(2008/03) March 2008

it must be really tiring for u.
I'm lucky that i don't need to train my bb.
she'll auto sleep when i tuck a pacifier in.
Of course will dilly dally for a while but she won't make noise then slowly drift off to her dreamland no matter wat time i tuck her in.

Can we change it to who is interested to go kidsloft? hahaha

Buying Bumbo Seat from Kidsloft:
1) Simp
2) Happygal
3) Kate
4) YT
5) Tsukushi
6) Jasmine
7) mummyboy

Interested to go kidzloft:
1) simp
2) kate
3) abc

Btw the promotional proce for bumbo tat time is 49.90. Some is at 59.90. No more 50% discoutn as it is promotional item. Mothercare is also selling at $59.90. Thus if there is no more $49.90 then no point going down. Someone may wish to call and ask. However all their in-house items are at 50% discount.

Bumbo tray is at $17plus i think and tat is entitled to additional 50% off.

yea man! Tummy fats... but nvm la.. baby health more impt. Hahhaa... not to say my figure not impt la. hahaha...

U took instant oats? Nestle ones? will increase har ?i yet to try. Now i usu pump at 9.30am till 10am after last feed at 5.30-6am got 6.5oz. Last time only 5oz. hahaha...
hai that time i saw bebe pod plus online for 85 sgd include ship to sgd but now got to try to find that again.

like that the dumbo seat is quite costly le about the same as bebe pod plus.


ok i think i will try to call them tomorrow to check... hmmm anyone interested in the bebe pod plus? seems that its for bigger babies.....
sorry for being so negative on MIL issue... perhaps because facing & staying wif her for the past 9yrs and quarreling wif my hb because of her has cause a deep impact on me. i do admit i very very prejudiced against her because prior to my delivery, she has already laid down so many ground rules on how to raise my boy. and personally i do feel that she do not respect me as being my boy's mother.
i'm not hoping for anyone to have the same MIL-DIL r/s like mine. i do hope the best for everyone as i m also stepping backwards alot ever since my boy arrived. perhaps for me i feel that i have reached the limit.

btw, i saw in the papers that tmr if u bring ur child's BC & a diaper worth at least 30cents, you can exchange for a pack of huggies ultra. but limited to 200ppl i think.
location - plaza singapura
timing - from 10.30am
juz to share my ds n dd photo:
hmm checking it out.. re: bebe pod plus...

seems that if we can gather 5 mummies to buy right then the cost is about 85sgd per piece include shipping but i cant confirm.

anyone interested?

if got 5 people i don mind organise the spree/ pre-order.
pet, staying with mil is not easy n bound to have friction. ling yee said we choose our husband and not our mil which i think its v true.

i wanna encourage u to be bigger than your mil (not the body size hehe). do PRAY about it n dun let the bitterness root in your heart. take me for an example, my relationship with my mom wasn't so good in may/june but my cell group mate and i prayed abt it, and now our relationship has improved. PG! u could try to focus on her good points which i am sure she has. do also TRY to let her understand u more n vice versa. i am sure u wan your son to grow up in an amicable environment. DO IT for the sake of ryan and 家和万事兴!
the price will be 45usd, exchange rate i will peg at 1.45 but if got extra it will go to offset the shipping cost. shipping cost to be advised when it comes. do pm or post here for me if any are interested.
Hi ladies
Nice seeing some of u and ur babies earlier. My boy looks like big brother to all..hehe....It's ok. I lurve his size

welcome JT!

I agree with belle mummy. I actually tuck him in his cot, kiss him and turn off the lights. So it's like an indication he has to sleep. I use to latch him to sleep but now I give him pacifier cos I wan him to sleep by himself. So now i just sit by his cot and tap him and he dozes off. The only prob is mine is an owl. He's only sleepy after midnight! Not lucky like belle mummy.
It's ok. It's very understandable. Don't feel bad. 9 yrs living with in law's is not an easy thing at all. Believe you've made your sacrifices. Just look forward and may tomorrow be a better day
Brought my gal for her 5 in 1 injecton today. She cried, I feel so heart pain

At week 16, she weights 7 kg and is 65 cm tall. Everything's normal but the PD said her head is big. Need to do a scan if it continues to be that way. However, he said it could be heredity too. Normal adult's head circumference should be about 55cm. he measure my husband's Head and it was 58cm! Aiyoh, my husband has a big head, no wonder he is not afraid of the rain!
i had a very eventful day... not coz its my birthday but coz DS' cough turns worse. TG that he doesnt have whooping cough/petusis (sp). i brought him to the PD in the afternoon and he was diagnosed to have bronchitis. tonite i had to wipe him down twice coz he puked all over himself n me. i gotta bath twice n still gotta do my 2nd batch of laundry. haha, i think i m a superwoman, albeit a cant lose weight one!! haha!
mine oso difficult to get her to sleep. after feeding her ebm at 9plus at night, she wil doze off then i wil put her in her cot,but for abt half an hr only. then she wil cry and i wil carry her and tap her to sleep, then put her bk to cot. but smehw, got to reply a few times this process, then she wil finally be sleeping. sometimes i also have to latch her to sleep cos i do not use pacifier. really tiring so jasmine, i really understd hw u feel. luckily for hsewrk, my hubby sweep n mop the floor every sunday. also wash e toilet. i iron his clothes only...haha!
clover: i noe. i think it magnified during my confinement. now i juz let my MIL handle ryan... carry/bath. sometimes i juz feel that the more i give in the more she take advantage. then my hb have to remind her then she'll take a step back.. so hb n i tend to quarrel abt it quite alot.
haha at least am not alone. re: the hsewrk, maybe its just that am fussy la... hubby got sweep floor every week but i am used to mopping and sweeping everyday before my ds came.
Hi, my wife, my MIL and me has got problems feeding my baby recently. He's coming to 4 mths on 14th July and drinking lesser recently. He can be very hungry, but once we feed him via Avent Bottle size 2 or 3 teat, he suck for a while then push it away and cry. We know he's hungry but refuse to drink. He can also only drink less than 50ml and endure 4-5 hours till the next feed. Is it ok? Anyone face the same problem? We are all getting very tired and frustrated.
Recent photo of our baby Bryan:

They give me a heartache everyday. Jasmine, my boy also like urs. Day also dun gimme time to work so I can only do things in the evening when hubby comes back. By then too tired to do anything :p
hahaha.... thats so true.. hai but for me i got a jumperoo so that frees me for half hour in the day can bath cook and put the laundry in the washing machine. wow thinking of this i wonder where all my time has gone to.
bryan looks so cute
less than 50 ml is quite worrying. Maybe he doesn't like the size 3 teat? Did u change anything else?

recieved lio.

lol...how come my name still in the bumbo seat list?

Buying Bumbo Seat from Kidsloft:
1) Simp
2) Happygal
3) YT
4) Tsukushi
5) Jasmine
6) mummyboy

Interested to go kidzloft:
1) simp
2) kate
3) abc
hmm... re the bebe pod vs dumbo.... now its really hard to decide coz i read another article that the bebe pod plus is better for bigger babies....

think will go first few years to try out the actual thing before i get it online coz my boy now wearing huggies L size so maybe he falls into the bigger size cat?
erh chee kiong, hard to tell why is bryan not drinking. was he breastfed previously? maybe he doesnt like the teat? maybe change of FM? sometimes babies have small appetite days.

my son is not feeling well and drinks v little on one side of my breast (i latch him on all the time). wat i do is feed him later when he's in a better mood. tho he drinks little, but at least i ensure tt he gets some milk.

btw, bryan is a cutie!
Re Housework, my husband does most of the hosuework. I only take care of baby.

Chee Kiong, can try changing the teats. I am using NUK, so far, it's ok. About Bryan's intake of 50ml, it seems a bit low but you can check with your PD if it's ok.

Kate, anything worth buying at Kidzloft? I am interested in bumbo. So disappointed to hear that there is no 50% for it.
the one i got is the fisher price rainforest. bought at 239 from toysrus suntec but seems there is a bp going on for it. bp price is 189

safety wise, seems that the reviews on it are that its quite safe as long as baby is kept in view.
my view is that as long as i can cook and get to bath its a lifesaver.
chee kiong,

Heard from other mummies that crying while drinking, it could be your bottle cap is too tight, thus causing negative pressure to be built up. Maybe try to loosen the cap a bit and see how? Or else could be colic (check tummy for wind). Or another case I've heard of is sore throat.
chee kiong

was he a latch on bf baby? if so could be that he needs to feel more secure when feeding. try cuddling closer, walking while feeding , or slight moving motion while feeding. i know this helped me with my son when he was first introduced the bottle by my dad.

now my dad does this when we intro a new teat to my son
yapz... saw the kidzloft price on the dumbo seat thats why i say that the price of the bebe pod plus is similar if buy online. well will keep all updated if i can get a better price from any where.

re: jumperoo
really so much cheaper? opps hope my hubby doesnt see that.
going off now, nitez to all
Wat time you gals going to Kidzloft?

Any mummies know does sleep positioning cushion helps in preventing bb to flip in the nite? My boy is very active.I m worried that my boy flips in the nite and I dun notice him. In order for me to sleep at peace, I put the whole rocker chair in his bb cot so that I can secure him when he sleeps. Funny rite....
Ever since his 1st month, I put in him the rocker chair and I realise that he can sleep longer if he sleeps on it. I used to sleeping in the living room with him when he sleeps in the rocker chair until recently. He wil soon outgrown the rocker chair so I am looking at alternatives. Dunno whether the sleep positioning cushion helps?
Hi jasmine, my march 08 son is using the bebepod..he is abt 7kg nw and there is still allowance.
Will try to post a pic here soon....maybe can help u decide if u wan a bebepod or bumbo

Hi YT, i have tat..u mus put it secure if there is allowance, my boy is still able to flip and struggle.
hi chee kiong

me me me ! i am the one who has the same problem as yr boy... aiyoyo.. my girl drink very little (40ml)despite 4 to5 hrs later and sometimes she refuse to drink .i have tried lot of ways like walking ard the hse when feeding her.. changed all type / kind of bottle from silicon to latex and back to silicon teat. but she still refuse to drink more and sometimes cried till she went to sleep without drinking milk... that pain my heart lot ! worst of all, she refuse spoon feeding and syringe ... u know how hard time was my mummy and maid feeding her..

when i back from home in the evening, she kept latching all the way till the next morning.. she happy to see my breast but i super tired as she keep waking me up. she is a breastfeeding baby.

that makes me worry sick. in the end i brought her to see my pd... pd mentioned that nothing wrong with her.no colic and not sick.. she is active and happy baby.. but she put on less than 120 gram in one month time when she turned 4 month old. she is only at 25 percentile.. guess she is the lightest baby among mar mummies... 6 kg at 4 mth old

now i quit my job to become SAHM so i fully latch her on.. till today she still behave the same attitude... i guess she is not ready to wean off my breast yet !!!

dun worry la, if u still worry y dun u call yr PD to check ? they are the best advice ..
yasmine :

u are lucky too... yr baby can sleep on his own after tucking pacifier... my girl still cannot leh... when she starts to fidget, i quickly offer my breast... hee hee... she refuse pacifier.. never mind i try tonite see if works..

well i trained my baby to sleep early.. in the beginning, it was so tiring ... it took abt a mth to settle while my eldest only took 2 week to tuck in bed early..

tell u hor, my youngest is the most fussy baby and difficult to take care compare to my eldest... of course each baby begs a differ... every mummies want their babies is easy to handle... again ... it very challenging parenting

hi jasmine

are u getting the bumpermat ? if so, u may wan to get haemin playyard so it can surround as the fence along the bumper mat and dump it some toys and hanging some toys on the top of yard... the baby will love it... it freedom to flip and move around and freedom to reach the bottom and top toys... somemore u can just leave the baby there while u do the housework...

it still cheaper to get playyard than getting jumperoo .... somehow i feel that jumperoo is not that ideal to leave the bb to sit in it while u doing housework as smaller size babies need to support lor. i have tried my eldest sitting on the jumperoo and due to her small size i found it not stable. when the baby grow older.. then they know how to appreciate...
i used that long time ago for chelsea but i didn't like it cos she moved ard a lot and the whole thing just got squished and messed up...i think it's too light to keep bb in place lah

agree with belle mommy that prolly the older babies who can kick the floor and "jump" will like it better....last time had it for chelsea, think i only bother to use it twice then bcom white elephant liao cos the exersaucer was much more entertaining for her
pet, focus on positives bah. if u dun wan to quarrel with yr hubby over his mother, then instead of complaining, u hv to improve yr relationship with yr mil. thats all i can say.

big head husband good.. next time go out if rain, u can hide beside him.. (js joking~)

I'm a FTWM.
As for the slimming pill, which wan do you intend to take?? I took duramine before & is now taking pembecy (if i didnt spell wrongly). But the effect seem slowly now.. Last time with the help of pills.. I lost 22kg in 4 mths..

Did u guys say anything about slimming?? Lolx~ ME also v.short only.. I'm only 1.5m.. And i weigh a staggering 74kg!!!

Cai Yu Tong
I'm going to the PAW Walk too!!!!!!

I think you stay v.near to my mother & my new house.. My mum stay at compassvale dr & i applied a new flat under BTO @ Compassvale Lane.. I'll go over to my mum's place every weekend.. Maybe we can find sometime out for a cup of coffee??
