(2008/03) March 2008

My colleague told me, cos the baby is dropping hair, plus as curently we always place them lying down position. So they can only turn their head left and right to look around so will tend to become botak behind... I try to put my son on a "rocking chair" so Its not totally flat and he will move his head lesser. (I was hopeing that will prevent him from having botak at the back of his head).
Pnuemococal Vaccination and rotavirus: My baby had his, although we prevented the fever by letting him take the pandadol first, but up to date its almost a week, he's been very cranky at night. before this we were able to leave him inside his baby cot to sleep on his on, since the jabs, its not very possible as he tends to wake up crying very chiam like in shock.
we can meet outside the restaurants or outside the staking ring. both is jus a stone throw away.

thanks. my DS got more cheeky photo with his tongue sticking out one. can view in my facebook([email protected]) jus join last week.

u can call 6733-7666 to register for the Paw Walk.

my gal took her 5 in 1 together with rotavirus... didn't give her Pnuemococal. maybe at a later stage. Did u give her the fever medicine?
hmm, staying near by to u... at bedok south...

Anyone has facebook can add me: [email protected]
Alethea&belle : im not sure lei. last time aso my mum bring her for jab de, she didnt reli remember the exact wgt is aso 4 kg plus. today she went for her 3rd jab i suppose plus rotavirus, today weigh is 4.9kg lor, so i assume doesnt gain much lor..but she measure her height & head circumference, everything ok lei.
ya its true, without babypink = no gathering pics
hee. here are few to share..



bb Alethea & bb Andrae


bb Keira, bb Kathlyn & bb Renee


my bb Aidan on bumbo
my gal just have a major rash outbreak. :| dun know if its the panadol i feed her. The doc at kkh a&e is unable to tell.*argh*

Hv added u to my facebook

My boy woke up at 4am and refused to go to sleep. Fed him at 5.45am and he finally fell asleep at 6.30am. Faint! I find that he sleeps lesser in the night now. Sleep from 10pm till 7.30-8am nowadays. (he wakes up for milk 1-2 times in the middle of the night). Dun know if it's normal...


Wanted to train him to sleep in his playpen without nursing him to sleep today. Struggle from 1.30pm till 4pm.. I carried him when he cried and put him back in his playpen for countless times! Gave up and nurse him to sleep (I must sleep by his side) and he slept from 4pm to 6.15pm. Haiz! Dun know if I shld still try to let him sleep on his own or not...My frds urge me to use cry out method but it doesn't seems to work on my boy and I feel so heart pain when he crys.
Cai Yu Tong
Can add me for the PAW walk?? Me going also.. With my 2 boys & maybe my helper too.. =)

JT / Happymummy
I also have facebook. I'll add you guys, ok??

I opt for the 6in1 Jab. Actually it's my mil opt for it one.. Cos she's the one who took my ds for the jab. But luckily, he have no fever after the jab. As for the pneumococal jab, i think it's not neccessary as he's still v.young. And i find the jab v.expensive.. But i saw the pamphlets and other info from the net, it seems like one jab can prevent quite a few fatal diseases..

my fren also told me to let her take the panadol before the jab to prevent fever... maybe i'll try for her 2nd jap. My gal was also very cranky after the jap for a week.. she use to be able to sleep thru the night b4 the jap but for a week after the jap, she keep waking up at night.


I gave her the fever medicine but once the effect goes off, the fever will come back again. It lasted 2 days.. n both my husband n i didn't get much sleep during those 2 days cos gotta keep monitoring her temp and she was very very cranky.. keep crying in her sleep... i so heart pain.


I also find the pneumococal jap very exp but looking at the risk if baby caught the diseases, i thot it's worth it lor... actually u can delay the jap til ur ds is more than 6 months old then he'll need 1 jap less.
JT / Happymummy/belle_mommy

I also have facebook and have added you guys.
Can also add me - [email protected]

Re: Jabs
My boy took his 5in1 and rotavirus on Fri. We fed him with pandadol first when we were back home. He still developed fever on Fri and Sat and i noticed he is more cranky these few days.

maybe u try to give her abit of pao sheng mixed with milk.. after her 1st jab she was abit cranky and fussy.

i just give her abit of pao sheng. it just work out for her. U can get pao sheng of the chinese medical shop..tell them is for baby vacination.
double boil for abt 1 to 2 hrs...

y dun u try yao lan... mine girl is a light sleeper... at least in yao lan she doze awhile n i can do my stuff... At night i try to train her to sleep on bed...

Sometime after 1hr i give up n put her in yaolan..
JT : My gal aso light sleeper, unless she is deep sleep or else she is easily waken up. I put her to sleep in yao lan the whole day, so i think might be quite tough to train her to sleep in mattress, maybe must wait till she is older..
my concern is when we are out.
no yaolan = can't sleep.. she will be veri cranky..

my gal is using a electronic yaolan. unless she has sleep for quite awhile i will off it. even sometime the motor is still on.. she will still wake up. PD told me she light sleeper bo bian.
JT : Yah lor my concern aso this, if go ppl's hse v troublesome, no yaolan cant sleep haizz..No choice lor, my mum tried putting her in bed after she drink milk at nite, after 1hr plus she will wake up n cry..
Cai Yu Tong
Can add me for the PAW walk?? Me going also.. With my 2 boys & maybe my helper too.. =)

JT / Happymummy
I also have facebook. I'll add you guys, ok??

I opt for the 6in1 Jab. Actually it's my mil opt for it one.. Cos she's the one who took my ds for the jab. But luckily, he have no fever after the jab. As for the pneumococal jab, i think it's not neccessary as he's still v.young. And i find the jab v.expensive.. But i saw the pamphlets and other info from the net, it seems like one jab can prevent quite a few fatal diseases..

what's your baby's weight at birth? Cos mine is 1.8kg -2 kg at birth and now they are 5.8kg-6.2kg.My PD told me not to compare with other babies, instead look at how much weight they have gained from birth till now. As long as baby feeding ok, no vomit, and is putting on weight it's ok. My babies take 90mls- 120mls per feed and feed only 6 times a day...and it's still ok said PD.
okie add me in

normally i got to keep tapping her.
last time when she small we totally no need to go out. coz no yaolan. now better.

envy!!!!!!! u can close shop leh....have a girl and 2 boys? so cute!!!hope to c u in gathering.


bb aiden has pumped up so much...cute. should shave his hair, cuter lor.

so many new mummies joining our thread. Welcome!!!


my hubby dun believe tat cause in Hong Kong, no bb sleeping in Youlan, he said no good for the spine but i think ok lah, so far so many mummies put their bb in youlan. my bb nv sleep in Youlan, i just gave him pacifier, pet his but and let him sleep side way...i dun let him sleep it's because i scared when if no youlan in other place hard to make him sleep.
Actually it's also good that we have a blog and record our baby's developement. I have a blog too.. but i write my personal thingy.. Think me also gonna go create one for my boys le~
hi have this to share

re: the baby Einstein 26 dvd box set at 70 for local pick up and 75 for registered mail.

this is just to help the mummies here to get a better deal. as i got the same thing for my son at this price so just want to share.

not sure about the authenticity though.

the baby einstein dvd right seems that if have 10 people buying can get 10%, and if 20 can get 15%..

err seems pm not working can email me at [email protected]
Lefthander77 : waoo your bb gain a lot liao wor..My gal is 2.46kg at birth, nw just double her wgt only lei..PD just said her wgt is a bit light lor, she is drinking ard 100ml every 2.5 to 3hrs, at nite can drink up to 120ml..
JT : oh i see..yah my gal aso need us to pat her then she go sleep, but if she is v tired she will doze off v quickly, just pat for a while only.
Usually if all 3 babies of Kais come out, you will see her hubby & maid. *correct me if I am wrong*. Her hubby can handle 2 at 1 time!!! POWER!!
Baby sleeping:
My baby is SUPER KAPO. (most mummies here knew that). So everytime everyone else were sleeping, mine will be awake, to put him to sleep, i have to hid somewhere away from everyone else he will keep wanting to kapo and refuse to sleep. *headache*
Liyun u sound v funny. My baby aso kapoh... When he drinks milk, must hide in the room. Else he aso kapoh... Cant concentrate drinkg his milk. ;p
metro sales

NUK products lor, same like abc...my bb is a NUK fan. pacifiers, teats, glass bottles, training cups holder(so ex!!!$20 before disc) i also get pillows for bb which got hole in the millde. $8 only for pooh and $6.9 for disney brand.


u saw the gathering photo is j8 which clover has posted? Kais went out with 2 maids n bbs.

hi alethea&belle,
yaps have the no. ISBN 0-7888-5689-8

but must say that i don see this item on the disney webbie.

oh an saw that the other mummy that is selling is letting it go for 70 with registered mail
let me get better deal k
i tey to ask supplier for 60 for local pick up then also the bulk purchase discount k
