(2008/03) March 2008

dear mummies

i seriously need advice here...my baby alway ard 8pm onwards, he will start to be cranky..is EVERYDAY!!!......i dunno wads is wrong and my mom is exhasuted from this......he has to be coax and carry till ard 11pm sometimes 12 plus!!...haiz..now i c him, i feel v fan n stress...even tot of abandon him....haiz..wad a bad mummy i am , ya..

i tried to be harsh to her but i really really cant bear to do it. i lock her in room for like 1 min, i open door and faster carry her out from toilet already. her temper was horrible and she testing my limit!!!!

Thanks.. feeling better today.. hb talked to me today..

All the babies have grown so much!! Cant wait to see them again..
adeline, kea
please take care !!!

sorry still have nt uploaded the pic of my girl with the bumper playmat. too tired last nite. will post soon.
if u really can't take it, it is more advisable to take a break and let ur auntie look after kim for the weekdays and only bring her home on weekends when u don have to work? or else, u might have a breakdown. cos both the gals needs your attention and it is very trying, especially kim is at a very trying age and her temper is not that good. so if ur work ends late or u feel streesed at work, try to let someone else look after her. let urself cool down b4 u look after her.
hahah abc, i also... if my gal doest want to sleep.. i will say nicely and firmly... die die change her to pj. then put her on the bed.. switch off the light and walk out ... she sometimes cries herself to sleep. i will walk back and spot check if she is up. once she calm down then i explain to her..
hi crystal,

ur bb is so cute,feels like hugging her,where to buy the "leggings" which she wear on her legs with her rompers??how much?
Kyzac is wearing tight clothes ;)tat's y
EQ not bad..i think Clover tried liao
hehe,,must show the packaging..only Giant is selling Jumbo packs or so i heard from another mum
alto the Motherhood fair is selling at $10 each which sounds cheaper , the number of pieces is so much lesser


i wish mine is like tat..it wun be that bad for me compared to my current situation

[email protected]
today is my hb birhtday cum our 4th year anniver that we have got tgt. but i am at work here. haha. will make it up to him tmr aftr bringing cheryl for her jabs. bad wife.
I read recently about mistsakes gd parents made...one of it is inconsistent punishment, in order to give bb security n nt let them push ur limit, u have to be consistent, if lock means lock, if she whine n cry, u let her out is inconsistent....the the book say if this punishment is too harsh tt u cant follow thru, change punisment u can follow thru, at least wun break...
talking abt sleeping issue, i will sleep besides #1 and closes my eyes..when she see all dark dark and the parent have lost consciousness (sometimes faking one, just closed eyes only)..she has no choice but to sleep ..

after that we can sneak away fr the bed and it is theparents personal time

sound bad ! do see a doc

cheryl is so cute & chubby

Happy Birthday to Mr Crystal and happy anniversay too with many more loving moments to come
haha babypink
you so nice. thanks so much. keke.

i think shld be under accesories. the leggings was from last season. they will bring in new stocks. don think there are leggings on sale now as it's summer time for them ?
yes the leggings can keep them warm. i also buy alot of tights. both can keep warm.
Hi Simp,

thanks for hosting us yesterday. Always tot that gathering in the West is not possible but You made us believe that gathering anyway is possible. Heheheheh...

Oh, I like your house decor. Very modern.
crystal, ur cheryl looks like ballerina... so sweet!!!

clover, so fast cheryl n alex starts dating?? Secretly go dating. haha

Angeline, thanks for the info. For sure, I won't be harsh to my babe, cos I had been thru that myself, I know how much I hated my mom when I was younger. LOL... but the era has changed, now my mom's actually more lenient towards bb than I am... she totally spoils her liao, but who knows what happen when bb is older..haha..
Yah maybe we hv to start using teethers soon.

Ling Yee,
How do you pump at your desk? I think I will attract a lot of attention coz of the motor sound..also I will be quite stressed 

I decided to attend coz the poor gal only have 4 persons including me. Probably coz I also had wedding dinner so can understand every absent guest = lose money! Will adopt your strategy: go as late as possible maybe 830pm and leave by 1030pm, haha!

July Outing
Ahem… ok we get the really unsubtle hint! 12 July is fine, Sats are good for me 

Baby dude
Hey must try to feed your baby EBM, I kinda regret starting him too late, just a few days before I start work. He aso struggle initially but now settle down to eat from bottle. If he can eat from bottle, you aso more freed up.

I started to BF then pump in middle of the night coz he will wake up for food. Think he undergoing a growth spurt coz started to drink 200ml now; I can faintz! Now I quite stressed not enough BM. Yes I will tickle his neck or even feet to wake him up like clover.

Happy birthday too 
aiyo, poor adeline... pls take care of urself physically n mentally.

kais: pls take care too. cause u got 3 to look after, ur eyes r especially impt... u wun wanna latch the wrong gal...

clover: wah, huge appetite... good tat u can eat.. i think bfing can help regulate our intestine as well. if i eat more, i also tend to visit the loo more often.

adelineL: haha, we all make u so gian to get the ergo asap... i tried new position. sitting sideways wif both legs together on 1 side of the carrier. whole body face sideways. Ryan enjoys this position very much. *unofficial position*

i'm gonna try EBM tonight... hope Ryan cooperates.

dreymin: i think july gathering abc mentioned change to 5th instead of 12th.

i dare not latch too often now. cause i scared overfeed... since last week when Ryan started vomiting, i've been very afraid to latch him.
he tend to give me the *i wanna puke* sound.. so i give pacifier instead of latching too often if he's not due for milk yet...
any advice?
ladies,any one of u experience hair drops in your 3rd mth?  my hair seems to be dropping alot and am wondering if it is ok for me to rebond now as i am going back to work next week
yutong & dreamlife
Thanks for giving me a lift yesterday

hehe..i told u inside the car tat Celestia is the one hosting lah
with our lack of sleep , we all get blur blur =p

me too, wana say where is the host when i wana say my byes, end up my mouth said who is the host..

yday nite abc sms me for original pics, noe wat i sms her..i save all those in a thumbdrive and transfer to <font color="0000ff">ur pc</font> using pancake pc at the next gathering..

wat i mean is her thumbdrive or memory card
sheryl, my alex's betrothed is kais' matilda. haha!

now my mil is here bb sitting alex. so i can take a rest. she has put him down on bed a few times and each time he immediately awoke n cried!
no worries. Wun!

it is celestia home.

July gathering
<font size="+2">5 july</font>

i agree with wat u say. have to be consistent. tat is y i say i very harsh.. hahaha.. but like dreamlife, after everything calm down i will talk to her n explain to her and then gv her hugs n kisses...

it is different. last time parents r strict with us.. they cane, beat, scold etc but they NEVER explain what went wrong. Yes i hated my dad too.. cos he DUN LISTEN! Now with my children. i would scold, occasionally and until buay tahan then bring Mr Cane out... but i will definitely explain and talk to her and gv her lots of hug n kisses and assurance tat i love her after things have calmed down. Thus i guess there is the diff.. i always believe 'SPARE THE ROD, SPOIL THE CHILD'.

u must convince n tell yrself u r doing for the good of u and kim. i am sure u wan her to behave herself and especially outside n when u hv guest right? N like wat angeline says, be consistent. Tat is y u say kim nt scare of u... cos she knw u can be bullied. Actually after she fuss n cry u can explain n hug n kiss her.. tat is also loving n sayanging her...

thanks for the pics


hope u get well soon

food poisoning i never heard b4 can pass to bb though ..when i was 5 years old and my sis is 1 month old, my whole family was in hosp for food posioning, except for sis. She is a baby then and was the only one not hospitalised..

my mum who was breastfeeding sis was the most jialat among the family, carried out of the hse in a stretcher..was to weak to move..sis din kena leh
bbpink, that's a horrid experience. did u get food poisoning as well? I dun think bb will get food poisoning or bad food that I ate thru bf. its just annoying that my mil will conclude its my bf tt causes something wrong in bb. the first time was my bb has 'breasts' n milky discharge then it was bb's pimples when he was abt 3wks old... I really got nothing to say when she said those words. haizzz

disciplinary actions
my parents also used the cane on me when I was young. I really hated my mom back then and now our relationship is not good. I hv prayed abt it but it will take lots to iron out our differences.

I m sorta trying to do the opposite with my alex, to give him lots of my attn n love him, but sometimes I dun think I m a good enough mother.
yupz, clover, alto i was 5 , i still remember cos it was quite horrifying for me..

i remember my dad putting medical oil on my mum b4 the stretcher came..

was quite scary for a 5 years old..until now, when i smell medial oil, the axe brand..reminds me of all the bad things

oh yah, i kena too..after my mum was admitted, my dad went in, folowed by me..my mum ate the most, so she most jialat

oh well..mil..best to close ur ears and just look at her attentively and nod the head too..alto mentally, totally disagree

just like mil tell me to give kelicia honey b4 she turns 1 ..i just look at her and nod my head lor
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Wah lau.. Really Friday the 13th....


No more hp number of all of u liao... SIGH!</font></font>
bbpink, aiyo horrible experience. I agree with yr mil strategy and am practicing it. lol. but can't help but to complain abt it. I will stop short when it comes to anything unsafe for the bb.

abc, u also lost yr phone! cyber babe also lost hers. think hers is similar model to yrs. hope u find it back.
alamak missed one day and i missed so many posts!

hair drop,
old folk said, once baby started playing saliva bubbles, your hair will drop. i don't believe it but my hair is dropping already!! i think it will start to happen naturally once your body starts going through some hormonal changes. i dropped hair around the same time with my first baby too. luckily i have cut my hair short but i wouldn't do any chemical treatments at this time though, it might aggravate the hair loss.

white little pimples,
i know it will go away on its own but i couldn't help but pick them hee heee. now my bb's face is smooth and free of any spots and bumps! warning, not a good example! LOL.

with breast milk, there's no such thing as overfeeding. yes if we tend to overfeed, baby will regurgitate but vomit but dunno why lei, i rather go through that than underfeed. at least when bb's body know she has enough, the body will expel the milk but if not enough how? my bb is not the cranky kind, it's hard to tell if she didn't get enough.

Adeline K,
your temper scare me lei. but seriously any mothers, at one point of time DO need other's help. and i'm not talking about hubby ok. the problem with asian hubbies is that, they're always pampered by their mothers, everything was kept in order for them, from their meal to their laundry, tucked and ironed for use. so they tend to have the same expectation of us, especially now that since we're mothers ourselves. but they don't remember one thing, that we're putting on more roles now. we're also a FTWM that contributes to the economy so things MUST change. that's why i am very determined that should I have a son, i would discipline him to be equal and not pamper him anymore than his sisters. i share your pain sister, we both have two kids under two! terrible man!
bbpink u r a good mother too lah

melissa I agree with u totally on the bit abt asian hubbies. there's once I told him, u think the household gets organised magically?
there is no such thing as not a gd mother. i agree tat children hated all the harsh punichment. Me too. i hate my dad n until nw i din talk to him unless neccessary.

Yes same model as cyberbabe. Mine black.. hers white... but luckily mine a bit spoil liao... but all my contacts r there! arrggghhhh..

all the drugstore items are here.
pamper comfort's cutting is really small. my boy will prolly out grow it when he's 7kg plus (he's just over 6kg now). the tape is quite lousy n has this sharp corners that will poke at bb's skin if not worn properly.

also tried eq n sealer recently. all three brands holds poo n pee well. I prefer eq as the material is softer than sealer. tho sealer has the biggest cutting among these 3. think the cutting shld be on par with goon.
Fri 13 no gd for u, lost handphone = buy new one...time to get the latest phone?

Let me have ur email to send u your pic.

U really very slim, like never give birth before. Who knows u r alreadi mother of 2 keke. Thanks for hosting us.

BBpink, i love the pics!
it's a real bummer to lose contacts. Give u mine again

i think your MIL just speak without thinking la. It's best to ignore stuff we dont agree.. hehe
esp with no scientific backing.

must warn alex abt my matilda.. she's ballooning at the rate that she's drinking...

5th July gathering
where is it? i aim to bring my 3 gals there if it's a convenient place.. time? dat day is my sch's speech day
wonder wat time it ends
u gv me now oso no use. No SIM card yet.. SAD!

gd to get a new fone but duno wat model to buy. hahaha..

i oso wan the fotos...
HI mummies,

Thanks for coming to my humble residence. I hope u can forgive me for not being a gd host as I am busy with my cheeky Jayden and sticky Chloez.

I do hope u have felt comfortable and enjoyed yourself though. I certainly had great fun taking pics... I love the babies being seated together one most, followed by the mummies making funny faces. Hee hee :p

I have uploaded the gathering pics in my Facebook and look forward to the very next gathering.

So sad today... Lost my dearest O2 Atom Life.. Sob Sob..

Hi Petrina

The shop is located in Chinatown. It's the building next to OG Market, level 2 or 3.. can't remember, connected by the same car park. If you order more than $150, they will deliver the goods to you. I always buy my pigeon wipe from them, $8.50 for pack of 3.. or is it $8.80. Hmm, can't recall as I am having fever now.. stupid mastitis. Also, I have just been informed that I have been retrenched and I am still on maternity leave
