(2008/03) March 2008


Thanks for yr info. I don't dare to put in freezer as I hv heard from some of the mummies in the March forum previously on babies rejecting FBM.

re: frozen breast milk.

have been feeding my son the frozen ones with no problem

the breast feeding society in singapore advises that ebm be kept in chiller for a max of 4 days
ebm kept in freezer can be kept till 6mths
in room temp max 6 hr.

hope this answers the query.
Boon and Zen
Your babies have my Zayed or company. he is 8.6 kg at 4 mths. Dun know his current weight.Next jab is next sat

Your boys are so handsome
. You have Kais for company. She has 3 pretty gals..wink*

The baby photos are so cute!
I think it's cool that we suddenly have many new mommies and all posting pics of their babies. Keep them coming. The forum pages are already so boring so some colors are very welcoming.

Welcome new joiners! Just chat away about anything under the sun!

Me down with flu and already went to the clinic to get MC for tomorrow. I told my hubby to just keep watch over my terror two and Tricia for 30 mins while i catch some sleep. In the end, he went to nap too and still snore loudly while my terror two is ransacking my cupboard!!! Arrgghh we mommies really can't get sick!! Men can sometimes be so hopeless! Was angry so I threw my pillow on him but he hug it, went back to his nap and snore even louder!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!
Haha! sorry but its so funny...hope you get well soon

So sorry just saw that urs is 2 boys and 1 gal. I scrolled thru quickly earlier. Aaliyah looks cute too
just read the Part 1 of achives..2 more pages to go =)

haha, i am oso putting on wt thanks to my office food..colleagues keep going overseas..1st is hongkong food..then melbourne food
feel paiseh cos my colleague who is pregnant with twins now is not as greedy as the one who has already delivered one :p

thanks for making me feel better abt my blurry pics ;)

hehe, Kyzac also looking forward to getting a hug from you on National Day..hope to cya

hehe, i must say ur mum has taken a very good shot of the siblings =) pretty gal and handsome boy with big eyes

dun worry, all babies will eventually flip
let nature takes its course bah
skip one page of archive first and looking at the current page..

14 March 2008 babies
wow, suddenly so many
zanna, faith and smurf high 5 * mine also
all ur babies look very cute and sweet

envy envy, triplets
i wonder whether i will ever have a chance

what can i say..
i have no solution..cos i am in the same ship as urs..
Jia You
things will def get better !

Jerejoy..to share mine

1)fridge..not enough for freezer

2)if u really have a lot, put into freezer immediately..unless i noe i m going out and mum will need to feed him the ebm
3)mine personally 48 hrs..no more than that
Any of you looking for for nanny? Currently I have a stay in nanny and a maid, nanny suggesting to find another baby to babysit. If interested can give a call at 97960068 to discuss futher.

My condo is near Boon Keng. Can view my place and interview the nanny if you are really keen.
another triplets
join us to outings ley... i wan to see. So cute! if all boys the clover u can gv up yr M liao. ahhaah.... SO CUTE! Join us join us.. we hv 2 mummies with triplets... n 2 with twins right? or 1? WOW!

nvr take much photos. only a mini gatheing to bring arielene n kim to swim.

i heard is chiller 48h and freezer 3 mth.
Sad to say without babypink = no gathering photos!! hahahaahaha..

Now my turn!!! bumbo baby! yayyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bumbo terror #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Only manage to take photo of baby aidan, kathlyn and andrae lol!.. cause only 3 babies left after the swim :p


Good nightttt!!!
I have facebook. But seldom log in to use. So far, only logged in twice. hahaha... Nowadays, gotta cut down time on internet in exchange for time with my toddler and my gals.
Thanks for the warm welcome and the compliments everyone.

My fault cos never specify.
I have a girl and 2 boys.The girl is paternal twin whereas the boys are maternal. Put in 2 eggs get 1 free baby! Hehehee...
Tiredness: I guess like all mummies your bodies get used to it already. And I think God is fair-giving mother of multiples "extra strength" to cope!

Did "The happiest baby on the block" dvd helped you? I ordered it when I was desperate for my babes to sleep... but now they behave already and am still waiting for the dvd! Hahahahaa...

abc's mummy,
Clover "chope" already so better not cut in.
If Kais and I meet with our babies we have an instant palygroup/chidcare centre already.

When my Triple A cry at the same time, I envy envy you, can?
Sometimes I feel sad that they have to cry a little longer cos they have to wait for their turn to be coaxed. I try my best to give each of them 100% attention when attending to them - but not easy cos sure another one see get jealous and begin to act up. Hehe....

Your girl is so adorable! Hair so thick and nice some more. What's the secret? must share cos my babies' hair don't seem to grow lah...
Jasmine, bbpink, abc,

Thanks for sharing the info. Think I shld keep some in the freezer just in case.


Hope u r recovering now. It's so funny from the way u described. Haha! I agree with u too. There was once that I asked my hubby to take out the chicken from the hot oven, he took the meat out but din turn off the oven. Asked him why, he said he din know need to turn off and I didn't tell him to. Faint! The oven roasted itself for 2 hrs. haha!
hi lefthander

yes the happiest baby on the block dvd helped me alot esp for the newborn and fussy babies. but now our babies almost passed the phrase ... i dun think it wud be of much help lor..

when u ordered ? how come take so long leh ?
Anyone interested in new version of bllue egg milkbag? Able to get a good deal for 1 box at $7. New version consist of 7oz, double ziplock, as well as a thermal stripe so tat u can heat up yr ebm directly from the milkbag. Consist of 20 bags, $7 per box. Let me know by wed.

Blue egg milkbag @ $7
1. abcdisney - 2 box
Hi there gonna to be mini gathering on coming fri (18/7) @ 2 pm..

venue : belle mommy's house
location : kovan road, hougang (kovan melody condo)

interested :
1 . ABC & Baby (KIV)
2. Ivy Choy & Baby

anyone who interested ? mark yr attendance hee hee
Monday again... So sian for a FTWM.

so the blueegg milk bag can be lie flat? I use the old version, only 1 ziplock so don't dare to make it lie flat.
i m using the old version but already making it lie flat but i don't put too much inside. at most 200ml.
Then i will lie it flat with the ziplock flap fold upward, leaning against the wall of the freezer. so far so good.

can i get the 2 bottles of nordic natural dha gels from you this sunday at Bishan Park if you are going for the PAW walk?

i don mind giving the new version bluegg milkbag a try.
though the old one has no thermal stripe, i have been heating ebm directly from the bag too.

Blue egg milkbag @ $7
1. abcdisney - 2 box
2. aly - 1 box

belle's mummy,
sorry, i can't make it on friday as i have remedial class every friday till 4pm.

after that, will be eating dinner with my in-laws.
All my hubbies' siblings will come back with their family every Friday to eat dinner at my in-law's place.
Oh. the blue egg wouldn't leak huh. I still have some left. Mayb i should try make it lie flat.
Currently using Lansinoh bags which has double ziplock and i find it quite good.

I might be going for the PAW walk too.
I just registered with the lady in charge of the PAW walk. She mentioned that we have to register to get the goodie bag. Limited to 1st 800 only..
Hello mummies,

it's been 4 mths! Anyway... I don't have secret recipes for Destiny's so much hair... Erm... I haven't touch her hair since her birth. Haha... Don't bear to. =)

I know when i was having her that she will have alot of hair too... Cuz when i was born, I've plenty of hair too...

Any mummies here experiencing very very very very bad hair loss now?! Cuz i m! Haha... Seems like im BALDING! =p

Destiny is so cute la. Haha.

Erm, And she's been taken care of very well too. Fat now lor. She weights 6.6kg at 4 mths. But her hands n legs like lotus lor. Layer layer of meat. Haha!
me too ! already registered the PAW WALK so i will get the goodies bag hee hee.. u can collect goodies bag at registered counter on the day.

mummyboy : where shall we meet up ?
Hi faith

i experience hair loss but reasonable as i got lot of hair to lose so i am not worry lor...hee hee ...

hahah u very funny the way u describe yr baby leg and hand like rotus root ..
re: Paw Walk
me registered to.. me going with my DS.

hope u get well soon. me too jus recovered from a fever. for 2 days fever go up and dn.. dunno wat happen to me.. then finally at day3, i found this small little wound at my fingertip with "nong" and decided clear it.. and WahLa! my fever goes away.. but now still got sore throat and abit runny nose.. but i got 2days MC.. haha...
now DS with nanny.. can sleep somemore and surf net.. and no WORK.. Whahaa...

I will be going with my mum, bro and hubby. Not forgetting my baby! Not sure what time we will be going. Let you know again.

I also experience hair loss now. More than during pregnancy. But i think it's ok since i always dropping hair before i was pregnant. haha
Hair loss
me also!! when i wake up, pillow all hair leh hehehhe.. Then my hb will slowly pick up the hair on the bed cause sometimes kim roll on bed then hair all over her as well hehee..
i expereince leakage with the old blue egg milkbag. This one has double lock so can lie flat. Anyway i freeze my ebm all lying flat too. :)
So these are the mommies going to walk. Any suggestion where to meet up?
1. Yu Tong,hubby, BB n maid (9746 1185)
2. Mummyboy, hubby, mum n bb
3. Alethea n bb
4. RedTay n bb
ALA!!! Your boy is so cute, looks cheeky!

Friday outing ar... abit hard for me. Saving my leaves for $$$...kekekeke... I recomfirm again IF I could plan an escape route~

hair loss:
I don really see my hair on my bed (err...dark col bed sheets HELP). But during shower and at my desk at work, wow lau... clear non-stop sia. Now everyday I STARE at mirror to make sure I am not bald yet!
Good morning mummies!

Hi Smurf, Faith n Babypink,

Nice to have so many babies same bday as my dd... maybe we're "neighbour" during our labour =p.. I gave birth in Gleneagles... how abt u gals?

hair loss:
I have quite bad hair loss too... every morning wake up can see lotsa hair on my bed.. after shower also.. can see lotsa hair at the drainage... very worry.. dunno will become botak ornot =(


Ur gal got so much hair.. so envy.. my gal quite jialat.. only her top got hair.. her behind quite bald.. dunno y.


Would like to check, did u bring ur babies for the Pnuemococal Vaccination and rotavirus? Did ur babies have high fever after that? Brought my gal for her 1st jab and she had high fever (39+ degree) after that for 2 days.. was quite worry.
Hi faith,

destiny is so pretty... she the same weight as my bb.. 6.6 at 4 mth.

my gal just had her 2nd dose of 5 in 1 and rotavirus.. touch wood so far okie..not fever.
coz we kiasu. feed her fever medicine once she back. Prior to jab i give her pao sheng mixed with her milk..


My gal didn't have fever for her 5-in-1 but she had fever for Pnuemococal Vaccination and rotavirus.. my fren told me to feed her fever medicine prior to the jab.

I'm staying in the east.. near marine parade.
