(2008/03) March 2008

i bought the pool already. Both my kids love it. Andrae was cranky whole day yesterday until i place him in the pool. He was laughing n screaming with joy like his sister.

cyberbabe: e pic of abc's boy n ur gal so farni.. andrae touch Cloez's leg then nxt pic he retrain himself.. haha..
cute manz...
saw both abc and cyberbabe's albums....so cute!!! everyone looked like they had fun!
i wanna join the next play date too leh! who'll volunteer to "open house" next? heheh!
jerejoy : glad to hear that your boy pooped.
I think because he didnt poop for 3 days, the poop then to be harder. If he poop daily, shld be like moist soil. Not the liquid type though.
if bb no poop,mayb can try give china barley w/o sugar.It help to clear the intestine abit..
B4 boiling,wash the barley with salt (like washing rice like tat)
err...boil til soft ba..i also agak agak :p
barley dun give everyday,can give once a week

if stools like pebbles hor,tis is sign of constipation le..give more fluid like plain water,juices.
I believe ur bb also drooling alot rite..so we hv to replenish fluid
dun mentioned.. glad that all babies and mummies enjoyed themselves on a lazy sunday!

Thanks for loading the pictures..

thanks! didn't know there's different effect on the boiling part. Will boil it tmr. Now trying all methods just to make sure he poos everyday. thanks to all mummies for yr advices. (",)
dats babe dude and bb Alandria...long time no see both mummy and baby looking good :D

thanks for the pictures...enjoy looking at them
hopefully can go to a gathering soon

I've got the bumbo tray. Whether useful or not is entirely up to how you use it. I just thought with the tray it look complete. But troublesome to fix and remove. Not difficult, just troublesome.

My boy doesn't have soft poop like he did previously when he as drinking only fm. Since he started on solids, his poop is firm but still can be pressed easily. i.e. it's soft to press. It shouldn't come out like little round marbles. If it does, then it's a sign of constipation.

Currently, everyday he takes 1x plum puree and 2x papaya puree. Have also introduced blended leafy vegetables and corn - hopefully this helps him to poop more easily. Will monitor and see how it goes.
how did u introduce vege and corn puree to your boy? do u mix anything to the vege, or just give plain? does he take to them easily? cos my boy has been taking fruits but i think he's developed a sweet tooth cos of that!
whenever i feel brain tired during course of work, looking at the pictures of the cutes babies and pretty mamas really brighten up my days

So thank you, Shirley, Boon, Clover, Happyface, Cyberbabe, abc and babe_dude for the recent pictures today

hehe, all the babies in this thread are so adorable in their own ways

I cook everything together in a pot and then blend it altogether. So far he's been eating everything I cook. But I add home made chicken stock to his food so that it's more tasty. I always taste the food after I blend it. If it's yuckky I don't blame him for rejecting it

I introduce one new food / veggies each time and try it out for one week to check for any allergies. Right now, he's eating brown rice + pumpkin + sweet potato + carrots + tomatoes + xiao bai cai + corn, cooked with chicken stock.

What fruits do you give your boy? Do you make it into a puree?
mifi, wats the diff with the barley?

blue skies, where did u get the plum from? can share yr chicken stock recipe pls?

feeding bb solid
I gave alex his first sweet potato (yellow flesh type) today n he likes it! but I find he likes plain water even more! strange huh.

went for the toysrus sale. wat a disappointment! yah branded toys r on sale, but prolly displayed sets, old n dusty.
clover: yes.. disappointment.. super lots toys already spoil. only managed to grab a bathtub.. more drawer locks, bedrails, feeding chair suitable for our kiddos..
lots better workable toys for older kids.
infant toys all spoilt ones..
thank you...but we are going to find ways to cut his hair liao... darm chiam. cos everytime ppl think he's a girl!!!! *wat the..... SWEAT* He's now a giant worm... move non-stop.
To Account POSB Savings
126-49101-8 ABC
Amount S$10.50
Transaction Reference 1921063944

Sorry for the late reply... :p
yup, we drove there. There is a carpark in the park. Small one though. When I went there is cooling weather. In fact, i rain soon after we arrive. So its not that hot for us. It definitely not a big park like Botanical gardens but there are places you can hid under the sun n enjoy the tranquility of the park . Restaruant? Din check out the food. So sorry cannot comment.

my hubby has serious selective anmensia. He really cannot remember who he recommend contractor to. Worse, he dun even he did that! He dun rem alotsa things that he had done. Thats y he always tell me " thats y I m so carefree cos he choose not to remember too much things " then I will tell him " yar, one day you will choose not to remember your wife too since she nags at you so much!"
Gathering @ Ling Yee's house,
too bad I din go cos of prior arrangement liao. All the bb so cute! Lingyee, your place seems very spacious n nice.

wat time you went to the Toyrus sale? Din see yar... anyway, I met my friend there as well. She was saying its quite disappointing sale they haf got tis yr. Lucky manz... if not I sure spent alotsa money cos I bot a few toys for my boy today. Hahahhaha!
Hi abcdisney,

From Account POSB Savings
To Account POSB Savings
126-49101-8 abcdisney
Amount S$16.00
Transaction Reference 1921346287

Thanks for organising.
Preferred collection place is Kovan. Thanks!
Yar.. my hubby is an apple fan. He jus received a free Iphone.
My hubby gave me a blur look for a moment when I tell him wat you wrote. Then he suddenly says out " Chuah Yew Tat!" Is it him? Show photo leh... Haf I met you before at any gathering?
Hi Mommies,
my boy can take as much as 6 spoonfuls of cereal n after that a whole apple at the same meal. On the same day but another meal, he will take after a soup porcelain bowl of vege or fruits. Is it too much? Or is it normal? How much must we give then?


To standard chartered bank
A/c No. 2229940516 (Woodlands) Abc disney
Amount S$8.00
Transaction Reference 1921740115
Collection: Seng Kang

