(2008/03) March 2008

clover: ya.. forgot to mention $$ hor.. anyways today's goody bag is ... so nice for synchronised bf though..
i was wondering how they came up with the dollar figure..

adeline: i wan go.. c how much first.. send me? thks.

din see in registration form ..thanks for postin the price
btw, gals

all the evaluation forms were under kyzac's pram ! geez, when i register for u all, they pass me a stack of papers which i tot was useless ..din go to see, also forgot all abt them till i took something out fr pram after talk

paiseh paiseh
i think it's a talk so doenst matter age.
I will ask my ex col regarding this.
But it's more suitable lo.. cause the 2nd part is like for new born wor..

Thanks for sharing yr experiences (advices) Hehe! can't wait to start him on the rice cereal. Will go buy it tmr.
Thanks again!
Hi Sheryl!
Long time no see liao. Hahahha! The way you describe your baby doing sit and reach is so funny!

Breastfeeding @ Suntec,
Mummies, sounds like you all enjoy the session. Great!

Yar... I also heartache din manage to join you gals.
SINGAPORE: Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng says specific start dates are needed for any policy and the government cannot backdate the enhanced Marriage and Parenthood (M&P) Package indefinitely.


Mr Wong says the new cut—off date is reasonable.

The qualifying date was brought forward to August 17 this year instead of 1 January 2009 to cover more parents—to—be.

Still, some have questioned why the cut—off date is August 17 and not August 1, as in the case in 2004.

Mr Wong, who is in charge of population matters, pointed out that back in 2004, the government had sent a clear signal months earlier that changes were afoot.

In December 2003, Lim Hng Kiang, then chairman of the Marriage and Parenthood Committee, had indicated that changes to the 2001 Marriage and Parenthood Package were on the cards and that couples should start planning for babies.

In February 2004, then Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said the new package would be completed before National Day.

Because of that, all administrative measures and adjustments were made between February and August that year.

Even then, legislation for the additional four weeks of maternity leave was only
completed two months later, on 1 October 2004, after the law was amended.

For this year, Mr Wong said, the first indication of a review came last month.

Details were released after the Prime Minister’s National Day Rally this month for the measures to kick in next year, as the government needed time to effect the various legislative and administrative changes.

"Unlike in 2004, we could not set up the systems earlier as the measures were still being finalised up until the end of July 2008," said Mr Wong.

Mr Wong added that the government has tried to be as inclusive as possible.

And due to the strong appeal from parents—to—be, whose babies were due before 1 January next year, the government brought forward the qualifying date for the enhanced package to August 17, the date of the announcement by the Prime Minister.

Mr Wong said: "At any point in time when we make a decision to say this is the date, there will always be people who fall outside that date. That is unfortunate and I can understand their disappointment but we need to have a cut—off date somewhere, otherwise it will never end."

He urged Singaporean couples to see the package in totality as all things considered, parents will still receive significant support under the revised package.

Mr Wong said: "So, don’t just look at what they don’t get. I think they should look at what they will get but more importantly, look at the baby, look at their own children and enjoy their children!"

For parents whose babies were born before 17 August 2008, they would still be
eligible for the enhancements to the tax reliefs, childcare and infant care subsidies, and childcare and infant care leave.

Mr Wong added that the set of financial incentives is not the magic bullet to solve Singapore’s low Total Fertility Rate problem.

Success also depends on support from employers and Singaporeans themselves wanting to marry and have babies.

— CNA/ir
hey abc, regarding the cereal spree. I believe that I have overpaid as u hv cancelled one of the items tt I ordered and even with the shipping fee counted in. so cld u let me know how much is the excess to refund me or if this is not case then how much I owe u. thanks.
Hi Celia,

Thanks. Shld hv read yr message earlier. I went to buy Earth Best organic rice cereal already. He seems to enjoy it. Wanted to try the happy bellies rice cereal too.. Too many to choose from.

My frd recommended me this book (Super baby Food). Seems to be v informative. Just gotten the book today also cos I hv too many qns in mind. The book teaches us to make our own baby food too. Find it v interesting.
HI jerjoy

since u got yr earth best organic rice cereal then stick to it. don keep changing and it may confuse him...

yes that book is good. i have bot the book 'TOP 100 PUREE BOOk" and i had started the very first food to my bb and she loved it

Can't keep changing huh. Hehe! Still tot of buying several brands to try it out. They look delicious to me. haha!

Wanted to prepare my own food too but maybe wait till i'm coming back to Spore so that I can buy the blender specially for his bb food.
Re:solid food
gave my gal a bit of yu ren sheng brown rice today. not alot. juz wanna c if can learn to swallow semi-solid food. But think she dun like it
her whole face screw up though she continue to swallow wat i gave her..

din add any milk 4 her juz plain brown rice. tot give her something bland if too sweet she may not wan bm liao. but din noe it is really so YUCKY till i tried it!! in the end she veri tired wanna sleep liao start to cry so we gave up.. hb try abit too. he also find it yucky.haha.

next round tink i will add a bit of milk. failed my first solid food attempt =P
Hi,anyone from jurong? do you know any good infant care around? or infant care nanny? i actually intend to put him in when my baby is coming 2 month old..
hi ladies!
my bb's cold kept recurring..decided to pull her off infant care... waa so stressful last week cos got to arrange alternative care for her last minute but at least manage to pull thru last week :p

now sending her for treatment at this chinese physiotherapy place where they do" tui na" for her... supposedly can help to dispel her phlegm..the chinese physician says she very "phlegmy"
hopefully, this treatment will help her...

re starting bb on solids, will make my very first attempt next week...keke..kinda excited...oh thanks to ivy for sharing the link with us on homemade baby food, think the website is very useful

i tried the recipe on hokkaido milk buns!! it works!!
but forgot to take any pics..hehe...
<font color="ff6000">twinklestars:</font>think lotsa flu bugs around.. Hope your precious will recover soon. Take care!
u hv excess of $3.85 with me cos the cereal is $3.85. But shipping is $2.20 each. U hv 2 pack so is $4.40. Thus i do not hv to refund u. :) Pls correct me if i am wrong.
<font color="aa00aa">hey all mummies

wat a long time nv join in liao......busy with work, baby n etc......how's eveyone?
if the gathering on sun i will try to join if any. looking forward to see u all again. takecare!
I didnt see my baby's tooth too, but cos he likes to drink from a glass, so the "clink clink" sound makes me go search his mouth. Just a very tiny bit out so frankly I cant see it also.
Have any mummy collected the cereal from abc or adeline yet??

I've PMed you the other day, have you received it?? It's regarding the collection of the cereal..
Liyun, wa u mean ur boy can drink from a glass liao. Good. I just bought him bowl, fork &amp; spoon &amp; a cup. Im stil thkg when he can learn to drink from a cup.
Im v kan cheong. Hope he can do tt soon too.

Yes, when I run out of ideas what to cook,I'll visit Kitchen Capers. Also, there's a cream scone recipe that's really good, but not sure if it's still there as the site undergone a revamp some 1 - 2 yrs ago. I'll say 99.9% recipes there are tried and tested, by the posters.

Rice cereal
DS#2 only finished one pack of rice cereal and I switched him to home cooked porridge. I still find home cook food better than commercial bb food.

I used to buy Earth Best organic &amp; Gerber plain rice cereal for dd#1 but when I had ds#2, I can't seem to find these 2 brands on the shelves. Like these 2 brands as they don't come with any milk inside so I can add my own ebm.

Which tui-na did you bring your bb to? I used to bring dd1 and ds2 to Yu Guo for bb tui na. Quite good and the kids enjoy, but stopped when there was an outbreak of HFMD.

Good to know you baked the bread =) Is it soft? There's another recipe in http://www.kitchencapers.net/phpbb/index.php, do a search for cream cheese bread. It's even better than the Hokkaido bread ;-)
