(2008/03) March 2008

yes tommy usually only wants to play if he wakes up at 6 plus or 7 plus...good thing earlier than that, he usually is v. sleepy and he woke up purely from habit cos he would fall asleep at the breast so often....kinda remember with Chelsea last time at 3am we had to go out driving till she fell asleep *faintz!*

wow cheryl can flip now...so fast! yah must be more careful where u leave her then, especially if it's not on the floor...actually i let bb tommy sleep on his tummy so i'm kinda used to him crying out for someone when he wakes up from his nap hehe

your hubby so funnee, like mine like dat :p....they don't have the maternal antannae, cannot hear bb sometimes hehe

your girl's video v. cute!
i must be more proactive and go tape bb tommy too...i'm one lazy mom :p
adelineL: i also very lazy.. but muz video ryan cause my firstborn mah. haha... maybe chelsea u did more filming?

clover: same same.. mine also, when ryan cry, he juz sigh n cover the pillow over his ears.. lolz

maybe we consolidate orders for the SSW bumper mat then see if any BP gg on? ya adeline, the price increase lots liao now.. lucky u bought early.
i think now small pc already $140?
no idea i bought it at kim's time.. long way back! i bought the one with world map.. mine is laz batch before it discontinued.. dman popular man!!
i just changed my Graco infant car seat to a convertible one.(Combi Zeus turn) it can rotate 360 degrees. meaning u can load the baby when it turn the carseat sideway. den rotate back to rear facing. i like it very much. very comfy for my baby with the egg shock cushioning. can use from infant up to 4 yrs old. the previous one is too flimsy and can only used up to one yr.
i bought from the taising showroom. can pay by instalments using UOB card. if not, u can get from cheong choon, a shop in chinatown, the car seats there is quite cheap but cannot pay by credit card.
Any BP for the bumper mat? so interested to buy after hearing so many gd reviews...


I'm using maxi cosi baby car seat. I like it v much. It's spacious, comfy n baby's head fitted nicely between the cushion but it's nt the convertible type so can only use till 1 yr old. I think they do sell the convertible types too.
been using huggies ultra for night time and going out and so far so good until this morning when bb leaked poop from top of diaper :p maybe nothing is 100% proof huh
huggies ultra is very good for urine but not poo. When kat is on ultra, poo always leak from the top!!! but urine really absorbent.
car seats
thanks for all your recommendation... will look around.

night diaper
i m using pampers active for nite.. so far so good for my ger. day time, i use pampers bb dry
huggies ultra
ya manz.. poo leaks! every single time. always have to handwash his clothes if he pooed in early morning using ultra.
petpet is by far my fav.. urine absorbent n poo absorbent.
pampers comfort
i use for day. but yesterday, poo liquid leaked from the thigh area. kenna my pants n legs.

nite usually bb dun poo. so best bet is petpet / huggies ultra / mamy poko

how's EQ/Sealer? seems cheaper than petpet?
so strange, for my bb, pet pet always leaks poo! haha....never tried EQ/sealer bfor, think bbpink has a huge stack of EQ when we went to her house!
i've tried nepia, good on poo not urine...huggies good in urine but not poo. bb comfort, tat time i tried M size, too small the cutting so the poo always leak.
think i am going to buy Ergo after all, very siong to lug bb tommy ard for hours and i usually take the 2 munchkins to the playground by myself :p so starting to get major shoulder pains.....is yours still available?? and when huh? cos i know u want to wait till u receive your pikkolo
Re bumper mat, you don't have to wait for bp if it's urgent. I got it from cheong choon and it's the same price quoted by small small world. My is alphabet pooh. Good investment, I always leave my girl there as she always flip when she lies doewn.
adelineL: haha, so farni.. maybe different baby different size butt? keke

chewwy: where is it located?

adelineL: i also using ergo! keke
talk about poo leaking, anyone tried the mamy poko with poo poo pocket? me using huggies ultra b'cos really absorb urine very well and my Tricia only needs 3 diaper changes a day with no rashes at all. if got i use tapioca flour for remedy and it always works!
melissa: i have the mamy poko with poo pocket. so far it's the best. urine n poo no probs. but too expensive to use whole day. haha

so to me, petpet is a cheap subsitute of mamy poko.
my boy no rashes. so i apply desitin creamy only once or twice a day - after bath...
the anal part tend to be a little red though no rashes.
haiz...really no time to post on this thread but very much enjoy reading from this post... =)

my routine ever since I started work:
5am: bath
5:25am: express milk
6am:prepare breakfast
6.10am: makeup and dress up to get ready to work
6:30 to 7pm: put ebm into ftg and change bb diapers, wake up the elder and prepare milk for him etc
7.15am: leave the home to crpk to bring DS and DD to nanny plc
7.25am: arrive nanny plc
8:20am: reach office
10.30am: express in office
3.30pm: express in office
6pm: leave office
7pm: meet hb for dinner
7.30 to 7.45pm: reach nanny plc to fetch DS and DD back home
8pm: reach home then got to bath, remove makeup, wash bottles, prepare ebm for tomorrow morning to bring to nanny plc
9pm: hb bring DS to bed
9.30pm: me latch or bottle feed DD to sleep
10plus: extra time to watch tv (if DD manage to sleep) or do some hsewrk like folding clothes, put clothes to washing mc etc
11plus: sleep
2plus to 3plus am: latch DD
5am: the cycle repeat...keke

so tiring...even weekend oso fighting for time....haiii...think got to endure till they are older...sometimes, feel that breastfeed abit troublesome than formula feed...got think of giving up at times too..especially when really really tired....

but i still prefer to work than be a SAHM...SAHM can be very stressed...i know cos during my ML, i always thought of going back to work... =)
hehe, indeed i have..Pet..i love EQ..esp buy fr Giant during promotion is super economical..i bot at $11.99 for 72 pieces of size M in late jan..

can buy in bulk during promo..very worth

ur schedule is indeed hectic

hi jasmine

hi ladies
great to meet u all again =) probably last weekday gathering for most of us..turnout is really very huge today
yea waiting for pikkolo. if u wan ergo, I cannreduce my pricing for u fr wat I selling to others. a lot of ppl enquire n sm even wan asap but u knw la I hv to wait for pikkolo which is abt 2 weeks fr now or prob end june. mayb better u sms me or email me @ [email protected] to discuss more.
this outing let most mummies know what I mean when I say Isaac is LOUD.... my ears going deaf carrying him when he "talks"... *faint*
i think Isaac is very adorable ! i love to hear him talk

i like babies/kids who can talk a lot
wish both of mine will grow up chatty
ladies, today quite suay coz i got food poisoning! also gotta blame it on my big appetite. i had a salad and three amigos baked rice at nydc THEN an azuki freeze n deep fried chicken chunks at tcc. think its the last item that sealed the deal. sighzzz
I am very exhausted. feel like breaking down. in the end i lock kim up in the room, off the lights and leaving her to cry. i even feel like throwing her out to the corridor.... today ended work late.. alot of shits at work. ok nvm.. in law help me fetch kim. Kim didnt allow us to eat dinner.. k nvm.. my MIL da bao for me..
When reach home.. she cried non-stop.. do this dun want.. do that dun want.. bathe already dun want come out of toilet.. she having flu so i dun want her catch cold.
Sleep also dun want, eat dun want, drink milk dun want, eat med dun want.. i simply feel like slapping her and stuff her to keep her quiet. think i almost murdered her.. i cannot take it anymore..

Seriously feel like crying.. until my mom got back.. then things got better.. i dun even have time to pump milk since 3pm.. no time to eat.. no time to do anything at all.. haiz..

Tml hb working night shift.. if kim behave this way.. i wonder will i murder both kids..
I'm also down for the past few days. Blocked duct but not at breasts but at the eyes
wah biang! i've never had tis before. saw two GPs who mis-diagnosed and suffered for 4 days before going to SNEC and was told it's blocked ducts and not infection. Given proper medication and now pus keep oozing out... yucky! cloudy right eye and have to dap away mucus constantly.. sigh... juz got to wait till all of it oozes out...

Clover, hope you get well soon.
poor u !hope u luck takes a turn for the better

when i see three amigos baked rice ..cos i very brain dead now thanks to kyzac after yday..i am thinking wow..3 baked rice ! so blur of me ...btw, 3 amigo is yummy flavour..dying to go nydc now ..i prefer baked pasta though..

btw, i like the sound of azuki freez, sounds good in this humid day

very stressful..do take care
things will def be better..min2tian1hui4geng4hao3

ya lor very difficult as i cant see properly so dats y did not come online for a few days till now. I also can't bathe my girls for past few days coz cant see clearly.. Tomorrow hope it gets better so can spend time bathing my gals

Adeline Loo
i bought a very new ergo at $100 on wed. the lady who sold it didnt use it much as her son outgrew it too quickly. It's really so much better than MIM sling. i tested it with my 3 girls and it passed with flying colours
my helper likes it too.
woah kais and clover, take care and get well soon!

it's alright, it's alright...some days r worse than others but u take care too and take time to calm down....some days chelsea also like dat and i lost my temper wif her...i think on those days we just let them cry bah until mommy is in better mood to handle!

u so funnee, got take picture somemore haha...so far any leakage from EQ?? and how soft is it?

hi jasmine

ok i'll email/msn you on dat
adeline, maybe kim is fussy coz she's not feeling well. u need to take care of yourself too. a mother's needs comes before her child coz if mummy is not well, how to take care of the family. can u get helper for tomolo nite or yr hubby can change shift?

kais, I was just wondering how come u so quiet these days. tot u busy writing the paper. haha. vision is v impt... hope the (tear?) ducts clear soon.

bbpink, with my big appetite, maybe three serving also no prob! u take a good rest too.

alright I just finished feeding him.
Adeline, don't get so stress up ok, take care ok. I can still rem how my mom disciplined me when i was young.... it's not pleasant memories. Take a deep breath, ya, let her cry out until she stops.. but don't let the poor gal stays in a dark room.. so sad u know.

Clover n Kais, take care.
adeline, sheryl
hahaha if my gal like tat I would lock her in d rm too. if nt i'll take mr cane out to wack. yes I really wack, not beat. or.. I will leave her alone n do watever she wan n go living rm sit down n wait for her. if she dun wan slP, jus carry her to bed, off lights n I go out. hahaha. cruel mummy right..

july gathering
d date is changed to 5 july instead of 12 july.

kais, clOver
gt well soon. we cannot afford to b sick...

talking abt food... poor me.. as I look @ wat clover ate, I admire in awe.. I cannot eat!!!! hv to b on strict diet as andrae has ecezma . dr say I hv to control my diet, no eggs (no more cakes!!), no dairy products (there goes my ice cream n yogurt!!!), nuts, soy, soya, berries, seafood (no more crab,prawn,sotong...).. see andrae really wan mummy to slim down... sigh... wonder wat I can eat! boo hoo...
I m very harsh n cruel to my gal if she misbehave.. occupational hazards.. tat's y now my gal will say 'i dun wan mummy angry' when I raise my voice or when she knw she did smthing wrong.. i'm d main disciplinarian n i'm oso d person she loves most. hahaha contradicting right???
Kais & Clover,
hope both of you getting better liao.

Adeline Sia,
you ok? Let us know if you need help ok? Know its not easy to be working mothers doing household chores. Salute to you!

yah the sitting babies pictures are so cute! bbpink, kyzac has really plumped up! he looked so cute sleeping while the other boys are leaning towards him
