he gets so tired and cranky so today i started the Ferber CIO method with him. My mum said I'm torturing him and i told her "chang tong bu ru duan tong" hopefully he'll sleep better soon
Yu tong
nice idea about the home infant care
i would love to try it if not that i have 2 kids and #1 is so noisy, will make napping difficult for so many babies :p in fact that's why bb tommy has problems sleeping sometimes cos she's so excitable and forgets that she has to talk softly when bb is napping, *sigh* what to do?
So funny this afternoon, while chatting with Ivy via msn messenger. She mentioned about buying sweet potato and other vege to make a puree...

I thought..uhhhhh?? really...? Back in my hometown, we only make a puree from fruits not vege. Vege only cut into pieces and cook together with rice to make a porridge. Usually baby starts eating that 8mth+

It's interesting to know new culture. Thanks for all your advise, Mommies!
petrina : medela pis is probably the best .. now quite cheaper.. btw, your clothes are here.. but need to topup cos' the exchange rate and shipping increased

lefthander77: i decided not to raise the shipping cost, i just cover the abt by using 1.5 as the exchange rate.
1.5 exchange rate? WOW....

u can get ameda pump. Second hand with warranty is $220. I got mine at $200. LEft with 6 mth warranty. In fact a lot of mom r using that. Alternatively if u r always on the go, u can choose to get medela freestyle. It works like a handphone. No adapter. Comes with rechargable battery which alow u to use to 3hr pumpign time. U can get only cheap. US$285 excludding shipping but selling at $859 locally.

lefty, bellemommy,
yeah i understand about missing the enjoyment of pregnancy. even though we had bad morning sickness last time, it won't stop us from getting pregnant. there's just something about feeling your baby move in your womb. i'm not closing factory too, just temporarily suspending until further notice. see how first if i can handle two, most probably can handle three. targeting a 2010 baby. then can close factory liao b'cos by then i'll be close to 35 oredi.
