(2008/03) March 2008

Nursing mothers,
Do you get hungry easily? For me, I get hungry all the time! Eat and eat almost non-stop! Just had my lunch at 12.30pm but I'm hungry again now! Can eat a cow!!


I'm already 2cm dilated from last sat's appointment. My baby is 3.2kg now. She did mention that since i have dilated, induced should be no problem. Ya, i'm trying to walk more and do more squattings now. But i guess last minute might not be effective.


Ya, our bbs are naughty. heehee. I don't want to end up in c section also. Hope our cervix cooperates this wed.

yr ger is so pretty!! =)...

all mtbs & mummies

me now 36wks..doc jus check today and is 1cm dilated liao.....doc est. will deliver within tis wk....me is apr mummy wor....
me agree with the rest. Ur bb gal looks pretty.. got double eyelids somemore.

Mummyboy and Jereoy,
me going 39wks.. and there oso not sign yet.. somemore my gynae din chk for dilation one.. so i dunno where am i now.

better bedrest more and tong till 37wks.. take care.
any mummies can advised wad i must do now while awaiting to deliver? anything to prepare for last min??beside my hopsital bag....anythin else?
ur baby dun look like newborn.. hehee.
Noone dun love their own baby regardless baby is pretty, cute or ugly.. =)

cause i keep feeling breast hard when i never pump.. so i chose to pump..
today i had my 1st massage.. when she ask me take off bra, i didnt wear anything.. i think i had a let down.. My mattress went all wet.. Then she eye big big stare at me say no need massage my breast already since so much milk! lol..
And the massage lady also commented that i can have up to 8 babies if i dun control myself. She see my nipple and commented that hahaha.. Duh!.. hopefully not another accident.. hahahahahahaa..

maybe ur baby will give u a surprise and pop on EDD day?? no need induce! hahaa..

Longest stretch which i slept is 4 hours so far.. I dun mind waking up to feed her as long as she eat and then fall aslp :p

Thanks for the info.. So i can drink coffee!! heee.. will do so tml.. everytime see my granny n maid drink coffee abit hard to tahan haha..

her body is ok. When PD check that day, only her face and hands.. the rest of the areas already no more. but i can see eyes area still have.. every morning we sun her lor.. until now..

I didnt know that when we drink caffeine when bf-ing, it will affect baby! i tot it will cause some health hazard instead.

Jamu wrap
Really itchy and HOT..!!
But the massage lady strokes are very power and shiok.. i feel very refresh after that hehehe.. just that the wrap is uncomfy!
eh.. when i deliver hor.. i only had my hosp bag ready haha..
After i reach home then i realise wah i so many things dun have.. int he end HB gotta run alot errands for me..
Yes ur bb is really pretty, got very defined features.

U may be delivering this week! Ok, u better stay in bed 90% of the time except for bathing, peeing and pooing. Do everything on bed ok
<font color="0000ff">hi mummies... during the wkends din log in to internet.. missed alot of posting heee.. jsu finish reading.. wahah.. =P

Congrats to bb who have poped!!

I went to see Dr Adrian on Sat as I missed him on thurs noon... he say bb head not engaged yet n abt the mucus plug he say might be cervic open aldy.. he ask me to count bb kicking as I told him i not sure if bb got kick 10times anot.. he ask me to see him again on Mon night.... but how he know my bb not engaged if he din do a cervic check har?... he jus scan me oni leh.. bb weighs 3.2kg... =))

BUT i have a false alrm that sat afternoon wahaha... I felt some pain go on n off for a period of abt 1 and half hr while i catchin some nap after seein gynae in e early mrning... but i noe that wasnt hw contraction feel but wasnt 100% sure.. and the pain isnt that regular also... so after 2 hr later of the pain.. I called adrian n asked him abt it, he ask me if i wan to see him at TMC.. so i say ok will go dwn... while waiting for me sis to fetch me thr, wait abt 30mins, i slept!! n the pain went off.... phew,.,. so i noe that was a false alarm haaha.. i quickly sms to adrian n told him pain went off, mus b a false alarm he replied "ok wait till more pain n rest at home".. heehee....

Not sure leh, but hw he knoe bb head not engaged if he din do a cervic check har?....

UOB card holder no lnger can enjoy the instalment free promotion aldy.. oni OCBC, Diners club &amp; one more i cnt rem.... </font>
<font color="aa00aa">faith,
my bb like urs leh....i also feed her irregular feeding...ur gal so cute.

my gal 1st PD visit already cost $85 leh no medicication. think mine the most exp. on 28 mar will bring her to polyclinic for her 2nd inject.</font>
Is the interest free instalment for bb delivery package? If yes, i can check with hb if got ocbc or standard chartered credit card.
<font color="0000ff">kea... ya ya heehe!!!!

Simp, yes its for bb delivery package.. aiya my hb not around but even he around he also dun have this cards.. haiz... cnt pay by instalment ler... =((

in fact i tort UOB still have this promotion, went to apply.. but now like no time for me to apply for OCBC card aldy.. chiam!!!</font>

My baby got a quite mature face i think. haha. that's other ppl's comment about her. haha.


Den if so irregular, r u worried that she's drinking too much etc?! Cuz i very worried. i dun wan her to 'overdrink' or 'underdrink'...
My bb is 4 days old n i started letting her suck on pacifier. is it okay? any mummies here also letting their bb suck pacifier already?

They say mouth's shape will nt be nice etc. n teeth also... how true is it?
<font color="0000ff">hi all...
was back from check up today.... my pressure is damm high... now on med.... gyn want me to wait for 1 more week... then do a c-section for me.. too bad... i can't go through natural again...

hi babypink,
thanks for replying my sms... i can't find the shifu u mentioned.... think he is off today... find the one i think u mentioned is the on Petrina saw.....

might be going there again on wed since i need to go back for checkup again on wed.....</font>
Eileen, congrats to your cute baby.

Faith, your bb's eyebrows looked like had been nicely shaped!

LING YEE, congrats! WOW, I tot u were just shopping the whole stretch of orchard that morning. First was babypink, now Ling Yee - I think VIGOROUS walking is the key to induce delivery!

Jenifur thanks for posting the article on fussy babies - it's definitely something to look out for.

Btw, wonder what is it like during pushing of baby.. how long typically does it take to completely push out the baby? Some people said 1 - 2 pushes - is it at the height of contraction? Then must breathe in or out during pushing? Or midwife will teach??? WAH.. how how .. i'm trying to visualize the actual labour n delivery!

After that, will the nurse wash the baby, then places the baby on me, or will the nurse just dump the baby on me with the umbilical cord still attached?

thx for the tip...i will drink 1 bot from today onwards!! me nv drink much tonic since preggie, coz doc say my body too weak to tk them.....
My gynae also didn't check my cervix this time round, she sees it from the ultrasound scan machine and concluded my bb's engaged. That was the last she saw me before delivery.

When I admitted to hosp, I have already dilated 5cm.
eniale, through scanning gynae can tell whether baby is engaged or not. My gynae is able to tell if baby is engaged by simply using 'touch' and then confirmed it with a scan.

poshies, take care and good luck with your c-sec.. how come nid to wait 1 wk?

Reena, I also feel hungry quite perpertually nowadays - though not BFing.. lol
I don't drink everyday, I only drank it on the day itself, brought to hospital, after midwife check confirm it's real contraction and not BH, then I drink :p
It doesn't matter how many pushes, it's a matter of how you push. One of my gf, she pushed but when she breathe-in, the bb got "sucked back" into her uterus and after much struggle, my gf's totally exhausted and had to go for emergency c-section as the bb is distressed.

wah..drink only once...=/..got effect meh...hee...u gt drink tonic soup? me nv leh..depend on essence nia...ahah...so guess must drink more =X
<font color="0000ff">Sherlyn &amp; Reena, realli har?? thanks for assuring wif me... i was abit worried hehe... cos adrian jus scan me but din do a cervic check so wonder hw cm he can tell har.. thanks!!! hehehe....</font>
Hi all,
I wish to share my experience with confinement lady with you gals. I thought i got a good confinement lady because when the first day she came, she show me and my husband about her plan of taking care of twins baby - to separate their bottles and note down the feeding time of each of them to prevent mistakes. This, i was very impressed.

But later on i found that her working performance and attitude is terrible!
1) she asked for separation of babies' bottles, but when she used, she mixed up the bottles for both of my baby gals. It defeated the purpose of separated their bottles.
2) at night, when my first baby gal couldn't finish the milk, she put it aside, and when the second baby cry, she feed her with THAT bottle!
3) At night, when she fed my baby, she fell asleep and my babies were 'choke' most of the time.
4) When she prepared the tonic drinks for me, she steal some for herself.
5) I saw her woke up at 3am, and stole my 'black date', and ate in the kitchen, when she saw me walking to the kitchen, she was caught with surprised.
6) when she cook for me, she didn't wash the vege and the chicken, she just cut put it for cooking.
7) she didn't wash her teeth in the morning, when she prepared noodles soap (breakfast) for me, she use her mouth to taste!
8) when she feed my baby, you know sometimes when baby drinks milk, she would tend to stop for awhile, the confinement lady shook the bottle (from left to right) and my baby's head also was shaken too.
9)when i found out that my breast milk containers were mouldy(发霉), i asked her about it but she pushed responsibility to my dad. ( my dad helped her once in washing the containers since she is too busy) At last, i managed to find another mouldy container which she handled a few days ago. and then she got nothing to say.
10)She tell lies to her own advantage, but cound harmful to us. I found out that she is this kind of person because she spoke out a few difference version for the same thing, which she forgot which version she told me before.
11) she has problem taking care me and my twins baby, she couldn't manage it well.
12) she also ignore cleanliness and hygiene.
13) she also have eyes problem 青光眼, without spectacles, she can't see, the best part is she didn't bring her spec to work while she was working for me.
14) she has throat problem, she told my mom that she needs to eat soft food, and need to drink those tonic drinks (i cna't remember the name) to cure, and she always cook that kind of tonic drinks for me and my family, so that she can drink. I asked her does this tonic drinks good for post-pregnant lady? she said... err, also can. I don't know whether i pay her to cook for me, or i pay her to cook for her!!

I am very disappointed with her, and she could not deliver an average performance for me. She gave me a feeling that she was here to do her time to get the money, cause she told me dad that she need this money to renovate her car park in malaysia!
At the end, i asked her to leave at the day15 after working for me.

Her name is Yu Cui, from 浮蓉, Malaysia. she has a twin sister, also working at confinement lady, but i doubt that they are different. Her sis is Yu Fei. Dear all, be careful while choosing confinement lady.
Reena, ur gf's baby got suck back!? wow, sounds like really wasted effort. everyone seems to know how to push. lol.

eniale, yah, really.. don't worry.

kevjul, did you tell ur CL your expectation? Did she improve being told?
wah mummies,

Just realised my breasts like cow's breasts. I actually pumped out 120ml of milk this time... Haha... OMG. I still have milk left but i lazy to pump... 120ml can let her drink 2 times...
kea, u know my mum was telling me to stop BF. cuz she say breasts next time not nice! Aiyo... i'm only going to BF at most a month.

I was surprised at the supply of milk our breasts can actually produce. Amazed i should say!

sheryl, i didn't mention anything about PD leh. hahaa. u got d wrong name?!

try to BF for at least 6mths...don waste the precious breast milk which contain all the nutritious vitamins which is good for bb future immune system to fight sickness....me wan to bf at least 6mths..but dunno will be like u blessed with so much milkie anot..hee...
i think ard there. my baby taking 60ml now. Erm, maybe will increase to 80ml like u. maybe will b better.

Ya, i let her latch for past few days. Today never let her latch. cuz engorge very painful... So i express the milk out instead...
Yes i knw.. but he has been drinking every 1 hr until it exhaust me out. Anyway i only gv a little water. hahaha... myb oy oso hv bm jaundice.. my frens told me take abt 2-3 mth for it to disapear
Hi Ladies
Trying to log in whenever I can. The little one is sleeping now

Handling things better and I also have a sleepless baby at night. Have been trying a few things and now we put him next to us and tap him till he sleeps. He also quite cute, keeps on opening his eyes lightly as if to see if we're still there then he close back and go to sleep.

I realise when I breastfeed him, he sleeps about 2 hr plus max. Sometimes wake up within 1 hr. With FM he sleeps longer and less restless. I have BM and when he drinks, sometimes it even overflow from his mouth. But still like he's not full leh. I suspect he's an hungry baby and maybe I can't keep up with him. Anyway, I'm not giving up and I latch him on most of the time. Alternate FM with BM at night, so he can relax better and I also can catch up with him.Some nights, he suck every hour, until I also feel dry. But I like latching him on, it's like so close and intimate

Still trying to figure him out. Some initial photos to share with you gals. Can't get 1 of him awake and smiling. Smile always goes off b4 I can click!

Jennifur's article
Very interesting. Going to try total Breast feed him tonight, since I'm a bit more awake and see what happens.
BM is supposed to digest easily on babies young and immature digestive system, that's why they get hungry easily and it's perfectly normal for them to wake up for feed every 1-2 hours every night. I have to put up with that myself. Worse thing is, b'cos my masseuse is a strict lady, she advises me that I should not sleep in the day, no naps whatsoever. That's why she gave me the "pilis", the herb that she puts on my head to prevent me from getting sleepy. I must say it works too. My headache/migraine gone immediately after putting that on even though I sleep in blocks of 2-3 hours at night. To-date, my bb does not have a drop of FM. I'd like to maintain that as long as possible.

I'm not trying to sound like a purist but baby's liquid gold lies in you and babies don't breastfeed from you forever. At least dedicate 6 months for your little darlings and you'll find its worth soon. Baby will be more intelligent, attached to you and more importantly, healthier and will have higher immunity. Like I say a lot of things lies in your own will power. Believe in yourself and you can do anything. Just ask Mummy_Norman and Reena, they have 3 kids already leh! I hope to be on my way there too!
Ah forgot to add, for those who does tandem pump, you can give EBM at night and get hubby to feed bb while you sleep. At least babies can still get 100% breast milk. Although the fact is, night time breast milk has the highest fat content and gives your baby the chubbiness that you guys will desire for!
my baby put on 1 kg in one mth!

how u manage to flatten yr tummy? wrap? Any other way without using wrap? hahaha...

Waking at night
i also have been wakign up almost every hr. But cos my boy drink very fast 10 min , i dun se it as a problem. He tend to slp logner hours in the day, thus when he is slping, i'll jus nap. Before he was born i already told myself and tune myself tat night will be my day and day would be my night. Of cos it is not easy and usu very lonely when hv to wake up alone at night.. hahaha...

emily and yasmine, pls join the march mummy group at facebook!

those mummies in the group, feel free to update your bb photos or post there too.

melissa, how do u do tandem pump? one hand holding bb, one hand holding onto the pump?

abc, how do u ensure your bb get the hind milk? coz i read if bf bb can get colicky if get too much of foremilk.
