(2008/03) March 2008

sighs! my bb developed fever after her vaccine on sat. so fussy. din manage to slp at all on sat nite then sun morning i hurry bring her to my parents place so they can help me look aftr while i take a rest. so poor thing. she cry to herself lying on her side and ignore us. see liao so heart pain. but on the other hand, i was so fed up cuz the moment i put her down, she cries. i carry like mad?

am back at work today. actually dowan come one lor. but monday! lots of work to clear off. mayb later take half day and go back see her. though her fever subsided but still abit fussy. mayb still dont feel good.

will tt to you asap. this few days very busy. sorry abt the delay.

hopes kat gets better !

okay need to rush work so i can go off!
i m using the mini electric myself, 2 times in office and sometimes at home when Kyzac miss a feed ( which is like very rare ;)

initially, it was painful..after after a while..it feel okay

anyway, i drop my motor lately and incur $45 of repair charges at medela..so gottta maximise it :p

i think if i din have my avent & medela, i will probably invest in an ameda

wat table and chair did u buy for ur kid at 2 yars old, for him or her to draw or scribble
Date: July 5 Sat
Time: 2pm onwards
All mommies, & babies, daddies & siblings invited!
Venue: Pandan Valley Condo (alg Holland Rd nearer clementi side)
Nearest MRT: Buona Vista (pls meet in groups for me to do pickups tks...)
1. pancake & bb & hb (host)
i think there's more stress on FTWM! got work commitments and deadlines on top of worrying about baby and housework!

Hair loss
also been told when baby starts drooling, the mommy starts losing hair...
Anyone knows when we'll stop losing so much hair? So when can we perm/colour our hair?

liyun/ sticky babies
my aidan also becoming dependent. even when playing with grandparents also need to see im around and seek 'permission' to play... And very difficult to leave him with granny as babysitter... He will refuse to play, sleep and even his milk until he's very tired and gives in!!!

Baby's feeds
my baby regularly drinks 150-180mls of EBM... No wonder he's growing so fatty compared to the rest of your babies... haha
But what is the intervals that you're feeding your baby EBM? My bb 180mls at 3hrly interval or so....
Clover/ Kais
hope ur feeling better by now!

cyberbabe, abc
omg! all lost same hp over same period! must be quite terrible! hope u all have found replacements!

hi! can i get some of the pics of the gathering in the original resolution the next time?

how r ur babies? still cranky? hope they're improving?

sorry, haven't come online for several days! my email addy [email protected]

agap/ jasmine
welcome! i'm also SAHM... come join our gatherings!
yes avent isis is manual. how long to pump really depends. you must clear each breast and that takes about 15 mins each. personally i aim for like 3-4 letdowns to clear. if i go for 4 letdowns, my supply actually went up. i use 4 letdowns if i sense that ms is dropping.

i bought this potty chair to train her to poo but she don't like it. in the end she used it as her lazy chair. to scribble, she used her chair and coffee table. i didn't get her any special furniture for that purpose yet. too many big toys at home. visitors already commented my house looked like a child care centre!
<font color="0000ff">
Date: July 5 Sat
Time: 2pm onwards
All mommies, &amp; babies, daddies &amp; siblings invited!
Venue: Pandan Valley Condo (alg Holland Rd nearer clementi side)
Nearest MRT: Buona Vista (pls meet in groups for me to do pickups tks...)
1. pancake &amp; bb &amp; hb (host)
2. Liyun &amp; bb (others TBC) YES....weekend!
3. </font>
I just emailed photos to u

<font color="0000ff">NEXT GATHERING in July! WeekEND
Date: July 5 Sat
Time: 2pm onwards
All mommies, &amp; babies, daddies &amp; siblings invited!
Venue: Pandan Valley Condo (alg Holland Rd nearer clementi side)
Nearest MRT: Buona Vista (pls meet in groups for me to do pickups tks...)
1. pancake &amp; bb &amp; hb (host)
2. Liyun &amp; bb (others TBC) YES....weekend!
3. simp &amp; bb (tbc if i am still in spore
<font color="0000ff">NEXT GATHERING in July! WeekEND
Date: July 5 Sat
Time: 2pm onwards
All mommies, &amp; babies, daddies &amp; siblings invited!
Venue: Pandan Valley Condo (alg Holland Rd nearer clementi side)
Nearest MRT: Buona Vista (pls meet in groups for me to do pickups tks...)
1. pancake &amp; bb &amp; hb (host)
2. Liyun &amp; bb (others TBC) YES....weekend!
3. simp &amp; bb (tbc if i am still in spore )
4. abcdisney n bb n Arielene n Helper

Are we doing potluck??</font>
Mummies : anyone using Avent cups to store EBM? Cos i have been using it n heard that it can only be used up to 5 times cos the plastic will release something..I bought quite a no liao lei.. Now thot of using milk bags instead..
My boy is 13 wks old. Drinking 180ml FM every 3 hrs. He was 3.7kg at birth and 7.3kg at 2 mths. I think he's probably around 8 or 9 kg now. My in laws keep asking whether he's overweight! So annoying. But how on earth can you put a baby on diet?! I'd rather he be on the chubby side than skinny coz once they start to crawl and walk, they will burn up those fats.
Blue_skies : waoooo ur bb bog appetite wor..How i wish my gal is like this lei..She drink onli ard 80-90ml..Sometimes mood not good, she drink only 60ml lor..very little so we shorten the interval for her..Yup i agree chubby is better heheee can pinch face mah..hahaaaa..
hahahah i am thinking of using via cup instead of milkbag. For me i use Via cup to freeze. Milkbag if keep fresh in fridge. In tat way Via cup will hv to wait a lon g while b4 i redo. I got too many frozen ebm Thus if use milkbag very messy. VIA cup looks neater.

Milkbag when to n fro work, keep fresh in fridge and for transporting

U can also use VIA cup to bring cereal out for bb next time, as well as to contain their bb biscuits next time.
I used the cups to store fresh EBM milk pumped today for tmr usage, no heating, when required, would pour out fr cup to milk bottle to heat it up for drinking, I am thinking of buying glass bottle for heating purpose before transfer to milk bottle for drinking...so as not to keep heating the drinking milk bottle(plastic)...
re: hair loss
i find tat i start to loss hair liao. yesterday after bath, brush my hair got quite a nos of hair come out.. scary.. hope will not become botak.

me oso using medela mini elect. but recently invested a 2nd hand PIS. so PIS used at home and Mini elect using in office. but i find the mini power like decrease.. not very efficient.. duuno is becos of using PIS then feel mini no power. thinking of switching to avent manual(free one), but got alot of washing to do.

re: storage
i find milkbags better than VIA. cos of the cup shape. so i have been using milkbag to freeze EBM.

my hubby will be going oversea for 2 days soon. i'm scared if i can handle my son alone at nite anot. i scared no time to bath and pump. after work got to bring him home from nanny hse, feed him and put him to sleep.. think i'll be very tiring..
wow your bb really have an insatiable appetite. follow you or daddy huh? post a pic so we can virtually pinch your chubby bb?

on the other hand i'm not surprised your bb is a small feeder. my bb is exclusively breastfed too and she's a small feeder but i'm very happy b'cos that means i don't have to pump so much at work since most of the time she didn't finish them anyway.
forgot to mention that hair loss will stop at 6 months. that's when tbf mommoies will get most fertile b'cos body reverted back to be normal.
storage for EBM
i think i anyhow store one.. milkbags.. cups.. bottles.. i bought 1 B-free bottle for aunty to use.. she use that to heat.. cause she complain DR brown one not gd to use.. so ex leh.. haiz..

I no procedure on hw i store my ebm one hahaha.. since all meant to be freeze up!..
Date: July 5 Sat
Time: 2pm onwards
All mommies, &amp; babies, daddies &amp; siblings invited!
Venue: Pandan Valley Condo (alg Holland Rd nearer clementi side)
Nearest MRT: Buona Vista (pls meet in groups for me to do pickups tks...)
1. pancake &amp; bb &amp; hb (host)
2. Liyun &amp; bb (others TBC) YES....weekend!
3. simp &amp; bb (tbc if i am still in spore )
4. abcdisney n bb n Arielene n Helper
5. Adeline, bb, kim and helper.. wahahha
<font color="ff0000">SMS the following to 77877 for a free sample of HUGGIES Little Swimmers:
LS<space>MB<space>Your Baby's Date of Birth(DDMMYY)<space>Weight(Kg)<space>Your Mailing Address<space>Your Email Address

Please put kg behind the weight.</font>
HOW!?!?! wow lau!!! Isaac starting to stick to me... WORST, he has yet to drink any milk as he rejects the bottle.... AGAIN!
This was little James taken at 12 weeks in case you didn't see it in the earlier posts. Haven't taken any photos of him this week yet.

Dunno whether his appetite follows hubby or me coz both of us enjoy our food

Hi Angeline

how abt u ..wat table &amp; chair do u use for ur gals ?

Thanks Melissa

Hi pancake

hehe, i already have the intention to bring all the pictures in the original resolution to ur hse

Get ready a thumbdrive or memory card so that i can transfer from my memory card..

so ladies who wants the original resolution, pls bring a memory card along too =)


<font color="0000ff">NEXT GATHERING in July! WeekEND
Date: July 5 Sat
Time: 2pm onwards
All mommies, &amp; babies, daddies &amp; siblings invited!
Venue: Pandan Valley Condo (alg Holland Rd nearer clementi side)
Nearest MRT: Buona Vista (pls meet in groups for me to do pickups tks...)
Date: July 5 Sat
Time: 2pm onwards
All mommies, &amp; babies, daddies &amp; siblings invited!
Venue: Pandan Valley Condo (alg Holland Rd nearer clementi side)
Nearest MRT: Buona Vista (pls meet in groups for me to do pickups tks...)
1. pancake &amp; bb &amp; hb (host)
2. Liyun &amp; bb (others TBC) YES....weekend!
3. simp &amp; bb (tbc if i am still in spore )
4. abcdisney n bb n Arielene n Helper
5. Adeline, bb, kim and helper.. wahahha
6. bbpink &amp; bb ( maybe hb &amp; kelicia) </font>
abc mummy : But will milkbags leak mah? I actually lost count of how many times i use for each avent cup liao. think i just stopped using liao, so scared of the chemicals being released after sterilising for too many times..
Angeline : then after using u sterlise right?

Mummies : wat brand of milk bottles is cheap n can store ebm (come with sealing discs)? My colleague recommend me NUK brand...
Date: July 5 Sat
Time: 2pm onwards
All mommies, &amp; babies, daddies &amp; siblings invited!
Venue: Pandan Valley Condo (alg Holland Rd nearer clementi side)
Nearest MRT: Buona Vista (pls meet in groups for me to do pickups tks...)
1. pancake &amp; bb &amp; hb (host)
2. Liyun &amp; bb (others TBC) YES....weekend!
3. simp &amp; bb (tbc if i am still in spore )
4. abcdisney n bb n Arielene n Helper
5. bbpink &amp; bb ( maybe hb &amp; kelicia)
6. Adeline, bb, kim and helper.. wahahha
7. clover, bb n hubb

Thanks for yr recommendation on the breastpumps. Wanted to buy the PIS but it's x and I dun use it frequently. Dun know worth investing or not. Will go take a look at all the pumps. Thanks again! (",)
Jerejoy : actually u can rent first n see if it suits u a not. If u are bf'ing for quite a long time, think is worth investing. Though im not using but there are many good comments on it. IM using Medela mini electric,so far so good but is very noisy lor..I tink ameda dual aso not bad leh, my colleague is using it..
hi lyn, simp, clover, adelineL, jerejoy,
glad to know other SAHM too! do you all intend to be SAHM for a long time or want to go back to work soon in the near future?

pancake: thanks for the welcome! yeah since going to be SAHM maybe will join you all in yr gatherings! but i saw yr gathering photos, realised the march mummies all looking very slim and chio already!!! im far from slim leh! hahaa the pregnancy weight still stubbornly stuck onto me. dunno how to slim down already also.... sigh

blue_skies: james looks super cute lor!!! he doesnt look overweight at all. my boy's also on the bigger side and i keep getting people remarking how big he is and how he takes after me in size!!! so end up saying im fat too lor! grrrr
<font color="0000ff">This is more suitable for those with elder children as it is suitable for children learning to stop using diapers, sizes start from 17kg onwards:
SMS the following to 77877 for a free sample of GoodNites Underpants:
GoodN<space>MB<space>Your Baby's Date of Birth(DDMMYY)<space>Weight(Kg)<space>Your Mailing Address<space>Your Email Address
no prob

agree avent as too many parts to wash and the valve is another headache..keep popping and have to reassemble during pumping..

i use my avent only at home when i am breastfeeding Kyzac..1 hand support him, 1 hand support the manual pumping

mini electric have absorbed quite a lot of my nipple blood during the initial few days also thsi year ..

in 2006 found it very good though..mabe the pump is aging..tat's why
u rite hor...sterilising also..usu i will sterilise by pour hot water over only...is this better?....hmm....

i bought during toy r us sale...20 bucks table with 2 chairs..those plastic one with abc printed on table kind...
Babypink : U have this prob with Avent manual pump aso? Mi aso lei, i tot is spolit so i change to a new one...cos im thinking is it bcos is has been put in boiling water for too long liao then bcum soft so easily popped up..
agape baby, where do u stay? next time can have play dates.

it's tiring to be taking care of bb plus doing some house chores but I relish seeing him making progress each days. if I go back to work, i'll miss that. so prolly won't be going back to work.
my bb is sleeping on top of me now n snoring away. who doesn't like this??

(ok, he was grouchy just now n I hv to on the AC then walked, rocked n petted him back to sleep)

yupz, i think it is a common prob faced by avent user

but if brand new valve (the white round thing), not tat bad..so i think u r rite

so u change ur manual to a totally new one ? no more prob ?

i think avent manual very office unfriendly
babypink: hi hi! yeah i'll try to come for the next gathering! love to meet more mommies and to see other cute babies!!!

btw why did you say avent manual very office unfriendly? what do you mean? i also use an avent manual, so far so good. the white valve has not popped out before. but i use it only once a day in the mornings.

clover: i stay in the west, hillview area. where do you stay? yeah i love it when my baby sleeps on top of me too. such a nice feeling!!
u sterilize same style as my mom hehe. me sometimes use sterilizing tablets only. i believe our hygiene and sanitation level has gone up since our mom's days so i didn't bother to sterilize after every use. so far so good. babies are strong and healthy!

oh my i remember this pic but dun remember whose babe kekeke.. so chubby and cute!!!!
Feedback I got about mini electric is that it's not for heavy usage... For heavy usage, can last a few months only.
Are you going to buy tables and chairs already? So fast... I only bought Ikea chairs cos my coffee table is big. My #1 table is the coffee table.

SAHM for long time
At least 6 years

gotta go... catch up again..
Date: July 5 Sat
Time: 2pm onwards
All mommies, &amp; babies, daddies &amp; siblings invited!
Venue: Pandan Valley Condo (alg Holland Rd nearer clementi side)
Nearest MRT: Buona Vista (pls meet in groups for me to do pickups tks...)
1. pancake &amp; bb &amp; hb (host)
2. Liyun &amp; bb (others TBC) YES....weekend!
3. simp &amp; bb (tbc if i am still in spore )
4. abcdisney n bb n Arielene n Helper
5. bbpink &amp; bb ( maybe hb &amp; kelicia)
6. Adeline, bb, kim and helper.. wahahha
7. clover, bb n hubb
8. Kate &amp; BB


i also sham for long long time. we can have sham gathering next time

ya, the gathering is it potluck?

hair loss,

i also having hair loss now,my bb also lor
lucky i have permed my hair so look fuller...

avent manual pump

i am using it when i go out. vr good...light and fast. at home using ameda pump
