(2008/03) March 2008

vomitting. Check if he vomit. In any case u are not sure, brign him to see a PD. Hope he is well. :)

What makes u think i have not had a miscarriage before. :)

ya but he's asleep so I'm not sure if he is drowsy or what. Haiz...so my fault..I feel terrible. I dun feel good think I'll bring him to the PD now.
It doesn't matter but it's the way you phrased it and I think that's not being thoughtful to others. JMHO.

Monitor him, if no vomit, should be ok. But to make you feel at ease, bring him to see PD.
Sharing what I made on Sunday - Kueh Kosui =)


I'm drooling right now! Looks so gd! If u open a shop selling these yummy food, I will patronise everyday! Can't wait to come back now. I miss Spore food!
Adeline K,

So sorry to hear abt yr cousin. Hope she will recover well physically and emotionally. It happened to one of my frd when she was 6 weeks pregnant and I was so upset that I cried. I was pregnant with Jervis and felt so much for her at that time. Do ask yr cousin to do the confinement too.
Wow Reena,
I salute to you. You really can cook so well. How do you find the time to do so when you have 3 kids? I think if i'm a SAHM and with 1 kid only, i don't even have the time to cook normal meals. haha

My boy fell from bed twice already. He's ok after that. Have to monitor for 1 day at least. If you don't feel comfortable, better bring him to see PD.
If he fell asleep and then resume playing and eating normally, no problem lah. It's something that every babies will go through, falling. My first fell from the bed a few times. I am careful the 2nd time around not to left Tricia on the bed but she sometimes fell backwards when she sits. So now I make sure I put in pillows around her when I have to go away even for a short while. Then again, now she will climb the pillows keke.

anybody got lobang for Ergo carrier? i want one for my 11kg terror two.
jus keep monitoring for the next 72 hours. I knocked my son's head once on the door frame. I know how you feel. I was feeling very bad about it.
The good thing is that he cried loudly after he kenna knocked. But started vomitting 3 x in the evening. I admitted him to KKH that evening. He went into observation for one nite. Everything was fine and nuerologist advised me to observed for the next 7 days. Lucky all is well liao.
So vomit is one of the thing sto know out for. According to the nurses in KKH, Drowiness ( cannot wake up even though you tried to wake him up ), seizure, poor feeding, bleeding of nose, eyes, ears, consistent crying or anything you feel is not his normal self are some of the things you should look out for.
Use my maternal instinct. If you dun feel safe or rite, jus send to the hospital. Let the doc n nurse take over the situation. Even if its not serious at least you will feel at ease after that. This is wat my son PD always tell me. Hope it helps.
All will be well. Dun wori.
Oh please... you're making me so paisay now.. Are you still staying in the east cos I saw the chart last time you in Bedok or something like that? If yes, then I can make and give you some ;-)

I don't cook well but good enough for my family =) I'm a happy little woman, trying to satisfy the needs of the man and the children.

On most Fridays, my 2 elder ones will go to my inlaws to play with their cousins. That Friday will be my break from kids. It's a breeze with just the bb. I guess for 1st time mom, you will struggle with 1 bb but I'm "old bird" already kekeke... You'll be like me when you have 3 kids yourself ;-)

yes yes! I'm staying in the East, Bedok.. Wht abt u? I'll come over yr place to eat, more convenient for u. Thanks in advance! =)
Haaaa it's good idea. We could announce to them as "Free trip...paid by your wife-have a good relax trip and makeover..."....

Very sorry to hear about your cousin. I fully understand the sadness of being so sudden to be taken away from such precious part of our life. I've been in her shoes also. My first preggie failed after three months. No heart beats also. I still kept the ultrasound photo...it shown complete body such as head,hands and legs already. I always asked myself " What did I do wrong?"

I was very sad! I didn't want to get close to any children at that time. (I loved children so much!). Then one day, one of my colleques noticed my gloomy face and said..."In muslim bible it's believed that..your baby is in heaven now! He/she will remember you. When you die..he/she will hold you hand and walk you to heaven...so stopped feeling sad. Lots of pray.."

His word made me thinking to move forward..I felt very calm inside and certain that my first baby is in better place and he/she would like to see me happy also.

it's opened up another windows...hubby & I seeked professional helps. We also flew to Spore and hubby got operated because of his weak sperm.
The sperm produced weren't strong enough to build stong foetus. If the preggie kept continuing, prob the baby would be so weak...

6 mth after operation, I got preggie with Francis.

What I am trying to say is something happened to us for some reason. God will arrange everything for us ..but sometimes it's not in line with our wishes. But He will grant our wishes when He thinks the time is right for us.

If you cousin needs someone to talk to...she can call me. I will be very happy to listen to her. Hope I can help.
you should join the miscarriage support group. your voluntary ear is very noble. i actually had one girl from this forum who wrote to me in an email for support and i wrote back to relate my experiences to her. we wrote for a while and then she told me she got pregnant again and now she's a proud mommy of boy. i never knew who she was as a person and she didn't know me as well but i'm sure as heck extremely happy to have helped someone who's needy.

when u mentioned muslim-bible i was confused. got such thing meh? then i realised your context kekeke. yeah i think some christians or was it catholic believed in the same. unborn baby and stillborn babies go to heaven. they're there to pull us in. that's what i heard too.
jgal: my dad teaches kids n adults.. i think under certain age he dun accept.. leh chye lah..
individual lessons niah... grp i'm not sure. gotta ask him.

clover: usually town or east golf courses.. in driving ranges available. not in any company.

melissa: wah... so many contraceptives, takes e joy out of e session.. dun u think?

adeline: ask ur cousin to take care.. it's very sad to hear such news.. i'm not pro confinement person.. hehs, so juz ask her eat more tonics to boost her health well enuff for another preg.
most impt is her emotional health.

yasmin: i think i m winner here... my boy fell 3x already. due to negligence of me. so far, so good. nv c pd. observe 1wk.
if play/eat/drink/slp normal, then no worries.
if any bleeding or redness, c pd.
i used tons of heavy duty pillows to build defence wall, ryan still fell.
i dun believe in bedrail for our kiddos this age. it's more to prevent accidental roll downs during sleep.

reena: y u move hse????? i wan run to dover if u still stay there... i'll bunk in wif u n eat all ur goodies. :p

melissa: metro used to sell. now no more already.. get frm mummysilk.com
reena: u arh.. make so guilty for lazing at home..
i dun cook, neither do i bake.. though i m most capable of doing both...
i'm so engrossed wif my son tat i totally neglect "e host" - my hb
support group for miscarriage..where?
I'm catholic but i never heard something like that..hi..hi..
My muslim friend had shared to me about that.

Mommies....what's yasmin and diane 35? what's the different? Will they make us fat?
kais and clover -
i wanna go to MacRitchie too! was planning to do a picnic or something at Botanic Gdns or one of the parks during one of the weekends...you guys interested?
Hi I'm back. Zayed is fine. Guess 1st time mummy a bit paranoid. Thanks for your concerns. Like what is said. vomitting and persistent drowsiness are things to look out for. Other things are limb reflexes and bleeding from ear or nose. Anyway, PD advised me to put him in the cot or on the floor. Prevent him from being left alone on high places. My bed is quite low and floor is laminated so not so bad.

yup i am always keen on all these outdoor stuff. Two Saturdays ago i too brought my girls to Botanic Garden. We walked from Jacob Ballas Children's Park to the main Swan lake. Such a beautiful place.

just let me know when u wanna go. we can arrange. PM me
mikael - i'm catholic too and what i heard from the priest is if you miscarry/abort a child (or if it's a stillborn), just offer a mass for the child's soul to return to God. But i believe that even without the mass, these babies will still go back to heaven and to God, because after all, that was where they came from originally.
It's very sad when it happens. My cousin's baby girl's heart stopped beating at 6 months. She was so devastated but now she's moving on well. Yup, in Islam it is believed that the unborn child is in paradise and on the day of judgement would cry for its mummy to be with him/her.
I'm interested in going to BOtanic Gardens. Mac ritchie too far for me. Lemme know if you're organising something.

I'm interested in a heavyweight baby carrier too.
Sorry to hear ppl lose their babies.. :|

Few mths back, my mil told me her colleague lost her bb in Malaysia. Even since my preggy, my mil has been comparing my tummy and her tummy cos' we edd ard the same time. My mil heard from her cousin who work in the same place that she went back to Malaysia to give birth, bb didnt was not able to breath after delivery. * I was quite taken aback by this . * as Far as we know her preggy is very smooth, didnt expect this to happen in the last lap. :|
Kais & Clover...
If you organising any outdoor activities..count me in! My first boy loves to do some picnic. It's a luxury for him. We don't have nice clean and decent park at Jakarta.

Buses, Mrt, Park & Playgound are the luxury for my boy. At Jakarta, we never ride on public bus..always private car. No MRT and No clean park to play or even do some picnic. Every weekends..only went to mals.

Whenever my relatives asked him "Do you like to stay in spore or jak?" he always said "Spore!" Why? then he answered loudly "Because here got buses and MRT!" then everyone laughs at him.
I'm staying in Simei, quite near you ;-) We can meet up when you are back.

I think it's nonya kueh, made of gula melaka & tapioca flour. It's a sweet desert. I like home-made version because I can adjust the sugar content myself (we don't have sweet tooth) and minus the alkaline water (which is a chemical used to harden the kueh).
Your eldest son is so cute! Hahahaha!

I married to Simei so must shift house lah..

Good to know Zayed is fine.
lol not just you, i oso must read a few times when they talked about yasmin pills! hope your zayed will be just fine. since ur boy is a sumo baby, should be ok lah, his own fat folds should be a natural shield by itself kekeke. if u found one BP about Ergo let me know hehee. i don't check out the BP thread that often, scared i go bankrupt!

the miscarriage support group is under Matters Of The Heart group. but here's the direct link http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/5/22127.html?1223961662

Yah I've got a doctor friend who also had a stillborn. I think it is so devastating for that to happen to anyone! I mean I saw how happy and healthy she was throughout her pregnancy- and for that to happen is so unexpected.
All the talk about losing babies reminds me of an incident that happened to my distant relative. She was a teacher in Cedar Girls school. She died giving birth to her 2nd child last yr. Her way of dying is similar to drowning. Either her baby's hair or the amniotic fluid went into her blood stream and go into her lungs.. They were still dancing that morning before she showed any sign of labour. Was still chatting and laughing when she was in hospital with her hubby. Her hubby went down to buy something, took only less than 15 mins, her situation turn from normal to critical.. Dr said there's only 7 cases like hers in Singaproe so far.. So the cause of her death is very very rare... Her boy was delivered via emergency c-sect. Had already turned blue when he was carried out from his mother's womb. The baby stayed in the hospital for 6 mths b4 he was allowed to go home..

I was only a few month preggy when this happened. Make me feel so sad and scared.. I wonder what will happen to my kids if I just 'go' when delivering my youngest..
That's very sad. It's also quite scary when you hear such news while preggy. I recall my first visit to the gynae. We were happy to see the baby and when we were waiting to pay the lady who went in next to me and her hubby came out crying terribly. Their baby had stopped breathing. It came as a shock for me and hubby who were smiles till then. The realisation got me scared as well.
Lost bb,
Sorry to those who had lost their bb. But hor, aiyo.... all your stories so scary. Thank whoever up there that bless that our bb are growing well since birth.
Exactly. And I also feel very sad for her daughter and her student.. Her daughter was only 4yo. Whenever her father or aunty brougth ehr to her mother's coffin to look at her mother, she would just look away and find other ppl to play.. She kept saying she wants to play with so & so.. I think it's a way she's trying to protect herself from the pain she's feeling.
then your story reminds me of those days when i receive the news that my fetus has no heartbeat lor, all around me in the clinic are patients with big happy belly. aiyoh so depressing at that time. my hubby was around to make sure i don't break out into hysteria. hahaha.

your story is so upsetting. it's really rare but very heart-wrenching. but some religions do consider death from childbirth as a form of martyrdom.
isabellali : your distance relative died ? How's her hubby taking it ? OMG, how's the bb now? very sad to grow up knowing you killed your own mother.. :|
Yes, she died. Her husband look very haggard when we saw him at the funeral.. He tried not to cry and wear a smile at the fumeral. But we all know that his heart is breaking. As for the baby, I dunno how is he now, all I know is that he stayed in the hospital for 6 mths b4 allowed to go home.. I think now should be better liao.. Now I think also 1yo liao..
isabellali, yup.. tats y when i was preg, i told hb. if anything happen, make sure to save baby.

jgal, i think if i was e baby i'll be super guilty. but as a mom, i think i'll not forgive myself if i have to sacrifice my baby to save myself.
so it's a very difficult situation...

throughout the whole preg, i was kinda paranoid. always protecting my tummy.. until it was near due date tat i was hoping i'll go into labour asap. haha
end up my boy so comfy inside dun wan come out. i need to force him out surgically.

reena, i noe lah. u stay in simei.. juz joking niah.. cause u always bake so nice food... make me drool woah..
btw, do u noe how to make diam cake?
ikea style.. super nice manz. i wan to make. but recipe online looks so complicated.
any simplified version?

Isabel, that story really wake me up. Every pregnancy is v diff and precious. May we appreciate and embrace life even more. Now i kinda scared again as i will always be under high risk preggy gp is i were to conceive again.
Hi..talking about delivery risk, this happened to my friend. When she was pregnant for the first child, the preggie was so normal and healthy. Then suddenly at 7-8mth, while she was goin to the market, she needed to deliver asap. Premature baby. They rushed to the hospital and doctor decided to do c-section.

On the operating table, after the baby was out, the doctor lost her for about 10min without any breath of her. Husband was being informed on the situation already. But it's miracle that they managed to bring her back. So weird and so lucky for her. But the baby died after several hours in the NICU room.

Until now, doctor couldn't explain what's happening to her on that moment. And it took her for 4 years to gather her courage to preggie again. Thanks God she has healthy baby girl this year.

yeah now that I am a mum, I can really empahtise with the pain of mums who went through miscarriages...

pls send my condolences to your cousin and I hope she feels better soon
