(2008/03) March 2008

All the talk about BF make me feel like a bad mother.. I was thinking of BF my baby till he's 6 months.. But gotta stop after 1 month cos I've got to work... Haiz~ Be my child also 'pai mia'... Lose out so much in life~
if without this forum, i dun think i can bf :p hehehee.. so much support from many other mommies!!! Though i started partial bf now, it's still an achievement to be still latching and expressing! hahaha.. but then again.. be my kid also pai mia lah.. chin cai mommy..

i also 169!! but weight at 55kg.. hahahahah..
Lolx~ At least u are still bfing ur baby.. But I'm like no more bfing once baby 1 month old.. Then again, I'm also a chin chai mommy... Haha~ My kids also pai mia~
ok will tt later

i am slightly taller at 1.70m, same as you i aso slimmest during my wedding, quite skinny, i was paranoid about calorie count.

u r very slim liao! how i wish i got your figure!

actually it boils down to personal decision. i got frens stl BF when the kids r 2-3 yrs old. for me, 1 yr is the limit. coz DS is allergic to milk prdts and i BF him, i missed out on my fav food: cheese, and full cream milk. even cereal/museli i eat with soy milk. told hubby i wanna go eat cheese fondue once i am able to. ok food agaain! how to lose weight right? haiz!
dreymin, adeline,

All of u are so tall. Wow! Envy leh! I'm only 1.5m and weigh 48kg. Haiz! Dun know how to lose those excess weights! I'm still bf but can't control my mouth. jia lak! Hope to bf till my boy is 1 yr old. Hopefully I hv enough bm for him till then.
The reason why I want to be a sahm is so that I can spend more time with them, and give them nutritional homecooked food and bakes. I don't like the idea of them eating at my inlaws daily cos she adds MSG and sugar (not all the time though). And for bread/cakes outside, they use chemicals and some cakes are just too sweet. If I can bake all these myself, I can modify the recipe to suit our taste.

I always try to cook 1 pot meals (pizza, lasagna, baked rice/pasta, claypot rice, chicken rice, char siew rice, porridge etc..), seldom 3 dishes + 1 soup kind. Also, I invested in a very good set of AMC pots and that helped me save time too.

When I was a FTWM, I felt the same way too. Always not enough time for them cos we have our own agenda eg wkend outing, going bk to parents, essential shopping. Also, not forgetting our dog, need to bathe and cut his nails once a week, blah blah blah..

Money not enough - I have a friend, earning $1.8k gross and he's supporting a 4rm HDB, 2 children (1 in childcare) and a non-working wife. I don't know how they survive but they did. I always use them as an example and tell myself, since he can do it, I can do it too.

Many years ago, I see my fellow colleagues quiting their job to be a sahm. I was laughing inside me, laughing at how silly they are. Having obtained a degree, why stay at home?? But I must say, I have to swallow my words now :p

haha! me too! I asked my cousin why she wanted to be a SAHM when she had a degree. Though she told me the reason, I still don't understand why. Now that I have my own kid, I finally understand why....

Where to buy those AMC pots huh? Are they like pressure cookers? Do they really cook faster than normal pots? Tot of getting them too if they can save time in cooking.
Enjoy Chelsea now as much as you can cos once she grows older, she'll start to ignore or talk back! When dd1 makes my blood boil, I always try to recall how adorable she was as a toddler and that made me less angry kekeke

Thanks for your kind words.

I agree with AdeL on the sponging part, do not use COLD water. Room temp or warm water is better. And if you decide to bathe him to bring down his temp, do check that he's not feeling cold.

I was on glucosamine before expecting #1, also for knee prob. Not sure if it's ok to eat them while breastfeeding. Anyway, I stopped eating them like 7 years ago.
1. Wash and drain off excess water of the ikan bilis
2. Spread them out on plate in one layer (try not to overlap)
3. MW on high for 2 - 4 mins or until brown and crispy depending on your Microwave (stir once or twice during cooking)

After the ikan bilis are cooled, put them into food processor/grinder and grind to powder form. Store in airtight container.
Some yrs back, there's coy selling some antioxidant drink and they did a "health screening" test for us in our office. If your age is 30 and your metabolism is 30 pts, that means your body = your age. But if you are 30yrs and your metabolism is 45pts, that means your body is "old" and takes a longer time to process/break down food you consume. So if you eat too much, you'll put on weight easily. I'm just the opposite. My metabolism is only 16, that explains why I'm eating most of the time and not putting on weight.

Sure and safest way to lose weight= exercise
+ balance diet.

In the long run all the fad diets are not healthy. Crash dieting will spoil your natural body weight thermostat.
adeline n isabella

compare to million of bbs outside s'pore, like my country...i think urs bb r vr vr lucky lio to have mummies like both of u. dun said tat lah,ur bbs all really vr ho mia, only nv bf mah but rather than tat they grow healthily and receive gd education is the most important things things.

fish soup

just ask my maid on how she cook, hehehe

fish fried with gingers n little oil first (those who concern abt more healthy can dun fried also lah), then boil it with carrots, tomato and beancurd, if want to add potato also can. lastly add some fresh milk or milk powder.dun forget to add a little salt. if got put a little kiam chai(salty vege) no need to put salt leh.
fish soup defenitely healty n nutritious n boost supply for bf mummies.


most of my pants can wear back lio. hehehehe, tummy also slim down a lot, thank's to my yoga teacher rita. every week after yoga i can feel my tummy muscle aching, she really put a lot tummy posture in our yoga class as i request...hehehehehe


i steamed it and blender the whole thing. i read from a bb food book, we should give bbs variety of colour for veges n fruits, more nutristions.


tats why i share with yutong, if not i steam, blend and freeze them all, can last for a mth, now brendon eating 6 onz of fruits n veges everyday.
A few of my friends are buying FM from this Annie Goh lady. She claims her FM are not from Msia. I only buy Goat Milk Sweeties from her since my kids are not drinking FM.

I'm still breastfeeding dd3. In fact, some of you here may remember, I bf dd1 till 3yo (even during preg) and ds2 till 2yo, all in all, a total of 5 years. Took a 1 yr break, and I'm back to breastfeeding again! kekeke

If I rem correctly, broccoli will cause wind/gas thus not recommended to give too early. Anyway, for my 2 elder ones, they only started after 9 months.

Thanks for sharing the cheap and easy way of storing bb food! I do that for my mince meat too and also didn't occur to me it can be done for bb food. Anyway, I don't freeze bb food.

isabella ,
Don't have to feel bad about not being able to breastfeed longer. You did your best already.

You are another slim mummy ;-)
took a quick glance and see a relevant topic to me..losing wt !

isabellali sums it up for me, i also need some miracle, cos i just love food so much

actually i have been eating a lot all along, but b4 pregnant , can still maintain my 46 kg despite going for weekly buffet and sometimes more than once a week.

When i got pregnant in jan 2006, gain a lot of wt in my 3rd trimester and tat's it man..forever stuck there

if i can go back in times, i wish i din have so much junk food in my last trimester in june 2006

somehow feel tat if one is underwt, after giving birth, figure is just nice..saw a lot of examples

if my colleagues said tat, i will be


u r rite abt brocoli, silly me ate A LOT during confinement, only realise the wind part after seeing a magazine after my confinement. Buy a lot, it is like 2 big bowls a day..i love them with cheese
bbpink.. same same.. saw the topic on wgt..immediate brightens up although am so engrossed in following market too! :-(

i think i am no. 1 for putting on the most weight during pregnancy! anyone win me?? from 53kg to 75kg!! Hahaha,,, and i always hate it when mummies updated their weight monitoring chart! :p
reena, I decided not to give my boy the fresh organic broccoli I bot today n gave him sweet potato still. yah sweet potato also induce wind. he farts more after taking sweet potato but luckily not stinky. haha...
Hahaha!! Yalor... most of them are managers in my office, I felt that it's such a waste esp when some of them are highflyers. There's one colleague, she studied part-time and she got her degree while expecting. But because she doesn't like the way her girl was being brought up by her MIL, she quit her job when her girl turned 1. Imagine getting a degree for less than 1.5 yrs and resign and she never returned to work. 6 years already...

AMC pots,
I don't think these are being sold in the retail shops. I bought mine through an agent. They look like any other pots except that they are HEAVY and expensive! But I like because when I fry fish, my kitchen's not oily as it's suppose to fry with the lid closed. Also, use very little oil and water (sometimes you don't even need to add water). Would you be coming back to Sin for good? If yes, can consider getting a set. I'm not sure if they have agents in America.
i think one is lazy and loves the bed, SAHM is out, like urs truly

we really spend a lot of time on the mattress when i m not working
mum was saying #1 eat, sleep, eat , sleep, eat
yupz, some pals said so
quite fun to have off spring with similiar looks :p since humans love themselves
but when i am rational, i wish she dun..then she can be prettier :p
just being honest..
it is hard to find good work-from-home jobs..i'm lucky that we have our own business dats why can work from home :p of cos working from home with kids crying for your attention can be very difficult so usually i work at their nap times or when they are playing by themselves.

ha chelsea is going thru terrible twos leh :p she's still v. cute half the time though haha so i can still tolerate her tantrums hehehe
i can hardly catch up the postings, i used to feel very lost coz hv to retrack the previous posts. now i juz go with the flow, hahaha!

you r v good! BF 5yrs! i salute you!

hey my boy looks like kyzac, down to the toothy grin, next time hope to join the gathering and show you.
adeline: you're so slim! that's like my ideal weight leh!!!

reena: yeah i know, i keep thinking what a pity to give up a good job, plus having extra income is good cos i can still spend freely for stuff for bb (like buying toys, etc). but i guess i cannot measure looking after my own baby with monetary terms
the joy is immeasurable. hai... still deliberating whether to quit or not, cos the office and the people here are really good. still in two minds about it.

kais: hehe thanks for yr wise words... perhaps im getting impatient to lose all that extra wt that's why need a little extra help in that area... i've tried herbalife before and it worked for me (that's how i got to 52kg pre-wedding!), but my hubs is v disapproving of it cos he thinks the only healthy way to lose wt is like you said, diet + exercise.

babypink: i'm with you on that! i think i snacked too freely during my last trimester, so even tho i was still hitting the gym (and doing step aerobics) into my 36 weeks, i failed to stop the wt from piling up! grrrr....

baby_dude: hey but you lost all that wt right? saw yr pic recently in the forum and you are looking very good!
talking abt gathering, i finally manage to access facebook, only can see the pictures @ Lingyee's

Reena, adelineL

hope Rayne recovers fast !
traveling with bb
mummies, do u recommend i buy a hot hob n cook porridge for my bb when travelling? so scared she dun get the proper meals routine..

agapebaby.. yah..haha kinda..here n there...but flabby tummy wise, a permanent fixture on me liao..

bbpink.. ur by very steady leh! so chubby still can stand by himself.... my piggy can do nothing except sleeping n crying for attention..

adelin L.. yah not easy to find a good sah job that pays well! hahaaa

haha, cos i only show the nice pictures :p my mum stayed at 11th floor, and we can cry Kyzac's crying when we r downstairs

dun noe y only @my mum's, @ our hse not so bad..

i have been staying @mum's since sun when hb flies off..he can cry a lot! and really really loud

mum describes him as a crying machine, can screech..
Sharing what we had for dinner last night - PIZZA!! Kids favourite! And I got them to help "decorate" the toppings and dd1 helped to cut the olives. I made half Hawaiian and half stir fry meat with carrot. Now who says there must be a theme for pizzas? kekeke

This is cooked using my AMC roasting pan.

I have a few but I prefer this recipe. And since I have a breadmaker machine at home, I just dump everything into the machine and set to dough function. I prefer thin crust so this recipe can make 2 X 10" pizza.

3 cups of plain flour (sifted)
1 packet of yeast(11g) – I used only 7g instead ie 2 tsp
2 tablespoons oil
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1 cup warm water

Add yeast & sugar in warm water and oil, stir to dissolve. Let the yeast activate for few minutes then add in flour and salt. The job will end 1.5 hour if u let the machine do everything. But u can reduce the timing by letting the dough to knead in the machine for 20 mins then take it out and let it rise for 30 mins. Must cover with a dry cloth. Bowl also must be dry.
Mikael, Agapebaby, Isabella

hope ur bbs recover fast !


yummy ! now i m thinking should i go kenny rogers tonite or go for pizzas
Which pizza outlet do you frequent? Ever since I started making pizza, I don't eat out anymore cos the ingredients outside are so pathetic.

I still like Kenny Rogers :p
wah waaaah i feel so deprived of posting!!!

my office now shifting so busy packing up no time to read but saw post about weight haha so interesting!

me still breastfeeding too. in fact almost TBF 'cos Tricia only have one feed of solid, the rest is EBM or direct latch 'cos i feel so lazy to intro her to FM. i always feel like i have enough milk for her. just this morning i pump out 11oz of milk. dunno where those milk come from. i had to stop b'cos i only bring 9oz bottle liao! hahaaa..

mine is 54kg. no matter how much i eat still that weight. think that's my minimum oredi bah. and also it's true that BF will make one very, very hungry. maybe that's why i still BF too, I love the weight management thing. i'm only 1.56cm tall hor. not so tall. short le!

i everytime see u online i feel like screaming liao. i wanna be a SAHM like you!!! hahaa one day.. one day i will. now cannot. recession liao. must keep job.
My BMI is 16.4.

"You are at risk of getting nutritional deficiency diseases and osteoporosis. The healthy BMI range is 18.5 to 22.9"
Hahahaa..Think I should make you extra fatty and extra sweet donuts liao. With thick chocolate topping and rainbow rice and deep fried in non-vegetable oil. Ha! See your BMI is unhealthy oredi. Mine is 22.3 lei. Kekekeke..

Ok logging off oredi. Plugging out PC! Have a great weekend everyone!
reena... thanks.. i will make and bake foods for my darling next time.. provided she is a good girl! hahaha ... i stock up recipes and buy books.. hopefully can use next time.. then again, my kitchen is too "nice" to use.. hahahaha :p

Since moved in.. approx 2 yrs, yet to "open fire" my oven manzz... gosh.. i am a bad mama.. a bad wife.. :p
Hi mummies, I'm looking to buy the Medela Pump in Style Advanced (backpack or whatever bag doesn't matter) in good working condition. Prefer to have short warranty coverage but if dun have still ok.

Pls PM or sms me condition, selling price and warranty as I need ir urgently. Will self-collect.

Pls sms 97903961 or email [email protected]
hi reena,

how u prepare the pizza?i tried mircowave the ikan bilis,very nice and crispy,hehe,next time,no need to buy,can do on my own for nasi lemak :>

my mum also using AMC pots and pans..she has been using this brand for 10-20yrs.recently just change the whole set.I agree that it's heavy and expensive..the whole set i think is $2600..but well worth the $$...gets heated up easily and using it to cook bb porridge is very gd..heat retention also very good..soup and porridge kept inside the pot can last for a long time and it's still hot...
