(2008/03) March 2008


Envy envy! He does make alot of noise and keep tossing and turning but he doesn't open his eyes. I tried leaving him alone and he will toss and turn till his body turn 90 degrees and will continue to make noise till I attend to him.

I will feed him milk again and after one hr he wakes up the same way again. Haiz! I think he really has difficulties trying to sleep on his own. Bought the Dr Sear's (The book book) and he encourages by saying they will grow out of the phase and it's only a matter of time. I try to keep my moral high everyday.

Jerejoy -

Yahh....sometimes we just need to "wait it out" and have patience till they grow out of it!!! Hang in there!

At least ur boy is close eyes and tossing and turning...last time my boy is open eyes yelling and kicking then fling bolster and pillow out of cot, i'm serious!!! Thank God he's stopped now though his "talking and singing" at 2am nowadays is abit amusing....hehe! I just lie in bed sniggering until he stops.

Oh yah, have you tried letting him sleep sideways? I find that after i started tristan on that sleeping position...with bolster behind back and hugging his monkey or another bolster...he seems to sleep better? Maybe more secure and it mimicks the feeling of being held? Can try try?

thanks for yr support.

I let him sleep on sideways but he will turn and sleep on his back after an hr or so and start waking up every hr. Even if I put him back on sideways, he will always turns back on his back every hourly. I wonder if my boy has a build in alarm clock in his body. Haha!

hving panda eyes everyday now. =p
i dun read to him. he will snatch from my hand n eat it. basically andrae put everything in his mouth.

he was very chesty. Doc use the stethoscope to monitor. needs suction. even standing beside him can hear his phelgm. My od prescribe this lung tonic for andrae very gd. Jus took one pack can feel he is better. But very ex tat y initially he din gv me. He say usu he gv to post - rsv patient to strengthen the lungs. 2 weeks supply $40plus.
my alex's fave book is the hungry caterpillar book. he likes us reading to him n looks at the colourful pic.

btw ladies I submitted my name for the petition. it will be of a big help for us, a single income family if my child's cdac a/c can be topped up.

Oh so good ar, i dunno about the changed. Then how about childcare leave which increased to 6 days, isit also starting in August 2008 or next year 1 January 2009?
I pm you the other day regarding the collection of cereal, but till now no reply.. Have you received it???

Have top up the diff.

2229940516 abc mummies
Amount S$1.40
Transaction Reference 1852323805
Pak Tor - 9 years
Married - 1yr 9mths

Been with him since sec 4.
He's my senior.

Anyone knows how to slim down a sumo bb??
desperately need to cut down my bb's weight.
I just put her on jumperoo and let her roll on bed.But she doesn't drink much.
WOWWWWWW!!!!! First TIME I see my name on the Archive Folder after so long of posting!!! hahahahaa

*will consider buying 4D!*
If the doctor didnt say anything, means your baby is healthy. Then don do anything to her.... Might do her harm leh...
lol you friday cuckoo syndrome ah? like that oso make u excited? hahaha

enhanced baby bonus,
i dun care lor, since i dun benefit much from it, except now i will have longer child care leave. but it will benefit me if i plan for #3 soon. then again, one should have children b'cos they want to, not b'cos of gahmen goodies. the only thing that i strongly disagree on is why no extended paternity leave? i think our hubbies have improved a lot by getting their hands dirty on raising children as well. they also wanna play a part in actively raising children. if gahmen thinks it's not necessary, at least make it an option for us to decide. they can have that 1-week unpaid infant-care leave, why not extended paternity leave, paid or unpaid?

that's my only grouse. otherwise i dun care lah hahaa.
need to check who is going for this sat -
Breastfeeding. Is it for me? so can meet up... plus anyone had sign up but no going can let me know... coz i have a collegue who wish to attend but when i call no more seat... so hope if u had regisisted but no going do let me know so she can replace ur place... thanks alot...

please msn me and let me know who is going..
[email protected]
melissa, not sure why the govt didn't impl paternity leave scheme, bcoz many ppl have voiced out this need. yah I agree with u tt we give birth coz we want to not coz of goodies
haha, liyun, i think i should go and buy also..somemore the number of posts ends with 79 :p

unless the doc advise u to slim down the baby, there is nothing wrong with having a sumo baby i personally feel
mummies, did anyone's bb face the same thing as my alex? he can play n play then he will poo. I reckon he's so physically tired tt he lost his bowel control.
wow i can't believe the on-going protests from mommies who're asking gahmen to extend or further enhance the baby bonus. while i feel connected to some of the protests, i think it's hard for the gahmen to please everyone, plus there's limited budget too.

eh who's going to join me and ask for paternity leave? heheheehehe...

why is time running slow today?!!! i wanna go home oredi!!! miss my babies!!!!
Hi Kate, I have oso joined. Like wat Liyun said, if have is extra "bonus", dont have then never mind loh. ^0^ TGIF...1.5hr more to be home with my BB.
6 days only haizz. the way i see my hubby helped me, i think should be more. maybe 1 week of paternity leave as soon as mommy give birth? on top of that child care leave of course.

but reality is, my hubby work in small company with only 10 days annual leave and no refundable MC and of course, no child care leave and such. haizz..

0.5 hours more and i can forget about work oredi!!! hahahaaa

ya,u r not 1st mummy tats why u said tat. 6k means a lot diff to us and our bb will be going to school same yr as august bb 2008, isn't unfair for us? pls fight for us also if u feel the same.
For 1st time mum who doesnt want ur bb to be shortchanged in the same year of birth, please support the thread. Dun want my ger to lose out since they implement for the 1st time on the CDA. Authorities shd seriously look at the date they want to set the policy in future to avoid such blunder. Quite upset the by the policy makers, din forsee such outpour by us.

I joined becos i dun want my 1st bb to be shortchanged on e cda portion. The rest of the perks i can turn a blind eye to it but this $6k cda, no way manz. I wonder how long do i get to save this amount, i think years bah.

alto my bb is not the 1stborn, i can understand how u all feel, i support the petition as well

at 1st when i see the 1st petition for aug to dec 08 mummies, i was thinking petition dun work here

But after the news yesterday, i feel petition do make a difference
kate: i agree.. very upset abt e cda money... haiz
i prefer if they redate it to jan 09 instead.. then i dun so lugi.. otherwise they shld backdate it to jan 08.
half half very unfair.. imagine nxt time kindergarden, excursion trips, the teacher ask: "who have cda account can go auto.. those dun have muz pay cash." then our babies kenna suan by their peers... haiz

Ya I agreed totally...the rest I also can turn blind eye but not the CDA a/c, a bit unfair...same as wat Petrina feel, I rather they start 1 Jan 09 than I oso dun feel so lose out =.=
good point leh. not saying i'm not supporting your course. but babypink is right, seeing that the petition works, i dun mind supporting too. but must have strong reasons that's inexcusable. otherwise, i feel like we're spoilt child always asking money from parents. i mean, when i look back at other seasoned mommies like Reena, she didn't enjoy baby bonus fully like us. my parents, they even have to pay gahmen money to give birth to the 3rd and 4th child.

on second thought, i think i will support anything that makes gahmen give out money to the pple hehehehe...

and right next to my cubicle, my single colleague is gaping in awe at how "ridiculous" singaporean parents are in reaction to the enhanced baby bonus..

my point is, family build a nation, so i'm also supporting any causes that benefits quality family-building programs.

Hi Mummies,
would like to extend the promotion of the Anti aging cream that I was talking about previously. Previously I introduced to some mummies and getting good feedbacks like skin has less wrinkles in two weeks and more supple feeling within the following week.

Here is the information :
Environmental pollutants, climate changes and emotional stress result in visible damage to the skin. Formulated to fight free radicals and restore your skin, the AA (Anti-Aging) Formula helps to smooth away fine lines and restore resilience, firmness and radiance to your skin. The AA Formula stimulates fibroblast to produce Collagen and Elastin, coupled with moisturizing Hyaluronic acid to make your skin healthier and refreshingly young.

-Prevents moisture loss, inhibit chronic inflamation and retard cellular deterioration
-Repairs with enhanced cell turnover, boost collagen production
-Helps to restore skin's youthful texture and improves its elasticity


The promotion is on tomolo, Sat, ONE DAY ONLY. If anyone is keen for slimming gel, it is a promotion worth going for. For more product information, you may go to http://www.myavita.com/site/WebPage.aspx?p=products&lcid=103 . For pricing, do go up http://www.scensational.com/payment/. All items entitle to the BUY ONE GET ONE FREE promotion except family care products.
Anyone who is keen email me at [email protected] by tomolo morning, Sat, 12pm.

-You may use credit card payment at the pricing website or transfer to POSB saving account no. 130 54757 5 after you order your products.

Collection Detail:
1. Commonwealth MRT (Mon & Thurs evening)
2. Yio Chu Kang MRT
4. Ang Mo Kio MRT
5. postage at your own risk n cost (normal/reg)
6. Home Delivery can be arranged but will be within 3weeks.

Terms and Conditions:
1. No payment = no order
2. I will not be held responsible for missing, defective or erroneous items during normal mail and any other unusual circumstances.

Other Notes:
Please let me know the following after you have transferred:
1. By internet transfer (* Pls use your nick during internet transfer.)
For ATM transfer, please sms me (9746 1185) the amount once you've done the transfer.
2. Reference number
3. Date & Time of transfer
4. Total amount transferred
5. Your contact number and collection method
For credit card payment, do fill in your billing address.

*** All prices inclusive of GST***
you can if you wan cos all the products is made of natural ingredients. However, as you have to conserve your energy for breastfeeding, you might wanna do it after you stop breastfeeding. But the expiry for skincare category is 3 yrs. Unless you are breastfeeding more than 3 yrs, You may wanna get it n keep now as its a promotion worth going for.

ya, maybe some will said we take $1 and the gov will take back $2 from us, the problem is, they already take from us the $2 and we r fighting back for our $1.... nv mind if we take back or not but we'll try our best.
it's true tat last time no bb bounus at all for the 1st time mummies like reena n other, pls lah last last time police man still wearing short not long pant ok, lol.... economy is getting worst each yr and last time gov only charge 3% gst, do u all know how many pp are jobless and worst if they r 1st time parents n jobless. some may said oh the 6k is for edu fund only, but to us it help to lighten our burden. some said go n get 2nd one lah if u want the 6k, they said tat because they already got the 6k, why they dun go for the 3rd one? more money rite? if 1st time parents dun feel the burden of having one children they also might want to get 2nd or 3rd n so on, why stop at 2nd? how rich is our gov? i think most of us here know also.
i otally agree with u on the bb bonus. My stand is exactly the same as u. Though my hb dun qualify for paternal leave but i feel tat is more impt than anything else that $ can buy. hahaha... I esp like this phrase " i feel like we're spoilt child always asking money from parents. i mean, when i look back at other seasoned mommies like Reena, she didn't enjoy baby bonus fully like us. my parents, they even have to pay gahmen money to give birth to the 3rd and 4th child."

ike wat u say and which i agree totally, having a child is not becos of the bonus thingy. If hv hv.. if dun hv.. so be it.
some ppl stop at 1 is not becos of money. it is the attention to be given to the kids. For eg a few of my gf do not wan #2 so tat they can focus all their attn on #1. Likewise even if i hv $ i may not wan to go for #3 or #4. Cos to ppl i always tell them... i only hv 2 hands... left and right. I dun hv more hands to hold more children. :) Thus sometimes money cant buy everything. Money cannot buy the attention i wan to gv to each individual child.
<font color="ff0000">Thanks for everyone's support! I have sent out an email to PMO and MCYS with 150 signatures. Will be waiting for their reply. Let's keep our fingers crossed and pray. In the meantime, in case we need to rally again, please PM me your name, IC number, bb BC number and DOB and child order if you wish to join this petition. Rest assured your details are kept in confidence</font>
If economy allowed i will have more children, tats what i can said. if gov help to ligthen up my burden for my 1st child education fee and medical fee, i think will go for 2nd one. the 6k can lighten up my hubby burden esp a sahm like me and we just fight for the fairness share of 2008 babies. money is not everything but we all agree money do help to lighten our burden,bad economy now. is not 1k, it's 7k. how many of u who dun quarrel or argue over money with hubby because of money? i want to give my bb a good child care too...so no matter what pp said, i will stay fight lor.
Good Morning Mummies
Can check if anyone has registered but not gg for the brestfeeding event tdy?
Can my friend use your id to attend?
Please sms me at HP 9837 1608.

hi mummies
I have 2 tins of 900g Friso 2 to let go, bought at $30 willing to let go at $55 for both, free delivery if you stay north/northeast. tks
sms me at 97630681
