(2008/03) March 2008

i also hv .. last mth came and this mth comes again, seems like the cycle is shorter than pre-preg...

drinking water
my baby likes to drink lots of water at nite and refuse to drink milk. Anyone encounter this with ur baby?

for Kelicia's my 1st born, i had my menses only after 5 months
so happy :p


wow, so Kim is on her own for the 2nd day ?

heard childcare centre let teh parent stay with child for th 1st 3-4 days

abc, adeline

so mothercare has the cheapest, thanks
I got mine at $8.10 for 56 from KP..

i wonder whether this is a period of milk strike ? does it happen so early i wonder..


mine is only 80-90ml for kyzac intake of ebm..after tat he will refuse to take, but 20 min later..wana latch on again

i can only express 125 max after 3.5-4 hrs

PS: how was the gathering & the food today
Going out without bb

ladies, can share what is the longest duration u can last outside without baby latching on or pumping ?
sterlising tablets
i wl get from mothercare tmr, thanks!

i aso stl dun hv leh, he is 7wks already.

yah your ger very independent, can say hullo first! i was v amazed! glad she is enjoying childcare

i aso started 2 wks back when bb was 7wks old. i think too late liao, coz i stl same size! but the massage is v gd to release muscle aches. my massuer v gd, she only goes ard north areas n charges $50 for 2hrs. pm me if u wan her contact.

hb prec,
i go to jack focus for my helper. i think it is not the agency but the svc staff tat makes a difference. my hubby and i did our research and went to several agencies in same bldg, u won't be surprised to see the same maid profiles popping up. they get their sources from the same training centres. the only diff is how much does the agency charge you. the shopping ctrs with a lot of maid agencies are katong and bukit timah. if u wish to get a referral for jack focus, PM me. my fren recommended me and i got $100 off agency fee. oh yes, you can aso do some research on the agency track record on MOM website, e.g. maid retention rate. happy searching!
p/s: it was a long and hard journey finding a good helper. i returned my first one after 2wks coz she started giving me attitude problems from day 2 and that was during CNY period. dun wan to clean windows and cook, and asking for HP and clothes all within the first week. i in turn had to cook for her when i was nearly due. in the end we survived w/o a maid during the first 2 wks of my confinement. i am just glad i was not kept captive in fear by the first one. if you nd one now, pls start searching soon. it takes time for them to clear training ctr test and aso the entry test in singapore if you are looking for freshies. for ex- it is much easier, shorter waiting time.

abc, r u planning anymore gatherings? i hope to join at least one more before i start work end of this month!

milk volume
mine aso same as your babypink, around 120-140ml at max at 3.5-4hr interval. i stl thinking of buying the PIS even though i m using the ameda coz feel my breasts not tot emptied. but if the yield is the same then very sayang right? hmm.. dilemna!

how long w/o latching
7hrs, juz happened yest. he finished eating at 8pm. i was quite tired from an outing yest and slept from 10pm-3am instead of having a short 1hr nap.
glad to noe i'm normal.. so scary to c so much bld... more than lochia.
hope only first flow is this heavy.

jeangal: 2nd flow normal amt?

happyface:ur bb how old now?

my boy can only sustain 2-3hrs w/o latching while outside... daytime
nighttime abt 4-5hrs w/o latching.

i think the older they get, the lesser they drink at nite... my boy only latch max 15mins at nite per interval.
dreymin: my 7wk old boy already started drooling... i let him wear bib already... to catch all the drool...
biting hands, not really. more of sucking thumb n whole fist if it can fit into his mouth... haha
yup he aso likes to try putting his whole fist into the mouth, quite hilarious watching him do tat

my hubby & helper interpret tat as hunger, but i dunno if that is really the case.
yeah my girl also love suck her thumb and like what you say, whole fist if it fits. lol.
sometimes i give her the pacificer to discourage her from sucking her thumb.
dreymin...my boy 2mths old today...put his put his fist into his mouth and sometimes choke and mittens so wet with saliver...use it to wipe his face...hahah...dirty...but sometimes look cute.

ABC...ya...anymore gatherings coming up?
crystal/dreymin/vonn: ya. verycute to c him sucking his fist... i'll remove his mittens 2 let him enjoy his hands 4 awhile... it's part of their development. discovering themselves.
Petrina..i also remove his mittens to see him sucking...so funny...whole fists goes in and choke and he cough...btw, when can we stop putting on mittens?
i have alrdy stopped letting my girl to wear mittens. firstly, it's wet aftr she keep putting her fist to her mouth. secondly the humid weather. so now she is enjoying her 'little drumstick' very much. haha
hi abc

sorry i din turn up for gathering... my mum couldnt come back on time as she got struck outside due to heavy rain.
if got gathering coming up, let me know i try to meet up before going back to work

A cool video on twins n triplets n Alternative Delivery... only in US coz in Spore we are too kiasee :p I'd never dare go through what they did.

Hubby Precious
The agency i go to is pretty reliable. At least the agent is honest. His name is Desmond 81632503. Tailor Maid Agency. They have their own maid training centre in Myanmar.

As for maids, it's always a gamble, regardless of agency.
hi petrina,

my baby gal is 9wks old. She also likes to suck his fist, thumb and fingers. Give her pacifier, sometimes she dunno how to eat leh..
so fast your menses came? if mine's anything like my previous post-partum experience, i should get my menses only after 6 months. i am still totally breastfeeding my bb. btw, if u dont intend to get pregnant again, be extra careful with contraceptions. my 2nd child comes in as accident liao.

adeline k,
my menses came after 6th month last after first delivery. now bb is 9 weeks and still no menses yet.

hubby's precious,
maybe your bb is overstimulated? just carry him and pat him to sleep. sleeping can also help the bb gain weight.

i hope u're not worried that u got 125ml after 4 hours. that's b'cos kyzac only takes in 80-90ml per feed. so that figures. as for me, i can express 6oz after 4 hours but then again, my bb takes in 3.5-4oz. sorry lazy to convert, i use Avent bottles, the oz value is bigger and easier to see hehe.

sterlizing tablets,
wish i had read the forum haiz. i got the tablets from kiddy palace, pigeon brand. after sterilizing, my bottles smell like chlorine and the instructions says, once taken out, can be stored and used. is that true? smelly leh.

my girl put her fist in her mouth too. she does that everytime she wants to feed. so that's her hunger cue. after feeding, she goes to sleep. nowadays she hardly cries. maybe b'cos she knows that mommy knows what she wants. hehe.
thanks all for your advices..

anyone use Nation Maid? I was looking through their bio-data and i think i'm interested in one of the philippino maid.. probably will call them up and ask them about the fees etc..

i don't know.. maybe he is.. he has no problem sleeping and he is gaining weight.. its just after feeding he'll cry.. not sure if he is not drinking enough..

sometimes he makes noise with his throat during feeding, and i always pull the bottle out cuz i'm afraid he'll get choke, end up he cry also... but i cant force myself to give him the bottle cuz i dont want to risk he choking on his milk. feeding sessions can be quite "quarrelsome" for us sometimes.. haha..
i stopped after one month, he can explore his hands.

thanks for sharing the video

btw any website to share for baking? wanna try baking butter cake. agree with you rdg maids, it is a gamble with the agency.

hb prec,
nation is v expensive and not necessarily better. try and call them asap if u found someone u like coz the gd ones r snapped up v fast. if this one is taken, can aso try kais' contact.

mine will cry for attention and milk. my helper and me stl carry him most aftns even sleeping

I tot if u fully breastfeed your mense will not come until you stop bf?


Can you email me your massage lady contact details. I have already done my post natal massage but tot of get one to do a back massage as I seem to have backache problem nowadays.
i've checked with Nation. For philippino maid, the agent fee is only about 500+.. the maid salary is $400. quite reasonable i feel..
i'll probably try kais' recommendation as well.. just to give us more choices.. hopefully i'll be able to get a good one..
I think some ppl hv it immed even though they bf...

Sterilising tablet
After wash jus dump into the solution. When wan to use, ju remove from solution. Do not rinse. For me i am using pureen now. Cheaper than pigeon, more ex than mothercare.

my bb is still on mittens. But i get those biggers one and more spacious from pigeon. Loose and lots of space for movement. My bb fair and when remove mittens, he keep scratching his eyes... Anyway nw slowly trying to remove . one day remove for 2-4 hr lor.
my boy also still wearing mittens cause he keep trying to dig into his eyes. like abc's boy...
very dangerous...

only when he wan to suck thumb then i remove for him.. after he's done, i'll put it back on for him...

i read from a website that you can start to remove their mittens once they are 6weeks so that they can start moving their fingers and learn to grab hold of things...

but of course you must remember to cut their nails before you remove them as they will scratch themselves...
i tried cutting his nails and actually wanted to remove the mittens but i still feel the nails are not really short and is still quite sharp.. i also don't dare to cut too short.. afraid would cut his flesh..
i ask my sis in law to cut for me as she had done it for her 3 children...it was ok for the first week but their nails grow very fast...

hv to try n cut them when they are sleeping...if u use the baby nail cutter it should be easier
hubby precious

i have a contact of transfer maid. She has worked for her previous employer for over 10 years and they let her run their household. Her current employer cannot afford her i guess due to financial problems. She's Filipino and very reliable. Highly recommended but i couldnt afford her fees which is $450 a month before levy.

You can sms me at 94770974 if u keen to contact her.
Hi mummies,
Sorry to intrude. I’ve a couple of Enfalac HA (400g) unopened tins up for sale as my boy has moved on to stage 2 milk. Expire date is: 24 Jan 2011. Each tin going for $14.50. Interested pls PM me. Thanks!
shall we have another gathering next week before working mothers go back to work? any suggestions? who wanna open up their house??
my girl also will cry out during their sleep at times. just a short cry then she goes back to sleep. haha. funny lor. mayb bed granny beat her or bad dream ya.
i did not caRRY her, just pat pat on her chest telling her no nd scared, mommy is here.
anyone wan open up she? if nt we gona meet outside

Date: 14 May 08 (wed)
Time: 2pm
Venue: shaw (Lido tat building), coffee connection

1.abcdisney n bb
hi abc,
can tong bang a single fridge to go from ur spree for FTG spree?

i jus experienced sometime very strange jus now. i heard and saw my boy laugh. scared the hell out of me. normally bb will smile but i heard him laugh. is this normal??

long time din log in, i almost went crazy when my cl left. my boy is so difficult to handle. screaming almost all the time during feed and always cry for attention to be carried.. and his feeding time messed up my pumping session..
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff"><u>Pigeon Baby Wipes with soothing Chamomile(3-in-1)</u>

1. Jenifur - 4 packs; S$32.80
2. yutong - 2 packs; S$16.40
3. aly - 2 packs; S$16.40
4. Sheryl - 3 packs; S$24.60
5. isabellali - 5 packs; S$41.00

Total = 16 packs

Pigeon Hand and Mouth Wipes 20shts (Twin Pack)

1. Jenifur - 1 pack; S$2.70
2. Sheryl - 1 pack; S$2.70
3. isabellali - 4 packs; S$10.00

Total = 6 packs

I've placed order for the wipes &amp; it should arrive by next week.

Please kindly transfer your payment to POSB Savings 194-73291-0 (Amt above is inclusive of GST)</font></font>
Date: 14 May 08 (wed)
Time: 2pm
Venue: shaw (Lido tat building), coffee connection

1.abcdisney n bb
2.dreamlife n bb

is it the isetan building? coffee connection is at which flr?

cant open my house. too far for most of you guys.


My bb also laughs v loudly when he's sleeping. He does it all the time. I find it v cute. He's so adorable when he sleeps. But when he wakes up, he becomes a crying monster. Needs to be carried all the time.
