(2008/03) March 2008

faith> u must b prayin hard .. Hopin to go home with ur bb rite. . I was oso like u on fri.. Haha .. Hopin so much tat bb can go back with me.. Luckly his result was 9.8 .. I thk.. So near to 10 which he will not b able to discharge with me if so.. Now we sunin him hope can improve his condition b4 visitin the PD tml lo..

Is it a must for blood test when visit PD after dischg from hospital ah? Hope not to c shawn kana needle pok la..

<font color="aa00aa">congrats all mummies who had popped.

welcome all the new borns.</font>
I realise my baby eye white area is yellow. is it normal? her jaundice is slowly recovering liao. but how come eye white still yellow?
Congrats to both Lee Hong and Eileen.

Squatting really helps huh. Think I hv to do more within these few days. Baby is due tday but he still doesn't want to come out.
Got to be induced on 19th Mar. Hope he will come out on his own b4 this date.
All the baby pictures so cute

And really enjoy reading the birth stories, thanks mummies for sharing

today is officially my 38 week and still no sign of Baby Tommy. My gynae said usually #2 will follow #1 and chelsea was born right on 38 weeks but could be due to the stress of a dilation check. Since I told my dr not to check me at all for dilation, maybe I can tong till 40 weeks? Nevermind the later the better since my brother is in US right now anyway....i try not to think too much of it

i also had diff in passing urine but nurse in mt a vr good, help me to the toilet and run the basin water..the sound of running water help us to pass urine


good to hear tat ur bf successfully,,,dun give up no matter what. u r the one who know what is the best for ur bb
kate > runnin water sound reali help meh? I oso at MAH but the nurses nvr use tat method on me leh.. But mayb i can try at home.. I still need to sit in the toliet for while to wait for urine to come out lo.. Some more it flow out backward de.. N slowly bit by bit.. Diff from last time leh
yes, it help..my gynea also told me tat. u try...listen to the running water. the urine will follow out automatically. sometimes take longer time.
Hi all,
Wow, the feeling of not able to wash hair is terrible. I feel like I am housing microbacterials in my hair. Arghhhh...

Now also smells like "Bang Ga Li".

I am complementing BF w FM as I only managed 2ounces of BM per feeding. Measured when I pump out.
i tried...it helps...very uncomfy ....but if very discipline really helps...

TMC nurses helped suggest use running water to stimulate urine since #1 birth...though second n third thimes i was there....they dun....
HI Mummies

I am from the Nov07 MTBs thread.
I have a Babyrock sling (new, not used, black in color) that I want to let go. Bought it at $102 in a BP, and will let it go at a lower price.
You can take a look at this website for more details on the sling if you are interested. http://www.babyrock.com.au/content/breeze.htm

Please PM me if you are interested. Thank you.
Hi mummies,

Its 11 more days to my edd. So far I have not felt any contractions/pains. I do feel tummy tightening which I think is the result of baby's movement? Just more discomfort when I bend and breathless when I walk. If I still do not feel anything on my edd, Dr will usually induce birth? Whats the diff between inducing birth and breaking the water bag? I heard that induction is not good for the baby and may end up in an emergency C-section, is that true?
at last i solve my engorgement le.. By lettin shawn latch on every 2 hr or whenever he cry for.. N pump after each session.. At least pump 10min on each side.. My collection for today was only 30ml... Hope it will increase when i intend to start stockin my supply..
<font size="+1">Congrats to all mommies who has given birth.!</font>

<font size="+1">Ling yee has given birth to Princess Keira on 16 March 08, at 3.24am, weighing 2.645kg.</font>

<font color="0000ff">Cladi
Who is your PD? Izzit in Mt A? I'm going to bring my baby to see PD tom at MtA.</font>
hi all, wanna ask mummies out there hw long shld i let my daughter latch on? will she unlatch when she full? mine smetimes latch n suck without swallow. Does it means that she is full liao? my daughter just 1mth old today.
adeline: my boy also abit yellow in eye white 1 side till empty. usually lasts 1 full feed.area... his jaundice lvl as at sat is 168...
i'm sunning him daily.. but he cranky when naked. so i dun think i'm doing it rite...

how long will jaundice recover? he's so red everytime he cry.. normal mah?

thks kate... i'm latching everyday on 1side on each feed till he finishes... then next feed change side n do the same..
so tat he gets the hind milk.

cladi: let ur bb latch though bb fall aslp. i'll squeeze my breast then my boy will carry on suckling liao. i'll test if he's full by waking him abit after my breast falls out of his mouth. if he doesn't want. he usually lock his lips real tight...
i no longer pumping liao.

simp: sad to say, i knew the scammer... a few mummies met up wif her as well, we kinda had a mini gathering right b4 i delivered. she looked nice n decent.. i even carried her 2mth old daughter.. so sweet. dunno y she resorted to scamming here.

kea: i had c-sec. so gynae prescribed me a tummy binder b4 i discharged. started using it today only.. cause wound hurts. now wound not pain liao. so i started using it. very good. hb binded it nice n tight.
i agree with the article u posted. Luckily this LAZY mummy here refuse to go out to buy FM and lazy to pump out and oso lazy to warm up EBM for him. Thus in the end.. use breats to calm him down. Now he is better le.

Stretchign feeding time
as mentioned previously, my boy has feeding time of 1 hr (most fo them time) and if i am lucky (1.5h). i am trying to stretch his day time feeding schedule to 1.5h or 2h. However by the time 1.5 h up, my breast is so painful Not totally hard but i guess at the stage bah.. when it is 2 h.. my breast is hard. So guess previously when i mention i dun feel engorge is because i feed him too frequent bah... Anyway if he is feeding on 2h scheule, i will tandem pump.. but not taking note of the volume accumulated but jus to soften the breast. Each time get ant 15-20ml. Duno gd or not gd la but jus releasing the pressure only. At times i will try to feed on both breast (15 min on each breast). Experience mummies, pls tell me if i am doing the right thing. I try to use water to drag or distract him away... tough but hopign it work soon. Night time he is still on 1-1.5h feeding. More towrd 1 h 15 min schedule or smtimes 1.5h le.

Depends in what kind of jaundice. My boy is still having jaundice and he is coming to 1 mth.

Crying till red
Normal. Mine's like tat.

try latching instead of pumping. bb is the best pump. Dun worry abt supply now as mentioned by many mummies here.

i think i still wan to be the lazy mummy who's lazy to go n warm up the EBM. hahah.. so easy to jus pop him in breast n then put him to his bed. hahaha... Oso, hoping tat will increase my supply too as books and some experience mummies mentioned too... latching is still the best! Btw if u slp from 12am till 5am do pump in betweeen. i remember an LC told me.. soft breast produce milk. Hard breast don't.
shawn PD is dr lilian lim.. Her clinic is at rivervale mall there..

I do latch shawn on every 2hr interval the most.. He can suck at one side for half hr then the other side half hr again.. Thk this is quite freq le rite.. If i drop off pumpin.. N depend on shawn.. I got engorge lo..
tml mornin i need to bring shawn to PD.. I start to worry if he wan to feed n start of cryin half way thro.. How ah?
Hi mummies / mummies to be...

I have the following for sale.

1) BN pack of Mammy Poko Newborn diapers 52 pcs

2) 10 pkts of Song Song Herbal Bath for mummies to shower during confinement - expiry 2010

Interested, please email me at [email protected]

abc: in hosp my boy red jaundice. now ok liao. sat tested abit yellow..

feeds - i latch 1 side for an hr. by then my breast will be more or less be empty. so nxt feed on nxt breast. he now feeds @ 3-4hrly. do tat so he gets hind milk. it takes abt 15-20mins to reach hind milk. if too early switch breast, bb only gets fore milk which is full of glucose..
slight engorement tat doesn't really hurt.
Now i latch and pump at the same time. If not my breast very hard. both sides supply is 80ml.. very consistent hope will increase when time goes by.

Bf-ing can drink coffee? i am deprieve from coffee man.. i need it badly lol..
u latch for so long ah? my bb is a one-breast sucker and only sucks for 15 minutes. but so far she pees a lot so i'm convinced that she's been getting enough milk.

Adeline Kim,
that's why I don't pump, the more i pump, the more supply i will have then i will forever be engorged. i latch fully. will pump a week before i return to work.

ur bb poor thing lah, why u purposely want to stretch the hours? my girl oso demands feed every hour-1.5 hr initially but after two weeks, she stretches to 3-hourly schedule all by herself. i basically let the baby adjust herself now. and tbf on direct latching helps them feel secure quick, so they're able to adjust quicker too. more touches will produce a more confident baby. now she's about 3 weeks old.
it's ok to have coffee in the morning, at most she'll be more awake in the morning and more sleepy at night hence sleep longer. good for u mah. just take anything in moderation. i oso crave for teh halia sometimes. or teh tarik. just have one cup though. no harm lah.
Congrats to Ling Yee!

My EDD is tomorrow and still no signs of popping. My gynae suggested induced on wed.

Don't know why my baby so naughty. Don't want to come out himself.
Good morning mummies!
And congratulations to Ling Yee

wow all you mummies must be so deprived of sleep hor...what's the longest stretch you all have slept since bb is born?? just curious hehe

Good luck to you! Actually some ppl are a bit later than EDD and I read that a week late is also quite okay as long as bb heartbeat is still strong and your placenta still working...why need to induce so soon huh??

I'm going to try to nap now...last night woke up at 4 plus and couldn't sleep so scared later too tired to take care of #1...

My gynae mentioned that it's already past due date by wednesday. And also she will be on long leave this sunday. So she suggested induced.

But sometimes even when induced, the cervix might not open. I hope mine will...

Your gynae suggested that you induced, did he/she advised if you have dilated? How heavy is your bb?

My EDD is 19 Mar and had not dilated on last mon. Gynae only advised that my cervix has soften compared to pervious visit. I may also have to be induced. My bb was 3.2kg on last mon.

Maybe you can try squatting and climbing the stairs to help to dilate.

Me too. My gynae has arranged for induction on this Wed too. Hopefully we will dilate upon being induced. Don't wanna end up in C section. Dun know why my bb so naughty. Still dun want to come out.
melissa > my schedule consider short interval n too long latch on rite? Last nite even worst lo.. He start latchin on since 12.30am.. Til 3am still dun wana slp lo.. I give up le. Die die oso wake hubby up.. For wat.. I oso duno la.. Hehe.. Jus cant stand he snorin so loudly bside me while i cant go to slp lo.. Shawn keep passin wind plus bit poo out.. Then must change his diaper le.. Change 3 time last nite lo.. Hai.. Wasteful rite..

I jus brin shawn to his PD jus now.. Everythin ok expect jaundice raisin.. Cos day7 is normally the peak of bb jaundice.. Need to c her again on thur.. Doc comment tat shawn has sensitive nose like me.. N he like to suck.. Suggest me give him pacifher.. N 60ml of FM b4 slp in order not to stress myself over sleepless nite.. Which might end up reduce my bm supply.. Shawn has gain weight since discharge on fri. By 200gm.. Hehe.. Only la..
first visit to PD cost us $35 without any test or medicine la.. X ma? N i was told their 6in1 package cost abt $445 .. Include consultation, fever medicine... Is the package worth?

i m back frm gynae visit. Am already in wk 38+. No sign of contraction frm CTG. and baby is 3.3kg already. Dr say will hit abv 3.5kg when due. i think tis round will be full term bb too cos my no 1 is overdue for 2 days.

Gynae keep askin me to induce lei. but i got no intention... well shall see nxt visit on how's big my ger is growin.
hey mummies...

i so want to show my baby's photo la! haha...

anyway, my baby has irregular feeding pattern. is it normal? sometimes she can drink 2 times of 60ml milk den she willing to sleep. sometimes 1 time of 60ml milk will do.

she also have irregular waking up hours. sometimes 2 hrs. sometimes 4-5 hrs den she wakes up... how come?

today i had my engorgement and my breasts was dripping like water tap when i bath! haha... anyway, the first day when i came home from hospital (which is yesterday), i started bathing! haha... today also bath. not really doing confinement but i feel pretty fine.

tomorrow the massage lady will be coming! =) can't wait to experience the wrap. keke.

ada first visit to PD costs $65 with med... more expensive than u.

For the 6 in 1, only do in sec mth rite? so first mth dont need to go for 2nd dose of BCG?
hi all
I have the following to sell at discounted price( all brand new) as I have no use for them, interested parties, please pm me. Price exclude postage. If prefer collection, location at Pasir Ris.

1. Playtex milkbags 8oz, 140 bags per box
Qty: 2 boxes selling @ $23

2. Lansinoh Breast Milkbags, 25 bags per box
Qty: 2 boxes selling @ $10

3. Tollyjoy breastpads 48 pieces per box
Qty: 2 boxes selling @ $11 (Retail: $7.90 each)

4. Avent 125ml (4oz) bottles
Qty: 3 in 1 box selling at $16 (Retail: $22.30)

5. Pigeon sterilizing pills
Qty: 5 boxes selling at $4 each (Retail: $5.90 each)

6. Nuk milk bottles 4oz (size 1)and 90z (size 2)
Both selling at $11 (Retail: $8.05 &amp; $9.10 resp)
Looks like my bb is breastmilk jaundice :-( Sigh... after phototherapy at hosp for 3 days 2 nights, when we went for her review last friday, jaundice level is around 12, but luckily no need to go back for another phototherapy. BM jaundice will take a longer time to clear, just hope it goes off soon...

As my bb is jaundiced, she's feeling drowsy and sleeps alot... got to literally wake her up every 2 - 3 hourly (depending on how much she suckled in previous feed) to nurse. She only drinks 5 - 10 mins on one breast.

Since you are feeding 3, do take note of your bbs' poo. If their poo is greenish, it means too much foremilk.

BM consists of 70% water and there is basically no need to feed water if you are on total breastfeeding. Also, it doesn't matter how long you nurse on each breast, it's how much your baby is drinking that counts.

Night feeding,
For those having to wake up for night feeds, try nursing lying down, it's a breeze when you "master" the technique, and you aint deprived of sleep too ;-)

You will soon learn to ignore all those "aunties" stories about you not having enough milk. Just smile and don't make any comments. In no time, they won't be commenting ;-)

If your bb's eye white is still yellow, that means she's still jaundice. Try "poking" your index finger on her body, see if the spot turns yellow. Using, if the body also yellow, then the jaundice level will be higher. And yes, you can still drink coffee while breastfeeding. However, take note of your bb's reaction. If she's not sleeping well because of your coffee intake, it's time to reduce them ;-)

princess diamond,
You know what works best? Your baby's suckling ;-)
