(2008/03) March 2008

i agree with u abt the fate thingy.Take for eg my hb and i. We met each other in a camp. nvr in the same sch. When i was 13. We get contact each oother till i was 16. There after we lost contact... nvr tot we would cross each others path. In 2002 i happen to meet up with my senior schmate. He came to know my hb (then fren). we catch up again and then started dating... when i was 16 it was 1995. So a difference of 7 yrs we met again... hahaha... fate right?

imagine know him in 1992... 2002 date... a decade later... hahahha

Breastfeeding. Is it for me?
Date: 23 Aug 2008 Saturday
Time: Registration at 130pm (those who called still need to register at 130pm)
Venue: Suntec City Convention
Cost: Free! With Free goodie bag worth $50 provided!

More details: Mary/Shan 62588816

There will also be talks and Q&A sessions, including:
1. Help! I don't have enough milk! Overcoming common problems in breastfeeding. By Sister Kang, Lactation Consultant, Mt Alvernia.
2. Working and Breastfeeding: Is it possible? By Mrs Wong Boh Boi, Senior Parent Craft/ Lactation Consultant
3. The Role of the father in Breastfeeding. By Mr Edwin Choy, Centre of Fathering.

Organised by:
aLife, Anmun, mCYS, Centre of Fathering and Singapore Planned Parenthood Association.

<font color="0000ff">Interested mommies:
1. Serene_yeo
2. belle mommy
3. Kate Chow
4. Petrina Goh
5. Clover
6. Lingyee*
7. Aly
8. Petrina wys
9. Babypink
11.Poshies' pal</font>
hope Andrae will make a full recovery fast

it is heartwarming to see ur post

anyway, i feel tat it is not easy to get married
somehow feel tat finding the right guy who will commit to a long term relationship like marriage faithfully is really no easy feat..saw friends who adted for a long time but still break up

if got $, would love to set up a marriage agency and gals can join for free, only men need to pay. Then I will do some personal screening of my clients

Last evening, I return home and see my sister feeding my 23 months gal and my mum carrying my 5 months plus boy..

the moment they see me, they feedback tat both kids were competing who can cry the loudest, both din get to sleep cos once the moment 1 sleep, the other will cry to wake the other up

My sis said she will think twice abt having kids liao, the world of screaming babies and toodlers not appealing at all

then i was like everyday after work, i look so forward to seeing teh kids..

they reply, "then quickly bring both back"

hehe, i wonder is it absence makes the mind fonder
shall we meet tmr? for lunch b4 the bfing event?
i'll be alone wif ryan.. hb working...

bbpink: i dun mind kenny's... keke.. the macaroni cheese.. then ryan will drink cheese milk..

juz a qn
i realised that my boy's weight gain has stagnant.. PD is worried. i started EBM this wk.. is it because of refusal to drink?
plus i realised that since i started pumping and less latching, i seem to have gained a little weight at yesterday's check.
Adeline.. i understand where you coming from. I know some ppl are not agreeable on this petition. However, I hope we will be well-manner and not call this motion STUPID and FOOLISH. We shld respect each other views and opinion.
bbpink: juz realised that ur boy n gal r screaming.. mine too.. y huh? he's like trying very hard to yell sharp shrills.. trying to get attention? when i ask him stop, he'll juz chuckle.. faintz... my eardrums wanna burst liao...

baby $$
haiz.. never ending issue... wasted. ya.. i also sianz. thought tat ryan will have the $6k co-savings.. so i can send him to all sorts of classes.. nvm lah. dun have then dun have.
at most i wait for next amendment.. see if they have better benefits in time for my second child..
the extra $1k not too upset. i think it's the co-savings that's wasted niah..
cause i think CDA account can help pay for PD? someone was saying.. dunno true or not.
jgal n abc, u r each entitled to yr own opinion, but let's stop short at slinging mud to each other bah.

bbpink, I shld be able to join u for lunch. I will be going alone coz hubb is on reservist.
Would like to go, but will be celebrating my eldest birthday tml... Will be busy since morning as I'll be cooking some food for the guest.. Actually the guests consist of my family and relatives only.. So not too jia lat~
Hi Pet

yupz, i just called and checked tmr we must register b4 130pm, so I am thinking of lunch gathering at kenny rogers after we register..cos dun noe the kids can tahan for so many hrs until 430pm

Shall we meet at Kenney Rogers at 130pm then..eat till 230pm , then just nice to go for talk :p
Hi mummies,

just to share

Pat Tor - 5yrs
Married - 6 yrs

bb gg to be 6 months old nx month and my flabby fats r still ard! Sigh!
me pak tor 3yrs ++
married 1yr

knew my hb when i was 12. but we only gt tgt at 16 till now.

i also hope to have 3 children if can afford. but having #1 now, sometimes i will tink 1 is enough.
dun worry. guess it is jus the slp bug running in my brain. Andrae slp at 11.30pm last night. whole night toss and turn. woke up at 3.30am then slp at 6am but i nd to get up for work at 6am.. thus brain not thinking. Even my supply oso affected. only 1 oz!
Breastfeeding @ Suntec,
There's a breastfeeding session at the end of the talk right? Can I just attend that, do I still need to register? I don't need to attend all the talks leh...
clover: if finances allow, we may try for a dragon.. cause hb hope to have gal. currently our ideal is still 1child concept..

i'd like to space out sibling birth years.. so not so siong for me.
Sorry gal,
I m not joining you gals for the breastfeeding at Suntec cos I got something on at the afternoon. Besides, my boy refuse to latch nowadays. Dun wan him to end up crying there n cos a commotion. You gal enjoy!

hope your boy recover fast. Juz kapo a bit... Which PD you seeing at Mt A?
Unfortunately, there's no incentive for SAHMs. Why don't they encourage sahms to have more bbs? I don't mind having #4 ;-)

Was jokingly telling my ex-collg who's a CEO in a startup company, if he ever needs a secretary, can consider me so I can be entitled to 4 months maternity leave + childcare leave etc...
ya.. reena. sahm nothing.. if they pay me minimal pay, i actually dun mind kids. the more the merrier.. haha.. only hb siong.. have to feed so many mouths..
i went to see Dr Ong at aglow baby and child at united sq. He asked me to admit him as he is very phelgmy. Anyway an ideal dr to see if i knw he needs to be hospitalise would be Dr Terence Tan. Anyway Dr Tan is very very nice. he saw us at the ward and recognise us. Came over n talk to me and ask me his condition. Assured me he is in good hands and also say anything he will be ard. :) But then again he told me luckily i din go see him cos the weekend he was away until mon then back.. I find Dr tan though ex but very professional
<font color="0000ff">Good LATE Morning mummies!!!</font>

Err.... No need to use hush words. If don wana join any petition or anything like that can just ignor. Just my 2 cents thoughts. We are old enough to see if there's a need and who started the bomb so I guess its more than enough liao. Dont ague anymore okie?

liyun.. u so cute.. TGIF.. happy FTWM. can see babies for the nxt 2 days.

abc: is dr terence tan andrae's birth pd? i tot usually the birth pd will handle baby if hosp.. i not sure on this issue..
yes he is. But i din see Dr tan. May not be Dr tan see him when hospitalise. Usu it is the one who u last seen. In tat case Dr Ong
Yu Tong
last afternoon, I check, din receive yet..now going to check again

Must call the number to register, and then to register again on then spot..tat's wat the lady said just now
Pancake is no longer in Singapore, but if you have emailed her ur details, she have called them up

no harm calling first and register urself

PS: blur me is the one who leave my nursing shawl at shirley's place..tmr hope my mum can get the new piece in time :p
abc: oic... prob muz request bah.. now i noe..
cause ryan's birth pd clinic only 1 pd.. so definately is him. unless i visit other pds..
yea i went to other PDs cos Dr Tan is difficult to get. but at least not he assure me if urgent no nd make appt. Oso Dr tan charges are higher. :)
got question,
recently my bb start fussing and will latch and delatch a couple of times at night, not having a proper full feed (curious with surroundings?)and will happily take feed from bottle without fussing(EBM or formula)...
why huh? any mummies got the same problem?
me also got qn..
any babies screaming away? attention seeking? the type - long, constant squeal...

cloudme: maybe slow letdown? sometimes my boy does tat.. or nite time blocked nose..
saw abc talking abt bb waking up in the night. I dun know wht is wrong with my boy. I will rock him to sleep and he will fall asleep in 5-10 mins time. He will sleep for the first 3 hrs and then wakes up every hourly for the rest of the night.

It has been like that for 3 weeks already. Sort of numb to the feeling of waking up to pat him to sleep if not nurse him. I think he is a super light sleeper and also can't put himself back to sleep when he's awake. Poor boy.
Petrina -

My bb has been pretty much a screamer...happy also scream in excitement (leg kicking hands flailing), not happy also scream (the distressed kind of course) haha!

But recently, he's been screaming whenever i walk away from him...and he stares right into my eyes when he screams!!! And yes, super high pitched squealy kind. When i walk back, he stops and continues playing happily in his cot! This cycle will repeat everytime i go away....definitely attention seeking behaviour! But this usually happens early morning only...maybe too many hours at night never see mummy haha! :D Later in the day, he's more settled and can play alone in his cot for up to an hour sometimes.
jerejoy -

it used to be like that for my boy too. sleep from 8pm-2am...then it's hell from then on!!!! but recently changed for the better and on good nights, can sleep from about 8pm to 5am...last few nights, i heard him waking up and he'd "talk" and laugh to himself for 15-20 mins then drift off to sleep again (went to peep at him)....i try not to go see him or pick him up if he's not crying or yelling.

does he wake up making alot of noise? or he's just generally tossing and turning? have u tried just leaving him alone for 10mins to see if he can go back to sleep again?

what were the criteria before andre was hospitalised? Phlegmy cough/dry cough/fever (if so how high?)/drinking problems/loss of weight/loss of appetite????

Cos Adil started coughing( dry) and sneezing last week and went GP gave meds now become wet. Infect my girl Aaliyah who have very wet cough and runny nose and now infect Akil who has wet cough also. All not so febrile - 37.4ish. Appetite seems not too affected, they still want to play. But all now coughing with phlegm lah... poor thing.
Petrina (hazuki)
My baby will also scream.. But that's when he doesn't wanna drink milk and my maid start to force feed him, otherwise, he is ok..

Do any of you read to your baby after you reach home?? I started doing it unconsciously last week and by yesterday, I find some difference in his concentration..He seem to be able to concentrate better.. And he enjoy listening to stories... Do other mummies have the same experience??

I thought that the Enhanced Baby Bonus will oni start next year ie 1 January 2009?

Extracted from http://www.babybonus.gov.sg/bbss/html/index.html
"Enhanced Baby Bonus

The Baby Bonus cash gift and matching Government contribution in the Children Development Account (CDA) have been enhanced for Singapore citizen babies born on or after 1 January 2009 (or whose Estimated Date of Delivery is on or after 1 January 2009) to lawfully married parents. An eligible first and second child will receive up to $4,000 in cash gift and enjoy matching Government contributions in the CDA up to a cap of $6,000. The benefits for a third and fourth child remain unchanged with cash gift of up to $6,000 each and matching Government contribution of up to $12,000 each. Children of the fifth and higher order will be eligible for Government matching contributions in the CDA up to a cap of $18,000 each.

There has never been a better time to start a family! Click here to find out more about the enhanced Marriage &amp; Parenthood Package. "
I read to my baby and sing songs to him at least once every 2 days if I can after I got home from work. During weekend quite abit of "singsong" time. Daddy will try to err... read newspaper to him. So far I found that he's starting to take note of the book already, will pat and hit on the pages hard. Will also try to eat the book.
Not sure if this is relevant to you

Extracted from http://www.mother-2-mother.com/cc-baby-B.htm#Fussiness


Young babies, both breast and formula fed, are often fussy. It is not unusual for this to happen during the late afternoon and evenings, and is usually NOT due to hunger, wet/dirty diaper, or anything that mom or dad can fix. It is usually NOT related to milk supply, although some mothers may worry about this.

One of the best explanations of normal infant fussiness is shared here with permission from Kathy S. Kuhn RN BSN IBCLC and lactation consultant for Parentsplace.com:

Normal infant fussiness starts at about 1-3 weeks, peaks at about 6-8 weeks and is gone by about 3-4 months. Most babies will "fuss" about 2-4 hours per day, no matter what you do. They want to be "in arms" or at the breast very frequently and fuss even though you attempt to calm them. They often seem "unsatisfied" with their feedings and even seem to reject or cry at the breast.

It most commonly happens in the evening hours, and usually the baby will take their longest stretch of sleep after this fussy time. The best thing to do is offer the breast as much as the baby wants it. If she fusses at the breast try to calm her in other ways such as "dancing" with her, gentle bouncing and rocking, and just giving big doses of TLC. You can tell it is normal fussiness if it occurs about the same time each day, if your baby has other times of the day when feedings are calm and she seems happy, and if she is growing and gaining well per her pediatrician and having plenty of wet and soiled diapers.
Many times during a baby's fussy time they will refuse the breast. After several frustrating attempts at nursing, the parents may "break down" and offer a bottle of expressed breastmilk or formula thinking that the fussiness is related to low supply or something wrong with mom's milk. Kathy gives a better understanding of this particular concern here, as well as explaining what happens when baby is offered a bottle and "guzzles" it down:

Parents who don't know this is "normal" frequently respond as you did by giving a bottle because they think the baby isn't "happy or satisfied" with the breast. When the bottle goes in the baby's mouth the mouth fills with milk, the baby is obligated to swallow and the action of swallowing initiates another suck. The suck again fills the mouth and the cycle repeats, giving an appearance of the baby "gulping the bottle down hungrily".

This of course only contributes to mom and dad's fear that the baby wasn't getting enough at the breast and they keep offering more and more bottles (understandably). Which then causes a true low milk supply. Often the baby falls asleep peacefully after this episode which also reinforces to the parents that the bottle was just what the baby needed. What has really happened is the baby has by coincidence come to the natural conclusion of the fussy spell (most parents give the bottle as a last resort which means the fussiness has been going on for awhile) and/or the baby has withdrawn because "gulping" down the bottle was actually stressful and NOT what the baby wanted but she could not stop the flow, so exhausted, she falls asleep. So don't offer bottles during any fussy time.
I used to read to my #1 but now hardly with any of them. dd#1 (6yo)can read by herself now whereas ds#2 (3yo) will "pretend" to read. Occassionally, ds2 will ask either myself or hubby to read. But most of the time, he'll read by himself. I think it's impt if you want them to cultivate good reading when they grow up, should start young.

isabellali and liyun -
i read to my boy too....some days he seem interested but other days get bored after awhile and will eat the book too hahaha!! i usually sit him on my lap and read so cant really see his face....but i will point at the words and my hb says bb will usually follow and look where my finger is pointing...

singing is good, my boy loves it!!! i think it calms my him down alot esp when he's cranky (like they say, "music soothes the most savage beast"! haha!)...when we bring him out to restaurants to eat and he cries and all, we'll have a whole entourage of ppl (me, niece, granpa etc etc) singing to him maciam like choir....and he's soothed most of the time. maybe he's thinking "siao ah...so many ppl singing to me at one time" hahahah!
