(2008/03) March 2008

where you stay ah? I m thinking of shifting house. Maybe I should buy the unit next to your so that I can pre order my breakfast as well? Hahhahah! Your cake is so appetizing!

Toys R Us Sale

I bought lots of stuff from the sale.. The most worthwhile buy was this big mushroom inflatable float that cost only $8.

Thermal Pot
I cant remember the brand of thermal pot i used coz i got it during the OG members sale. but i know TIGER is really good as my mom uses that.
Tiger jar
i would personally recommend Thermos instead. Both can keep warm fro 12 hr (tried and tested) and thermos is smaller and lighter. Tiger jar can use to "cook" porridge but i find it very bulky. Btw i hv both but still prefer thermos.
china barley is much bigger n rounder..
very distinct difference between pearl barley n china barley. but if either type barley is overcooked, then the water will become heaty instead of cooling.

YT, if u gg this fri then we meet. i may go also.. c kate wan go or not..
ToyRus sale,
not sure going or not cos my mummy may not be free to jagar my boy on Friday. Will you know again can?
wat time you went? you managed to find lotsa things? We went abt 12plus n its stil not bad la. I got 3 stuff there.
Liyun : i got advise from 1 old relative to grind dried ikan bilis and put into porridge. I still havent get into doing it.. because my mother is fully in-charge of introducing solid food.. and she say.. ikan bilis to salty..

Tell you hor.. intro solid food..is very troublesome. Have to please alot of old ppl.. ha ha ha .
When i was there yesterday it was the tail end of the first sale. Apparently Friday will be the second sale with new things i presume but the announcer said it is opened to members only and Saturday to public.

I bought a range of toys from what they can play with now to 3 years old. I feel like Santa Claus just going around to pick up toys.
have to soak the preserved ikan bilis in water for a long time and keep changing the water. because too much salt is used to preserve it.

the sale at where uh ? prob i will bring cheryl along on weekends.
my mom used to give me ikan bilis porridge like that when i was a child. i can still remember how much i love the taste! it's nutritious too.
When i was there yesterday it was the tail end of the first sale. Apparently Friday will be the second sale with new things i presume but the announcer said it is opened to members only and Saturday to public.

I bought a range of toys from what they can play with now to 3 years old. I feel like Santa Claus just going around to pick up toys.

hehehe.. i already spent a lot. Mt house really looks like a child care centre now. Will still go over and take a look as it's on the way home and i need to buy a present from United Square for colleague's child
Yoyo… wonder if any of u catch ch 8 supertots last nite? we didn’t watch but heard fr fren tat my gal & hb was featured in the interview with kim. bb was wearing the pink ukata (like kimono) with a pink chef hat. ;p
M prob back in end nov for my hb' bro ROM. Hopefully i can join the gathering if there is any hahah, i just luv gatherings w mums and bb
Thanks for the info on Hort Park. Will prob drop by one day.
Dh is eyeing the iPhone now, is it user friendly?

Which one is Issac?

Wow, the bbs here all eating solids very well! When it comes to cooking for young bbs now, there's no need to add any more seasoning. We adults have eaten all kinds of food and the taste is acquired. Bbs their age have only drank milk and nothing else. So when you give a new food, the sweetness of the food is already a taste to them. Once they've tested pork/chicken/fish/ikan bilis, then you may use the bones as stock. But for me, I'll prefer to start all these are 9 months old.

Cute looking boy you've got there!
Hi FL, yes i also saw yr bb featured in the programme. Caught my attention cos of her cute chef outfit... yr bb is very cute!

kais: saw a float my fren bought at the toys r us sale, i wanted to find the same float but was impossible to locate any item there! So messy! is the one you bought a single float?

any mommies here who have stopped bf and on diet now? im going to stop bfing soon (cos milk ss dwindling like mad), and planning to start a diet plan. anyone tried herbalife? or any good diet plan to recc?

i remember there are some sahm here
can i find out what made you decide to be a sahm? do you regret doing so? when do you intend to be a sahm until? im seriously thinking of becoming a sahm because i want to be more involved in my boy's life, and there's so much i can do with my boy as a sahm! but im really scared i'll regret my decision to be sahm....
Sometimes it's just me, can't decide what to prepare for them so gave them options.. then I get busier by giving them choices.

Not difficult at all, I'm all for quick and easy recipes since I'm always rushing for time. In fact, the choc cake is a steamed cake. I made a few times and friends say taste like Lana's as it's very soft and moist ;-)

Be careful when you give fish as there's bone in it. Better to cook it first then mash it up and check for bones. If you pre-cut before cooking, it's very difficult to find the bones since they're so tiny.
ngor hee = threadfin fish = wu yu (ie five fish)

I won't use ikan bilis now, too much salt in them. I only started giving ikan bilis to my kids after 9 months but need to soak and rinsh and repeat many times.

I'm staying in the east ;-)
One tip on grinding dried ikan bilis.
If you have a microwave at home, instead of frying the ikan bilis in oil, use the microwave. The end effect will still be crispy minus the oil ;-)
I'm a sahm =)

I've 3 kids, 6yo, 3yo and 7 mths. I became a sahm in Feb 07 but returned to work in May 07 as my ex-boss started his own coy and asked me to help him. After working for 5 months, I find that I'm not spending enough time with my kids and since I'm expecting #3, I decide I should just be a sahm again. No regrets for me. Although I scream and yell at the kids (not daily, thank God!), I still enjoy my time with them. I cook and bake for the family, and most importantly is to see them grow up healthy. And another thing, money can't buy bonding.
Reena, thanks for sharing you're quite amazing really, with 3 kids and still find the time to cook and bake! how do you find the time?? i find that as a FTWM now, there's so little time spent with him on weekday nights, and weekends are way tooo short! but with the financial crisis looming ahead, im so grateful that i have a good job now, to give it up seems quite a pity. but of cos you're right, money certainly cant buy bonding, and i get to see them grow up once....
Personally I dun advice u to use herbalife.. Their products are too expensive.. You can buy what they're selling outside at a fraction of their price... I've tried it.. It's just not worth the price I'm paying.. And not much results too...
isabellali: agree that it's v pricey
sorry im v blur, what do you mean by "can buy what they're selling outside at a fraction of their price"? meaning i can get their products outside cheaply? how?
Mikael just got his first jab for pneumococol. PD said he will got fever as high as 39 degress..aihhh no sleep for me tonite...

is it true spinach should be finished at the same day. Cannot be kept frozen?
i'm kinda a SAHM
but i do work a little at home. Some days r harder and i miss working outside but on the whole, i'm v. happy to stay at home and watch my kids grow. My #1 is turning 3 in Dec and i feel that i enjoy my kids so much because i'm with them all the time and know them so well. Esp with my first baby, i was amazed that at how much i laugh everyday..can't help it, babies r so cute and express so much joy on their faces and the way they jump up and down, it's v. infectious
the mummies all so pretty n sexy in the gathering photo! bbs cute 2.

Reena:the choc cake looks yummy!!!

kresentia eugener:dun worry.. not all bb get high fever. mine hardly fuss after 1st injection.
kresentia, my boy had fever.. 2days running.. hovering between 37.5-38.7deg.. din hit 39deg..
i sponged him the entire nite. cold towel on his forehead hourly.. i think it depends. his first jab no fever, it was the second jab tat gave him fever.

agapebaby, i used herbalife previously.. yucky. haha.. tats all i can say.
i personally prefer the normal type protein powder meal replacement if u wanna compare results n prices.
for me, i intend to do acupuncture. i dun believe in "eating" slimming products.
wanna start "dieting" n excercising after i stop bf. now slowly reducing the bf session liao so bm also dropping drastically :p Still 10kg away from IDEAL WEIGHT. haha. but then again had drifted off the ideal weight ever since i started working years ago.. But hopefully will see some results after i stop bf-ing!
my dr told me to use room temp water when sponging someone with fever. Reason being that cold water might induce shivering and that action will keep the temperature higher. The fever is actually brought down when the water evaporates from the skin so you must squeeze water out of the cloth until it's damp and not dripping with water
adelineL: Thanks for sharing
i guess spending time with yr babies makes everything all worthwhile! you were a SAHM since your #1 was born? Do you send her to playgroup now that she's 3?

petrina: hahaa yucky ah? i've tried it before, i find it quite ok leh, esp if i mix dutch chocolate with soymilk, can be q yummy... but may not be value for money cos really can be pricey.... does acupuncture help? i hv no guts to do acupuncture!

kresentia: oh dear hope mikael will be ok, no fever. my bb also having his first jab of pneumococol on sat... hope no fever too...

boon: i need to lose 10KG too!!!!
im so tired of not being able to fit into my normal clothes... need to kickstart some kind of regime!
They will ask u to buy milk shake, multi-vitamins, fish oil.. These are what u can get outside like GNC... So it's not worth buying from them... I am their member.. I tried their products for 2 month.. But i gave up in the end.. Cos really no result... And i find it too ex...
agape and boon - i'm with you 2....i need to lose another 7 kg to be back to pre-pregnancy weight haha! tried to fit into my skinny jeans today but of course cannot la....boohooOOoooo! i thought stressful motherhood is supposed to make us lose weight hehehe!
hihi, i need to ask you all...is it ok to eat glucosamine supplements while still breastfeeding? my kneecaps are giving me problem, especially after my volleyball sports....aiyo....dunno is it lack of calcium???...
adelineL: yup yup.. room temp for sponging.. i meant i also freeze his semi wet face towel. tat's for forehead only.. hehe of course i'll warm it wif my hands abit lah.. not icy cold on his forehead.. keke

agapebaby: i find tat accu is ok lah.. itchy more than pain. hehe
yucky because the choco always can't totally dissolve.. i prefer vanilla or tropical fruit.. if i have to choice a flavour between those..
