(2008/03) March 2008


yr pizza looks so yummy! Must learn from you how to cook liao. U are an awesome mummy! Yup, I will be coming back for good this Nov. Will ask u for the agent no if my banker approves me on buying those pots. kekeke!

i have AMC pots as well and last time agent cook pizza in it. BUT till now we haven fully utilize it (my mom's one anyway) hahaha..
It's good that u're baking and cooking by urself. I always eat out >.< i cant cook at all lor! only porridge for my poor girl hahahaha then now!!! my hubby actually picked up cooking :p So he cook!!!! if he work means DA BAO!

Weight management
I am not slim lah.. see the amt of flab at my tummy!! thankfully i am still bf-ing that helps me manage my weight. Though supply not sufficient, i am still trying my best to pump.
I eat like a PIG! when i tell my col pls dun always ask me eat those 'chi bu wan' things or leftover, i want to loose weight. Their immediate reaction is 'pls lah u loose weight? dun make me laugh'. Sianz lor.. in the end i always eat alot cause they know i pumping so keep telling me 'u eat lah.. ni xing de'. kaoz.. i eat like there's no tmr. When i reach home for dinnre, my FIL always cook for a group of ARMY!!! How to loose weight leh????? Since i pregnant, my mouth have been moving!!!

babe dude
the last gathering at ly's place u slim down ALOT ALOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just that alandria is still the same :p

WOWWWWWW!!!!! u have 11oz of milk!!!!
dear mummies, thx for e concern. rayne fever hit peak at 38.9 yest night. sponge her and gv her medication every 4hrly. tis mrning chk, 37.3, but stil continue to gv her medicatn. juz drnk her 6.5oz milk and slp. hope she recover soon...
to all babies who r sick, hope they recover soon. take care mummies...
reena, u r my idol leh. 3 kids to handle, still got time to bake. i certainly cnnt. and i envy ur slim figure. me 168cm, but weighs 60plus.
ya, m slimest when i take wedding foto, 58kg. stil got 5kg to work on to get my pre pregnancy weight bk.

adeline, i eat like a pig too.:p

Hope yr gal recovers soon...

Just wanna vent out a bit... My ds has not been sleeping well. He has been waking up every hrly at night and also doesn't sleep much in the daytime. His 1st nap ranges from 1-1.5 hr but his 2nd nap only half an hr... Dun know why he can still keep waking up in the nighttime and feels so energetic everyday.

Wonder why some babies can sleep so well and mine couldn't.. Is it becos I'm a lousy mummy??? haiz!

I'm coughing so badly and doesn't dare to take medications and simply feel so bad...

very sad..no kenny rogers yday

pizza wise, Mr Bean is nice,if one cannot DIY :p
it is 24 hrs opp parklane shopping centre. near plaza sing

ends up having dinner at Shokudu, cos my pals think it is a chore to walk to suntec fr city hall :p and i was convinced by them myself

PS: Shokudu is at basement 1 of raffles city. like marche in jap concept, got children playground at the entrance..can bring the our kids there 1 yr later for a playdate :p


go see doc and get bf compatible medication. i take my flu med as usual cause i have sinus and i take panadol/cough as well. All given by dr and they say it's bf compatible.

my girl is also runnign fever. Tiring right.. at night keep waking up to see if the fever got shoot up or not. *Faint*
Then my elder daughter also cough and cough! in the end at night cough until younger one wake up.. headache ahhhh
So many bbs fall sick.. hope every bb recover soon.. Mummies do take care 2.. Felicia also down with flu.. keep waking up yesterday coz think she find it difficult to sleep with blocked nose.. had been crying on/off last nite

i also take bf compatible medicine from doc when i down with migrain recently. think as long as dr say bf safe should be ok bah.. so "gan kor" if no medicine n sick n muz look after bb.. Hope u feel better soon..
adeline.. haiz, i shld show u my tummy! damn disgusting loh.. :p

bbpink, nice place, we shld have a gathering there next time!

Jerejoy, take care manz...

I am gonna take contraceptive today loh.. for beauty and for birth control! :p Dun wanna get pregnant at least for another 3-4yrs manz... any mummies taking it as well???
Babe dude
Not to scare u but I would advice dun take contraceptive lor. One of my aunty took contraceptive n got pregnant. Now her daughter down syndrome. Aiyo use protection lor. If not b like me dun do! Hahahahaha!
Aiya stomach is hidden so nvm lor. Hah
Which one u took??? I took Yasmin last month at the start of my menses... In the end my menses come for 3 whole weeks.. Went to see the Dr, Dr ask me to stop for the time being, maybe can start again when this month's wan come.. I last time also took yasmin b4 i have my youngest.. Won't like tat wan lehx.. Dunno now why will like that...

Speaking of contraceptive, anyone tried Mirena??
WAH addeline.. dun scare me leh... how old is ur aunty.. she never do triple test meh... hmm.. stomach hidden ur head.. i dun dare to wear tight fitting clothing liao loh.. sucks.. super sucky k! hahahah... funny lah u.. DUN DO!

isabella, i taking estelle 35... same as diane 35 just that D35 is a generic while estelle is more prescribed drug..but same properties.. maybe u started contraceptive too early?? my menses came long ago.. i wan to take the pills coz i stopped bf completely as of 1wk ago.. so i can safely take the pills now..
Taken from Medscape: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/498685

Many studies have analyzed the relationship between prenatal exposure to OCs and Down syndrome; the results are conflicting.

One of the earliest published studies retrospectively analyzed 10,478 singleton births. Of these, 27% were born to OC users, defined as taking OCs in the 3 months before the last menstrual period. The other 73% of patients did not take OCs. After such factors as age, parity, and smoking history were taken into account, there was no significant increase in incidence of Down syndrome in OC users compared with nonusers.

In conclusion, it seems that OCs are overall safe if taken before conception or during the very early stages of pregnancy. There was a suggestion that women who both smoked and used OCs during the pregnancy were more likely to deliver an infant with Down syndrome. Pregnant women older than 35 years of age are routinely offered prenatal testing for Down syndrome. Some researchers recommend prenatal screening for Down syndrome in patients who were taking OCs immediately before pregnancy or even during the very early stages of pregnancy. Although this is definitely a minority view, every case should be managed after weighing all the risks and benefits pertinent to the specific patient.
think that time she bout 30. She not my direct relative but we're very close n always play mahjong together. Hah! She did test n detected down syndrome but chose to gave birth then now her daughter cannot do anything. Sit stroller or wheel chair. Her bones r soft. Cannot sit also. Poor thing. Her 2nd son is perfectly normal.
Thanks all! Now trying to hang in there. =)


i think he's used to waking up. He has been waking up since he's a newborn till now... But now it has became worse... Hopefully he will outgrown the stage....

Hmm, I dun know leh...I feel he simply wakes up cos he wants to suck my breast to go back to sleep. If I dun give him, he will scream. Haiz! I really dun know wht to do with him.. I really hope he will outgrown this stage someday..
jerejoy, then u wanna try giving pacifier? coz u r overly tired n stressed out. I dun usually give pacifier n I do give when he's overly cranky.

any mummy tries earth best's apple n apricot food jar. I gave him today to test drive for our upcoming trip. the puree is so sour! my boy gave a puckered look n he still ate the rest!
My BMI is always low even below preg but now looking after 3 kids and no helper, I think I slim down alot more. Honestly speaking, I'm getting worried about my weight. I think it's also due to DH always travelling and I'm home alone, that adds up the stress and thus can't put on weight? I'm actually worried about high blood pressure too :-(
Your BMI is healthy, or should I say ideal?

I suppose your kitchen is like those show flat kind? Looks nice but "cannot" use kind? Keke
BTW, if you have an oven at home, even if you don't use it to bake, you still must have it turned on regularly, else the oven will spoil easily.

My standard is not good enough to start a bakery shop but good enough for my family's consumption. I'm happy DH and kids like my cooking/bakes =)

Using the recipe provided above, knead into dough. Then let it proof for 45 mins or double in size. Punch it down and divide dough into 2 portion. Spread on pan. Add sauce/cheese and toppings. If you have an oven, you just bake the whole pizza at 200C for 15 mins.

I'm not super mummy, just doing what I can for the family.

Think your mom has a bigger set since she paid $2.6k 10-20years ago. My set is the basic package, comes with 3 pots set and 1 roasting pan.

My sis actually owns a set too but her agent no good, didn't teach her how to cook. She just trial and error. Then one day, I was talking to my gf and she knows I'm interested in the AMC pots, she arranged for the agent to go to her house to do a cooking demo, I was invited to join them. As I've heard from my sis how good they are, I'm even more impress when I was there to see for myself. So after the demo ie Jan 2008, I went home and told DH about it. DH wasn't keen as he said it's HEAVY investment, plus single income, etc... I told him I will definitely utilise the pots. He agreed and we never regret the decision to buy the pots. In fact, he's full of praise for the pots now hehehe.
BB waking up - does he wake up in the nite to play or just nite feed?

You are one fortunate woman. Last time I don't cook, only know how to cook instant noodle and plain rice :p In fact, DH cooks better too. But being a sahm, I have to justify my stand, else later DH complains I not bringing back the bacon and yet still so tai tai.
I still rem during the gathering at Carls Jnr, you ate up all the burger and didn't save any for your DH, hahaha.. so funny. Yes, bfg moms will eat alot. I'm like that too.

For your height and weight, seems ideal leh.
hei...I saw the word "AMC"
what's the price of these pots these days? My mum still using the set she had and frankly they are good for the price. kekeke...
hahahahhaaha! ReenA. Yes I always eat alot without savin for him! Hah.. He cooks so I dun need to lor hahaha. I should learn la but I hmmm dislike cooking!
these contraceptives all very foreign sounding to me ...

i think the best way is to get the guy to do some surgery down there :p

heard very easy one..my aunt got mention b4


great idea
will organise one soon..
The operation down there I heard was for female, got "perm" and "temp" and they says "temp" is dangours, will drop out. That's how my youngest brother come about too.... =P
But for the male....didnt hear before. will "effect" anything or not?
Despite TBF, menses came this mth. Anyway i am going IUD (dun ask me when cos it seem my period ending soon and it is sat. Duno can tahan till mon cos according to Doc must do it at tail end of period.). IUD is compatible for bfing. Jus nice 3 years.. same as babe_dude, if i wan to hv #3 would be 4 years later.
Damn suay today. Was on train with Crystal. At Yishun the train seems to stop. Later we realise someone might have jumped down or fall off into the track thus causing disruption of the train. Worse.. the person was jus under us under our carriage!

Never have i been so "lucky" before.. how many ppl got a chance to sit on train and be in the train when ppl die/injure under the track (die or not i duno la).

Anyway we were trapped in the train for prob 10 min under the emergency fan which causes bb to be cranky and the whole place warm.

Anyway after tat we were told to get off the train and out the station... it started raining suoper heavily. The taxi stand was super crowded. We booked a cab but the taxi stand was occupied by 3 police car, 2 fire engine, 1 rhino, 1 ambulance and 3 civil defence car... how on earth is the taxi going to come into the shelter of the taxi stand.. NO WAY. Thus we 2 mummies, 2 bb, 1 toddler and 2 stroller, we jus thicken our face n borrow an umbrella and ASK ppl ard us for help lor.. so dramatic man!

Anyway wat happen to the accident at Yishun MRT? i duno... anyone heard any news? hahaha...
I've always wanted to try Shokudu but always no chance. How's the food and price?

As long as you have informed the doc you are breastfeeding, they will prescribe medicine safe for breastfeeding.

Male Sterilization
This is call Vasectomy. If the man is willing to do it, why not? Do note that this is a permanent contraception. Do a searh, lots of info.
abc, my menses also came last wk.. finished today.. wasted? i dun think i can do it on mon..

babedude, since u stop bf le, u can try the EVRA PATCH. i used tat all e while. stick on ur butt 4 a wk. then menses wk dun need to stick. so it's a 21day cycle..

lefthander, there is a diff between prostrogen n estrogen.. though both r contraceptives.. 1 is baby frenly n the other is not.. but both can be used even if accidentally kenna preg..

i'm still using the old method.. condoms. safer la. 4 now. but hb is grumbling.. so i need to do icud soon.. :p

reena, haiz, again.. u showed me tat sahm shld do more than child caring..

jerejoy, has it got to do wif the mattress? cause my son dun slp on his playpen 4 more than an hr because he dun like the feel.
he can slp on my bed 4 few hrs straight even if there's a thunderstorm.. so i attribute it to the mattress..
abc, haha.. cannot lah.. he already complaining ryan more impt than him le.. keep saying he is host niah.. not impt isit.. i deprive his needs he might deprive my needs *$$* haha
HI hi...

I am game for a meeting. I can do weekdays meeting again! until 1st dec

still using the oldest method on the book. hahaha... condoms on danger period... that's why i say my pregnancy is accident. hehehe

Mummy babe- how come contraceptives got beauty reason one ah???? which one? make breast bigger???

actually, we gals been to so many surgeries for the baby liao... man in return shld do the vasectomy once the family quota is reached.

shldnt they.... go under the knife just once for us....

I tried giving him pacifier but he will suck till he wakes up. Hmm, thanks for yr suggestion, I will try it again.

I tried the Earth Best apples for my ds. He also gave me the sour look but still can finish the whole jar. Haha! But he suffered constipation due to the apple puree so I'm stopping him from eating the earth best apple puree now.


I dun know wht happen to him.. He will wake up (eyes closed) every night (every hrly) and cry till I let him suckle on my breast or sometimes pat him back to sleep. I suspect he might hv difficulty to sleep on his own and need some help from me.


Ya, u r right. I suspect it's my stupid bed.. He also doesn't like to sleep in his playpen. So i let him sleep with us. But my bed is so soft! I really hate my bed. Can't wait to go back spore to try on my new bed or maybe yaolan?
yupz, tat's the word i m looking for => vasectomy
i fully agree with u :p
danger period..how to tell..is ur menses back ?

def much easier for the guys cos their S organs r outside , got side effect ornot ..haha..i dun noe, i dun dare to ask my aunt or her hb !

marche price, foodwise, not too bad..just dun order the "fake" rosti, cos marche is better !

hehe, no bb like playpen, but it is the safest invention to have our free time , so i pat him to sleep before the transfer ;)
nono!!! cannot get guys to do!! later anyhow go out 'SHOOT' u also dunno ah!!! hahahahahaha

Dun do means safe lah.. like me lor.. dun do.. wahahahhahahaa.. no mood at all!
Dream.. for nicer skin and better control of hormones loh... coz my menses used to be 28 days now.. become 38days.. abit siao siao.. then i feel that my hormones also abit crazy.. so wanted to use contraceptive to control them.. usesd to take it before preg! Bigger boobs... hahahah ..thats something extra.. stopped bfing liao.. boobies became smaller liao.. still slightly bigger than last time though.. slightly only!

Pet... i have sensitive skin.. dun like to use patch.. will itchy one..

bbpink.. wah ask man to do surgery.. is like asking them to cut off their "xiao ji ji" u think they will do it! I think men are quite selfish pple... they rahter we go thru surgery..than themselves.. hahaha... but again i will not go for ligation one loh.. coz u never know whats gonna happen next time.. who knows i might wan a bb with i am like 50s! :p

Adeline.. u very mean to ur hb lah... eat everything never leave for him.. he cooks u eat.. dun entertain his needs... and he got to release some needs one loh.. men are made such way leh... hahahah .. u hor.. dun do is safe for u.. but unsafe for ur hb leh.. wait he go out anyhow shoot then u know.. wahahha.. :p kidding..

abc.. yah i heard of that method from my facial therapist.. that is one good birth control method coz she got preg immediately when she took out the shield. But.. beauty wise, that method dun help hor..

My facial therapist say.. epidural is not good for our body .. the more u administer.. the worst ur body reacts.. she say got one client.. adminsiter 3 times epi for her 3 births.. she lose her tastebud during 3rd labour and only regain them ard 6mths later.. so jialat.. coz epi is like a foriegn body into our system and it takes time to break down these foreign particles... this is also one reason why my skin is more sensitive (i also got eczema and itchy skin only after birth!!), hormone unstable etc...

hahaha no wonder my complexion so gd. no epi. hahaha . no nd beauty for me so iud can liao.

till noe i'm oso using oldest method - withdrawal and even danger period still same. However since jan 07, he jus shoot. tat's hw Andrae comes abt.

I agree with babe_dude. Rather he do with me then he do outside . sometimes tired but still gv in.hahaha .. sometimes can tell he's tired too.. can finish in 5-10min. heehee . nw menses back hv to think of contracetive
My menses were back before Isaac was 3 months and I was BF-ing then too.... Making me so confuse at that moment. But my mens is not regular. Happy Happy will come... *sweat*

Diane 35:
I was told taking this is good as Homone Pill, Contraception, skin etc. BUT I was also told that it makes the person who takes it have better appitite might gain weight. Also might get cancer... I heard one lah many years back, very scare of that... ekekkee
abc/babe dude
even if he do outside i also cannot see. cannot control then bo bian lor... thats what i feel lah.. both of us are too tired and having sex is the last thing on our mind .. i'm too occupied with work and kids hahahaa.. but thats how marriage will tend to break down also lah..
What if later do cannot control then accident 3rd one when kath is 10mths old?? I will faint leh!!!!!!!! haahahahhahahaha
my daughter recover liao...phew!...
adeline, i agree with u. me and hb oso too tired every single day and sex is really e last thng in our mind...
wah!!!todat topic so hot...

I agree with Adeline, it's all depend on the man side, if the man is a high sex drive even they do with u frequently they still will go outside n makan to satisfy their lusts.woman also the same. i have seen too many cases....

once u stop, ur skin will be back the same.

epidural got nothing to do with skin. it's our hormone do...if u prone to have acne skin before u preggie means tat after u give birth u will mostly come back to the same again unless u become old n no more hormone. my skin before preggie is acne skin, after give birth slightly better...but i think i still need to go back to my skin doctor before it get worst like last time.
I didn't know Epi cause bad complexion butninly know things like backache. My col now keep complaining backache. Her child 1 yr plus Liao.
I told my hubby i phobia about pregnancy so dun touch me. Ask him to go outside to 'eat' if he wants to but end of the day stil mus take care of the house la. I mus be mad rite? Hahhahahah!
hahahahahahaha piang u very funny leh...

something to share tht i made for kim jahahahaha..


Hubby keep saying that it's kathlyn! piang.. told him it's not already!!!

i dun have leh backahche..should ask ur coll to join yoga. hehehehe...not true lah...i sit at the computer most of the day also..
re: epidural and backache
i asked my gynea if my bad backache is caused by the jab. he said no.. it actually caused by the position of the baby when i was delivering. The baby wgt is pressurizing our spine at the delivery position, thus, if you have a long delivery the pain will be greater.

thanks for the info. My FIL gotten for me liao. He happened to be at AMK hub! Cheers!
Anyway, the econ minimart at my place sells $33.50 each 900g tin. If u need me to get for you let me know. But can only pass to if I pass by your place.
