(2008/03) March 2008

My mil always say that backaches is caused by bad confinement done... During confinements we should always lie down and nt sit up too much... Sitting up too much during confinement will cause back aches... But then again.. Where can u find ppl to help u look after ur kids so u can have more rest during confinement??? I'm lucky to have my mil to help look after the kids... But I understand that most ppl dun...

babedude: oic.. too bad then.. cause tat seems to be the best. menses super zun after using tat. *for me lah*
beauty wise i not too sure.. but acne seems lot lesser..

hb eating outside
i think i m scared of delivery. so when hb wan "live" session, i nv oblige him at all. always ask him use condom. i phobia of c-sec.. i think if i went through nat, i wun feel so bad.

he say use condom no feeling.. so sometimes he rather use his hand lor. then end up we both unhappy..
though it's mentioned in the books tat 3days post menses is super safe, i really dare not.
so my best bet is to do iud asap...

i fell in CNY this yr. so i not too sure if epi or the fall caused my backpain. anyway, i went to a chiropractic n got it adjusted. the pain nv came back...
My case also like u.. But really, the so call 3 days post menses not really safe wan.. Cos if really safe, I wont have my 2nd and 3rd wan.. Hubby also like that, smetimes he would rather DIY den to ask it from me.. Me also wana do IUD, heard that go polyclinic do only less than $60 for everything.. Very cheap.. I tot of doing the Mirena IUD, the new type that wont have any menses after u nsert it, but damn expensive.. KK is doing it at $300++ and my gynae quote me $600++ for everything... But me scared of inserting it cos dunno got what side effect.. Any mummy tried IUD before?? Can advice on the procedure of inserting and taking it out???
i will be calling polyclinic again today. My menses stop but if stil can prob do it by this week. i practice the 3 day safe period. So far ok.
Birth Control
Sounds like iud is gd. I like the part, iud + no mense, so gd i want. I hateeeeee mense to every bit

Wow i wish i can cook like u, u inspire me
If i need recipe, can just ask u liao hhaha
insert IUD will result in NO MENSES??? good and bad.. good is no hassle with menses!! bad is.. hmm.. i think it is not good for our body to stop menses leh...
Hi Mummies,

i'm selling away my Medela PIS-Shoulder Bag that purchased on 1/7/08 from First Few Year (paragon) at $530. Warranty till 1/10/09. Reason to sell, and when the babies arrived in end Sept 08, decided to stop breast feeding completely after a few days.

For more info, please email me at [email protected] or sms 93664880

I will also be giving away my - :
-breast milk storage bags (75pcs)
-a pair of 30mm medela breast pump funnels
-disposable breast pads 6 boxes
Good morning mummies!!!

IUD with no menses
That's MIRENA. There's some side effects... Read more from this forum on MIRENA IUD before u decide to have it inserted....


Personally, after reading it, I'm actually quite scared to have it inserted due to the side effects that most ppl in that forum claim they experience.. But this is up to individual..
Calling for <font color="aa00aa"><font size="+2">Crystal</font></font>. Please sms/call me. :p your no mess mat and brightling builders are with lynn (@ admiralty)
after having cramps for dun noe how long, my menses has officially reported to work last nite..lucky never stain my master bed

back to padding days..yucky yuck yuck
oh yah, my pal has a digital scale and i weigh myself yesterday ..have lost JUST 1 kg since Kyzac's 1st month


waiting for technology to develop such tat fats are just cut away..i.e my hips, tummy and thights, trim away the excess to the desired shape..like haircut
bbpink: haha.. have.. liposuction lor.. suck away all e fats.. keke

abc: normal iud is juz discomfort during precheck n insertion.. of course there is still risk of it dropping out..

mirena = iuds is not too healthy for long term based. cause no menses means hormonal imbalance mah..
if anyone is keen on no menses type of contraceptive, then a better solution is depo provera jab = 3mthly jab. so u may choose to renew ur contraceptive decision every 3mths.

progestin contraceptive r suitable for bfing..
estrogen is not suitable for bfing.

so for those afraid of iud insertion, can opt for progestin jab..
hahhaa.. bbpink.. i also waiting for such technology woh.. just tummy will do! :p face also .. if can.. hahahha

isabella.. that is scary.. i was quite apprehensive abt that too.. coz it can stop menses.. means... alot will follow there after right..
like diane 35.. pple claim when u take it.. super good skin.. but once u stop.. BOOM.. all popped.. haizz.. so hav to continue taking lah.. hahahha ..

i used to take contraceptive.. while working in taipei.. skin really super good loh.. and radiant.. fair.. maybe weather also plays a part there.. then came back singapore.. sucks.. bad.. then again.. weather also plays apart here! sucks..

after gave birth.. skin does gets better than pre-preg.. although preg time is the best... during confinement also very good.. guess once i slim down.. all the radiance gone! :-( but double edge sword.. i tend to be more radiant when fatter!!..prob more fats.. yet dull skin when slim... so how?? ai yoh.. zuo nui ren zhen nan... fat also not good.. no radance also not good.. too slim also not good.. veru jialat.. hahahah

Thanks for the summary of contraceptives! Very informative.

I used to use OC, I forgot it's name but it was the one with both estrogen and progesterone I think. Yah good skin and good weight. Once stop bad skin and bad weight! Hehee!

Now we use condom. Secretly it's my favourite cos the mess is well contained! I hated it so much when we were TTC-ing, cos after the deed is done wah hubby can just roll over and sleep while I have to lay down like forever before washing up cos if I also fall asleep then chances are I'll get UTI! But with condom, no mess, no stress! I was thinking of IUD also but then thinking about the mess post coital... I'd rather use condom man!
Your hubby so good...can stand not to dooooo... ittttt.....????

In regards of Contraceptive,

I am so confuse to choose one. Pills can make us fat doesn't it? because it's hormone, am I right?
IUD means they inserted something to our body right? So scare to imagine something cling onto our body!

I also love to have my hubby to hv vasectomy. They said no side effect in term of health, and very cheap. (at Jakarta only cost 150SGD- at good private hospt some more!). But I don't know why my hubby rejected it. Not fair lahhhhh... I've been operated and cut opened along the stomach twice! and he scared to have small insertion cut??? Very very not fair!
Plus..he's the one who always so aggresively want to do it...

So mummies what's yasmin and diane 35? is it pill? Can it make us fat?
Next March 2008 Thread Gathering

Date : TBC
Venue : Jakarta
Objective : Ladies and tots will shop while the hbies do vasectomy at a good pte hospital

PS: i m sure the wives here will sponsor this trip hor :p

PSS: to lure the hubbies there, just tell them it is Sex in Jakarta
Speaking of not fair,

When I was in the hospital after my C-Sect, my neighbouring patient came in at night after she delivered her 5th baby! And she look very young! And then I overheard that she was going for ligation the next day!!!

I was very upset! Why can't the husband do vasectomy? It's reversible but woman I think not reversible right? I mean, we don't live in a perfect world; marriages can fail, children can die also... so what happens in the future if the husband leave her and she marry another fella? Or if something bad happen to her children and then now she can't have any more? I got very upset (I try not to care but her phone conversation was too loud so I hear, hehe)

Have you ladies ask this question to your hubby - if there is a calamity and hubby can save either you or baby, who would he save?
If yes, what's his answer and why?(I kepo)
lefthander77, this qn i ever asked my hb.. i told him *tat time during preg*, if anything go wrong, muz save baby first...
then he say no.. no wife, no baby.. so he rather sacrifice baby in a crisis situation.

u noe, when i delivered, my nxt door neighbour also same as me, scheduled c-sec. 5th child also.. but she din mention any plans to stop. haha
she say she do NFP. so all 5kids were planned. i almost fainted.. :p

bbpink: u super lah.. this also can think of... keke
but too early 4 my hb to do now. haha
maybe after 2nd child.. save $ permanently + less troublesome.
alamak i can't believe what i read. are you sure u wanna let your hubby "eat" outside. u not scared of HIV or AIDS meh?

adeline k,
the irony is abstinence is meant to be practised amongst unmarried couples. why u go and practise abstinence now? wrong stage liao hahaa.

oh so you've always been underweight huh. i used to be like that when i was in school. actually by ang moh BMI standard, i'm at healthy range. but Singapore has adjusted their own BMI index since a few years ago, that's why can't use those international standard one. that's why i was scared that my BMI index is closer to moderate risk, although it fell into the healthy range.

actually no amount of contraceptives is safe lor. i've witnessed my gynae's patient getting pregnant on IUD too. and another friend experienced extra heavy menses after the IUD is inserted. so that's enough to scare me. now my practise is condom during dangerous times haha. i just need to figure out when the dangerous time is hahaha.

i agree with babe_dude. u cannot try to stop menses from happening. our female body has lots of dirty toxins and blood that the body MUST get rid off so having menses are just nature's way of keeping our body healthy. don't do anything that will beat mother nature liao.

i'm with you on the contraceptives kekekee. i hate the mess too. so the condom keeps it well-contained.

i think it's not true if a man said condom no feeling. i asked my hubby he say almost no difference liao. so maybe any man who complain are not getting the right type. there's so many types out there, go find one that's most suitable lor. it's definitely safer than invasive methods of contraceptives and hormone-altering pills.

lefty, i agree with you on opinion about ligation. i don't believe in invasive treatment generally and in addition to that, it's non-reversal, i think it's doing injustice to the body with all the reasons that you've mentioned.

wife or baby first.
I know the right answer is wife first. but i have yet to ask him that kekekee.

fact about sex in marriage,
apart from procreations, it keeps you subconsciously happy and increases your well-being. and with that, it makes you young and young looking. so the fact that both lefty and petrina encountered young looking mommy of 5, that goes to show they have plenty of sex hahaha. c'mon tell me that i'm wrong :p
lefthander77 : Planning to start my gal on golf when she is ready also.. you know where to take her for golf lesson? and when can they start?

My FIL is very eager to bring his pride&amp;joy to golf games.

Re : Slimming..
I started to getting home-massages every sat. Had 2 sessions. Seem like there is some effect, my friends say i slim down. :| I ask the massage lady to use my leftover clarin treatment oil.
jgal, haha.. golf.. my dad is a coach. u interested?

melissa: then how? iud is my best bet since i'm still bfing... even my mom keep pestering me to do it.

the 5kiddos mum is only in her 30s lor.. so i can imagine how they space their kids. and also when they start...
Petrina : Your dads teaches kids ? not for me, for my gal leh.. i totally cannot play any ball games. :p I wonder when they can start ? ha haha
kate, there's a kindergolf at amk hub. u can consider... tho it's still early for our bbs to start golf class.

pet, where does yr dad teach?

I'm in an exercising mood today!
My mum tried IUD before and she kena "accident" before, maybe my dad's troops are too fast and furious.. but that was like a few years ago...
So sad
heard from my aunty that my cousin lost her 2nd child. 1 mth + preggy and no heartbeat. She must be very sad
she have been planning for this year despite her back problem and now recuperating lor.
She is almost 35 hence she wants to have one soon but who knows such thing happen aiyoooo...
Things are destined. Sometimes it is better that they are gone before they are officially born. That is human. Same for animals... the mother will eat up the baby when the bb is unhealthy or have defects. Same thing if the foetus has a defect why let it come out? It must be something is not right that is why it is like tat. Sorry to make it sound cruel but i guess this is human nature or maybe survivial since it applies to animals as well.

It is a super boring game. hahaha at least for me. But then will leave it for my children to decide. Kindergolf teaches children golf at the age of 3.

if i have IUD and got pregnant, that's fate!
So sad to know what happen to your cousin. She must be very upset. Muz do confinement like what we did to recuperate coz my mum says is the same as us giving birth.
it depends on yrself. Childcare starts at 18 mth. Some later. I started my #1 when she's 17 mth on 2 times a week basis...
Adeline K,
I'm sorry about your cousin's miscarriage. I wish that she can conceive faster the next time around.

Hehe you're blunt and I can take that, but better not say it to people who's grieving over a miscarriage. There's a certain kind of sorrow that most don't understand sometimes all they want is just a listening ear. They're all adults who knew lah. And yes, it's destiny but not everyone is strong enough, hence there's a support group for like-minded people. I love support groups, they're incredible and does a great job with healing.

i never do confinement after my miscarriages one. luckily nothing bad happened.. well almost kekeke.

playgroup starts from 18 months onwards. but i find that a tad too early. maybe 24 months onwards will be ideal. my toddler is very possessive about her toys but she can be friendly if the other tots agree to play with her HER way. lol. she's 25 months old today.
No problem, let me know if you need any recipes ;-)

Not for me, I want #4 hehehehe

Early childhood training huh? hehehe

You are so funny!

Majority of the men won't do it. They felt it's so UN-MAN!
no lah i'm not flaming u lah. just thinking aloud.

agree, most men won't do it. i dunno why men are more dumb about health education than we women. why must we always be the sacrificing party when they're the one who cannot control their urge! :p
So sad to learn wat happened to ur cousin, hope she will be ok soon.

Think most of them wont do it or offer at all lol.They feel threatened to be infertile instead hahah. I like wat bbpink suggest hahaha so funny.
reena: you want #4!!! really peifu!!! when do you plan to hv yr #4 then? by the way out of curiousity, do you come from a big family yourself?

adeline K: so sorry to hear that... i hope your cousin recovers fast and well, both physically and emotionally....
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff">Adeline K,

So sad to hear about your cousin. Tell her to take confinement to build up her body &amp; try again. Womb is more fertile after the miscarriage.

I had my miscarriage in Apr-07 and was pregg w Josiah very soon after. Gyn actually said can only try after 3 mths but we sort of forgot while having sex so HB just shoot, only once nia &amp; I strike.

But she must make sure she is ready both physically and emotionally. Physically I was ok but we forgot bout the emotional part. I kept having nitemare of my miscarriage during the 1st 2 mths of my pregnancy &amp; was so worried tt it will happen again. Lucky I had e support from my chruch members, kept "brain washing" me &amp; e assurance of my gyn. I was then able to enjoy my pregnancy.</font>


My HB offered to do it after we have our #4 but I'm not in favour of it. Wat happen if we want to have #5 or more. Before we intend to have kids, my HB is v v pro condom. He will insist to use it every time regardless is safe or unsafe. I am e noti one who sometimes will request him not to wear *hee*

He is not supportive of me doing IUD or taking pills. He's worried side-effects hence condom is still our best choice. My HB always assure me e feel is e same leh</font>
Bt Timah hill

I brought my girls to walk up Bt timah hill last Saturday. Realy good work out for all...esp the adults.. hehhee..

Planning to go to MacRitchie reservoir. Any of the mommies keen on a good "walk" out?
I think you are too harsh in your words on the miscarrige issue. You may be one fortunate mother that has not gone through a miscarriage but I think you shouldn't make it sound like it's no big deal here. Spare a thought for others.

Yes, I come from a big family and I think it's a real blessing =) No plans when to have #4, need to convince DH first kekeke

Sorry about your miscarriage. A few of my gfs have gone through this and they are emotionally very disturbed too. Anyway, it's over and you have your happy family now =)

Ladies help! My boy just fell off my bed and I dont know what to do!It's my fault. I left him in the centre to get some stuff and he had gone on his stomach and reached out to the side and fell off. I saw him fall off as I entered. He fell on his forehead and rolled to his back. He cried for a while and there's a slight bruise on his forehead but other than that he seems normal. Should I bring him go PD? What are the danger signs! Pls help! I am so worried
