(2008/03) March 2008


Gerber plain cereal cant find any in supermarket... maybe u may try to get from ORGANIC shop sometimes they do selling even they got organic stuff..

i got my gerber plain cereal from STATES ..

they can eat porridge huh? I argue with my mum yesterday when she asked me to cook porridge with fish for my boy. oops!

thanks! Read the book (super baby food) and it also mention the same thing too. But i really dun know I can give porridge to my boy. My poor mum! hv to apologise to her liao. ;p
abc, thx.
Ok wil need to inform mum.
that's right! i send my bb to yu guo..it used to be at castle court but they shifted somewhere opp. already

the bread is quite soft, even though i ate for two days, it was still quite alright

it's at kembangan, somewhere behind kembangan plaza..
hey mummies, I m so buzzed tt my boy has cut his first tooth! I noticed a slit in his lower gum n I felt his tooth! wahaha! so excited for this big milestone!

he seems ready for food but I will wait for his 6mo, which is still in a mth n 2 days time.
So fast ur boi has tooth, my little shevon hasnt shown any signs f her tooth yet even though she keeps chewing the hanky, our fingers and her fingers. Coolz! I shall wait for her to show me her tooth kekeke
simp, I m surprised too. I tot they usually cut their first tooth ard 6mths. my boy was biting his lower lip a lot, so maybe u can watch out for this sign!
My #1 had her dried scallop porridge at 7mths.
babypink knows abt it! hahaha
Boil the scallop for the taste then take out the dry scallop and put rice in.. plain, simple and sweet! after taht we use pumpkin, potato, carrot to add in as she turns 8 mths, 9mths and so on..
She did not take cereal but for kath, was thinking of letting her try cereal..
Before I bought my AMC pots, I'll wash and soak the rice in water for 10 - 15 mins. Then use my hand and "squeeze" the rice to break them up. As I was only cooking for 1 bb then, I steam the porridge in a small bowl. The fragrant and texture between steamed and cooked rice is very different. Try it ;-)

The ang-mohs will say stay away from fish until after 9 months. But I gave both my elder kids and they are ok. Basically, many schools of thoughts when it comes to feeding solids. I only give threadfin fish (hokkien: ghor hee) for a start, then move on to salmon/cod fish.

I bought my Earth Best and Gerber from this supermarket in Jurong Point, think is Liberty in year 2002/2003 period. But when I looked for it again in year 2005/2006, nothing on the shelves, not even Cold Storage :-(

Oh yes, Yu Guo. It's good right? One of my gf sends her child with some disability (some brain damage and unable to open his fist, can't eat solids, can't stand etc...) and she see good results too. She recommended me there =). Is it relocated nearer to Kembangan MRT station? The last time we went, it was at this very ULU place and very limited parking lots! And I rem once I had to bring dd1 there myself, I walked about 30 mins from Kembangan MRT station (with a toddler)! Should have taken a cab.

Thanks! Ya, think I hv to buy a slow cooker first.


Thanks for yr tip on adding in the scallops. I love dried scallops, it really makes soups taste so much nicer. Shall add it in nx time when I cook porridge for my boy. =)


Thanks for yr recipe. Do u mean after cooking the porridge then steam or steam till it becomes porridge?
re: giving bb solid
my gp advised to hold on to seafood till later. she said pork is actually the meat with less allergens, hence is a more ideal first choice of meat for bb.
wah tat very fast...

re: pork
yes it is right. In fact can gv pork now. For arielene i only gv her pork... no chicken cos chicken is the most easily allergy... no beef cos family cannot cook beef
crawling.. yup.. mine too. backwards n forwards.
tooth cutting
clover: mine also kept biting lower lip. but no signs yet.. i'm not in a hurry though he's been drinking lots more n losing abit of weight..
ya think it's closer to kembangan mrt but still some walking distance away...actually they shifted just one street across from the old place...

my colleagues recommended me this place, my bb has gone for treatment for 3 consecutive days, going again later. hmmm, she is experiencing more nasal discharge, i supp it's part of the "purging" process rather than the mucous "brewing" inside her chest...will monitor her. i dun really want her to be so dependent on medicine..she has already finished one bottle of zenmolin!

each consultation + massage session is $20 excluding medicine. she presribed some medicine for external application abt $10 for 4 satchets. think depending on the child's condition, the no.of sessions could differ...
I haf not started any solid. Stil tryg to let him take as much milk as possible. Anyway my bb dun drink a lot. Thkg of startg at mth 7-8.
yeah dun be too hurried to start bb on food. i tried feeding rice cereal again on Sunday but Tricia didn't even want to open her mouth. she keeps sucking her tongue, maybe telling me that she wants milk! hahaha. so i no choice but latch her again. her EBM for monday oso abundant so i told my mom, nevermind, just keep giving her EBM unless i cannot pump enough, then give her diluted rice cereal in bottle. but after rice cereal, give EBM again liao.

Tricia is only creeping, not crawling. i define crawling being on-the-knees-and-hands-straight kinda thing. cat movement u know. Can't remember when jie jie starts to crawl but it's around 6 months. i guess soon all our march babies will start to crawl liao! then remember to post photos ok!
My manicurist said that I have fungus on my feet, and advice me to go see doctor.. Anyone have any good Dr for this, can recommend, pls??
Yu Guo,
I used to go there quite often as well though I conduct kids massage workshop as they will also give you good advice n 'yao bao' to put on the belly button n not drinking it. At the same time, can 'tuo shi' a bit mah. Hee...

my baby is also crawling liao. Headache ah... since I have the play mat he crawls alot. Now he even crawl very fast out of the play mat to take things from the tv conso. But people say that bb usually sit first then crawl. But mine crawl first.
does your girl sit fit then crawl?
Ah yo... I don wan him to drink from glass so fast.... baby drink from glass?! then my milk bottles how?!
faint sia.... plus everytime he drinks. have to change clothes etc.
Liyun, yalor... I read liao aso cant believe it. My bb stil like v blur lei... Hahaha ;p So I misunderstd ur descriptn lah.
wow =) tat's is fast

so fast can crawl !


hehe, i m less diligient than u..last nite guess wat i did for kelicia's dinner..very fast and healthy, done within 20 minutes

boil 5 inches of water in a pot, place this metal thing that elevates and put slices of fish in an open metal container, after 10 min, add brocoli, then after another 5 min, add cheese
Cheesy Fishy Brocoli - done withn 20 min

she has bread with this dish , cos we r back late and too tired to make porridge

once the babies can eat outside food, here's a good lobang to share =)

Every order of a main course on a sunday at NYDC, u add just $2 for a kids' meal
wow that is a good lobang! Thanks!

will like to delay that as long as possible cos mummy here v. lazy hahaha....and also this time i'm going to feed bb tommy just porridge and more porridge...last time Chelsea had so many different kinds of food, thot that would make her open to all kinds of food...who knows she turns out to be so picky *haiz*...so dis time round, just give bb tommy no choice lah
