(2008/03) March 2008

hihi... abc, same for me too my #1 feeds every other hr. she takes one hr to finish.. one hr later she is on the breast again. be it nite or day for the whole of 1st mth. almost wanted to kill myself and everyone ard me. 3rd mth onwards every 3hrly. at least things turn for the better.

Dor, my baby is now 3.45kg @ 39 wks. according to past statistics (number 1) i will 5 days late. looking at the weight now might be over 4kg at the 41st wk. *GOD BLESS ME*

Angtay, hi saw you bought the playmat also. i getting the alphabet pooh bear one. i think we are due about the same time right.

Reena, i rem when i breastfeed #1, i eat alot and wouldnt get fat. super shiok feeling kind of felt wasted to stop at 6 mths. cos after things get so much easier as she grows older.

Faith, breasts can be "repaired" to your liking. just give what you can to the baby now.. aesthetics procedues are getting cheaper and accessible.

I feel Bfeeding is much easier than bottle feeding cos dont need to wash bottles. no need to walk over the place to make milk. close eyes also can do nite feeding (after much practise). i was doing Bfeeding for 6 mths until i dont know how to use the bottles. :p dont know how to make FM. and best part i can eat all i want (balanced diet) and all the fats goes to the milk. super super shiok

Thanks Melissa. Being a first time mum, guess I'm quite lost and overwhelmed. Totally agree with you on the total breastfeeding thing. Felt defeated the first few days. Hopefully, now I'll have the willpower, patience and strength to carry it out.

Sigh..it will help if Baby Zayed doesn't scream like someone is killing him though :p...My boy starts at Vol 10, no warning!
orrr u're also another tbf advocate! very gd! can jia you the march mommies!

to flatten tummy, i slept on the jamu wrap. else i put on the osim belt.

10 min of latching is enuff and complete already, if u pump 10 mins, u will c that milk is solid white, means mixed with hind milk already. and remember latching is more effective than pumping. i use avent isis if i tandem pump. need practise but do-able.
melissa: ur tummy itch? w/o wrap, i mean.. i nv use any wrap or binder or massage. i juz removed stitches today..

nite milk fat? wah... no wonder my boy drink so much during e nite... LOL... he slps lots in the day. e start of his day** is 12mid... first nitely drink.

any mummies here wif stretchmarks have itchy tummy? mine itch like hell. gynae say tummy flattening, so itchy. true?

dreamlife: wah.. i dare not to eat too much. scared cannot lose preg wt...

my daily diet -
breaky - 1 bowl quaker oats + hot milo or milk
lunch - threadfin+rice+veg
tea - 6-9 slices wheat crackers + milo
dinner - threadfin+rice+veg
supper - 1 bottle chicken essence + milo

i eat e same thing everyday. only difference is staples... rice or mee suah.
hi mummies,

had some very mild cramps while sleeping just now. wake up at 2plus to go toilet and got a few drops of blood.

Preparing to go hosp now. Not sure if i should wait longer because the cramps are not really intense.. hmm..

Maybe it's false alarm?
so excited for u! Hope to get your good news soon!
Err sounds quite regular to me leh but my contractions last time were v. painful right from the start and then i had a lot of show so i was no doubt in labour....can't really tell for other ppl
i am also having some mild cramps since 5am. it doesn't hurt much but enough to keep me awake. no show. i am having a v mild headache from i think what is lack of sleep. i had gone to the toilet to clear my bowels and then promptly merlioned! this is so strange! i wonder is it time yet?

Glad to hear that u are hving contractions. Hope to hear yr gd news soon. Hope my contractions will come soon also.


Maybe u can count the timing of yr contractions. I was hving quite painful contractions on last Thurs. Was feeling excited at that point of time cos I thought my D day has arrived. Sigh! However, it was false alarm. Was v disappointed with myself.
<font color="0000ff">mrning gals.. =))

Kevjul, wow thats terrible!! its really too much, u paid her full amt or managed to paid half of her that terrible 15days services??.. thanks for yr sharing!!... =))

Yasmin, saw yr prince in facebook!! he's so cute haahaa... =))

uhmm how to join in har?.. =P
pls add me too.. =))

DEFgal, i have added u.. =))

<font size="+1">Congrats Celetia!!!!</font>

JIA YOU mummyboy!!.. =))</font>
<font color="0000ff">morning all...

Hi Sheryl,
gyn prefer for the bb to stay longer in my stomach since i still have not really have the urge to delivery meaning, the bb is still growing... so the longer the wait the better for the bb especially if the mother still can manage...

Hi Venus,
should be 24-28 that week.....

so exicted.... more mummies popping....</font>
now is the time to eat.. just eat why care about putting on weight now?
I eat alot. My lunch and dinner = 3 dish and 1 soup. i finish up everything. 1 fish, 1 veggie, 1 chicken and papaya soup. and i take 2 bowl of rice. cause BF-ing i really get very hungry.
My breakfast sometimes 4 slice bread w/ milo or 4 slice biscuit with milo.
By the way. dun drink Chix essence with milo. U're wasting the chix essence =) Wont have any effect.

i using avent manual pump. when i tandem need alot practise!! i gave up hahahaa.. so after baby latch then i go and express the other breast :p

seeee!! ur baby gave u surprise!! hopefully u're in labour now :p

Congratz celestia!

Aiyo!! hope ur turn soon! Is the contraction real or fake???? Update update!

Thanks for sharing ur bf-ing experience with us. It helps alot. =)

i also prefer latching baby at night! cause lazy mommy lazy to wash bottle also hahahaa.. noone help me ma.. so when latching i just fall aslp with baby! after a while the i wake up to put her back to bed..

Luckily *keeping my fingers cross* .. last few days i had good rest at night.. she only wake up to drink n cont sleeping. i cannot let her over hungry or totally awake then feed! if not she will be super awake and refuse to sleep..
So when she move a little bit. i faster carry her and latch on! it works hahaha...

I just had my 1st glass of coffeee.. gonna test whether it'll affect my babe or not..
ya.. i order the bumper mat. 2pcs somemore.. and got scolding from DH..
saidi waste $$..
i got 1 pcs for my mom pl and another for my hse.

wow! mummyboy &amp; Clover, jia You! how i wish i have contraction now too.. bored to death in office liao..
jus realised u stay in BP, my mom pl is at BP too.. going my mom pl for dinner most of the weekdays.
Hi Mummies!

I will be going to Mt E Breastfeeding Clinic from 2.30pm to 3.30pm every Wed. Its free only for those who discharged from Mt E.

Anyone wanna join me?
Hi Mummies!

I will be going to Mt E Breastfeeding Clinic from 2.30pm to 3.30pm every Wed. Its free only for those who discharged from Mt E.

Anyone wanna join me? Ps msg me if you are interested so that i can call them in advance cos i seldom come online due to bb wif bb. 97461185
adeline: not really gg on diet... juz tat i no appetite leh.. more tired than hungry. i also TBF.
chicken essence cannot drink wif milo? i dun like taste leh. can drink wif red date water?

mummyboy: jia you...

last nite i tried latch slping... works fine.. but need to have light so can latch on accurately..
finally managed to get slp last nite..
he only began his crankiness ard 4am.. which slp latching wasn't sucessful. so i had to get up to latch him. then go back to slp. his crankiness lasted abt 2hrs. i think he does tat once a day... being cranky irregardless watever was given to him.
petrina, yr diet lacks in variety. u may wanna try other type of fish like salmon or cod fish and also take other type of meat. bf mothers also need to increase their calcium intake. during confinement while breastfeeding, its impt to eat a varied, balanced, good-quality diet.
too bad clover but nevermind, still have us ard to keep u company hehehe

Congrats Celestia!

This is the phone number BBpink provided last time...63553000...another mum told me it's the main line to polyclinic

Latch sleeping
Sounds v. efficient hehe....do you guys lie on your back or on your side?? Err last time i not v. proficient at latching...not sure if baby can latch properly unless i sit up straight??
clover: i noe... but they say csec cant take poisonous stuffs like seafood n chicken poultry products..

n i also wan good milk flow so everyday eat threadfin.. i drink my lactation milk for calcium.

u still ard? not due yet? soon.. hehe
was it who say u finished few bottles dom?...how do u gals manage alcohol intake....nite time, my gal suckle more...

my massage lady says tt before breakfast, lunch n dinner must bind.....n bind till eat finish n som time later....she say tt is impt..

seems like brs goin south is very normal for mummies with or w/o breastfeeed.....u have milk...dun waste.....breastfeed at least protect u against brs cancer...plus u still so young....

nighttime latching sends signal to brain to make more more milk....so express n feed is no gd idea to increase supply....fr 12am to 6am...is the time our body release hormones to MAKE MORE MILK....bb suckling during this period helps supply....
Redtea, ya i was surprise you ordered 2 at one go. hehehe it took my 2 yrs to come to term with the price. hahaha... ya after surfing motherhood i realised alot of mummies staying in BP do internet shopping alot. Now i m waiting for some chance to buy playmobil stuffs.

Yes i m a advocate of total breastfeeding. now i m thinking whether to target for 2 yrs breastfeeding or not. (see how it will affect my lifestyle :p) cos milk powder super x now.

i just eat when i m hungry. but i cut down sugar and oily food. roasted instead of deep fried. more vege and fruits. plus i m a lazy person when comes to cooking. i dont fried my vege just blanch them and i dont like to deep fried stuffs at home just popped them in the oven. :p

lazy to carry oil from market so try to use less also.

lazy pple way losing weight. hehehehe
hi hi

so bored for me too... imagine we are the last few popping. Am counting down 9 more days to my EDD... Btw, does u gers in wk 39 hvin more discharge? i m at end 38wk. tomm wk 39, my V discharge is more lei. i think i m goin to b full term...
mummy norman
nope till now i have not taken dom yet hehee..
At night i latch my girl and luckily i did so after reading ur post that night time is the best to build supply =)
I express during day to ease discomfort only.
At night i dun express although i feel hardness.. but luckily she tend to wake up in time to empty it.

I just finish massage and she press my tummy to realise wind.. when she press those acupuncture points, wah i can really feel alot bubbles coming out leh..
she teach me alot things also.. heheee.. think now left 2 weeks only i try to guai guai follow bah.. for the sake of my health..

i still can tahan the jamu wrap well.. put on for 24 hrs! just that at night hard to sit up to bf..

Aiyo!! tot didnt see u online or post means u admit liao hahaha..

No problem with red dates.
CAuse milo have milk. Which will affect the efficacy of chix essence.
Rem cnnot go on diet hor.. hahaha now with the jamu wrap i eat lesser. cause too tight liao.

Next week i doing ear waxing.. cause of my sinus.. She ask me try to do ear wax.. this sinus have been with me for freaking many years.. maybe just spend abit $$ hope it will recover..
chicken essence
i've never drank it before in my entire life, not even in schooltime before exams. But my MIL insisted I drink 1 bottle just before I went to the hospital for 'strength'. Scored 10 out of 10 for worst tasting drink ever but my baby came out with 2 pushes. =)

Pushing- just imagine its the biggest piece of shit u ever had. Just let go and use all your strength to shit everything out. No pai say tt you'll dirty the bed, they give enema to clear your bowels when u get admitted.
The gyn and midwives will tell you when to push, dun worry.

sorry i missed out the previous threads. Is your son eating so much coz its time for the cluster feeding phenomenon?
adeline, i think its just BH coz it's jus discomfort. my bb is still happily baking inside my oven. =)

chix essense and milo
as long as we stagger the timing, it's ok to drink both bah?!
hhahah.. still comfortable inside! so shopping! walk and walk and walk! Yes if u stagger timing it's ok but dun drink together!

hahaa.. I used to hate chix essence also. It's an acquired taste man!

i only started on the 10th day of my delivery hehee.. but the massage lady say as long as it's ur confinement period, it's ok to start later.
I going for 7 sessions + ear candle waxing.

Cause of jamu wrap my appetite really decrease alot. rice half of usual. Meat like kidney and lean meat also totally cannot finish.
i ask helper to cut down half of my food intake as very wasted ..
Thanks ladies for your comments on my boy and for your comforting words

latching (lying down)
Tried it yesterday. Could latch but painful, since I feel my nipple being sucked down by bb. Then my hand also pain from propping myself up on the pillow. Need to try other methods. Find it easier to latch sitting up and 1 knee bent for support. Downside is, cannot sleep la.

For all those who have yet to deliver
Hang in there! Its the final lap!
Hi Sheryl,
after every incidents, i did mention to her about what to take special care and keep clean of my place...etc. But she only react to 20% of my instructions. Oh well!...She ate lots of my good stuff (补品) than i do. What can i say now?? just feeling bad &amp; uneasy while my parents talk about her again sometimes...

can advise me....ystrdae doc do cervix check for me..1cm dilated...doc say will have stain for 2-3days....so now i still having brownish red stain...then just, i have this slimy sticky discharge..is v elastic too..is this normal?
<font color="0000ff">having a full lunch jus now n a cup or hot fudge sundae... hehe =P now havin a can of coke.. ops!! sinful lunch!!... bb moving alot today, been twisting n twisting.. no hipcups so far... dunno her weight will shoot up anot leh, within a mth she gained 1kg inside my tummy.. now 3.2kg liao... uhmm abit worry failed in VBAC.... aiya!!... betta leave everything in fate!!...

Yamin, u also got to hang on thr..!! For my #1...I also feel latching sitting dwn is easier =)) i find lying dwn latching abit tough for the positioning... =))</font>
eniale, Adeline, twinklestar

i dunno leh...coz is accompany with brown strips of blood..so i dunno whether is it MP.....i can see the MP is transparent color cover with brownish blood...

<font color="0000ff">Mucus plug is something sticky n elastic.. even during b4 u r preggie, when u O , u will have this mucus discharge... i am tryin to search for a betta pic .. which is posted long time ago in "ttcing for 2008 babies thread by my frd" but seems hard to track back.. that pic more clearer...

Mucus plug sometime is clear in color some mummies when have this discahrge will comes alogn with brown stain or blood stain....

kea , I suppose that is the mucus plug... but ned not worry. Labor might come in a few hrs or even a few weeks after u lost it... =))</font>
