(2008/03) March 2008

yup. But think you are too far away la. Clover, me, abc are staying quite near each other lor.

great! 20%! where you bot the liptrainer? Can get one for me as well. M thinking of getting it already.

yt, I saw yr post too late. otherwise we can have dinner together. I strolled bb out to hv a botak jones dinner! came back then played with him or watched him play... I m tired!
ya lor.. yt.. too far. the others can juz breeze to ur plc manz..

east point mall... my baby will be short of 6mths by 3days leh.. wasted.. haha.
but i think those can crawl stand higher chance? cause lots contest bah.
I don't know if it's because mine's a 3rd bb, she's so deprived of toys! Till today, she doesn't own a single toy/teether. Her favourite teether - her fingers! kekeke

BB show
Who's going? Let me know, we can meet up since it's so near my place ;-)
wat is breeze to yr place?? Sorry ah... my ang mo not good.

nvm, i will get it myself.

high chance i going but gotta check what time my hubby come back. shall let you know.
ur Brendon taking 6in1 tmr? if yes, prepare for fever. cos my son have fever in the night after the 6in1 on sat. tired manz.. he cry and woke up in the middle of the night and wans to be carried. then when fed him medicine, he vomitted out his last feed which is 2hrs ago. faint~

u at botak jones jus now?? me there too. at 7-7+. my naughty DS don't wanna take his milk and got to go home after chop chop dinner. sigh~ then after home for 1/2hrs, he is there crying for milk.. my DH almost piangz. cos i was in the shower. haha..

sigh~ my DH oso will be going oversea for 8days nxt sat.. got to handle my DS alone agn. dunno i can make it anot. paiseh~ my DS not away as long as YT and clover's DH, but i abit gan chiong liao. anyway my IL will offer to help.. but nei, i insist don't wan. haha.. ti kei.

yah, he got fever at 2nd jab when took 6 in, 1st jab dun have. hope the 3rd jab dun have lor....just keep my finger cross.

Just to share


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me don't have so many CCL(child care leave) to take. got to work then go home pump first then makan and then fetch my DS from my nanny pl. sigh~ headache abt dinner. dunno wana go my mom's pl at BP first eat, pump then come back AMK fetch DS. maybe i'll take 1 day leave on friday to rest. haha..

my DS ok liao lor.. thanks. he only fever last night.. morning he happy and bubbly liao.

my DS don't have fever for 1st 2 jab, only 3rd then have. finger cross and hope ur DS is ok after the jab.
Happy teachers' day! This morning the traffic so smooth because it's sch holidays! So i reached office very early. haha

Hai.. my boy didn't poo for 1 week again. This is his 3rd time. Going to break record soon if by today still didn't poo. Anyone's baby broke my boy's record already?
Erm... mummies, I m a bit confused about the short form used. Like DS, DH etc etc. Can someone enlighten me?
Aiyoh now then I noe the meaning. So DD is dear daughter. kekeke ;p So cute to add a dear in front.
So we r DW... or DM bos we haf 2 roles.
good morning to all...
finally can check forum in the morning... long time never do that le...

my hubby flew to indo le...then back is reservist till next week ...
Just came back from Hk with Bb and Hb.. this time round.. my bb is SOOoooo fussy and soooooo naughty! last time brought her to taipei..she was soo like an angel.. goodness ..she was like a DEVIL ... a naughty rascal this time round... prob she is big enough to be aware of the surrounding and also knows how to demand things... wats worst is.. she acts like an angel infront of strangers... my hb realised that what she wans is to catch surrounding stranger's attention..smile and talk to them!! haizz.. bad bad trip.. now makes me scared thinking how to bring her to Bkk and NYC in the upcoming mths!!

She developed rashes AGAIN! ... prob the hotel is dirty or the water..or watever...really hate to see those red thingys... haizz.. sianzz.. hopefully it will go away soon..

Any good remedies for treating such rashes?? seen tons of docs and spent ALOT of money loh.. can buy so many milk powder manzz.. sucks..

Dragon BB.
I also plan to have a dragon bb... hopefully a bb Boy... but.. sometimes..i have this thinking of stopping at one! coz hb is not helping at all... if i have another one ..i will be the one suffering loh.. esp this trip to hk..not helping at all! wan to die liao..
babe dude, can get a nanny for the bb(s) or not? I know u prefer to take care of bb yrself, but a pair of helping hands is always welcomed..
wow she's so fortunate. Heehee

did u see a dermatogolist? I brought arielene see one doc very gd. Jus apply medication till now no reoccurence. But is at marsiling. Old man but very gd ley. U got to use soapless bath. Anyway regarding ecezma / rash i think i expert liao. hahaha... same here. spend tonnes of $ on them.
me oso wanna bring my DS to tour, but my DH think too troublesome and put off the idea. i wanna have a try of the feeling bring bb out to tour lei.. anyway have discuss with him and have a happy outcome. going nxt yr march with my mom and aunties to taiwan.. by then DS 1 yrs old and got so many grand aunties to take care og him. whaha...
yt: a breeze to ur plc means very easy.. *qing song* in chinese..

babedude: i also intend to bring my son to chiangmai this late sept. by then he's abt close to 7mths.. this period is naughty? i rem AW being 3wks older than DS..

then hb's colly kept advising him against gg on tour wif bb so early.. they say below 1 very mafun de..
so we haven't bought tickets.. very apprehensive leh..

abc: i also wan go genting. but hb say coach ride too long leh.. maybe after u're back then u share exp wif me?

happy teacher's day to all teachers here..
hope my trip with my ger will be ok for me to handle.. prayinng hard.

2nd baby,
I want to have another baby.. but i know will be hard on me since i know my mum cun handle 2 (keira and baby 2). Told my hubby that either i work from home or.. i be sahm for at least 2 yrs if i have 2nd child. One is too lonely for keira but at least keira has all the march babies as friends now!
BB was very good on flight loh.. she is auto pilot.. ZZzzz thru out the flight! hahaha ... but.. once out to shopping, meals... meeting frens.. then she became impatient.. cant stay at one place for long..want pple to carry.. play with her..etc.. guess kiddos frm 5mths above knows what they want.. thats why the are more fussy..

if u are travelling with hb.. make sure he helps.. otherwise.. it is better off u travel alone! hahahah ... coz imagine..u have to look after TWO bbs.. one big bb and one small bb! will die one loh!

u make me scare to bring Brendon to HK for a mth in this coming Dec...

Happy teacher's day for all the mummies who r teachers.

today weather seems good, feel like bringing Brendon for swimming

2nd baby
Yest nite i dreamed of Yutong is preg with 2nd baby, lol..then i told abc, so it's true tat bb licking toes means u will have 2nd bb. ai yo...wake up lio i laugh at myself...hahahaha
i brought arielene to KL and genting when she's 7 mth old. so shld nt be a prob. Travel alone with frens whose kids abt the same age. back then is abt 7 -9 mth old kids lor. I always feel they enjoy better when they hv companion of ard their age. Make tour easier and more enjoyabale too. Never travel with frens who dun hv kids.. u will be a burden to them. Also yr purpose of travelling must be cater to the kids lor. My parents dun wan go with me cos they view me bringing kids r troublesome. So u hv to see who yr companion are.

adeline n me go together cos kim and arielene can play together! we also cater the trip more for the children.
kate.. pls dun scare me.. my bb licks toes ALL the TIME!! and i dun think i will be pregnant loh.. will prove this wrong manzz!

abc.. right on.. must travel with pple with bbs.. they will understand and be more willing to accomodate.. as for hbs..
Hey Kate,
aiyo of all people you dreamt of me. Never do how to pregnant? hahahhah... poor hubby... have been helping himself. lol

hehehhe, whenever i saw Brendon's playing his toes, i'll think of what u say lor..hahaha, maybe because of tat i dream of u. mostly my dream will go opposite way, dun worry. when i preggie tat time i dreamed of having bb girl but come out is a boy....
wey dun scare me leh. my Tricia sucks her toes every day liao and yesterday i dreamt that i got a BFP!!! and then one of the nights i discovered that my hubby purposely want to have another baby. wah lao it's too much for me man! maybe i should be on IUD or something however a friend of mine told me, her cousin had excessive bleeding while on IUD and I came across one of my gynae's patient who's pregnant on IUD liao. so now i'm thinking the success rate of IUD is very bad. BCP out, IUD out, what options do i have now? haizzz..
let me know if you do another spree for happybellies once yours is running low too.

will go look for the liptrainer too.

<font size="+2">HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY !</font>
ya manz.. i haven't been doing the act since delivery.. poor hb also.. complaining all the way.

abc: i'll be gg wif hb n ryan only.. trip is meant for private time as a family.. i hope ryan not too cranky..
cause hb n i used to take holiday in nearby countries once a yr to relax. only this yr abit difficult becoz have a son.

toes licking
mine eating his toes... haha
btw, i've been having lots white discharge.. normal mah? thick n sticky type as well as the normal watery type..
one question to those who ever travel wif bb. can i know how much you pay for infant flight tix? got ppl told me it is 50% of adult price.
plan to bring my DD to visit DH next month.

the last time i went HK in May this yr paid about $40 sing one way for my bb so $80 2 way but tat is for Jetstar budget airlines.

Dun know why now like no urge for bed dancing, even seperate with hub for almost 3 mths also no urge leh...somemore Brendon sleeping in between us in Queen size bed!!!

leehong: i've checked wif sq n silkair.. infant below 2 is flat rate.. i think abt $60+. then u need to add fuel surcharge.. the price they quote me is for thailand though.. no baggage space available for infant though.
