(2008/03) March 2008

phew ...my baby is ok ... no vomit, no fever after fell from the bed.. it has been past 24 hrs. so i declare she is well and active again..
hee hee

thanks mummies for yr concern

Celia, tts good. Glad ur bb is ok.

Im v worried. My boy just started coughing last nite.No other symptoms. Dunno ok a nt. Sigh. Anybody can advise me on this. Do I ned to bring him c doctor?
abcmummy -
i want the blankies and the taggie toys!!! i tried to order, got the order number...but no news so far leh. i was planning to ship via vpost but dunno what happened to my order also.

i'll double check with them again to see if my order went though....if not, can i piggyback my order with you please? thanks! :D
thats good to know.

Another bb,
I dun think I will have another one liao. I m a bad Singaporean in this area. Hahahha!

happy to hear tat


after reading abc's post and adeline's post, i feel quite kan chiong..coughing better see doc asap bah..this is how i feel personally

PS: i just have quite a scary encounter yesterday, maybe i m so suaku..

went for eyebrow threading for the 1st time in my life yesterday..there was a lady b4 me..

i saw the whole process b4 my turn, i was quite puzzled to see the lady customer wincing in pain, cos i tot it is just a harmless white string, but i must say the way she pulled the skin before and after the eyebrow also quite scary, make the customer look like some main lead in a horror show

when it is my turn, geez, i must say the white string is quite powerful, can wear the sound like using penknife to cut paper, somemore it is on my skin..my heart was thumping thru, swear tat i will go for traditional eyebrow trimming next time

i was thinking those doing face threading very brave, wat if soemthing goes wrong and one ends up with lines of red on the face

farni thing is after the end of the process, i was very pleased with the result. she did a good job and for the 1st time in my life, a lot of eyebrow hairs on my face..but very neat

same here. mum always feedback that when #1 is sleeping, #2 will cry and wakes up #1

hehe, melissa, cya in the 2010 thread next time, if we conceive in the same month again..
haha, both our #1 in sep 2006, #2 in march 2008
PS: u keep a blog or anything, so curious to c ur face
Another bb
Though I already have 3, but I just can't stop thinking of having another daughter.. Haiz~ Hubby also say he wants another daughter.. But what if the next one also boy??? Then I really will go bang my head against the wall..

Medela Swing?? You can adjust the strength and it's not bulky nor is it noisy... I used it when I was nursing my 3rd. Really very good...
i never ever dared do the threading thing...it looks damn fast but like damn pain like that too...SCARY hahah!!!

where did you get yours done? my friends all go to chinatown/little india those traditional old school kind hahahha!
Home Infant Care,
I m staying in a two bedroom apartment. So can throw those who are noisy in one of the rooms together. Hahahhah!

Plus, I feel with one yaolan, one bb cot, one playpen, one playmat, one sofa, two sofa beds ( one single one queen size bed ), two toilets, one steriliser, one king size bed, I think stil can accomodate 3-4 four child-parent pair each time la.
Any mummies got menses cramp feeling ah? I m weaning off breastfeeding and have feeling like menses cramp these few days at my lower abdomen. I yet to haf menses since pregnant.
No problem. U jus email me. My boy loves tags. I jus got him a toy and it has the tag.. in fact almost everything comes with tags. He dun liek any other things except chewing on tags. hahaha... Anyway u can get taggies blanket locally too at www.babybeans.com.sg.

Third bb
if i am going to hv #3 it will be 4 years later. Who wan to join me in 2012 thread? hahhaa....

better to bring. Even if nothing much happen at least u pay for 安心. Guess the price is worth it too. Hope bb get well soon.

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000"> Happy Teachers' Day to Linda, Kais, Alynn, Twinklestar, apagebaby... hmm anyone else i miss?</font></font>
i went to this salon at vivocity. they provide threading for face and eyebrow. i think it is the row of shops near jean yip and kenko. can't recall exactly though.it is a nail salon.
I prolly will try for 2010 baby too coz not a spring chicken liao. haha

shops along amk central hv face threading too. gonna try it soon.
Hi mommies. Sorry to interrupt, have some extra Lucas Papaw 25g ($10 inclu normal postage)&amp; 75g ($19 inclu normal postage) available. Pls PM me if interested. Tks!!

actually the place looks quite posh and modern, the owner even have a pic where they was on stage to shake hand with PM lee near the cashier, PM was presenting a cert to her

It is called Spa Maragary ( i think i spell wrongly), location at bukit batok central , around the corner, a short distance away from POSB back, facing main road


u go for thraeding, who much at vivocity ?
thks.. i'll search ameda n medela pis then..

my current medela mini darn noisy n no feeling...
haiz, can't get letdown wif tat.. max i pump after latching is 100ml for both sides total.
little mah?? i used to be able to get 200ml total.. now i feel very lousy.. no engorgement feeling at all.

abc, isabellali: me, me.. haha i wan bb gal also.. if by 2012 no news then i'll close factory le..

bbpink: i used to do face threading in little india b4 wedding.. then after became Mrs, lazy liao.. haha

her skill very good. i teared abit at first try.. subsequently, no feeling liao..
isabellali and abc -
i want a 2012 baby too!!! dragon baby right? er but i'm no spring chicken too, so prob can't wait that long hahaa!
Mi aso miss the process of pregnancy, though is a bit "xin ku", i like the stage especially when i can feel my little one kicking. Waooo really miss that feeling man..hee

Not bad for u. I'm worse than u. Pump less than 80ml or sometimes 20ml only. I think my let down super slow. But my boy is drinking well from breast cos I can see from the weight he is putting on. Still thinking if I shld get an electrical pump since I'm a SAHM.
Jerejoy : Think shld invest in a good electric pump if u not stopping at one. Is very fast lor, u using avent manual pump rite, cos i remember u asking about sterilising the parts. I aso used that initially, but as times goes by im very tired especially in the morning as im exclusively pumping, so i switch to using electric dual pump, it saves a lot of time. But think the let-down is faster for manual pump.

U hv a gd memory! Yup, I'm using the manual pump. But my let down v slow for manual pump too. Hardly can hv the let down at all. But no problem when my boy suckles. Strange hor..

Which dual pump do u recommend?
Jerejoy : Hmm..for me i use avent manual pump, i feel the let down quite fast. As for the electric pump, not so fast. I always have to squeeze my breasts a bit here n there, so the let down faster heheee..U use it often? Cos maybe your breasts not used to the pump??? Im using Medela mini electric, is dual de. But i will recommend Ameda pump. Cos medela quite noisy lei, but i have "seasoned" to the sound liao. Cos my colleague using it, i think is not bad lor..
melissa, how do u acieve multiple letdowns? yesterday i expressed out twice and only one letdown each time.

bbheng, i wont necc hv a dragon bb coz schooling is a headache. unless just send to the elder child's school.
oic. I used to use the Medela mini electric single pump. It's v noisy and painful on the nipples. I returned it in the end and bought the avent manual pump after hearing raves from most of u. Maybe u are right. I used to be able to pump at least 100ml when I used it every night. Now a bit lazy to pump so latch on all the time.

When I tried to pump, nt much milk come out. Cos I tot of weaning him at 1 yr old. It's another 5-6 months more so nt sure if it's worth it to buy as I latch him most of the time.
phew...after a few days...the spot on my bb chest clear already...so she could be allergy to prunes...thanks to mummies giving me advice
Cai Yu Tong,

You can go to http//www.Kaqoo.com
They just opens for Spore market and free for any kind of listing! I think to replace Yahoo Auction.

I think the Govt New Baby Plan is working!!!!
I have two boys also! But thinking having one more isn't favorable. What about the third one is boy AGAIN!!???

I also keen on daughter - oldfolks said "Daughther is closer to parents when she is grow up" while "Boy will be busy to take care his own family"...

Kind of worried to imagine - my boys will be so busy and don't have time to visit me....and MIL and daughter in law always won't get along well to each other!

It'll be so lonely ahhhhhhh
Prob, should open a web forum "Singaporemotherinlaw.com"
erny, haha u so funny. I prefer my 2nd child be a girl too but it all depends on God, oh n th hb's sperm. haha.

isabella, u still so young still a spring chicken lah~
Hmmm... Lets b positive. Mayb nxt time our sons wil b close to us.
We must try to haf good r/s w them now. Must start young. kekeke ;p
wah wah the 2nd/3rd child topic become so hot today ah.. i see i oredi got supporters for 2010 baby hahaa. maybe can see you guys in the 2010 TTC thread liao hahaa. but this is not my promise ah. must see first if can handle two. amidst all the govt goodies, having a child is no joke man. it's a great responsibility!

you can actually rent double electric pumps since u're in the states. i've seen such services before! i think it's a waste to buy liao since ur bb is going to get used to solids very soon.

mommies of all girls or all boys,
yeah i have the same sentiments as you lor. the reason i wanna have a 3rd is b'cos i want to have a son. my mom oso think that i should have a son, so that can help to take care of my welfare in the future. funny hor, some believe that girls will take care of u better but my mom thinks the boys will, although right now she's been taken care of me!! haha! we wanna have a boy so that my hubby can dress him lah. he always dreamed about wearing matching outfits with his boy.
My husband closer to his mother than I am to my mother! >.< I personally don't like to date too much of a mummy's boy... but wld i want my boy to be a mummy's boy ? :p

U are right. It's a bit late to buy.. I plan to pump out milk once in while when I can slip out without my boy maybe for a hair cut, etc so that my mum can help me take care of my boy for a while.

But my milk supply is so pathetic when pumping out. How often do u pump out yr milk? Do u pump before nursing or after nursing yr gal?
My ds#2 is down is high fever 40.8C since Wed and I'm a walking zombie now! Hope I didn't miss out any good lobang here. Will chat again. Bye!
