(2008/03) March 2008

me happily came back fr isetan sales
must thanks kell for her card and all her coupons

i think not bad, worth to take a look if u r working ard there..30 percent off only today and quite a lot of supposed to use coupon buys no need coupons for the tiger stuff

..i think any kind soul holding the card will allow u to go in with them =)

and din even realise i drop a credit card there until i receive a call just now fr my credit card company cos the isetan staff call them to call me

kell, i think i better return u ur isetan card asap :p

Bbpink: Ahahaha. You "survived" the crowd.

Lucky my card is not credit card! But no worries. Last time I worked in Orchard so I applied for the card. Now no longer in Orchard so no time and no mood to make it down also.
Wahahaha! U only got things for yourself ah?

I know Club21 Kids, PRL and Burberrys will have sale on their Children's clothing too. But alys can't squeeze into the crowd lah.

Btw, can still use the coupon to get in? Cos the last time I went they ask me to show card.
I survived the Burberry crowd. Got 2 polo T-shirts for my boy. Usual price $140, after 80% disc, $28 each.

Still felt the crowd overall is so much lesser this time.

i think it is good to have the card to go in
u r really very kind ! =)

thanks..hehe..hope to borrow in Dec or go tog =p

the next sales is in Dec

agree the crowd is much smaller..when i went for the OG Private sales last month, it was many times of the crowd today


very hard to buy toys with a professional nagger besides me ;) was reminded constantly of the countless toys at both houses n taking up place etc etc
CK: wah.. best buy woah.. i shld have ask u to get me 1 for my boy also.
i so wanted to go today...
today last min had to attend seminar. damn sianz.. 11am meet customer till 1pm the 1.30pm seminar till 5pm. then 5pm meet customer till now.
my feet wanna burst frm walking le.
no. i was both sides engorged. came back ard 7pm then ryan emptied one side.
ard 9pm he emptied the other side then he went to slp.
i have spare mini packets of UHT full cream milk for emergency purpose.
he doesn't like my EBM. dunno y. so i gave up pumping n storing. now i pump to relieve engorgement only.
Wow CK, so jealous of your grabs!

Babypink: I have to confer you Lobang Queen! Hahahaha! No worries. Isetan will send the Pte Sale Brouchures. I let you know when I got the mailer.

Pet: You sound very tired. Put some lotion on your feet.
bbpink: i'm gonna go.. i wanna get DVDs n books for ryan n hb.
my fren is a fan of tat site. she shops there super often.

kell: yup. legs more tired than myself mentally. cause i vain lah.. shoes n dress n bags have to match. haha

b4 i was preg, i also liked to dress well. but now as a mom, i like to dress convenient. but can't. haiz...

hehe, thanks in advance for the brochures =)

i hav quitted intensive shopping when the 1st kid comes along..but since last late last year, have an intensive shopper as a new colleague..and hah, old habits come back in full force :p

can understand wat u mean abt lifestyle change as a mom ..
this morning, i realised that my unopened Ralph has been lying ard since early 2006..cos i feel like puking when i smell perfume during my 06 pregnancy and din use it..worried tat it will turn bad and lucky it still smell fine when i open it this morn

i wan to go to the sales tmr also ! but a bit paiseh to leave the 2 kids alone with hb again, cos that's wat i did yday. :p but dun go will feel heartache..see how lah
Pet: You try Ecco shoes? For court shoes / business shoes, they are the best to walk in. Not very fashionable, but very suitable with any ofc attire. This is the only heeled shoes that I can run in. LOL.

Another brand I like is Clarks. But a bit "breaking the budget" to buy many pairs at one shot. For me, I slowly build up my collection.
Wow looks like many mummies going shopping lately! I haven't been shoppping in ages. I need to buy a new bag for work but still haven't found the "ideal" bag.....

If I have free time, would prefer to go out with hubby to catch a movie. Talking about movie, I finally watched Wolverine :D Hugh Jackman looks really good in that movie (it's all about him anyway!) but in terms of storyline, I still prefer the first X-Men movie.

Shoes - If anyone is looking for pointed shoes for work but without heels, you might want to check out this brand called Pedalworks. I recently bought a pair of shoes from Pedalworks and it's really comfy, didn't have blisters at all. The soles are also non-slip and the inside of the shoe is very soft and doesn't hurt the back of the ankle like other new shoes.
kell: i tried on ECCO b4. dun really like the style.
i like URS/Charles & Keith shoe styles. though it kills my poor toes... so i seldom dress up, unless i'm meeting any VIPs.
agreed totally abt Charles & Keith..dun noe y i have prob with their shoes..always kenna blisters

i am wearing Hush Puppies platform open shoes..made me 4 cm taller and yet very comfy, can even walk fr my hse to westmall 3 bus stop away without any prob =)
jialat, realise i brought my mother's cordless phone to office by mistake and that is the only house phone they have

trying desperately to raech my mum's hp but she din pick up..

now she must be searching high & low for her hsephone
I am keen to go for this bonding with MCTV this sat afternoon but hb cannot make it. Anyone keen to share the cost with me? it's $30 for 2 adult + 2 child.
Yes..It's True!Charles&Keith might be so fancy in term of design..but got my feet hurts.

My favorite is still Hush Puppies. Very Comfortable.

BTW, those who will go to Toysrus sale..pls let me know if you see any Little tikes coupe car or battery operated car on sale/special price for star card. Thx
Wanna share this picture:

It's quite dangerous to bring lots of packages in one motorcycle.But when we think the other way, life is tough for those people. They might not be able to afford bigger vehicle to deliver the goods. So they are using motorcycle to use it at most. Picture taken in Jakarta recently.
Dear Mummies,
I'd looking for "mother and baby" magazine May2008 issue. Suddenly see my baby's photo on that issue, so wanna keep a copy for him.

I've called MediaCorp hotline, they dun hv also. If anyone have, can call me @ 98295218. I wanna buy.. Thank you !
I'm keen if price is lower.

Btw, I saw that u're gng to Hay Diaries. They no longer let ppl feed the goats. Few weeks back I went, there's a sign there advised by AVA. To prevent spread of virus from animal to human vice versa.
lucky we had the experience of feeding the goat b4 the new ban at Hay Diaries..quite fun =)

hope the ban will be lifted soon

looking at the goat not fun at all, the zoo is better =)
wana share this good deal

saw Felancy bras selling at $5 each , 1/3 of the price i paid at department stores

Located right in front of M1 Westmall, end on sunday.

Quite an unusual place to find them, cos it is located with a lot of food, like pasar malam concept
hi been quite a while since i've come in. HI HI to all

SOrry, can i ask if anyone here know where i can get papaw ointment? is it a lot more expensive in shops or is it better to wait for BP?
hi mummies,

sorry to interrupt, did u have any spare BN Medela PIS Advanced TUBING to sell?
need it urgent...if yes, pls PM me...thanks.
Hi Kais,
I rem your posted your friend/sil's flog here sometime back, may I have the link again? My PC crashed so all my favourites are gone.
Reena, my sil's blog casslovescooking.blogspot.com

RedTea - thanks.will keep her in mind. just found out my friend is holidaying in australia right now so gonna ask her to buy for me instead.

babypink, my girls recent pictures



