(2008/03) March 2008

<font color="0000ff">Kais &amp; dreamlife</font>

thanks thanks
i only saw ur posts after i baked my 4 cakes today :p

Cake A i used the correct way, Cake B i used no oil at all cos i used lots of bananas for the liquid, Cake C also no oil when the Cake B turns out not too bad ..but i think i overuse bananas , so rather soft

I realise in order not to use oil, there is 1 recipe for steamed raisin cake inside my recipe book ..flour, egg , raisin, sugar..put inside microwave..tat is my cake D

<font color="0000ff">Pancake</font>

hope Aidan recovers fast

<font color="0000ff">Sheryl</font>

heard honey can cause allergies ..my kelicia only took her honey when she turns 18 months :p

<font color="0000ff">freshly ebm vs frozen ebm </font>

i have tried frozen ebm..fishy taste after thawing..really awful..
but boh bian lah.

<font color="0000ff">Pet</font>, i dun think i can pump daily enuff for daily use
, of cos tat would be the best i guess..at least no farni taste

<font color="0000ff">HMFD</font>

Adeine, Kim went childcare already ?

Sigh* K suppose to start tmr, but i called and they told me their latest case is 30 April..now now i drag till 20 may..and i am starting work in early June..jialat, dun noe will drag till i start work ornot..

if so, my boss going to jump if i contine taking leave after maternity leave ..worst till if she kenna HMFD, then even longer leave..

double-edged sword situation, headache

<font color="0000ff">hb's precious</font>

dun worry

<font color="0000ff">crystal &amp; dreymin</font>

Just crossed my mind abt the sterilising issue

alternatively, can use sterilising tablets at mum's place , sold in kiddy palace

dissolve the tablet in a container , everytime after using the bottles, wash then soak in the sterilising water can already

the sterilising water can last up to 24 hrs , so after the next use, can wash again , then soak again
yes she went childcare already yesterday. Thankfully, she didnt fuss or cry and able to adapt well =)
Independent lil girl i have hahaaa..
alethea&amp;belle, i gave her gripe water + water.. but i think i have to start giving her barley... will it be too early for a 4 week bb?
thanks for the sterlising method for my mom's place. will get the tablets from kiddy.

can helps me not to so early wake up in the morning to sterlise the bottles. keke
sterilIsing tablet
I oso hv been using sterilising tablet for pump @ night n those latex material. btw cheapest sterilIsing tablet turns out to b those from mothercare. 64 tablets for $8.

yes kim is very independent . u must b very proud of her!
hi abc / petrina

noted and thks for yr advice.din know that is is not advisable yet i still doing for no.2 .

i had did that 'my own procedure' for my eldest one (2 yrs old) since she was 3 wk old . she refused to latch on so no choice i had to pump diligently to bring up my supply for 9 mths !!! sometimes she cant finish all so i freezed up the older bm...no wonder she was under 50 percentile before 6 mth old.

hengz! now this time no.2 is happy to latch on...

but realise that she latched on very fast and refused to relatch after 5 min though my breast is still 3/4 full... i worry has she got enuff milk after last feeding abt 5 hrs ago this morning

anyone experience like that ?

now i look at my baby and it seems that she doesnt grow leh ... i mean the size and length is abt the same .... not sure shd i bring her to see PD of lactation nurse ?
i tasted n smelled the frozen milk once..and compared with the chilled milk. it smelled n tasted different. so i tot spoilt le. threw it away. now den i know it is supposed to be different.
hi abc

since not advisble to freeze the expressed milk after 2 days later ,what shd i do ?

i feel heartpain if throw away ..

must freeze the milk once expressed ...
i think it is still ok cos the nutrition value is still higher than tat of fm. Nt advisable but still can la. hahaha...

For those giving ebm, how much yr bb drinking? Mine is coming to 10 weeks n is taking only 2-3oz. Normal?
hi abc

yes yes my girl is taking around 2-3 oz too.... i think it is normal lor... have u called sis kang ? i wanted to go down and look for sis kang tomorrow abt my bb latching problem. sometimes she refuse to latching for long i dun know y ..
i din gv exclusive ebm tat y cannot compare
he is taking at least 1 bottle, the max 2-3 bottles only (depending if i go out)
yes i called her. I went to see her once. How much milk can u express per session if u didnt latch bb? tat time i very pathetic so i go down see her. Now can express abt 130-140ml. But i feel still little. Btw u hv msn?
if i din latch bb , i can pump around there same as yr but dun forget , i din latch bb for 5 to 6 hrs then i can get this vol of milk ..

but hor dun forget when we pump out mostly are foremilk and hindmilk very little

but if u pump AFTER LATCHING , u will get lot of hindmilk than foremilk ...

i realised that when i chilled the milk
hi ladies
wanna check if any babies has the problem of drinking from bottle? My baby lele suck the bottle for a few mouthful and then will release and cry. Suspect there is wind in tummy but sometimes only 1 mouthful already started crying. Anyone face similar situation? any solution or prevention? She was drinking quite well last week abt 125ml but this week suddenly become like that and 65ml takes around an hour to feed
hi ladies,

my son is 7wks old and he has not poo for the last 2 days. he is on EBM and takes formula only once a night. do i have to bring him c PD or is it normal that they poo lesser as they grow older.

last week he poo only once a day
i hv this prob too, my son seems very frustrated everytime i feed him...is it due to the teats? I tot the teats shld last until 6mths...my bb is only 7 wks

Is ur baby drinking ebm and latch? if so i think is like my problem, baby dun want bottle-feed also after he knows the diffrence, he prefer latching... got to force sometimes but if i am not at home normally he wants but also slowly force by my maid also...sigh, real headache..my left over ebm got to give to my dog
Hi kate

Ya she is latching on at night and during the day she is bottled fed as i am working. But she was feeding very well one week earlier on thats why i am very puzzled.

I am using the 0-6mth nuk teat but i do slit a cross to facilitate sucking. During the first week of bottle feed she is still sucking very well and can finish the 125ml quite fast. thats why nt sure why this week so fussy lei! really headache. Haiz what teat are u using?
Hi, can I check whether can still do post natal massage after 3 months delivery? Will it still be effective? I hope to get rid of the unsightly tummy but only want to do it once a week, not those intensive kind of massage. Or any mummies here got any idea how to remove that piece of unsightly flesh, can uzap work if dun go for massage?
hi kathy

u can still do postnatal massage after 3 mth but not so effective lor...

u may try to get some binder to bind every day but must apply the slimming cream on it..
i just delivered 2 mth ago and just started doing wrapping one week ago ..

u may also try UZAP but not sure it work a lot

hopefully it helps.
hi hubby

y dun u try to play white noise like vaccum or blower sound ? the vol must be louder than yr bb' cries ?

i did that whenever my no.1 cries so badly

do u all have yellow discharge? my lochia disappear for 2days completely...i so happy.. BUT.....jus, i have lots of yellow discharge with blood streaks!! =(....i am already into the 6th week...
any mummy having menses already? my menses super lots... worse than lochia... normal mah?? damn scary... nv had so heavy flow b4.
i having menses already.. ya, its alot,more than before i was pregnant, worse than after delivery too.. haha.. i think its normal..
u not breastfeeding anymore? breastfeeding menses will come later rite?
Petrina, no worries. I had mine already. Aso a lot. Then it stops for abt a week. Now Im hafg it again. Started yesterday. My mum told me its normal. Cleansing...
my boy tends to cry sometimes after feeding.. not immediately though.. sometimes he'll relax and like dozing off liao, but suddenly will cry.. anyone encounter this with ur baby? what could be the cause?


Not every mummy like u leh...I am glad to know u and cyberbabe who encourage me the most when i was in typical hard time for bf.
