(2008/03) March 2008

hi little princess

dun worry it just a matter of time...

My bbz also cannot flip yet.. He will turn to the side but he can't flip.. Maybe his butt too heavy~ kekex~

Angeline & abc
True~ As long as the kids are eating well, playing.. There's nothing we should be worried about~ =)

How I wish I'm at yr weight (45kg)... Haiz.. still hovering between 48.5 to 49.1kg... blame it on my 'tum jia' mouth. haha!

I think I'm the shortest leh. I'm only 1.5m. let's work hard together on losing weight. Keep eating recently and started gaining back again.

My son drove me crazy last night. Drank ebm at 10.30pm, woke up at 2.15am, 4.45am, 6.30am, 7.30am, 8.15am...
belle mommy
which adeline? hahahaha if u realise there is 2 adeline here.. =)

my weight is booming up also!! kekeke eat alot in office..
hi jerejoy

sure sure to work out together when i stop bf , i opt for slimming pill :p ( i am lazy person to do any exercising)

my girl also the same . midnite keep waking me up. guess they grow spurt

hi mifi & yasmin : my gal also screaming away . she even screaming while latching ..i wonder what happened ?

jia lat hor. Dun know how to stop eating leh... me eating cornflakes now in the middle of the night. It's close to 1am at my side now...


Why dun u try out the massage recommended by Clover? I'm waiting to go back to try. work out? Onz! Wait for me... I hope my son nt so sticky when he's older so that I can slip out for a while.

I hate it when he keeps waking up. I'm v grouchy when I dun hv enough sleep.. Haiz! Poor boy! I was quite fierce and rough to him today. Make him cry alot tday. Feel so bad. V bad of me.. Feel so disappointed with myself.

i have done the massage already during confinement month... no use la.. cos my weight is hovering since may 2006 till now..

hahahha it seems the 8kg love to stick with me

I'm in States now. Sure! My msn is [email protected]... But I'm gg to bed soon. Will add u in so that can chat with u tmr.

Ya manz! The extra weight gained v hard to lose leh... They are even more sticky than our babies. Haha!
Liyun/other mummies,
Wanna to check after 50% on bumbo seat at kidsloft, how much is it? With tray how much to top-up?
Baby Screaming,
yeah this is stage where they discovered they can do more to their voice other than crying. it's a great milestone. enjoy their scream like i did hehehehe!!

just one more hour to knock off time i already cannot concentrate on work!! so sian! wanna go home!!!!

oh i forgot to mention, this morning I had Ramly burger and hot instant oat drink for breakfast and I just last latched Tricia at 7am and I pumped at 10.30 am, I got 10oz liao. my own personal record lah. usually if I latch at 7am i only get 7oz but somehow it went up another 3oz. dunno if it's due to my milk monster's increasing demand or something I ate. 'cos usually Friday my supply is the lowestest!!!
hi melissa

it happens to me when the supply increased due to the macdonald breakfast i took in the evening

most probably could be the food intake lor.

are u going over to ivy choy hse this coming sun ?

yr no.1 is also called isabelle ?
mine is [email protected]
We are always chatting on msn cause sometimes cnanot surf forum ma hehee..

Today i am so sleepy leh.. soemtimes pumping also fall aslp all thanks to handsfree -_-
my tummy is getting huge liao due to eating hehehe.. but i enjoying lah.. can slim is bonus.. if cnanot then try my best and forget it.. lol

i jus tnow had avocado shake and now freezing + sneezing like crazy lor.. dunno is it due to my tiredness as well so lethargic.. and this few days i've been sleeping from 10pm to 6am leh.. dunno y feel more tired then usual lor.. zzz..
Feeding Medicine,
saw quite a interesting way. Use the teat wif out the milk bottle to feed. The bb seems to think that its the milk and drink it without struggling. Maybe can try?

my boy is also screaming. He was doing it last nite. Laughing n Screaming non-stop for two hours. Seems to enjoy it. dunno how to stop him leh...

Liyun n Simp,
I wan also. Simp, can you buy the bumbo seat for me if you going to buy it? Thanks.

my boy always grabs anything that is near him and put it in his mouth. Oh, covering the face.. my boy always like to use the pillow that I made for him to cover his face when he wanna sleeps. Dunno is it ok? Its made of bean sprout crust.

I m going to the walk at Bishan. I jus called them but no answer leh. Asked my hubby, he is in town. Long time no go out wif hubby liao. It will be a family outing then. Any mummies joining in?
i'm going for the PAW walk. jus opp my hse. hee.. near near.. but dunno can wake up and go out tat early anot.. cos daddy and mommy like to "lai chuang" after putting bb back to sleep after his feed in the morning.
ah then i think it's the breakfast too! b'cos once i had McGriddles for breakfast my supply went up too! wah like this can recommend having Mac breakfast to increase milk supply other than fenugreek and oat liao!!! hahahahaa...

no lah, my first girl is Hannah, think u talking about Isabellali and another mommy who's 1st is also Isabella.. hehee. Isabella is such a beautiful name.

Adeline K,
Your post very funny about weight. Your laid back attitude about weight is almost contagious. I too did not really take care of my weight. I have been having Mcdonald's food without batting an eyelid! And at night still snack on chocolates and stuff! Just one of the little life indulgences to perk it up a bit hehehe.
Yu Tong,
my no is 81892866. 20th is sunday hor.. think my DH got soccer session. tat means i going with my DS alone.. haha.. have not try going out alone with my bb. me oso meeting my ex-colleague there. since have bb, cannot any how go out liao. jus can't bear to leave bb at home with IL or even DH alone. :p bu fang xin.
Buying Bumbo Seat from Kidsloft:
1) Simp
2) Happygal
3) YT

Liyun/other mummies, let me know how much we pay after the 50% discount if we have the BC of 1yr old. Is there a limitation of # of seats we can buy?

i can go for the WALK on 20/7. yutong, i join u to fight the war ..hee hee

melissa : yalor dun need to take fenugreek , just spend $2 only can get mcdonald breakfast somemore it taste yummy yummy and our baby can benefit too :p

anyway, i confirm going to metro paragon tomorrow morning.. will be at 10am sharp ..hee hee ...anyone wanna join me ?

katechow : wat time u going ?
Hi Shirley

I would like to join the Aug gathering.

I'm staying at Compassvale Link, just above the Bungkok Mrt Station. Can I take Bus 27 or 43 to your place?

Aug 9 gathering at Shirley's place Sengkang 2pm
1) Shirley, Lele and Zac
2) Babypink, hb , kelicia, kyzac
3) YuTong, BB n Maid ( Interested but haf to confirm again cos next day is my company's gala diner )
4) clover n bb
5) abcmummy + 2 ABCs
6) Adeline + family
7) Serene n bb (hb - TBC)
Buying Bumbo Seat from Kidsloft:
1) Simp
2) Happygal
3) Kate
4) YT
5) Tsukushi

Liyun/other mummies, let me know how much we pay after the 50% discount if we have the BC of 1yr old. Is there a limitation of # of seats we can buy?
belle mummy,

wah 10am? too early lah...i will try to go there before 12noon before the erp start, everytime i also said the same thing bu end up paying itcause late....lol.

bumbo seat?

how come got my name on bumbo seat? is there any other mummy who has the same name as mine? lol. i already have, i just want to go there to get toys and safety 1st products...
I must have mistaken u r keen on the bumbo kekeke

Buying Bumbo Seat from Kidsloft:
1) Simp
2) Happygal
3) YT
4) Tsukushi

Liyun/other mummies, let me know how much we pay after the 50% discount if we have the BC of 1yr old. Is there a limitation of # of seats we can buy?
mummies, can ask you all what you do for your child to sleep? coz my ds refuse to sleep. every night he will want to be carried or played with till 11pm i cant tahan already let him latch on till he sleep. how? pls help. i desperate already. house like mad house coz no time to clean. day time also he don sleep.
Add u in first as we also dun know yet, just see how it goes. No promise really. Maybe we meet at 1 time and all go buy together kekeke

Buying Bumbo Seat from Kidsloft:
1) Simp
2) Happygal
3) Kate
4) YT
5) Tsukushi
6) Jasmine

Liyun/other mummies, let me know how much we pay after the 50% discount if we have the BC of 1yr old. Is there a limitation of # of seats we can buy?

i trained my gal sleep ard 8 plus.. when she was born , we turned on air con and dim our lights at nite... slowly it becomes routine and now she knows that air con room mean bedtime liao. of course i go bed with her cos need to train her .after she slept i creep out of the room to have my own time.

it not too late to start now.

Hi Simp,

I'm interested as well.

Buying Bumbo Seat from Kidsloft:
1) Simp
2) Happygal
3) Kate
4) YT
5) Tsukushi
6) Jasmine
7) mummyboy
