(2008/03) March 2008


haha, yes that's right. he's my hubby... we met before at marche (vivo) and ivy's house quite some time back..not sure if you remember me though.

i also agar agar when feeding bb solids, she has one meal of abt 7 spoonfuls (her own spoon) heaped with cereals, sometimes mixed with fruit puree...sometimes she has snacks in between on the same day, she just tried spinach puree e other day or could be fruit puree if she has not taken fruits that day....

i realise that her stools become very hard (like cat droppings)when she doesnt take fruit or when she consume iron-fortified cereals...so i try to make it a point to feed her fruit everyday so that she doesnt constipate....


do u know if sweet potato can be frozen and warm up the same way as other puree? my mum said megan kept passing out gas after taking sweet potato and "banned" me from feeding her that...hmm she claim she poo-ed alot...4 times that day after taking sweet potato and is worried it's not normal
twinklestars, sweet potatoes supposed to help in bowel. That time I csect aso cant bowel for 1 week. Aft I eat sweet potatoes I bowel a few times. Isit ur gals a few days nvr clear so a lot came out aft tt.
no leh.. she poo poo quite regularly... though sometimes she strain quite hard to push it out...dunno is it she loves to poo in parts keke and i realise she loves to poo in her car seat when the car is moving!
Mine boi poo alternate days... Dunno y nt everyday. Now his poo aso gettg harder. I thkg of gettg papaya later to let him try. Mayb cant work wil let him try sweet potatoes.

Wa seems like all of u feedg them a lot of cereals. I oni limit him to 3 spoons twice per day.
cos megan can eat a lot!! hehe she will cry when we "deprive" her of food...that day, we just let her try 1 spoonful of spinach puree and she cried when we took the remaining cube of spinach away though she had her main feeds..in the end, she 's only happy after finishing everything...


maybe she always see her parents eating away :p
twinklestar, root veg ok to freeze ah. sweet potato helps in bowel but erm creates a lot of gas. I experienced it 1st hand too coz I hv to finish up the rest. paisey~ lol its fibrous veg so dun be surprised tt bb poos a lot.

wat type of spinach do u use? so do u blanched or steamed it 1st?
mifi, I never realise diff type of barley. how to differentiate? I will give barley water to my boy aft he turn 7 mths coz avoiding to give him gluten stuff at the moment.
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff">Hi Ladies,

Have been so busy with work &amp; spree that sort of neglected this thread. Now back to re-join the thread.

I am sure all mummy &amp; bb(s) r doing well right.

My Josiah is growing to b quite a handful. He is always so full of energy, crawling here &amp; there and he's now trying to stand *haiz*. Cannot even keep our eyes off him for a moment. He just fell off the mattress 2 wks ago, didn't even cry.

Here's his most recent pic, taken 2 wks ago</font></font>

sweet potato
can freeze. Induce wind thus causing farting. Din knw it helps in contiopated bb. Will try. Thanks

i steam first then blend.

i also steam the spinach then blend..didnt blanch cos scared uncooked or overly cooked which may deplete the nutrients..i chose local grown spinach...cant remember which variety but it's the one we always eat at the economical rice stall...

i think my MIL boils it with porridge then blend it.

The food i tried so far with my girls:
Pear / papaya / potato / carrots / barley

anyone knows abt the food for baby class organised by polyclinics?
My boy have tried brocolli and pumpkin... Me is somewhat like the other mummy here (sorry, I suddenly forgot your name), wouldn't mind so much as of what the care giver give my boy... As long as it's edible (at his age).
so far we have given boy these fruits - apple, honey pear, avocado, banana, papaya.
he does not find veges appetizing, we have tried with small amounts of carrot and sweet potato. not v successful.
i think i will hv to put more effort into the vege soup for it to be tasty. thanks for sharing ur recipe.
i agree abt giving food that u wld eat yourself. i tried some cereals because they were organic and recommended to be first foods, but they really taste quite bleah!
ang mo / holland barley is the smaller, slimmer grain, more powdery in texture. after boil is soft more easily, and resulting soup is cloudy (i.e. has barley sediments that settle in the bottom), overboiled grains are crumbly. usually what u get in home-made barley in kopitiam

china barley is rounder, slightly bigger grain, cleaner as in not powdery, has a distinct black eye in each seed. resulting soup is clearer, seed is firmer after boiling.

i used pork stock for boiling porridge and then adding in mashed potato n carrots. my girls slurped it up. even i found it delicious... guess the pork stock helped.
sigh my boy reject sweet potato.........
how much sweet potato does bb have to eat before it works its magic on bowels?? hehe
I used to cook porridge for my kids using the pork stock also.. If Kais and me are haveing the same method of cooking, the pork stock would have to be boiled for about an hour.. And for babies this age, we cannot add salt or seasoning.. Most ppl would prefer to use dried scallop for the taste when cooking baby's porridge..
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff">Twinklestar,

U shld try to get baby Spinach. My girl like it better as compared to local spinach. Have not let Josiah try yet though.</font></font>
kias, isabellali,

Are u using pork neck bones to boil the pork stock? Kindly advice thanks! If I'm using dried scallop, do I boil it for an hr too?
no salt no seasoning.. i used thermal pot so it's about half a day in the thermal pot. for usual pot i guess should be abt 1 - 1.5 hr

i wanted to use dried scallop but my mom discouraged me saying that she is worried about preservatives.

i used the regular pork ribs for cooking soup.
which brand and capacity is ur thermal pot?
i am also thinking of getting one for soup/ porridge but not sure to invest in tiger or just a small endo 1.8L will do

any tips on how to prepare really smooth, fine porridge?
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff">U shld hold introducing dried scallop or any seafood if either your HB or yrself has allergies like nose, skin or asthma etc as advised by e chinese physician. Chances of bb hving allergies is high if either parents have it</font></font>
yeah.. my pd (dr tan from rh) gave me a chart.
Saying that fish shld be intro after 9mth and seafood after 12 mth to avoid allergy.
Pork on the other hand, can be intro after 6 mths.

Aniway, my gal so far only tried
- sweet potatoes, pumpkin
- apple and mango
- brown rice and oatmeal cereal
.... So far okay.. only in 1 occasion she refused to poop for 1 day..
Don't have to add any seasoning for bbs. I don't add scallop too. Everything bland. Anyway, those bbs can't tell what is tasty/bland since they have not tasted tasty food like us.
Asked my kids what they want for bf and dd1 asked for Pak Tong Gor whereas ds2 asked for "Lana" choc cake. So I made both, east meets west =)

i must bring up all these matters on seasoning and ingredients in porridge to my PD tmrw, in front of the MIL , i scared she will add stuff cos "not tastey enuf" ! >.<
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff">Recently there was a research saying tt bb who had fish before 9 mth old had lesser risk of developing eczema. Anyone heard or read about this?

Never added any seasoning for my girl porridge. Even now I still put min seasoning in my cooking if she is taking e food.

<font color="aa00aa">Reena,

Tt look so yummy. Yr kids r so lucky</font></font></font>
My ger now only poo once in every 4 days faintz. so sweet potato can do the trick is it. Today i mixed the yellow pear puree to the HB BR, she managed to finished abt 2oz i think. But i scared too much fruits cause phlegm. Wanna start veg puree soon. Wd want to try pumpkin, carrot, leafy veg, broccoli, spinach.

How much plain water can they drink now per day? My ger dun like to drink plain water when she is upright. Think i gave max 6 ts then she stopped liao. Want her to poo every day but getting hard.

Now i find her stool smelly and solid. Haiz gone the days of the nice smelling poo hahaha

Isaac grow fast, i couldnt recognise him if he' not w u
. He's so cute now hahaha

To Account POSB Savings
126-49101-8 abc
Amount S$8.00
Transaction Reference 1922437626

will collect from kate's hse. thanks to both abc and kate.
Hi Jgal &amp; jenifur:
those are interesting article... Isaac's porrige were mix and cook with fish (threadfin) since he first started porrige so much so that my hb is complaining he smells "fishy"... well, we still believe its good BUT lately we're mixing in pork (to reduce fishy smell) kekeke...

HEI!!! When can we meet again?
hey mummies....
for those who have started on meat and fish already...do your bbs actually eat the meat? or do you remove the meat (after it's being boiled for awhile) and just feed porridge (with only the fish/meat stock which supposedly has all the "essence")? hahaha!

i'm getting mixed advice from different ppl so would like to hear from u guys....thanks in advance!
My mum will mince up a slice of the fish, BUT she will add a big slice of fish into the porriage to boil with it. After when the porriage is cook, remove that fish. THEN add in the mince up fish with the mince up vegs and let the porriage boil until its very soft... consider both ways.

aiya! wasted! We could have meet. Nvm, next time. Heard Fri has new toys for the sale. Not sure I will be going as my mum may not be free to jarga my boy for me (cos my maid is stil new ).

wat a co-incidence lor. So your hubby knows my hubby. I think i rem you. R u the one who was wif me waiting for Ivy n we r the last to leave Marche? Sorry, I m infected by my hubby on the selective anmensia plus the fact that I kinda blur blur person. Hahahhaha!
Maybe we can meet up one day for the two men to talk about Mac n we talk about bb? kekekekeke....
