(2008/03) March 2008

Lucky u warn me beforehand! Ok I'll bring my laptops to my place on tt day for everyone to transfer photos! =)

My boy also getting smart, refusing to drink from bottle when i feed him. Ask someone else to feed him from bottle without u in the room. Or else try feeding him from bottle at night when he's sleepier and less likely to resist.. My boy will fight and push away the bottle but will finally drink if i persist and he's tired and realises there's no breast available...

no wonder ur baby so chubby n cute! My boy was 3kg at birth, now 7kg at 3mths. And my hubby was saying our baby getting too chubby! =)

tks. now can plan when to re-do my hair... kekeke...

14 steps to reducing your infant's Reflux

It's important to realize that not all babies with reflux will require medication or have difficulties with their reflux. Many infants, usually called happy spitters, will benefit greatly from some simple steps that you can start trying right now. Many of the things listed below will help with your baby's discomfort and spitting up, eliminating the need for medication.

If, after trying all the below listed tips, your baby is still spitting up, or having difficulties with their reflux, read about whether or not medication may be needed and what medications will likely be used.

POSITIONING STEPS for reducing infant reflux
Positioning During and After Feeds
Keeping the child upright during and for at least thirty minutes after feeds can help to reduce reflux by allowing gravity to work at holding the food in their tummies. As well, after feeding, try to keep them as motionless as possible for at least thirty minutes after feeding. Formula fed babies may require longer periods since formula is digested slower than breastmilk.

A Word About Car Seats
Some car seats position baby in such a way that they hunched and slouched over, putting added pressure on their tummies which can increase reflux episodes. Look for a car seat that allows baby to be reclined enough that they aren't slouched yet, inclined enough that they are fairly upright.

Sleeping Position
As with positioning after feeding, keeping baby propped during sleep is essential when they have reflux. It can help reduce painful reflux episodes and reduce the risk of aspiration. For more info on propping baby, see the article on propping.

Prone vs. Supine (Front vs Back)
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends all babies sleep in the supine position (on their backs) because it has been shown to reduce the risk of SIDS. This is fine for babies with reflux as long as the baby is safely propped up to at least 30%, we found the higher baby is propped the better. Having said that, many babies with reflux prefer sleeping in the prone position (stomach), also elevated of course, and may have less reflux episodes in this position. Discuss this with your doctor and he can help decide if it's okay, and how to safely manage allowing baby to sleep in the prone position. It's very important to discuss this with the doctor before trying it as babies with reflux are already at an increased risk of SIDS.

Try carrying baby around as much as possible in a baby carrier through out the day. Carried babies tend to cry less and crying will make reflux worse, plus, it keeps baby upright.

CLOTHING and reflux
Avoid Tight Clothing
Tight clothing, particularly clothing that's tight around baby's tummy, can make reflux worse by increasing pressure on the LES (lower esophageal sphincter). Make sure baby stays in loose fitting, elastic waists whenever possible.

FOOD / FEEDING tips and suggestions
Breastfeeding is definitely best for a baby with reflux because it is more hypoallergenic than formula and is digested twice as fast as formula. If breastfeeding is not chosen or not possible by the mother, formula changes can help some babies. If the baby has a milk or lactose allergy or intolerance giving the baby formula that is milk based can make reflux worse. Read about the different types of formula available and discuss this possibility with your pediatrician.

Some babies with reflux will respond well to thickening their feeds with cereal. Thickening formula can help for a few reasons. The added weight of the cereal in the food helps to keep the food from splashing around in the baby's belly and can help keep it down. Babies who are having difficulty gaining weight may also benefit from the added calories. Generally, it's recommended that about one tablespoon of cereal should be added for every ounce of formula. If the formula isn't thick enough, it won't work. Also, some babies may react poorly to rice cereal which is generally the first tried, so adding oatmeal instead may work better for some babies. As always discuss this with your pediatrician before trying it.

Feeding Time
When and how much a baby is fed can also have an impact on their reflux. Smaller more frequent meals through out the day work much better than larger, less frequent meals. Also, avoid feeding baby right before bedtime, particularly if the baby is already a poor sleeper.

If you are breastfeeding, try eliminating the foods that can make reflux worse. Dairy products are a big offender, as is caffeine, fatty foods, spicy foods, citrus fruits. If eliminating these things seems to help, you can slowly (about one thing a week) start to introduce one thing at a time back into your diet and watch baby's reactions. This will help give you an idea of exactly what was making the reflux worse, so that you (hopefully) don't need to give up everything you love, just one or two things.

Stopping to burp baby frequently (at least after every ounce) during feedings can help.

Provide a Pacifier
Sucking on a pacifier or dummy, can increase saliva production. Saliva is alkaline which can help neutralize some of the acid that may come up.

Infant Massage
Try infant massage, it's been shown to improve digestion and will help relax baby.
Avoid Certain Foods and Liquids
More so for older children and babies, there are certain foods that are known to make reflux worse. If you breastfeeding, as mentioned above avoid these foods in your own diet.

The complete list, as put forth by PAGER is below:
List Source and Copyright: Pediatric Adolescent Gastroesophageal Reflux Association - PAGER

Vegetables (due to high acid or belching)

Green Peppers
Brussel Sprouts
Tomato Juice
Fruits (due to high acid or lots of fiber and seeds)

Apple (especially peels)
Bananas (can cause constipation)
Citrus fruits

Milk (lactose intolerance can provoke reflux in some people)
Coffee (even decaffeinated)
Carbonated Beverages
Caffeinated Beverages

Beans (gas producing)
Oats (rolled oats OK)
Tofu (avoid large quantities)
Barley ( OK if perled barley is cooked 10-15 min)

Fatty or Fried Foods (fats take longer to digest)
Meat with connective tissue/gristle (take longer to digest)
Chili Powder
Peppermint/Spearmint (Wintergreen is unrelated)
Foods with "air" such as fluffy baked goods, Meringues.
Swallowing air by sucking on hard candies or drinking from straws
Rye Seeds
Meat Extracts
Black Pepper (White pepper is OK)
Creamy Foods/Gravies (High fat content)
Gooey Pastries (High fat content)
Simple Sugar Foods
Excessive Fiber (increase very gradually as tolerated)
High Energy Foods (digest slowly)
MCT Oil (medium chain triglycerides, digest slowly)
Guargum (thickener, digests slowly)

Reviewed By Dave Olson, MD
Fellow, American Academy of Pediatrics
Graduate University of Michigan School of Medicine
my gal seemed to salivate alot nowadays and she also have occasional coughs (sounded like choking).

at times after feed, she will also spit out her milk.

hope the above article helps..
bbpink & happymommy,
i have no problem with the valve, but i have problem with the bottle screw area. milk tends to leak out if i tilt the pump. angry.. overall, i find avent pump good.
lyn: for 6 years? you mean until yr bbs go to pri sch? hehe but you are commendable leh, got a toddler and 2 bbs to look after. that's certainly not easy!!! that's more than a full-time job already!!

clover + kate: aiyah you all stay in the north. nevermind if got sahm playgroup gathering i can travel to the north lah. got wheels can travel, hehee. good to let my boy learn to socialise a bit. hehe
i part time SAHM. Hahaha cos i always go home at 2pm. hahahahahah....

i oso northerner!

i been using for more than 5 times liao. As long as no wear n tear shld be ok.

i been using lansionoh. SO far no leak. I dun like single sealer ziploc. WIll elak. I usu freeze flat. So must get a gd milkbag. Dun freeze flat no space!
in the US, i bought this 2nd hand wooden table and chairs for Chelsea that was sooooo cute. it's safari themed and there are beautifully painted animals on the table and one of the chairs was shaped like a giraffe and the other was like a lion....of cos i had to sell it when i moved back to singapore....v. sim tia and my brother also at that time felt v. wasted and when we got to singapore, he bought a new set of table/chairs for chelsea. It's just brightly colored plastic ones like u can find at Ikea...but it was v. nice of my brother lor........sollee for the long storee hehe

me too cannot slim down :p

sometimes i feel like escaping the house and work outside ahahaha but it will be strange cos i only worked for less than 2 years and for the past 7 years or so has been running our own business....right now working from home a little while my hubby does the bulk of it so i cannot imagine ever working for someone again leh :p

oh yah me up north too in yishun :D

i pm u
Order for Powder Probiotics:

1. Adeline Sia ( 2 boxes )
2. Happy Gal 29 ( 1 box )
3. Abc ( considering 2nd order)

For those who are interested the order ends on Wed.

Usual price is $80 a box, now only $50 a box. Each box has 60 satchel individually packed. Take one-two satchel a day or when digestive problems arise. Suitable for all ages.

PM or sms me if any queries. 9746 1185
hehe, heavy usage means use frequently or those who have a lot of milk flowing out ?

yupz, my coffee table is made of glass, so not suitable for a toddler; not fast lah..my older gal is coming to two

office unfriendly cos take a long time, for me
if i use the pump alone
However, i love to use it at home cos when my Kyzac latch on 1 breast, I will pump the otehr one simultaneously so the other breast flow faster, and very time efficient tat way.

can visualise wat u mean
must have been a very cute set
can i noe where does ur brother buy the set. I want to explore options otehr than Ikea

Any mommies here give your son barley water? My son going to jab soon. Heard mus give barely water to 'cool' the baby down. But how much must I gave leh? 1 ounce a day? Kindly advise.
I am also going to let my girl go for jab soon on 27 june. Heard give barley water or ling yang to bb in the morning b4 bb goes for jab. Also dun know how much to give.

kekeke so many sahm in this forum
AVENT manual:
I have bought a 2nd hand one (which I guess the ex-owner had already used it for a long time) and yet find that it is still much easier and works better than my medela electric one... Frankly u ask me.... I will recommand this AVENT manual pump for sure. Only thing is the spare parts of the valve set is quite costly at $20.
Hi all,
juz now went to try baby bjorn, keira seems to like it!

Juz now keira went to take her 5 in 1 jab and rotavirus. She is such a brave ger, neva cry! hee.. so proud of her!
last time my gal drink FM. i make ling yang or barley in her FM. instead of using water to make FM i use barley or ling yang. Give her barley every 2 times a week n ling yang b4 her jab.

yt u r a more bz than me SAHM. ahahha
Going to get DHA for kathy and myself from www.vitaglo.com

Anyone got anything to buy? We are getting this :http://www.vitaglo.com/nor1005.html

U can read more abt the above brand from the following:

They also specialises in in other supplements too. B complexes etc and baby wash such as Avalon baby (organic) and california baby (organic). They also sell canus brand which is the goat's milk range.

Anyone interested email me at [email protected] . As kathy cannot wait, spree close by 20 June 08.
Date: July 5 Sat
Time: 2pm onwards
All mommies, & babies, daddies & siblings invited!
Venue: Pandan Valley Condo (alg Holland Rd nearer clementi side)
Nearest MRT: Buona Vista (pls meet in groups for me to do pickups tks...)
1. pancake & bb & hb (host)
2. Liyun & bb (others TBC) YES....weekend!
3. simp & bb (tbc if i am still in spore )
4. abcdisney n bb n Arielene n Helper
5. bbpink & bb ( maybe hb & kelicia)
6. Adeline, bb, kim and helper.. wahahha
7. clover, bb n hubb
8. Kate & BB
9. Sheryl & bb (gg to be first time go out alone wif bb!)
Hello ladies

Have been busy these weeks cos my parents are on holiday so taking care of both kiddos till they are back. I must say u ladies are really active in the thread i can only manage to glance through them.

Adeline Sia
I can totally identify with you cos the other time when zac was down with false measles, i think that was the time he was really testing my patience and i truly want to bang my head against the wall. He is well known to be the "no no" baby. everything also no. Eat porridge kept spitting out, there was once i lost my patience and slap him on the face. Felt so guilty that i called my hubby and told him i think i am going to hell. Think this is the hardest period but like lyn i learnt to walk away and calm myself down. But the worst part is now even when i walk away, zac will come crying chasing after me! grit ur teeth and i think its a phase they will go through. I always tell my hubby i think zac has split personality, he can be both an angel and devil, torturing his mama!

I am using the Jane high chair coverted to table for zac now. I saw at the motherhood fair some nice toddler tables and chairs but think quite expensive.


Oh no! its in the west again??? Adeline Sia, u going by cab? I will try to make it this time since its on the weekend.

Date: July 5 Sat
Time: 2pm onwards
All mommies, & babies, daddies & siblings invited!
Venue: Pandan Valley Condo (alg Holland Rd nearer clementi side)
Nearest MRT: Buona Vista (pls meet in groups for me to do pickups tks...)
1. pancake & bb & hb (host)
2. Liyun & bb (others TBC) YES....weekend!
3. simp & bb (tbc if i am still in spore )
4. abcdisney n bb n Arielene n Helper
5. bbpink & bb ( maybe hb & kelicia)
6. Adeline, bb, kim and helper.. wahahha
7. clover, bb n hubb
8. Kate & BB
9. Shirley, Lele and zac zac and helper

Let me open up my place in August for gathering so that the northerner dont have to journey to the west. My place is in Sengkang.....
Let me know if you ladies are keen. Any weekend will be fine with me cos cant go far with one bb and one toddler...
will keep u in mind for Aug gathering. Prob national day weekend? heehee... we all watch parade together. hahahaha...

pls advise if potluck.
Shirley, u removed me from the list!!!

abc, will u continue to use califonia bb bath gel for andrae?

i'm looking at changing bath gel for bb since she has super dry skin, any recommendations?

YT, I gave barley water to my bb, but she still develops mild fever after jab.

Pancakechia, ur bb is v cute.. i like the fact that he's so chubby and sturdy, n able to sit upright so well.

Little James is cute! Hope to see more bb boys this time around - the other time at cyberbabe's hse, we see more gers than boys.

Date: July 5 Sat
Time: 2pm onwards
All mommies, & babies, daddies & siblings invited!
Venue: Pandan Valley Condo (alg Holland Rd nearer clementi side)
Nearest MRT: Buona Vista (pls meet in groups for me to do pickups tks...)
1. pancake & bb & hb (host)
2. Liyun & bb (others TBC) YES....weekend!
3. simp & bb (tbc if i am still in spore )
4. abcdisney n bb n Arielene n Helper
5. bbpink & bb ( maybe hb & kelicia)
6. Adeline, bb, kim and helper.. wahahha
7. clover, bb n hubb
8. Kate & BB
9. Sheryl & bb (gg to be first time go out alone wif bb!)
10. Shirley, Lele and zac zac and helper
i would be glad to have gathering at ur place!! spacious, nice and near me!!hehehe..
Ya i think now is the phrase. kim same as zac zac!!! sometimes angel, smile to you.. give u a hug.. listen to you.. sometimes devil.. refuse to listen to me and throw tantrum like hell!!!

cant wait tosee ur girl girl!! heheee..

Avent pump
i use it at work..
i like it also.. hehehe..
agape, clover, kate, abc, adelineLoo, yutong,
I am at YCK
Wanna come my place one day? It's easier for me to host than going out.

I am having insomnia lately. Think due to stress from looking after 3 of them! I really think I need a day off, just for myself, alone. Today, really feel like just going to doctor and get sleeping pills. Cos I am very very tired, but my eyes just cannot sleep. Then when tired, I get angry very easily and no patience for #1. Very guilty mommy here... Told my hubby I will need 2 maids. hahaha...

Oh... you got a toddler too! High five! kekeke... Mine just turn 2. The best is bring them there to try first. The chairs I got from Ikea too high for my coffee table. For now, I let him draw on his high chair. I am afraid of him drawing everywhere. A couple of months ago, he was playing with my scissors and cut my hallmark bedsheets

Heavy usage means a few times a day.

I dun give barley water for my #1. No fever. But I gave him lots of my organic supplements before and after the jab. Some people say barley water can cause phlegm.

Where did you try baby bjorn?
I just ordered an Ergo carrier.

I also cannot go far... one toddler and 2 babies... plus a maid... I cannot survive without my maid now. hahaha...
i also wanna buy table and chairs for kim.
I saw kiddy palace.. those plastic type $36.90. No discount liao underoffr.
Or toy r us.. $59.90.. have white board for drawing andable to keep stationaries..
thanks for the info. How many days you give before the day of jab? how much you give each time? how often a day. Dun mind me.

thanks for the info. Maybe i shld give organic supplements as well. Wat do you give?
I stay in Castle Green YCK. Where about you staying?
Order for Powder Probiotics:

1. Adeline Sia ( 2 boxes )
2. Happy Gal 29 ( 1 box )
3. Abc ( 2 boxes )

For those who are interested the order ends on Wed.

Usual price is $80 a box, now only $50 a box. Each box has 60 satchel individually packed. Take one-two satchel a day or when digestive problems arise. Suitable for all ages.

PM or sms me if any queries. 9746 1185

Ps transfer to my POSB saving 130547575. Thanks.

I'm also using the mini pump. Find it noisy too. Dun know if it's the motor fault or my right nipple spoil... Always can't pump out much from the right nipple... less than 2 oz from right nipple...but from left nipple, can pump up to 4-5 oz... Do u mummies hv the same problem like me? The yield from one nipple is so much lesser than the other one. Funny hor...

Somemore, the pump always makes my nipple sore after pumping.. hopefully other pumps will work better...

Nt gg to use the pump frequently... Thinking either Avent manual or Medela Swing...

Hi agapebaby,

Welcome to the forum!
lyn, will love to make it to yr place.
I stay quite near yr place, abt 10mins car ride.

sheryl, I find sleeping in ac is drying for my bb's skin'
juz popping by to say hi & ranting abit...
been super stressed out with Ryan's constant crying almost 24/7 due to him being sick...

No time to surf net or answer hp at all... Have to keep changing his clothes n towels due to unforeseen vomiting...

I'm feeding him with phelgm reducing medicine, I'm not sure if it's working though...
When baby is sick, carry more and shower more love, he will cry less
Last time my boy sick, I carried him almost whole day. He hardly cry. At least, he get some comfort n can rest more.
yes very normal to have different yields for different breasts. so maybe there's nothing wrong with your existing pump?

my Tricia also down with flu and is very cranky and doesn't sleep well at nights. there's plenty of cloth change for her vomitting as well. as for my toddler, if she's sick, she will extra clingy and when she recovers, it will get worse! like the world revolves around her only. but once she's totally ok, she'll be back to her usual routine of playing alone and watching tv that she will pretty much left me alone and be an angel.
Seems like most babies r unwell?
Kat had fever yday and now coughing badly.. for bout almost 3 weeks have not fully recover. flu on and off also but thank god.. kim already recovered.. left abit cough..
think is the weather bah..

Ya, sometimes I feel it's my right breast issue...I think right nipple spoil liao! Haha! But the yield is so much difference.. Make me so sad thinking I hv so little milk when I pump my right breast. But I really can't stand the noise. v loud...
my left yield is 2x as much as my right. during my first child experience, it was the opposite. i dunno why. strange but true.
Liyun : where u buy the avent manual pump spare parts? I aso wanna buy in case mine is spolit.

Jerejoy : I aso encounter this aso, think shld be normal..maybe fr the beginning, when i latch on my bb, is already "unbalanced" already. That means i latch on one side more than the other side. So will get more milk on one side bah, this is what i guess. I can the diff of the size of my breasts lei....
My andrae is also down with flu. Hahaha... cough, runny nose n sore throat. Super cranky. Slp at 5am only. Hahhaa...

Great. Will keep yr place in mind for sep gathering ok? HEehee....

Oh i hv a fren staying at nuovo too. I oso hv a toddler age 3. I love the pool there but the security guard very strict. Cannot eat at the pool area wor
Jerejoy : v noisy but somehow i have get used to the noise liao...hahaaa..seasoned already..actuali i was using medela swing initially, then dunno is spolit or what the let down v slow so i bought this medela mini electric..Hmmm...I think dual breast pump is better as it saves time lor..But i see my colleague using using Ameda brand de, that one not bad too wor..Not too noisy aso as compared to mini electric..
Melissa, Happymummy,

Thanks for sharing yr experiences. Really tot my right nipple is spoil, at least I know it's normal to hv different yields.

Maybe I will get the avent manual pump as well. seems to hv quite a no of gd reviews from most of u. I hv not fed my bb with ebm yet. When is the best time to give him? I like the bonding when he latches on actually..

really huh? I heard Ameda brand pretty gd too. r u referring to the dual electric pump? I'm in a lost... so many pumps to choose...
Jerejoy : yah a lot of gd comments on the Ameda brand de lor, the dual pump one lor.. i shld have bought this hmmm..but more ex than medela mini electric cos that time i bought only $200 plus as there is promo..


we are so so near. Good now I can take short cut from market to my house liao. Hahhahaha!

Wow, if got gathering at your place then I jus walk over. Shiok leh!

Thanks for your invite. I am a bit busy today. Will go over maybe one of the days these week ok? Can you sms me your no. Mine is 9746 1185. Thanks.
