(2008/03) March 2008

Its sad to hear stories of mummies who lost baby in any way, be it at birth or even just a few weeks old. Unless the mother is a heartless one else no mothers will have no feelings or take it so lightly for sure. When I was preggie I was told so many stories that I ask hubby to listern to my belly and even give him a glass to cover my belly to listern to! (watch too much TV). I was so worry everytime. My ex-colleague keep lost her baby twice in 3 years she crys so badly in the office that she still keeps the scan of her baby at 3rd month then. Its very sad....
Its only right of us to be sensitive to their feelings and be gladful that our baby & kid is healthy.

Adeline Sia:
Hope your cousin gets her body well again, another baby will come soon~

Wow... U are 1 powerful mummy! How did u do it? I'm so tired after work and too lazy to do anything already! Although I feel proud that I have bake cookies ONCE with my new oven. HAHAHAHAA! U got recipes for pineapple tarts or cheese cakes? =P
Oh... so sad to hear the story abt your distant relative...

Good to hear that your friend made it and has a healthy girl now. So scary huh...
I don't quite like those kueh kosui from outside as they have artificial taste (the alkaline water). But since you've not tried it, no harm buying to sample ;-)

Losing bb,
A very close friend of mine, pregnant for 9 months and in her last trimester (already full term), her bb died in her womb! She still have to go through natural birth to deliver the stillborn, imagine the trauma she has to go through

After 2 yrs, she decided to try again. Preg for another 9 months, delivered bb naturally but bb died while in hosp. The pain she went through were beyond words. No one dared to speak to her about these, not even her own mother.

She had phobia of getting preg again and decided not to have any more bb. 4 yrs passed and somehow, she decided to try again. And thank God, it's a smooth preg and delivery. Today, she has 3 handsome boys and I'm so happy for her.
Since you can bake, why don't you start baking? For me, it's therapatic esp when I knead bread dough by hand (not anymore now).
Sorry, not a fan of Daim cakes, too sweet for me.

Your quote <font color="ff0000">"Its only right of us to be sensitive to their feelings and be gladful that our baby &amp; kid is healthy"</font> Well said!
The diff is you are a FTWM and I'm a SAHM. By the time you get home, you'll prob want to spend more time with your bb, where to find time to bake?

Another difference is my 2 elder kids are bigger and they can appreciate what I cook/bake for them. Maybe you wait till your bb is 1 yo then you start your baking adventure again?

People always ask me, why bake when you can buy ready-made outside? Isn't it cheaper to buy from outside? Imagine all the ingredients, electricity, water and time, not worth it. But to me, it's a different story. My ingredients are definitely not cheapo ingredients (you don't know what they use out there), I always use better butter (there's also a difference in taste when your butter is different). Also, I can control the sweetness I want. And I don't add chemicals unnecessary to my bakes. Take for eg commercial breads, they will add bread improver (ie chemical) to make the bread texture softer. For home-baked, I omit that.

Oops, sound abit long winded :p Paisay paisay
I don't have recipes for pineapple tarts as I never have a chance to bake them but for cheesecakes I have loads. Do you want baked or non-baked?

My favourite is still the cottony Japanese cheesecake
Guess we can form a group and learn to cook, bake, make quehs from the pro mamas here... Me see le so envy of ur 'skill'... Make me feel like a bad mama.. =(((

Macritchie Walk
I want, I want!!!!!! But I scared the monkey snatch my food..=P
lefthander &amp; Erny
can't help laughing at ur posts gals on bird &amp; makeover !

hehe..so cute the golf pic, and ur boy is so steady..is tat a toy set ?

i guess at this time, nothing can be said..just hugs..
i m just glad none of my friends have to go thru this, happy for them when i attend their 1st months

ur hb is a very understanding man, kudos
when i read ur post, i m very happy for u..u have a great guy with u

u did ?

Kueh Kosui..all my ko sui dripping out liao

poor mother and the kids
i feel sorry for her and the worst is the young one..the father will blame the poor bb

i m happy for ur friend..we always want the best for our pals
They are very devoted Catholic.. Very very nice ppl.. I dun think they will blame the baby cos when the baby is in hospital, the father went down after work to take care of him everyday.. Anyway, this kind of thing cant blame the baby.. the baby cant help it also.. The baby also dun wish to be motherless since birth....
They can't blame the bb, it's not as if the bb deliberately caused the death of his own mother. It's all an accident and no one is to be blamed.
I wana try to bake type... Cottony Japanese cheesecake... hum.. I like those at "kopibean" one. hahahaha "thick thick creamy creamy"... yummy~~

*cos I tried the non-bake ones... wow lau... they MELT... scare liao. Plus I have to finsh the "failure" cake all by myself.
OK, here's one for you. I only made this once but DH finds it too rich. You may like it since u like thick thick creamy creamy (and fattening!) ones.

The recipe is from Kraft.
30pieces of OREO Sandwich Cookies(less the cream), finely grounded
1/4 cup butter, melted

Line 9x5 -inch baking tin with foil, with ends of foil extending over sides of tin. Add butter to the finely grounded Oreo cookies; mix well. Press firmly onto bottom of prepared pan.

16 oz. cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup sugar (I reduce to 1/3 cup)
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/2 cup sour cream
2 eggs
1cup coarsely chopped Oreo cookies (less cream)
Oreo cookies, quarted for decoration

1. Preheat oven to 325°F.
2. Beat cream cheese, sugar and vanilla in large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed until well blended.
3. Add sour cream; mix well. Add eggs, one at a time, beating just until blended after each addition.
4. Gently stir the chopped cookies into cream cheese batter.
5. Steam bake for 45 min. or until center is almost set. Cool. Refrigerate 4 hours , or preferbly overnight before serving.
Hahaha.. Ok ok, minus the oreo cookies then. Note that you have to steam bake this cake, yah?

Give you another recipe but I've not tried this yet.

Marble Chocolate cheesecake by Jam

Ingrediants A
180 gm butter
25gm cocoa
120gm self raising flour
1 teaspoon baking powder- sift together with flour and cocoa
170gm castor sugar
3 eggs

Ingreadients B
250 gm cream cheese
60gm castor sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
1 egg

1) Cream butter and sugar till fluffy .
2) Add in one egg at a time and mix well, then add in the flour mixture. When all are well incorporated, remove from mixer .
3) In another bowl ( or washed your mixer, dry it and use) beat the Ingredients B till all are creamy.
4) Pour half the cocoa batter into a greased pan ( about 7 or 8 inchs), level them first before pouring the cheese batter, them the rest of the cocoa batter.
5) Bake in preheated oven at 160 degrees C for about 45minutes to 1 hour
I think its natural all mothers would rather give up their lifes for their babies.... I knew I would rather the doc save my baby for sure...
Botanic gardens/outdoor
i am also interested. Used to bring my gal out 3 times a week to either zoo, sentosa, bot gardens. Now with boy a bit hard but guess goign to try soon. My gal love the sand and the fountain at sentosa. Dreamlife is also one mummy who visit the bot garden often i think. :)

The story is upsetting. Hope the boy is doing well now.
miscarriage and stillbirth:
sigh~ so sad to hear so many these kind of incidents. there's 1 year , many women in my department miscarriage, including myself. within a yr, there's 4 cases(as of i known). all below 3mths. then we blame it on the office location. and since we shifted. 3 out of 4 have had successful and smooth delivery. i was oso very paranoid thru-out my pregnancy. always wan to make sure my bb is alrite. when my DS is born, gynae found his cord 1 turn ard his neck. lucky nothing serious happen. so whenever my DS gets naughty, i will tell myself "at least i have him to hold in my arms".

going to bring my DS to taiwan nxt feb. think will be cold then. recommend to buy long john for him?? where to get cheap and nice one? or use leg warmer can liao??
Morning ladies!!!

Shall I start something new? My hubs and i were talking about our good buys for baby.. and I'm quite interested to find out what has been a good investment for you (for baby) and what has been a bad buy... perhaps by sharing info we'll be wiser what to buy and what not to buy!

Shall i start the ball rolling?

<u>Good investment</u>
(1) Baby bjorn - so easy to use and baby loves being in it!
(2) FP rainforest musical mobile - bought this for bb since birth and till today, no matter how cranky he is, he'll still smile at the animals!
(3) FP healthy care booster seat - just bought this cos didnt want to spend too much on a high chair. it's portable and easy to clean. Cheap too!
(4) Bellamy's toothiepegs - just bought this for my bb to chew on. He loves it! Can sit down and chew on it without fussing while the adults have their meal.

<u>Bad investment</u>
(1) Pigeon bottle warmer - wahhh this one never even open to use. Cos i just ended up warming milk in hot water. So wasted...
Botanic Garden.
Date: 27th Oct (Deepavali)
Venue: Main Lake Pavilion

Those who can make it and are keen just appear la. If you wanna bring food just bring. let's be free &amp; easy abt this
jgal: thanks for sharing the article. it's very sad
i brought my boy to chiangmai when he was 6mths and he also developed flu and fever (39.1deg) there. we were so so worried. But thank God he's ok... makes me worried about travelling with bb sometimes.

angtay: you going taiwan for a short trip? pls remember to bring bb's thermometer plus other necc medication (paracetemol, etc) on standby. thank God i brought all that with me to chiangmai so when bb was unexpectedly ill we managed to medicate him properly.
thanks for sharing. think will consult my PD nxt visit during his jab. think got to get him flu jab too liao.

thanks agapebaby for the medication advise.;)
liyun, ya.. everytime i hear these stories, i always tell myself tat it's ok if my boy is average.. i dun need high expectations. i juz wan him to be healthy all the time. always be glad our babies r delivered healthily.

it's also sad tat some babies r born well. then few days ltr to discover tat the baby has a life threatening illness.

reena: i love the kneading process also.. but i find it very sian to have to clear my mil's stuff to make space for baking..
then after tat still have to move her stuff back to original place and keep my utensils in a carton box in the cupboard.. haiz

so when i do baking, i do it concurrently for a wk. then i'll keep all my stuffs... otherwise it's very tiring to climb up n down to get my baking utensils.
agapebaby, i almost brought my son to chiangmai when he turned 6mths.. but becoz of the crisis in thailand, we kept postponing it until dun need to go liao.. haha
Botanic Garden.
Date: 27th Oct, Mon (Deepavali)
Venue: Main Lake Pavilion

1. abcdisney n 2 kiddos
2. Isabellali n 2 kiddos + 1 baby
Jgal :Feel so sorry for the little boy n his parents, he looks so adorable. Somemore, his parents have been waiting for him for 10yrs. Agreed with Petrina that we shld be glad that we are able to hold tightly to our bbs.
clover and kais -
i forgot this saturday tris supposed to go back for his rotavirus booster...so prolly can't go macritchie already!

i'm keen on botanic gdns though...can i bring hubby and dog too? i promise hubby will stay away with the dog if anyone is scared or doesn't like dogs! hehe!

I've tried the kueh nyonya alrdy. It's Onggol Onggol in Jakarta language. We had those kueh. It's a traditional kueh. The different is (according to my maid) it's made of singkong-the real roots where people make tapioca flour). They usually steam the singkong, smashed it and mix with brown sugar. Therefore the taste is heavier and crunchy than kueh nyonya.

Botanic Garden,
Would love to come, but I've already "Said Yes!" 2 days ago - to Indonesian Mommies forum to have gathering at Turfcity. If they cancelled the gathering (Which is happened twice!). I'm definitely be heading to Botanic Garden.
Thanks all.
Yday I went to her house and see her.
My aunty relate wrong story to me. It’s not no heartbeat but baby ‘dropped out’ cause of weak womb.
While my cousin telling me, her eyes was red. She say have phobia for 2nd one already.
1st time when she went gynae, gynae already pre-empt her to get prepared cause the baby heartbeat is very weak. Then who knows really about 1 to 2 weeks later, she had lumpy and heavy menses flow. By the time she went hosp, baby already no longer inside her womb.
She tell me she couldn’t even differentiate which is her baby cause too many blood clots.
She love her elder daughter a lot 2006 girl same as kim. So she say even if she dun have a 2nd one it’s fine for her. So now she do not intend to have another kid cause she dun want history to repeat. She was happy when detected preggy cause it came by surprised.

Anyway she went to Cameron highlands with us without knowing she preggy. She tested before she went for the trip and it was negative.. who knows she came back it detected positive..

But she is very positive.. she says it might be a blessing in disguise because this baby should already be unhealthy. Giving birth to this baby most likely will have birth defect.
At least she sees it in this way though I can feel that she’s very upset.

She is having fake measles! Fever for 5days on and off.. about 38 degree.. But within this few days, should recover. Her weight dropped to 7.8kg..
I very scared kathlyn fall sick one. She seem weaker then kim though she bf-ing.
Am glad yr cousin is taking it well but can feel her sorrow.

Actually jus wondering for mum who hv kids very close in age. Do u think the second one is weaker than the first if age group is between 1-2 yr? babypink any comments? Was wondering this cause my aunty who has 2 kids both 1 year gap. The second one is much much weaker n smaller size than the first...
One of my close friend also had a miscarriage when she was 10 weeks preggy. But the scan show that the baby was only 8 wks old. Dr then did a check for her and found that her baby have got no heartbeat. When we asked why is it like that, Dr said that 1 out of 5 pregnancy will result in miscarriage. When our bodu detect some abnormalities in the development of the foetus, they will terminate the pregnancy itself, resulting in miscarriage.
abc mummy: Oh is it true ?? hmm..actually i dun mind getting pregnant now, i just let nature takes its course. heehee..
Mummies : U all know Crystal ? She was in Jun 09 MTB thread, just happen to see her there. She is preggie..
adeline: wah.. m/c.. at least she dun have to go through e delivery process to remove foetus..
so sad.. hope she recovers soon. luckily she has an elder gal.
happymummy: isit?? wah... preg again? i haven't even settled down wif my boy.. i shudder at e tot of being preg again now..

crystal: juz saw ur post.. u ok mah? pls take care.. see e gynae n discuss wif ur hb bah.
